Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Upheaval - An Age of Strife Story


Sword | Mantle | Lancer

Tags: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Abeodan Charidot | Dionus Bharro Dionus Bharro | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | DT-1159 DT-1159


Late was the hour when the entrance door opened once more, right after the outburst and the calming words of the white haired woman. Stepping through was a figure which even overshadowed the Knight Commander Bharro, the steps clanking as heavy as if a titan of ancient tales would enter. Adorned in plated gold from toe to neck, the man had short but wild white hair, his face weathered from seemingly ages of sunlight and exposure to wind.

"Apologies, my lords, for the late arrival."

With titanic steps he would continue his path, not to the table, none of the chairs would be suited to hold the man, but to stand beside it, purposefully placing himself between the majority of Imperial Knights and the imperial officials. Even though he was alone, a single individual, he posed a wall of auromidium between the two possibly conflicting parties.

"The fair lady is right. If the Warden is not pronounced dead, vital functions of the Empire might run headlessly against a wall. We cannot afford stagnation and dissent, never. The Imperial Knights are as much part of this Empire as the Moffs are and all would bow without second thought to our late Emperor."

His voice was stern, direct and honest, the hint of mechanical or bio-engineered influences was apparent, but it still sounded very much human. Aurelian was acting indeed as a voice of reason this time. The disappearance of Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku was a tragedy no question, but this Empire was not built on a single man. It survived the death of Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar . It survived the death of Rurik Fel Rurik Fel . And it would survive the death of another leading member if the individual organs could see beyond their individual ambitions. The Empire was not just a warlord state or military dictatorship - it was a vision of enlightenment against the oppression of the Force and its sensitives and despite Aurelian being one himself, he detested nothing more than Sith and Jedi who imposed their ridiculous codices on their subjects.

"The Imperial Knights are a tool, a weapon and one of the legs on which the Empire stands. Just as the Stormtrooper Corps, the Imperial Fleet, the Moffs and each and every citizen. We are organs of the same body. Once we do not work together anymore, the body dies. Just as the Knights follow the directions of the throne, so do the Moffs, the army, the navy."

"The throne decides who is next in line. We have a hierarchy and while it is the prerogative of the throne to hear aspirations, it is their decision who to promote and who not."

4th Post






Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Abeodan Charidot Julius Haskler Julius Haskler
Dionus Bharro Dionus Bharro Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion DT-1159 DT-1159 Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin Darth Imperius Darth Imperius




<"I would have expected such a suggestion from the likes of the Moff Council, but to hear it from your lips... I never thought I would see the day, Barran!">

The unmistakable voice of Dionus Bharro, one such that cut deeper than any knife in the Galaxy.

One such that was poised to cut again.
It was enough that the Wanderer was being forced to find the King by any and all means necessary, forcing health and life-expectancy to near-ruin and all to no avail in the process, but it was another thing entirely to meet a brusque disapproval for admitting the impossible depth of the Dooku matter. By then, Barran could only hope that there were some among the Grand Moffs and dignitaries with calmer, more-empathetic views on the disappearance and the findings that led to the Knight-Commander's suggestion, though he knew that hope was a rare commodity in the Empire, and knew better than to seek it in such foreboding circumstances.

<"Why give up so easily on your future Emperor? Or even... your bond-brother?!">

As his gaze lifted to the Holographic screening of the Imperial Assembly, Lord Michael's eyes crossed paths with those of Lord Dionus, and in that fateful moment their awareness of each other's presence was made clear for the very first time; with Lucien Dooku's frightening power MIA and growing increasingly-unlikely to be found again, the grand title of the strongest Imperial-Knight appeared to be an even split between the Dromund Kaasi and the Half-Woad, and both lords were very much aware of this fact by then. However, just like the Warden before, both warriors were growing stronger with every passing day, but in their own particular, vastly differing ways, with Bharro retaining strongly-rooted Midichlorian power in a clear contrast to Barran's personal blend of conventional and esoteric power.

~=Bharro.... Listen to the voice of my soul - I will never stop looking for Lucien, never.=~

~=But you will.... Resources are being wasted on this wild goose chase.=~

And yet, powerful though the former was in combat, the mystic, telepathic power of the latter would bear the greater precedence in these moments, but not in any way Bharro would expect. As in the moment of risking his health again to communicate with the towering presence of his peer, Barran would be smart in making use of his stupidity in the attempt to appeal to reason, making use of the quiet invasiveness to reassure instead of flexing the benefits of his own personal wheelhouse of telepathic power. Making it all the easier to utilise such powers with calmly intent was the fact Lord Michael saw such behaviours as useless in the face of other powers, ringing especially true in the opinion that there was no point in flexing such powers if their implementation only served to bring the Druid's life all the closer to the brink for his troubles.

~=Though with that being said, we may talk more on the the matter of the King if you wish - come find me on Serenno.=~
Then after that, the Wanderer broke off he Holographic eye-contact and tore away from the telepathic tether of his own making, but it hurt enough that Lord Michael instinctively buried his head in hands and brought his focus away from bright, holographic light; and not only for the sake of his eyes, but also in hiding the pain from his superiors, wishing only to follow the conference to the end in an attempt to keep up appearances. Anything after that would aid his recovery process, starting from Day-1 all over again, but despite the setbacks, Barran was quite happy to endure the meeting through to it's natural adjournment. But there was one who was willing to help soothe the sting of the encounter as it occurred, resting a reassuring hand on the Woad's shoulder at the time, curling fingers inward affectionately as the sympathetic Echani leaned towards the mic to speak her mind on the Knight-Commander's behalf.

<"Moffs, Grand Moff Korvan, my fellow knights,">
Appreciative of Siyn's use of delegative authority, Michael relaxed a little, altogether quite happy to acquiesce under his superior's calming influence as the situation developed on the holographic display. It was doubtlessly a tense situation at the time, but despite it all, Barran knew it would be better for his sanity to accept it was all out of his hands for the duration, leaving his own fate in the hands of higher powers as he always had before.

<"Knight. Commander. Bharro.">
Aerin was as ready as ever to burst into a tirade of sorts, but in the quickness to punctuate with stately dominance arose a trained quickness to correct-course and to make better use of her oratory speech, especially heard in the identification as the Echani prefaced with,<"Lady Siyndacha Aerin,">, carrying more of a quiet confidence in suiting to her usual speaker's demeanour. Watching on, the Assembly would find her already in the quick of her speaking momentum, and Lord Michael couldn't help but respect that level of professionalism as Lady Siyndacha finally began with,<"Consider that we do not have the luxury of the truth of what happened to Lord Dooku,">, holding the projected chamber's attention with every word spoken in considered deliberation.

