Duranium Lord
V-3 Upgrade
Image Source: Civilization Beyond Earth: Disciple
Intent: To create the next step in organic/artificial hybridization
Development Thread: As needed
Manufacturer: LOOM
Model: AO Model
Affiliation: LOOM, Ultimatum
Modularity: Systems are open to future upgrades so as to remain viable even as technology increases
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, Copper/Bondite Alloy, Droid components, shield components
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 125 kg
Quality: 7
Special Features:
Resistant to Blasters, Ballistics, Lightsabers, and Ionic weaponry
Increased strength, stamina, reflexes, and durability
Heightened mental Acuity
Access to LOOM Database
Height: 1.82 m
Movement: Bipedal
Wrist blaster
Sonic emitter
Electric Pulse emitter
Misc. Equipment:
Fighter grade Radar
High-Grade Droid Sensors
Molecular Shielding
Standard life-form Scanner
Increases speed all mental activity by approximately 10 milliseconds
Incredible protection against most forms of weaponry
Insusceptible to Force based mind manipulation
Heavy energy dependence
Death results quickly if the unit runs out of power
The droid cannot ‘learn’ new things (elaborated below)
Description: With the large costs of the V-2 Ultimatum decided to focus his efforts on creating a more easily produced unit. Thus the V-3 was realized. While definitely not the cheapest solution, the V-3 was more of enhancing a soldier, rather than creating a support vehicle from one. The V-3 was specifically invented to act as a standard replacement, or augmentation, of organic soldiers.
Like the V-2, this unit is the combination of an organic brain and a body made of droid parts. A step further from the simple lobotomy and robotic combination, the brain itself has neurons replaced with more conductive electronics, allowing for the mind to essentially think faster. On top of this, the integration of controlled electronics into the brain alters how the brain of an organic thinks, effectively negating their weakness to suggestion and control by Force users.
Due to the inherent danger of using droids and cyborgs on the contemporary battlefield, specifically the threat of electrical weaponry, these units have been installed with one system, and constructed with another, for personal protection. The first and most important is the Molecular shielding, this acts as both an additional power source for the unit in a fight, as well as protecting it from most weapons. The second system is the constructed method of the armor plating. By using various specially placed rods of Copper and Bondite Alloy, the unit is safe from most forms of electronic warfare as the conductive rods absorb electricity and conduct to the feet of the unit, usually the grounding point.
The armor is not as strong as other armors against conventional blasters and thus relies on the shielding to take the brunt of the force. Lightsabers are capable of being absorbed, though after a few strike the shield will short out and leave the unit defenseless, however it will also have drained some of the battery of the lightsaber. If the shield shorts it can cause damage to the battery, requiring emergency repairs before continuing.
The V-3 is armed with three inbuilt weapons, one blaster and two ‘non-lethal’ weapons. The blaster is similar to an updated version of the old B-2 Super Battle droid of the Clone Wars and is built solely into the left arm of the units. The Sonic emitter is based on sonic blaster technology confined to the right arm, its main use is anti-riot and Force user combat. The final weapon is the E-Pulse emitter. Similar in execution to an EMP, the emitter is built into the two protruding structures on the unit’s back. When activated a burst of electrical energy is sent in a 360 degree sphere around the unit reaching about two meters in radius. The energy is designed to disrupt nearby organic nervous systems, but can also effect unprotected electronics. The amount of energy put out is optimized to render humans unconscious, this means that it has a similar effect on most species with a nervous system similar to humans.
The V-3, much akin to its predecessor, uses energy very quickly. Without using any of its inbuilt weapons and using only the minimum of its scanners abilities, the unit is capable of remaining active and moving around for approximately five hours. A single use of the E-Pulse Emitter, the most power hungry device, with drop this number by a tenth. Should a V-3 run out of power, various safety mechanisms will activate in order to sustain the organic brain as long as possible. Unfortunately, this period is at best a matter of ten minutes. If deactivated, the unit will not fully reactivated until reaching ten percent maximum power, however once it has one percent the life-support systems will return to full functionality.
The single most devastating weakness to this unit however is the very things that makes it so deadly. The dissection of the brain and connecting it with electronics allows all previous memories and mental pathways to be preserved, however the brain cannot forge new connections. The unit can create new memories, but it cannot connect two previously unconnected ideas. Example: 1+1=2 If the organic had not learned this previous to being upgraded, the unit would be incapable of grasping the concept. It can make a memory of the fact that one plus one equals two, but it has no connection with any other part of the brain. Such that one gun and another gun makes two guns, they merely know one of each. This weakness effectively cripples any meaningful learning, requiring that organics be taught and trained before the operation so that all the necessary pathways that can be foreseen are already made.
Primary Source: N/A