John Locke

- Intent: To submit a weapon for production by Locke and Key Mechanics
- Image Source: Could only find Pinterest link here
- Canon Link: N/a
- Permissions: N/a
- Primary Source: Vaars

- Manufacturer: Locke and Key Mechanics
- Affiliation: CIS - Dauntless
- Model: VAARS (Dauntless Version)
- Modularity: Ammunition loadout can be altered (If altered from basic ammo does need to be noted at first use of the weapon). Weapon contains a rail under the barrel for rail-mounted slot in weapons (to be subbed later) to be attached along with tools such as a flashlight.
- Production: Limited
- Material: Durasteel, Electronics

- Classification: Hybrid assault rifle
- Size: Average
- Weight: Average
- Ammunition Type: Specialised slugs, tiabanna gas and powercells
- Ammunition Capacity: Average
- Each magazine contains the following]a gas canister and powercell with energy for
- 100 blaster shots
- 50 armour piercing rounds
- 15 emp/ion rounds
- 15 pyro rounds
- 10 cryo rounds
- 10 antimatter rounds
- Each magazine contains the following]a gas canister and powercell with energy for
- Reload Speed: Average,
- Effective Range:
- Blaster: Long Range
- Kinetic:
- Rapid Fire: Average
- Single shot: Long Range
- Rate of Fire:
- Blaster: Average
- Kinetic:
- Rapid Fire: High
- Single Shot: Low
- Stopping Power:
- Blaster: High
- Kinetic:
- Rapid Fire: High
- Single Shot: Extreme
- Recoil:
- Blaster: Average
- Kinetic:
- Rapid Fire: Average
- Single Shot: High

- Variable Ammunition loadout
- Kinetic ammo can be launched in various modes, single shot or rapid fire (Anti-matter rounds can’t be fired in rapid-fire mode)
- Godseye
- Railgun for projectile weaponry
- Rail under the barrel for any standard attachment

- The VAARS comes with multiple types of ammunition as standard, allowing the user to adapt to whatever situation they might find themselves in. (Ammo types detailed in description)
- Railguns mounted in the two barrels of the rifle allows for stronger than normal shots, or faster than normal shots depending on the mode the rifle is set to.

- Big Boom: The varied ammo in the magazines makes them very vulnerable, and if shot they could catastrophically explode.
- The rifle is very heavily dependent upon computers and electronics, and so is vulnerable to an EMP or ion based attack.
- Limited Ammo: Due to the wide variety of Ammunition the weapon is capable of using, the actual numbers of bullets and blaster shots in each magazine are limited.

No plan survives contact with the enemy. This is a basic precept of any military tactic, and it was the core concept behind Locke and Key Mechanic’s new rifle system. A weapon that could meet any threat on the battlefield, responding to the ever-changing face of the battlefield.
Each magazine contains the following types of ammunition.
Armour Piercing Rounds
Standard armour penetrating rounds capable of penetrating average body armours.
EMP/Ion rounds
Containing an electromagnet capable of generating a localised EMP these bullets are designed to neutralise any tech they’re shot at.[/SIZE]
Pyro Rounds
A miniaturized version of the Fire Grenade the bullets release an incendiary agent that ignites quickly when exposed to air as it spreads across a target area burning it and providing extreme temperatures
Cryo Rounds
A miniaturized version of the Cryban grenade the Cryo rounds release a small cloud of CryoBan upon impact freezing the point of impact and the surrounding area causing both freezing and impact damage.
Antimatter Rounds
Each of these rounds contains a small measure of Antimatter held within a magnetic field. Upon impact, the antimatter is released from its magnetic field, continuing to travel forward hitting the bullet’s tip. Due to the extreme cost and danger of antimatter, only a minuscule amount is used in each bullet, 1 billionth of a gram, which would result in an explosive force of 37.8kg of TNT. Because a magnetic field is already in existence within these bullets the shells are made out of Armorplast, the ceramic structure means they are unaffected by the magnetic fields of the railgun, allowing it to act on the internal magnetic field to propel the bullet forward, as well as preventing the creation of magnetic field’s in the shell that might disrupt the internal magnetic field leading to a catastrophic failure. These bullets are not designed to use the antimatter to eat through armour, but instead, take the place of high-explosive rounds.
Locke and Key Mechanics also took this chance to try out their newest system, the Gods-eye.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (Submission to come later)
The Gods-Eye
The Gods-eye is a weapons enhancement system which consists of a digital scope capable of allowing the user to zoom in onto their target with up to 20x zoom. The scope also comes with a variety of different vision types, Infrared, Night Vision and an augmented reality mode that allows for an inbuilt ballistics calculator, a video recording function, smart rangefinding and an automatic zeroing function help provide the user with a very capable scope functionality. The scope is also capable of generating a laser pointer, both for close distance aiming and to highlight targets.
The Gods-Eye functionality isn’t just limited to the scope however, electronics are strewn throughout the weapon which is capable of transmitting and receiving data. The view from the scope can be broadcast to a H.U.D. or via a comms unit to a central command. The system also informs the user of the number of shots left in the weapon so that they will never run out of the ammunition they require, as well as giving them an update on the status of the weapon (if it’s overheating, jammed, etc).
In all the VAARS is a capable multitool of a rifle, which in the right hands is capable of unleashing a deadly level of damage in the right hands.
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