Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: To expand the lore of various subs
- Image Credit: Pokemon
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Va-La-Ta
- Designation: Non Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 40 years but usually killed after 5 to 15 years
- Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
- Description: Thickly muscled and voracious, the bovine like creatures are herd animals raised for livestock and so cared for to produce the best milks and meats. With pale skin and thick furs that can be used for blankets, organs used in foods and their stones in their stomachs which can be used for lightsabers to change the color of the blade.
- Breathes: Type 1
- Average Height of Adults: 1.5m
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: White
- Hair color: Pink, black, brown
- Distinctions:
- Females produce milk
- Males produce more meat
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
- Pink Milk: The Milk produced is very good for bones, eyesight and restoring stamina. It is more fruity flavored then Blue milk and great when served with cookies.
- Head Jewel: Males of the species have three jewel like growths on their foreheads that can be used as focusing crystals in sabers giving a storm grey color to a lightsaber
- Livestock
- Farm Raised
- Simple Minded
- Food
- Diet: Herbivore: Grass, hay and grains.
- Communication: Moo
- Technology level: Below Galactic Standard
- Religion/Beliefs: Regarded as a source of food within the Asobi system and raised by farmers. The Va is used for everything, from providing milk to drink, skin for protection, meat to eat to bones for tools/weapons. Their value as farm animals has allowed them to be put on frontier ships, given to new farmers for developing planets and homesteads. Usually with other creatures such as nerfs and brontos for food, work or clearing fields. ONe legend though presists that there was a female farmer with a Va-La-Ta so well trained it could beat anything that came after her farm from bandits to jedi aany who came to challenge her she would beat them with the famed Ro-Ll-Out.
- General behavior:
- Usually found milling about in the fields, they are not very smart, generally slow moving and docile. A common sport for children is to try and tip them over. The only thing that can be special is they are able to stand on their hind legs for a time to be hooked up to milkers for daily use. When alone they go around eating grass or any food that is presented to them, avoiding meats and biting eat other.
In large groups they communicate with moos and snorts, butting heads sometimes when both going for a food source. The hostility is low between them with most of the females being kept away from the males who are more hostile. Their grazing is often a daily activity with a strong immune system for eating some of the dried or fallen leaves and plants from around the forests on worlds.
- Usually found milling about in the fields, they are not very smart, generally slow moving and docile. A common sport for children is to try and tip them over. The only thing that can be special is they are able to stand on their hind legs for a time to be hooked up to milkers for daily use. When alone they go around eating grass or any food that is presented to them, avoiding meats and biting eat other.
Normally found on frontier worlds and farmsteads. The Va are a great resource for their ability to reproduce, give food and drink, pull large amounts of weight or just simply graze and clear fields without much need for maintenance. They are a must for farmers within the Asobi system and have been taught to be respected with everything about them being used when they die. The horns, bones, meat and other resources. A field will always have new amounts of manure for farming to fertilize the soil. There will always be enough to feed a family or twelve when the meat is sectioned properly.
They found use in the galaxy a long time ago for exploring new worlds and setting up farmsteads in the early days before cities and villages could become established on a city. Drop a family or two with thirty heads of cattle and some other livestock then let them clear the land and make room for others to come it. The females are valued for their milk and sections of meat for beef, the males for their meat and jeweled foreheads. Well it isn't really a jewel but much like a krayt dragon pearl that is in the creatures gullet the horns and forehead gleam with the dense and strong bone that is valued for lightsabers or decorative edging.
With the rediscovery of Shri-tal and the Asobi system it brought many things as the jedi were able to send the Va to farms in Silver jedi space for aid. THe livestock were easy to breed and raise, able to provide food and nourishment for families long term and they were essential for terraforming efforts when you had farmers starting out. The Atrisian Commonwealth picked up the efforts and allowed the livestock to be sent out to colonies and their farmers as well as other livestock creatures they could bring around.
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