<"Consider what it would do to the Imperial realm to continue to maintain that he is missing, and to remain in a holding pattern because of it,">
For some, it may have been all there was to consider by then, but for most, it appeared as though that specific percentage would be dissatisfied for as long as Lucien remained missing; but all in attendance would be coherent enough to know that Michael's search would continue, regardless of withdrawal (or the lack-thereof) of state-sponsored expenditure of resources, as there was much and more in the way of additional factors discouraging the Woad from giving in. And if the weighted words of his peers were anything to go by, the urgency spurring the Druid to continue would only continue to intensify as time passed, for such was the way of Barran's loyalty - undying fealty to the only leader who truly understood him.

<"Directionless, wandering in the dark.>
And despite the self-punishing aspect of his repentance, that part within that could not permit the urge to stand down or to permit his superiors' persistence of stand-down orders for that matter, for none would sway the Druid from a lifetime of investigation in secret, and certainly not whilst the slimmest of hopes still remained. After all, directionless wanders in the dark were more to Lord Michael's forte, for only the feet of the fated could find a path in the dark, and the threads of Fate itself were all in a tangle around his soul at the time.

Awaiting a leap of faith of the likes the Wanderer himself knew he wasn't willing to attempt yet.
<"I do not wish to discount your grief,">, Siyn resumed, wisely keeping to her momentum in the attempt to get to the bloodied heart of the matter, and not only for Michael's sake, but also for the sake of keeping the politicians on the safer side of their collective temperament along with it. Made all the clearer by her spoken cadence and the potency of her pauses as the Echani declared,<"but what has been put forth is the most stable path,">, setting her line in the sand in preamble to the reasoning behind the vote of sudden confidence, Lord Michael would quietly welcome hearing Lady Siyndacha's vote of confidence on the issue at hand. It was more than enough to ensure the Druid's trust, but in the moment the Technomancer continued,<"for the good of the Empire. The fate of one man is, at the most, secondary to that concern. And should it happen that Lord Dooku returns to us?">, he knew the right choice had been made.

<"It wouldn't be the first time a man has returned from the dead.">
The most fair of points so far, and though Barran didn't dare draw any hope from it, he still understood the logic of Aerin's closing statement, finding no fault on account much stranger things had already happened in history as recent as the latest of Great Hyperspace Wars. Much like the circumstances Lord Michael survived on Lao-Mon and Carlac alike, there was always an air of the supernatural lingering in every battle the Galaxy endeavoured by then, constantly reshaping and moulding anew of the previous beliefs on life, death and everything between and beyond, but there was an Empire to maintain. A living, breathing Galactic Empire in-the-making, and one such that would require diligent, logical care to survive in the long run, giving rise to the very necessity that drove the Wanderer to call the others off his search.

<"I yield the floor.">
Understanding when not to push beyond the point of conciseness, and with good insight into when to see that one's point has been made and taken by it's recipient to desired effect, Lady Siyn would allow the silence to fall on the Assembly with lasting effect, letting the weight of her words sit on the shoulders of the Moffs and dignitaries seen on the Holographic projection. Yet the silence wouldn't last for long, but against all expectation of who would speak next, or of whether the next speaker would raise their voice in agreement or not for that matter, none had predicted or would ever be able to predict what happened next.

<"Apologies, my lords, for the late arrival.">

And yet, unexpected though it all would pan out to be, Barran knew that voice, and remembered it better than most of the voices he recalled that day.

Sigismund.... Good to my father, but I know not if the bad blood remains.

He could flog this dead horse for all eternity if he wished to see me suffer.
I'm in the palm of his hand now.... Chit!

"The fair lady is right. If the Warden is not pronounced dead, vital functions of the Empire might run headlessly against a wall. We cannot afford stagnation and dissent, never. The Imperial Knights are as much part of this Empire as the Moffs are and all would bow without second thought to our late Emperor.">
From his head-in-hands slump, the Druid's posture began to straighten out as his still-bleary vision tried to focus on the outline that was doubtlessly that which belonged to the hulking form of the Vandemarian, near incredulously-disbelieving that they would accord on anything political, let alone matters of the highest urgency. But in the moment Aurelian continued,<"The Imperial Knights are a tool, a weapon and one of the legs on which the Empire stands. Just as the Stormtrooper Corps, the Imperial Fleet, the Moffs and each and every citizen. We are organs of the same body. Once we do not work together anymore, the body dies. Just as the Knights follow the directions of the throne, so do the Moffs, the army, the navy.">, Michael understood that his rivalling-comrade was being sincere, and to an extent that Sigismund's words were already shaping up to be one of the most-sincere statements of the meeting so far.

<"The throne decides who is next in line. We have a hierarchy and while it is the prerogative of the throne to hear aspirations, it is their decision who to promote and who not.">

~=Aurelian.... I know not where you an' I stand with each other.=~
With eyes firmly focused on the blurred image of the Vandemarian, the Woad would risk eyesight and health one more, and with the previous telepathic pain in reaching out to the Dromund Kaasi factored into the strain, the pain Lord Michael consequently unleashed upon himself would leave no sign or inkling of his agony until his nostrils started haemorrhaging again. But as Barran himself had known for a while, without his King and bond-brother there as a corrective anchor for the wilder aspects of the Wanderer's powers, there would be nothing correcting the latest of his tragically-detrimental circumstances; and until there was someone or something to change correct his dangerous course, the likelihood of permanent damage would only increase with each exertion beyond the Druid's natural telepathic limitations.

~=I know not if it is reconciliation you seek.... But with all that put aside - thank you.=~

~=I - mean this - with absolute sincerity.=~

Regardless of whether the Echani beauty knew how the mystic Goidel's nose had gotten so bloody before, she certainly would by then, even if it was only but a microbial comparison to that which preceded the arrival of the Imperial Delegate, even if only a trifling thing in comparison to that which knocked him into a place between life and death just hours before the Holo-Call's commencement. And yet, despite the obvious exacerbation of an already-perilous condition, the Woad would remain upright and determined to continue, though it only made sense to Lord Michael that making use of his voice would be the best course of action after that. Difficult though it would be, the Druid knew that he was better off according to the etiquette of the occasion, understanding that it would improve his life-expectancy to remain forthcoming, as there was still a clear need for contextualised futility hanging in the air at the time.

<"My thanks to the Assembly for the motivations and the honesty, Lord Dionus was right to test me, so let us not judge a man for speaking with trained clarity in his judgements, as I may have behaved in a similar manner in my comrade's place - judge not the Knight-Commander for serving his proper function.... And with that, my thanks for the seconding and thirding of my recommendation in a time when it was least expected, but if it is clarity the Assembly wishes for, then so be it.">
A clear need for actionable justifications, such that allowed the Government to proceed with their process of electing a new Warden, regardless of which unfortunate soul they chose to elect as Dooku's replacement in the end.

