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Approved Tech Updated Personal Armor for Dominik

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  • Classification: Anti-Blaster, Anti-Ballistic, Anti-Lightsaber
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Ion/EMP: Average
    • Sonic: Average
    • Radiation: Low
    • Acid: Average
    • Environmental: Average
  • Lightsaber Resistant: It can block and shrug off multiple lightsaber strikes before wearing down, and the gauntlets can be used to push aside a lightsaber real quick. (effectively, a crushgaunt)
  • Excellent Blaster and Ballistic Protection
  • Air conditioning(fan/filter), vacuum sealed.
  • Is compatible with Dominion's robotic eye, making targeting and quick shooting much easier.
  • Ultraviolet/Infrared Vision and Thermal Vision (because robotic eye), along with lifeform scanners
  • Binoculars
  • Magnetic plate on back to hold his Alchemized sword, obtained in this thread.
  • Holonet Access
  • Internal Communicator
  • Visual/Audio Recorders
  • Magboots
  • Faraday Cage
  • 20-30 minutes of oxygen
  • Enviro Filter
  • Three holsters. One on each thigh, and one in the middle of his back right above his waist.
  • HUD
  • Shock Gauntlet for stunning a target
  • The Beskar, Syndite, and Kevlar provide Very High resistance toward Lightsabers, blaster fire, and kinetic force. Not impossible to break through, but, well, Very Hard
  • The Helmet and the Shock Gauntlet are the only components that use electronics. If hit by an EMP those functions would stop working, but the armor would still be highly protective and worth having.
  • The Shock Gaunlet added by someone else allows Dominik another avenue of subduing a target non-lethally. He doesn’t have many of those.
  • Able to withstand some time in the void of space with magboots and an internal oxygen tank.
  • An Ion weapon or EMP could disrupt the helmet's operating system, causing it to malfunction or turn off. In such a case, the helmet would stop compatibility with his robotic eye, and would not allow the user to see out. Although, a quick tap of a button on the side of the helmet can make the visor turn transparent, allowing him to see without the use of the helmet's power.
  • The metal plating is what is Lightsaber Resistant, not the flexible full-body suit of Syndite and Kevlar. Although, only the small gap in the shoulders, lower abdomen, and inner elbows along with the back on the knees are the only places that it shows.
All from head to toe is black, dark navy blue. Not a lick of skin can be seen, as this armor covers everything. The full-face helmet is black to onlookers, but Dominion sees through just fine on his side. In the center of his helmet, a small red triangle can be seen, showing that it is online. It isn't bright or shining in anyway, but is merely there. Around the waist/lower torso area, there are lots of straps and area to put packs and containers for ammo or other usables.

As for its modularity, it is completely hand crafted by Dominik and Tony(with later additions by an unknown person), and so he can make all the adjustments he wants. He knows it in and out, and how everything works. Although, like stated before, the only thing with power is his helmet(and now the gauntlet). So the armor itself could not be modded to use power-reliant mods without wiring up the whole suit.

The beskar is all well and good for armor, but the thermal gel in the undersuit takes the kinetic impact, minimizing trauma to a minimum. In laymen's terms, punching this square in the chest would be like punching a wall.

Underneath all the metal armor, there is a full-body suit(besides his head), black as well. It is made of Kevlar, Syndite, and Thermal Gel to protect against heat and kinetic hits.

After Dominik was almost dead for nearly a decade and lost the majority of his equipment and friends, his armor was also taken. He required it in this thread, where it had been modulated over the years.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Dominik Borra Dominik Borra

Nice one!
  • The permission is not good. I mean you linked the private message, and I can't see it. Please make a print screen about it, and link the picture.
  • Please link your bio to the Affiliation.
  • And here you made a typo. I think that besker is beskar:
    The besker is all well and good for armor
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Dominik Borra Dominik Borra

Thank you, but there is one problem with it, it is not your NPC, and it has no affiliation (so your name is not under the Loyalites) to your character. So you cannot use it without permission. Please ask permission from the OP, or modify it.
MANIAC MANIAC So, this is the resub of the armor I subbed 6 years ago. In the original sub is the link to the thread of making the armor, where James Justice ran the NPC and made the armor with Dominik present. I was part of the Free Colonies faction(which doesn't exist now) then, which was connected to Justice Shipping and does fall under the loyalties of the NPC.
Even in a resub where I'm just bringing the thing up to modern standards? James Justice isn't active, and hasn't been for a long time. But alright, I found a new Manufacturer. Edited them in and added a screenshot of the approval.
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