Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Useless Facts

Stephanie Swail

OJ Simpson was going to play the Terminator in 'The Terminator' but wasn't seen as evil looking enough.
Our very own @[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] used to be a ginger, but her hair changed color over time, and is now a dark auburn.
When she hasn't dyed it, that is.


Energizer Bunny on Caffeine
Best, single line in this entire show:

Either that or "Hungry? Careful not to choke on your stew-pidity."

Why this is a fact? Well, it's a fact that this is my opinion xD I also just wanted to randomly post this awesome GIF!

Araceli Loxley

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the second wife of her husband, Denis Thatcher. Denis Thatcher's first wife was also named Margaret.

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