<"Now, before I continue, I'll state the belief that Lord Dionus in particular may have an idea where I'll be going with this, so here goes nothing I guess.... When Rurik Fel was still with us, Dia rest his soul, his presence was powerful enough that it could be felt resonating as far out as Dantooine's or Bastion's orbit; and believe it or not, despite the common misconceptions, this could be said of Lucien Dooku from as far out as Serenno's orbit in turn. He is one of two distinctly strong presences, one such that is so distinct I will never forget it for as long as I live.">

Then as soon as all the preamble, all the build-up and all the contextualisation had been achieved, all that remained was the complete confirmation the Moff Assembly needed to proceed with the dreaded task of choosing the next Warden of the Imperial Knights, a confirmation of which the Wanderer was still very much dreading to give by then. But even then, the only active member of the Pellaeonist clique's leadership understood that time waited for none, not even for the gods of the Galaxy - and certainly not for men as fallible as the Druid always had been.

<"And I of all people, for all of my talents geared towards tracking of this sort, cannot find Lucien anywhere.... Believe me, I make no flippant recommendations on the matter, it is time you left that search to my clique - at least for now. I wish that we err against wasting precious time and resources, but not lightly. Not by any means.">


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Location: Bastion - The Imperial Citadel
Tags: Abeodan Charidot | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin


“I would have expected such a suggestion from the likes of the Moff Council, but to hear it from your lips... I never thought I would see the day, Barran!”

“Why give up so easily on your future Emperor? Or even... your bond-brother?!

Ignacious expression hardened slightly at Dionus’ outburst, but otherwise betrayed nothing about his inner feelings on the subject. Behind the mask that was his face, distaste rose to the fore, mixed with... intrigue? Despite the blatant breach in decorum on the part of Lord Bharro, the Grand Moff had to admit that the question brought forth would be very illuminating moving forward. Only an idiot would fail to see that the two senior Knight Commanders were front runners for the role of filling Lucien’s shoes. Clearly, judging from Dionus’ entrance into the meeting itself, as well as the manner in which he chose to address Michael’s efforts to locate the wayward Heir, he was plainly demonstrating himself to be a strong minded and direct candidate.

Yet, as Ignacious’ eyes shifted to regard Lord Barran, his thoughts drifted to the scion of the Lord Regent. While he had never taken great pains to observe those under the purview of Lord Dooku, Michael was always regarded by the Grand Moff as an outlier among the Knight Commanders of the Order. Some of those whom Ignacious had gathered information from expressed that Lord Barran delved further into the esoteric than his counterparts, and there were even rumors that the man was responsible for bringing Erskine back to life on Ilum.

If the rumors were true, then that meant Michael was likely to be among the most powerful Knights alive within the Empire. But it also begged the question... what other abilities did the Lord of Serenno possess? Dionus and Michael locked eyes for a prolonged moment, with the momentary silence broken by a familiar voice:


<”Grand Moff Korvan,”>

<”My fellow Knights,”>

Siyndacha Aerin’s voice rang through the holocom, a well honed courtly tone restoring a sense of dignity to the proceedings after Dionus shattered it with his brutish manner. It would seem she shared the same distaste, as an icy tone began apparent in her voice as she addressed the Dionus directly.

<”Knight. Commander. Bharro.”>

A faint, almost imperceptible smirk lined Korvan’s lips as she continued on in defense of her companion. Her words carried a wisdom that seemed beyond her years, and conveniently mirrored Korvan’s view without him even having to express it. They could not place the fate of one man, regardless of how important that man was, above the collective needs of the Empire.

At least, in this case.

Korvan never did see eye to eye with the former heir, and would waste little effort in trying to bring him back into a potential position to cause Korvan damage if he could refrain from doing so without raising suspicion. Whether she realized it or not, Siyn provided the perfect basis for such a decision.

A certain late comer to the proceedings would reaffirm this basis; the newly designated Moff of Vandemar. Korvan only knew the man by reputation, specifically as the head of state for a newly incorporated world known as Vandemar. Aurelian was an unknown on the Moff Council upon his ascension to the position, and Korvan wasn’t someone who liked unknowns.

But coincidentally, this unknown had proven to be beneficial to Ignacious’ ultimate ends.

"The Imperial Knights are a tool, a weapon and one of the legs on which the Empire stands. Just as the Stormtrooper Corps, the Imperial Fleet, the Moffs and each and every citizen. We are organs of the same body. Once we do not work together anymore, the body dies. Just as the Knights follow the directions of the throne, so do the Moffs, the army, the navy."

"The throne decides who is next in line. We have a hierarchy and while it is the prerogative of the throne to hear aspirations, it is their decision who to promote and who not."

At the conclusion of Aurelian’s contribution to the proceedings, Dionus appeared all but ready to speak out once again - his body language reminiscent of a beast ready to pounce upon nearly everyone who had spoken up.

“Everyone’s stance thus far has been noted.” Ignacious said, seemingly mere seconds before Dionus launched another outburst. The Grand Moff’s eyes glared into those of Dionus yet again, with the two men holding their gaze for several more seconds. Dionus may have been a vaunted member of the Imperial Knights, but the Grand Moff possessed a certain strength akin to those who took the mantle of leadership alongside Irveric Tavlar. A certain strength one carried regardless of if they possessed a mastery of the force of not.

After several more moments wherein it would seem neither man would relent, Ignacious finally spoke again - a decisive firmness in his voice: “This chamber will now be called to order.”

Dismissively, Ignacious’ eyes broke their gaze with Dionus as he regarded the rest of the chamber and continued: “Despite the unfortunate implications we all appear to be aware of, I agree with Knight Commander Barran’s assessment and proposed means of proceeding, with two amendations.” As the Grand Moff spoke, Dionus remained standing for several moments longer, but eventually relented and took a seat.

Ignacious on the other hand, turned his attention to Michael Barran’s visage, and added: “I grant you provisional leave to proceed with overseeing the continued search, but firstly - it must be delegated to those you trust and believe competent to the task. Given the current situation the Empire finds itself in, you may well be needed elsewhere.”

“Second, I believe a representative of the Central Government should be appointed as an attache’ to any continued efforts to do so. My office will be in contact with you to arrange this...”
Ignacious tone brokered no argument to his ‘suggestions’, and he spared little time to protest as he continued:

“Given this body’s agreement and lack of protestation to the aforementioned proposal of classifying Lucien Dooku as ‘killed in action’, we shall move forward to the matter of selecting his replacement as Warden of the Empire, and head of the Order of Imperial Knights.”

