A brilliant fire
Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"Something tells me that it's more than that."
She eyed him as they skirted around the block to avoid being seen. While simple at surface-level, Valery felt as if there was a lot more to this daring smuggler than she originally thought. Perhaps an assumption made far too quickly, but she hadn't often met people out here, willing to risk their lives like this to cause some chaos for the slavers. If he was caught, he'd be tortured and killed. If they saw his face, he'd become a target throughout the Galaxy.
He had to be aware of that, right?
Soon enough, the two reached the Hutt barracks, and Valery allowed her senses to wander. There were plenty more goons inside, some injured, some afraid, and others eager to fight. A range of emotions more typical for a battlefield, not a city. It showed just how much chaos had consumed Sleheyron.
"Yeah, it'll draw plenty of attention if we hit it," she agreed. Though as she followed his gaze up to the roof, she had the same doubts as he did. It wasn't going to be easy to get inside, and even if they did, they still needed a plan to deal with the goons and make it out alive.
Turning away, Valery followed after Nej and headed into the safety of the space behind the apartment building. Only there, she stopped and watched his blonde locks fall free again. It was quite a step up from staring at that mask constantly.
"Well, I could make the jump from the apartment roof to the barracks. But I'd have to carry you." She flashed a smirk while she wondered if that'd embarrass him too much. The alternative was trying to move him across with Telekinesis, but that was either going to be loud or slow. Inside the apartment, Valery took the offered water and took a few sips, but her eyes would soon notice the blood stain in his clothes.
"Are you hurt?" She asked, her tone soft while she crouched down beside him. "You mind letting me take a look? We can't risk it getting worse or infected."