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Approved Tech Utai Communicator Monitor

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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before


  • Intent: To provide a means to intercept telepathic communications
  • Image Source: LifeWire
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Communicator monitor
  • Manufacturer: Utai Magic Circle
  • Model: Utai Communicator Monitor
  • Affiliation: Open-market
  • Modularity: Yes: can change the external wiring

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Alchemized reinforced plasteel, electronics
  • Lightsaber resistant
  • Can resist EMPs
  • Can grant the user Force-powered detection and interception of telepathic communications within 50m of the monitor
  • Lightsaber-resistant
  • Can resist ion/EMPs
  • Telepathic monitoring: Allows the user to detect and intercept telepathic communications within 50m of the monitor, as well as uses of Memory Rub/Drain Knowledge
  • Communications monitoring: Allows the user to detect and intercept communications transmissions
  • Force-nullifiers: The presence of Force-nullifiers can render the Utai Communications Monitor nothing more than an ordinary communications monitor.
  • Presence: Force-imbuement presence means that unless you somehow hide it, Force-users can detect the monitor.
  • Heightened headache risks: If the users intercept telepathic communications that occur at speeds faster than the users' mental processing speeds (typically happens when Memory Rub/Drain Knowledge is in use), their brains will likely get overwhelmed and headaches will likely ensue, sometimes debilitating ones
  • Telepathic interception limit: Although it can intercept multiple NFU communication channels at once, it can only intercept one telepathic channel at a time
  • De-cryption of NFU communications: When the monitor intercepts encrypted NFU communications, it takes a while to de-crypt those communications
  • Jamming: If the monitor is jammed, its NFU communications capabilities are jammed as well, leaving only the telepathic abilities
DESCRIPTION: With the idea that there is value in intercepting telepathic communications on top of intercepting NFU communication transmissions, Janick decided to alchemize communications monitors to achieve that purpose. Of course, it retains all the capabilities of the base monitor as far as NFU communications monitoring is concerned, just that with the alchemical treatment, it can even allow an user to intercept telepathic communications, and even to "listen" on Memory Rub/Drain Knowledge being used. However, that alchemical treatment is not without pitfalls: it can only intercept one telepathic channel at a time, and it can only do so within 50m of the monitor. Because telepathy is constrained by the mental speed of the user, mental data overflow can cause headaches proportional to the overflow rate if the user's mind is slower than the throughput in the datachannel being intercepted. And, of course, it also comes with the weaknesses of the base monitor: if the monitor is jammed, its NFU communications abilities are also jammed, and interception of encrypted information also takes a long time to decrypt.

Even when there are no Force-users in the vicinity of the modem, the alchemized reinforced plasteel allows it to resist ion/EMPs as well as lightsabers. Sadly, the alchemical treatments do not protect it against frequency jamming, meaning that if a jammer capable of affecting a communications monitor was active, the monitor loses all NFU capability while jammed.
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