A slight murmur would echo through the chamber as individuals among those assembled whispered amongst themselves, but Ignacious would carry on regardless: “Should anyone wish to nominate someone to the position, speak now.”

Hardly a moment would pass as one of Dionus’ own companions stepped forward, and bowed his head. “I nominate Lord Dionus Bharro to the position, Lord Korvan.”

Ignacious would nod at the Knight, but would otherwise examine the remaineder of the body for any further nominations that would thus present themselves...

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Abeodan Tyiskore Charidot




It would seem that Knight Commander Dionus Bharro Dionus Bharro was less than pleased with Barran's words regarding the problem at hand. Shortly followed by a quick outburst that dampened the mood around the chamber. A quick glance over to the two way transmission as another person emerged to speak to the Moff Council and Order Delegation in the form of Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin who addressed them. Her words were short but powerful in overall message although would most likely be lost in the wind. It would seem that the Lord of Vandemar Darth Imperius Darth Imperius arrived in short fashion with his immensely overpowering figure dominating the floor.

It would seem Lord Sigismund was in agreeance with Lady Aerin. Following the simple logic that if the Warden is not publicly declared dead than the empire would ground to a halt. Further adding that the organs of the Imperial State were connected and designed to work together underneath the rallying symbol of the Imperial Throne. Abeodan glanced over to the holographic transmissions once again as Michael Barran Michael Barran decided to respond to Knight Commander Bharro and speak with others within the room. His main point being that he could find Lord Dooku eventually through the force and allow him to search as he pleases.

Grand Moff Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan brought the room back to order and granted Barran provisional leave to carry on the search and that a representative of the Central Government be assigned as an attache. Moving forward to select a new Warden of the Empire with Knight Commander Bharro being given a vote for the position.

"I am voicing my support for Knight Commander Braxis. A much more reasonable man than those currently wishing for power." Moff Charidot said casting a side eye towards Knight Commander Bharro who was the worst possible choice for the position even more so than Knight Commander Sahar.


No sooner had she ended her succinct address, had another entered and stood in agreement with her words, giving further buoyancy to the Woad’s recommendation, and fleshing out just what it was she had been saying. A face and person she held no recognition of, but he nonetheless cut an impressive image and stature, and when he spoke, the unnatural nature of his voice was readily apparent to her. Only nearly human, and he was much too far away for her to ascertain the precise instrument that caused this through the same subset of abilities that stood ready if anything happened to their signal.

What happened next, however, overtook her curiosity on that subject, all thanks to the steadying hand she maintained on the Wanderer’s shoulder. The contact gave her an inkling of the sheer power he summoned - the first time she had thought nothing of it, not knowing Lord Michael well enough, but two such spikes were too much to ignore. A cursory glance away from the broadcast and toward him to perhaps ascertain just what was going on further drew her attention completely to Barran at the sight of the blood that issued down towards his mouth, but she didn't want to interrupt... whatever it was he was doing. Uncertain of the consequences.

So she observed him, and the more she observed, the more she noted other details, such as the faint etching of discomfort, if not pain in his features. And the more she noticed, the further her brow knit together, as the pieces fell into place. The more the line of her mouth pursed.

On the ground she had found him, thankfully, only unconscious, but the state he was in even then meant that this, what he was doing now, was a greater risk to his continued existence. She glanced away, her other hand going to her forehead, to her temples, and she loosed a faint sigh. He clotted within a reasonable amount of time, and his nose hadn’t been broken, which could only mean that this was for all intents and purposes self-inflicted, but by the time she thought to look back to him to air a modicum of concern, he had managed to rouse himself to speak and address the assembly a second time.

An address that only told her, given the evidence, just how hard he had been looking for Lord Dooku.

[ Too hard. ]

At the conclusion of his words, as Korvan began to speak, she finally turned back to the Druid while fishing into an inner pocket of her tunic, and producing a handkerchief, a finely stitched square of dark cloth, monogrammed with her own initials in one corner. It was just as much imperial as it was her being Echani to always be ready for anything. Silent at first, she offered the tidily folded square to Lord Michael, then after another few seconds, the Echani backed up the offering with concerned-yet-deliberate words in a quiet volume:

“You’ve done it again… you have been doing it again.

The awfully mild incredulity of her tone implied a few things: why? and please stop, and that she had figured him out, with an indiscernible subtext of her being uncertain how to explain delivering a dead Woad later when she had a live one right here and now if he were to continue doing this… but once she had spoken, she glanced back towards the assembly when the Grand Moff voiced his agreement with Barran’s recommendation, and went on to detail his amendments.

Then, the moment finally arrived: the prime reason they were all gathered here.

<“Should anyone wish to nominate someone to the position, speak now.”>

Almost immediately, a member of Dionus’ own retinue spoke up, and nominated the fiery Knight-Commander. Just as quickly, her thoughts fell into place against this. She had witnessed enough, and knew enough to see the inherent problem with it. The next nomination was hardly any better.

<“…A much more reasonable man than those currently wishing for power.">

A breath that would barely even pass for a snort issued from her nose. For the second time in the course of the assembly, and not out of any kind of loyalty, but rather… clear discernment, she leaned toward the mic and spoke in support of the Woad:

<“I put forward my nomination for Knight-Commander Michael Barran.”>

After which she promptly turned and snapped her fingers towards the tech’s station, which cut the mic with a modicum of her own power, then whirled on the elder knight, having the distinct sense that he might respond to her nomination in a way that was unwelcome in the context of the Imperial Assembly… if she’d gained a correct measure of the man in the short frame of time she had been in his acquaintance. Everything else she knew about him before and after the point of their meeting made her give her particular nomination life in being spoken.

“Before you say anything….”

“Lady Knight, the -”

Aerin shot the tech a withering glance, “Leave it alone. Wait for our say so,” and then she returned her attention to Barran, holding up a staying hand toward him. “As I was saying…” she prefaced, “... before you say anything, allow me to explain my reasoning.”

She took a half-deep breath, and pushed on.

“Each of the other two candidates put forward presents significant problems,” she began. “You might know both of these men far better than I do, Barran, but I know well enough, and have seen and heard enough to perceive the damage that the appointment of either might bring - a threat to imperial cohesion.”

A theme inseparable from today’s proceedings, and central to her concerns as a Knight of the Empire. Aerin turned to the screen, her eyes seeking out the first candidate. “Bharro can hardly keep his disdain for the Imperial Assembly to himself,” she glanced back towards Michael, “Particularly where the Grand Moff is concerned. He would just as soon drive a further wedge between the Knights and the Central Government than work with them in any kind of civil manner.”

