Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vahla Fire


Romeo placed his hands behind his back as he listened to her, watching her observe her speeder, and then watched as the samurai surrounded him. The whole time he fed on her anger, and fed on his own hatred for those who wanted to learn right then, and there. He opened up to the darkside, and let it slither in deep. When she flicked the oil onto his face, he stood there without any movement, or actions.
As she grapped her hilt, he opened his mind to the others around him, and then looked her in the eyes. As he opened his mind, he reached out to touch the samurais' minds. When he did this, he drilled into them, that hardcase of honor bound, and loyal wall of training stuck in them. Romeo smiled as he did this, and when he could pierce their minds, which wouldnt be hard to do at all, he would begin to twist their sense of pain, make them feel like their skin was burning under the armor, blistering up, and then melting, making their nerve sensors trick them into thinking this was happening, and make them think this pain was real. "You know not what the force is Daimyo Kitsune."
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune replied curtly, "Indeed, I do not. Why do you think I am here?"

Looking at the men around her, despite feeling intense pain, they remained resolute in their places and firmly maintained their aim at the Shadow King. Their brutal training included torture-resistance programs and thus, were accommodated with feeling intense bouts of pain.

"However, you doubt in my capabilities." she continued. She didn't elaborate further of how much more Kitsune was able to summon in terms of forces, but she simply raised her hand and another speeder swooped down from the forest and abruptly stopped next to Kitsune. The pilot quickly removed himself from the vessel and ran back to his original position deep in the woods. She stepped inside of the vessel and waited for the Shadow King's next move.

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