Aerin returned her attention to the view of the assembly, and sought out a view of the Moff that had nominated Knight-Commander Braxis. “It is best that his volatility remains directed at our adversaries, on the field of battle where his strengths lie,she said as a final word on the hulking Dromund Kaasi, before moving on. “Braxis, with that reasoning, is a far better option, a rather reasonable one indeed as Charidot has said, but for one glaring issue,” she glanced over her shoulder, “He is also a Moff.” The technomancer shook her head lightly as she returned her silver gaze to the assembly. “No matter how good of a Knight he might be, it would imbalance the body of the Empire to leave the balance of power, ultimately, in the hands of the Assembly. That would drive up the distrust and disrespect between the elements of the Empire more than what it already is.”

They were all equal parts of the whole. They were supposed to be. Her eyes narrowed for a scant moment at the image of Charidot.

“A blatant power grab, for one who spoke so dismissively of ‘wishing for power,’ don’t you think?”

That was how it looked, to her. After another moment, she turned back to the Wanderer, “Other Knights of your rank outside of those put forth are hardly as promising of a prospect,” she continued, “Either due to a woeful lack of experience by comparison, and/or their disposition.” That, unfortunately, said a whole lot about the rank-and-file leadership of the Order. “Now, what I know of you, Barran, is that you are a fine commander and an adept strategist with a considerable breadth of experience to those ends, and…” Her eyebrows rose a small amount, introducing frankness into her expression. “...the way you have spoken today confirms for me that your heart and mind are in the right place, and you have the insight to recognise what is in the Empire’s best interests.”

She crossed her arms.

“And the necessary discipline to keep things separate. This is why I put your name forth; my judgement is rarely wrong and there is frankly no better option."

The corners of her mouth pulled upward in a faint smile.

"You are, of course, more than welcome to refute my assertions.”

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Aurelian made his point as neutral and clear as he could, looking at the disastrous state the Empire's higher ups were in. He was strongly upset with the proximity to infighting the people presented here. It was infuriating.

The golden warrior had worked his way around the Galaxy, has seen chaos and disorder, enforced justice and stability. The New Imperial Order promised to see to the latter two, bringing down the rule of the Sith, opposing the zeal of the Jedi and its martial prowess supported the ideals, it made it successful.
But it's blunder, its primary weakness was the personal cults it had developed. Personal cults with an absence of an order and law of succession made it an extremely unstable and difficult place. It was the flaw of the First Galactic Empire and it is the flaw of this Empire.

He felt the distant attempt of the Force touching his mind, but he pushed it away. There was nothing which could not be said out loud, which could not be heard by anyone in the room. He didn't care if it was a communication or mind trick attempt, the Zakuulan swiped it away as if it was an annoying fly while listening to both the talking of Barran and the Grand Moff.

The Grand Moff called the chamber to order and proceeded to the issue at hand, ending any further discussion and issues or points presented. Good. Finally. The head had to snap at the body for discipline or both would go different ways sooner than later and everyone knew what that meant. Aurelian then listened patiently to the proposals brought forward, the nominees.

Dionus Bharro Dionus Bharro was a headstrong and volatile man, he for sure had his merit on the field of battle and in being the counterbalance to the more moderate views, he was a zealous soldier which the Zakuulan would have loved to enlist on his own. You rarely find the fire and it was an excellent asset to the Knights and the Empire, but not in its leadership. The dissent and opposition to the government was too strong and the Empire needed unity and cohesion now more than ever.

Michael Barran Michael Barran . While Aurelian had worked successfully with DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran and held nothing but admiration for the Lord Regent, the Knight Commander was a different type. Esoteric and certainly more moderate minded in terms of imperial perspective, it was still difficult at best. He was certainly liked by Knights and both skilled and capable, yet the encounter on Krieg was still a thorne in Sigismunds memory.

The Imperial Knights needed a strong leader, one who both understands the idea of the Order and its place in the machinery which is the Empire, one who knows about the Force and that it is not the answer, but a tool. Yet it should be someone who was not employed by the central government and shown enough independence to lead the Knights as the militant Force Order they were. The Empire came first, always. Otherwise it would fall. Enemies can keep running against its wall, soldiers dying in battle for the imperial dream, but if the Empire should tear itself apart from within - that would be disastrous and nigh impossible to recover from.

"I am nominating myself."

He let it sit for a brief second before continuing. "In clear understanding and consent to give up my newly acknowledged position as Moff in the Central Government."


Location: Bastion - The Imperial Citadel
Tags: Abeodan Charidot | Julius Haskler Julius Haskler | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin


As the nominations filtered in, it would soon become clear that of the four names presented - two of them would specifically stand out. A small, but loud minority of those within the Imperial Knights - notably of the ‘Knight Paladin’ variety - voiced their support for the imposing Dionus Bharro Dionus Bharro . Then, in a not-so-unexpected gesture, Lady Siyn of Eshan spoke on behalf of Lord MIchael Barran himself. What was somewhat unexpected was the lengths in which she went to speak in favor of who Korvan presumed she regarded as... her friend? Or perhaps a respected colleague?

He eventually decided it was not immediately relevant who or ‘what’ Barran was to Siyn at this very moment - but he mentally made a note as to the camp it would appear she fell within. Ignacious was careful to avoid fully exposing where his personal viewpoint rested on the matter, if for no other reason than to know where the pieces to the game sat before truly revealing himself on the board. He already more or less knew where several key members of the Moff Council sat - or at least, what they chose to tell him about their position.

Other names were proposed, from Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis (who it would appear, did not believe today’s proceedings necessitated his presence), to a surprise self-nominee in Darth Imperius Darth Imperius . Ignacious had remained silent throughout the nominations up until that point, wherein he pursed his lips and met Aurelian’s gaze evenly. It was fleeting, but Ignacious seemed to ‘feel’ the change in tension within the room at the very notion being uttered. A moment or so passed until the Grand Moff broke his silence. “I do not believe it is within the best interests of the Empire for such a new figure within Imperial politics; and one who is not already a senior member of the Imperial Knights, to ascend to the most senior of positions within the Order and within the Central Government itself. Vandamar is a valued member of the Empire, and it is best served under your guidance, Moff Sigismund.”

‘Hell no.’
was what the Grand Moff more or less said without saying it. It was one thing to be mindful of guiding the meeting away from such a bombastic and headstrong individual as Knight Commanders Bharro or Sahar, but it was another thing entirely to potentially ‘hand the helm’ to as close to an unknown one could conceive with any level of viability. Aurelian Sigismund was, in Korvan’s mind, so much of an unknown to be exceedingly dangerous - perhaps even more than Lord Bharro himself. Aurelian was no veteran of the Civil War, nor was he a scion of a late Imperator/Emperor. Aurelian had been the head of state of his own corner of the galaxy for years to Korvan’s understanding, and had only just seen fit to bring his system and its constituent regions into the fold.

The likes of Sahar or Bharro may have been the obvious predator outside the wire that could spark a direct confrontation between the Knights and the Empire if they were able to ascend; but Aurelian appeared to be the perfect unexpected threat that brought down Empires quietly, but definitively.

With Ignacious’ tactful response being said, his attention redirected across the chamber to sweep across all those assembled.

“It would seem, that we have our nominations set for the following vote.” Ignacious’ voice echoed through the chamber - the weight of the moment obvious enough for even the most oblivious of those present to feel. “The chair recognizes two of the nominees. Lord Dionus Bharro, and Lord Michael Barran. Knight Commander Braxis’ nomination will not be accepted, given he is not present - and clearly does not deem these proceedings to be worth his time.”

“With that being said... the voting will commence.”

Datapads built into the desk in front of each chair would come to life, with a voting interface revealing itself representing both men.

A hushed silence would prevail within the chamber as all of those present would ponder their decision before committing to it officially. Ignacious’ screen was the only one that would show a different interface - one showing the progress of the vote with each passing minute. With the provisional role the Grand Moff was fulfilling on this day of days, he would not vote - save for if the result was that of a tie, or as expressed to him in secret by the Lord Regent himself... if the result was to the detriment of the administration.

It was toward that end that he too pondered who of the two men he would support should the need arise. In truth, the answer was quiet obvious - at least to him. Some would likely believe that the ascension of Michael Barran to the role of Warden would centralize power too far into the hands of one family in particular - that of House Barran of Galidraan III. While Ignacious had ascended into a special role of trust with respect to the Lord Regent himself, he could not claim any special level of intimate knowledge of Lord Barran and the inner workings of his family. But even still, Ignacious knew enough to know that Michael was not a sycophant of his lord father. If anything, Michael was rumored to be a very close supporter of the late Lucien Dooku - who himself was reported to be an unapologetic Pellaeonist in his views.

Pellaeonism - the abject threat to the ideals of Tarkinism.

What did one do when the son of an Emperor in all but name represented an ideology that threatened the fabric of all they stood for? Particularly when the only other obvious option was someone who appeared ready to disband the entirety of the Central Government out of hand if he had the means to do so?

It was a hard decision, yet one Korvan was forced to come to terms with as he observed the totals beginning to separate more and more obviously into one of the two mens’ favor.

In due course, the time for voting would end - and the time for history to run its course would arrive before them all. All eyes focused on the white visage of the Grand Moff - who slowly stood from his seat. The snow white fabric of his uniform stood in stark contrast to the drab gray uniforms, black robes, and steel armor surrounding him.

“The voting has concluded, and we have a clear choice by the will of those assembled.” Each word resonated through the air, and echoed with a certain clarity that would be engraved upon the minds of all those who could hear them. “With the majority of the vote of those assembled, and ratified by me through the authority duly placed upon me; I name Lord Michael Barran as the new Warden of the Empire, and head of the Order of the Imperial Knights.”

A mixture of largely applause, and to a smaller degree shock (and even rarer still, derision) filled the chamber. The Grand Moff would remain standing, with the faintest of smiles playing upon his lips until a break allowed for his voice to cut through one more time. “Lord Barran... at your earliest opportunity, your presence is requested on Bastion for you to be duly imbued and sworn into your new position.” Ignacious’ eyes flickered from the hologram of the Woad and back to the chamber at large just as he concluded: “For the Empire!”

4th Post






Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira Abeodan Tyiskore Charidot Julius Haskler Julius Haskler Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt
Dionus Bharro Dionus Bharro Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion DT-1159 DT-1159 Siyndacha Aerin Siyndacha Aerin Darth Imperius Darth Imperius




<"Everyone's stance thus far has been noted.">
The meeting was drawing close to adjournment, and with the overtones of nomination taking key precedence by then, the only thing Lord Michael needed to do by then was sit back and try to stay conscious as he watched it all unfold, though the stinging after-effects of his telepathic over-exertions would certainly make it difficult to hear what was being said at the time. Though fortunately for the Wanderer, lip-reading had been learned to high-proficiency through every well-crafted tactical action he endeavoured along the way, so as long as he was able to see what was being said, then the issues from the white-noise tinnitus ringing were quite easily negated.

<"This chamber will now be called to order.">
Straightening his posture, Barran watched on as Korvan began,<"Despite the unfortunate implications we all appear to be aware of, I agree with Knight Commander Barran's assessment and proposed means of proceeding, with two amendations.">, paying close attention to ascertain the specifics of the Tarkinist Administration's intended policies on the matter of the search for Dooku. And yet, despite their clear difference in ideals and driving motivations, the Druid would find himself grateful for the Grand-Moff's clearly-verbalised elocution as he continued,<"I grant you provisional leave to proceed with overseeing the continued search, but firstly - it must be delegated to those you trust and believe competent to the task. Given the current situation the Empire finds itself in, you may well be needed elsewhere.">, to which a cursory, professionally curt nod was given in silent reply.

<"Second, I believe a representative of the Central Government should be appointed as an attache' to any continued efforts to do so. My office will be in contact with you to arrange this...">
With no remaining fear of his political rivals, this seemed like a small compromise to obey, and considering the circumstances, the Wanderer knew he could have been dealt a much harsher hand by his superiors. Fortunate though he was, Barran was never one for looking a gift-horse in the mouth either, much like his father in this regard, but Lord Michael still made a point of paying attention so as not to let anything untoward slide by unnoticed - erring on the side of caution all the same despite his hubristic proclivities.

<"Given this body's agreement and lack of protestation to the aforementioned proposal of classifying Lucien Dooku as 'killed in action', we shall move forward to the matter of selecting his replacement as Warden of the Empire, and head of the Order of Imperial Knights.">

Thank Dia, man.... Was beginning to think they'd make us wait for that.

An' as much as I'd hate to admit it, futility was never the Administration's style.
Tarkinists though they may be, they carry enough class to see sense eventually.

But just as Lord Michael was preparing to make his nomination, the nagging matter of his headaches in noticeable manifestation bore it's stern weight once more when Lady Siyndacha pointedly remarked,'You've done it again… you have been doing it again.', finally discovering what sent Barran to meet with the cold, snowy ground in the first place. The Druid wished to much to explain his actions and the reasoning behind such unhealthy use of his powers, even turning to catch the eye of the technomancer with kind, understanding intentions before he was interrupted by the sudden carrying of the motion to elect nominees for the voting process, increasing momentum for reasons that were altogether obvious - but not for any reasons that seemed right to the Wanderer in these moments.

<"Should anyone wish to nominate someone to the position, speak now.">
And so the hammer slowly started to fall, with the Grand Moff, Chief-Delegate of the Empire standing to cast his vote of choice-nomination, standing proudly as any high-ranking Imperial official should have in his shoes as one of his officials stepped forth to declare,<"I nominate Lord Dionus Bharro to the position, Lord Korvan.">, casting a strong offering off which the Woad had no problems with at the time. Despite the sudden nature of the commencement, there was at least something there that Lord Michael knew he could work with in the future, chained to the lessons and the future of the old man though Lord Ignacious was at the time.

<"I am voicing my support for Knight Commander Braxis. A much more reasonable man than those currently wishing for power.">
Bloody Hell, now there's a name I haven't heard in a while.

If Melvain gets the job, I'll be a happy man....
Even if it means drinking my way across the entire surface o' Thyrsus to find 'im.

Two strong choices so far, and both were excellent choices for entirely differing reasons - but a third nomination would occur just moments later.
The officials were ready to switch off their Datapads, just moments away from pressing down on their power-buttons but Lord Ignacious held a brief hand up to wait in case of said third nomination, understanding the fickle nature of politics every part as well as most Imperials of the Regency years. It was in this moment that Barran caught Korvan's eye for the second time, and only then did they seem to exchange the same sentiments of agreement in their shared nods of acknowledgement, thinking the best choices had been put forth so far and clearly according in the nature of their mutually-agreed, silent approval; though in their visible relief, it was clear to both that it was the best the Empire were likely to get, especially in the latter half of the Second Great Hyperspace War - the quality of command would only continue to take dents after this point.

And as for both Barran and Korvan, they were always given constant, acute reminders in recall of examples lending credence to this fact. But as for whatever was to unfold next, neither Michael nor Ignacious would ever have the foresight to expect it - not even with precedence or context firmly in their grasps.

<"I put forward my nomination for Knight-Commander Michael Barran.">
No.... The Empire can do better. Surely.

The one name, that one name the Druid never wished for anyone to have put forth in succession after the King of Serenno, the one name that horrified him just to imagine hearing as a nominee - was his own.

Always seeing himself as more of a worker-bee element within the Pellaeonist fold, with recent mentorship roles interweaving with his mindset, Barran never once saw himself as one who lived in the shadows of others, especially not after working in deep earnest to climb out from under that which his father cast over him for so long. And yet, much to the Wanderer's sudden lacking of self-awareness and straight-shouldered decorum, the Grand Moff would be able to see the visible discomfort in the expressions and demeanour of the Lord-Regent's son, perhaps even seeing it in the Druid's eyes as his face turned away from the Holo-projection.

'Before you say anything….'
'Lady Knight, the -'

Briefly turning her attention away to address one of her subordinates, Lady Siyndacha quickly shot back,'Leave it alone. Wait for our say so,', trying her best to keep it as snappy as possible for the newly-dubbed candidate for Wardendom, mindful of both the pain and the state of mind as the Echani turned back to speak with the Woad once more. The lives of the Empire's many depended on the Echani's success after all, and by the way things were playing out, it was beginning to look like determination would yet win the day for Lady Siyndacha.

'As I was saying…'

Of all the people who could've put my name forth....
Not even visions of the future could see the Knight-Errant being the one to do it.

'... before you say anything, allow me to explain my reasoning.'

Either way, the target on my back glows brighter than ever before.

'Each of the other two candidates put forward presents significant problems,', Siyn started, pausing to let her prefacing efforts register properly, still seeing signs of pain and grogginess in Lord Michael's eyes at the time and reacting accordingly. However, with the resolve required to carry the day to a result that suited everyone, nothing would stop Aerin from achieving her objective as she continued,'You might know both of these men far better than I do, Barran, but I know well enough, and have seen and heard enough to perceive the damage that the appointment of either might bring - a threat to imperial cohesion.', keeping the Wanderer's undivided attention as the meeting continued in their mic-muted absence.

<"I am nominating myself. In clear understanding and consent to give up my newly acknowledged position as Moff in the Central Government.">
Even with other names being put forth at the time, threatening to distract the Technomancer from her main goal with every syllable booming from the speaker on the Holographic plinth, Aerin was still focused enough to explain,'Bharro can hardly keep his disdain for the Imperial Assembly to himself,', trying to keep her reasoning on track with every syllable of her own. What may have helped in this situation was the fact Siyn had strong feelings about a choice she felt was objectively safer than Bharro or Braxis ever could have been, and especially under the circumstances; and even if the matter of succession had been of a lesser need for nominations of their sort, there was no way of discerning how safe the Empire's future would be with either of the first two nominations, but no such concerns were hanging above Barran's head at the time.

'Particularly where the Grand Moff is concerned. He would just as soon drive a further wedge between the Knights and the Central Government than work with them in any kind of civil manner.'

For as long as the Druid held true to the silvered phoenix sigil of Serenno, and for as long as he held the love of his people deep within his heart, Lord Michael would always be the safest choice for the Order of Imperial Knights.

<"In clear understanding and consent to give up my newly acknowledged position as Moff in the Central Government.">

<"I do not believe it is within the best interests of the Empire for such a new figure within Imperial politics; and one who is not already a senior member of the Imperial Knights, to ascend to the most senior of positions within the Order and within the Central Government itself. Vandamar is a valued member of the Empire, and it is best served under your guidance, Moff Sigismund.">
Seen looking back to the projection, the Woad's vision would slowly but surely return as the Echani correctly surmised,'It is best that his volatility remains directed at our adversaries, on the field of battle where his strengths lie.', gradually beginning to see the determination for himself, beginning to understand he wasn't the only one with a clear understanding of the danger the Empire was drifting toward. Even with facial-features still somewhat obscured by the blurriness, Barran could see that he would only be preaching to the choir as Aerin moved the subject to the Thyrsian powerhouse, still looking directly at Charidot as she resumed,'Braxis, with that reasoning, is a far better option, a rather reasonable one indeed as Charidot has said, but for one glaring issue,', agreeing for the most part until she revealed,'He is also a Moff.'

'No matter how good of a Knight he might be, it would imbalance the body of the Empire to leave the balance of power, ultimately, in the hands of the Assembly. That would drive up the distrust and disrespect between the elements of the Empire more than what it already is.'

Another point to give Lord Michael pause for thought, as everything was beginning to make a lot more sense to the mind-muddied Druid by then, and when the Technomancer deftly posited,'A blatant power grab, for one who spoke so dismissively of "wishing for power," don’t you think?', it was only then that the former realised he was much-less informed than the latter. The Empire's Moffs were all jostling and struggling for control over the very Order of Imperial Knights as the Wanderer knew it, vying for control over a highly-coveted base of warfighting power, and in the Technomancer's process of admitting,'Other Knights of your rank outside of those put forth are hardly as promising of a prospect,', the very urge to keep such circumstances from befalling his institution boiled to the surface, thinking then of all the respected peers in knighthood he'd met and lost along the way.

<"It would seem, that we have our nominations set for the following vote.">

'Either due to a woeful lack of experience by comparison, and/or their disposition.'

<"The chair recognizes two of the nominees. Lord Dionus Bharro, and Lord Michael Barran. Knight Commander Braxis' nomination will not be accepted, given he is not present - and clearly does not deem these proceedings to be worth his time.">
Then with a brief glance to the screen and then back to each other, Michael and Siyn understood there would be no going back after that point, though in pertinence the latter stated,'Now, what I know of you, Barran, is that you are a fine commander and an adept strategist with a considerable breadth of experience to those ends, and…', raising eyebrows slightly as she reinforced her forthright attitude in the endeavour. Anyone else in Aerin's shoes would no doubt have been scoffed or baulked at for their troubles, but despite all the self-doubt and failings in his career, Barran had been fortunate enough to live and learn from his mistakes, and to the extent that even the Druid himself would find himself unable to doubt.

'...the way you have spoken today confirms for me that your heart and mind are in the right place, and you have the insight to recognise what is in the Empire's best interests.'

Well, it certainly can't be said that I don't try at least....
But is this really the right choice?

'And the necessary discipline to keep things separate. This is why I put your name forth; my judgement is rarely wrong and there is frankly no better option.'

Dark days indeed.
Completely at the Empire's mercy by then, the beauty in the smile of the one compelling the Wanderer would be seen more easily by that point, bringing about a smile of his own as the Technomancer calmly concluded,'You are, of course, more than welcome to refute my assertions.', to which Lord Michael chuckled with hands jokingly raised in a contrastingly sincere act of acquiescent surrender. And without knowing it at the time, the Woad had inadvertently found a good reason to bring the Echani into the fold as a trusted advisor, seeing for himself that the Knight-Errant was far too qualified for the meagre rank she retained at the time, seeing for himself the benefits of having potential like Aerin's at the eleventh hour - merit emanating from within the beating heart of meritocracy itself.

'No, you've made a good point. I'll obey the will of the process, honestly. Its just- I'm just - hoping you know what this means, how bad it's gotten now that I've somehow become the best possible candidate.... We need to be ready, an' perhaps ready for the the worst.'

<"The voting has concluded, and we have a clear choice by the will of those assembled.">
'No turning back now anyways - not after what I've learned of Ilum.', Barran continued, pausing on his words as his finger hovered over the mute button, holding back in his urge to prime the mic-receiver once more. Then as he sat still and quiet in the process of waiting for the final results, noting the Technomancer's honesty in his decision, the Druid decided to come clean about the nosebleeds in admitting,'The loss of consciousness, and all the rest of it - my powers extend beyond the boundaries of my meagre, mortal means.... I'm sorry for this honesty, but telepathic matters have always been a concern without anchors like my King and Sybilla Voi'Kryt, and only these mentors have proven powerful enough to keep me safe from myself.', sighing in the revelation of the exact amount of gargantuan, Galactic weight he was carrying on his shoulders at the time.

'This, in part, is why I must find my liege.... Before its too late.'

<"With the majority of the vote of those assembled, and ratified by me through the authority duly placed upon me; I name Lord Michael Barran as the new Warden of the Empire, and head of the Order of the Imperial Knights.">
'An' jus' like that - the Golden Age of Imperium flashed before our very eyes.'
As he primed the mic again in anticipation, the Wanderer closed his eyes and breathed slowly for a moment, taking in the gravity of the situation as even more weight piled onto his shoulders, making the rise to his feet feel like he was lifting the entire ship he was sitting aboard. But despite the struggle, arise Barran would and arose he did, shaky-legged those his stand to attention was for the first few seconds or so; and in the very instant Lord Michael's eyes met with those of Lord Ignacious for the last time that day, the brave face would be applied, though there would be no doubt in the Grand Moff's mind that the newly-appointed Warden was ascending with reluctant obedience in his heart. Nothing could be done about it by then, and in the shared eye-contact, Michael would find himself sure that Ignacious was casting an understanding look to remind him there was nothing else for it - to be grateful with his lot before moving on to finalise the process once and for all.

<"Lord Barran... at your earliest opportunity, your presence is requested on Bastion for you to be duly imbued and sworn into your new position.">
With a swift fist-over-heart salute in reply, the new Warden offered a slow, ceremonious bow before the Moff Assembly, holding to his gesture, even as he waited for the final word from the Grand Moff. An act of solemnity in duty, one of which he hoped would be taken seriously by all who allowed the Knights to retain full control of their order again. His oath to the Empire as a knight had been sworn with every aspect of the process taken to heart, for never had the Wanderer dreamed in a million years that he would be knighted by the great Lucien Dooku; and in seeing that something good had come of the political mess caused by the disappearance, the bitterness and worry for the wellbeing of his friend was beginning to lessen, knowing that much worse could have befallen the Empire that day.

Knowing that much worse could have befallen Michael himself that day, recalling the order for hands on holsters in the event Ignacious wanted him executed, much and more could have occurred to calamitous effect - but fortunately for Barran....

Fate wasn't quite finished with him yet.

<"For the Empire!">
'For the Empire!'

The Druid's posture wouldn't rise again until the feed switched to static, bringing the conference to an end on both sides as his hand moved towards the hilt of his beloved Songsteel cavalry-sabre, sliding Mountainsong from her scabbard, slashing out at the air above him and bringing the bottom flat of the blade to his left elbow in perfectly-drilled precision. Even in the dim-lit room the holographic blue-light left in it's departure, the Woad cared not for lighting or fanfare by then, and in the moment his right foot stepped forth to allow a proper one-knee'd kneeling movement towards the hard floor, it would be obvious to the others in the room that this was a moment of cultural significance for Barran - one such that would ring clearly as a prayer if Aerin and her team were informed enough to pick up on it.

'Lucien, brother. If this message reaches you, then I know you've passed on to the Nether.... However, as for the rest o' you Wardens of Imperium, I know not what my predecessors would want of me - but do not think I will guide the Order as you once did. Honour guides me as it guided Lucien, and I will hold to that for as long as I hold the rank and title bestowed unto me.... Hear me now, predecessors! ORDER FINDS STRENGTH IN HONOUR, IRREFUTABLE EVERY TIME IT SUCCEEDS!!!!'



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