Valjan Hon'rey
Valjan Hon'rey

(But you know..with green irises <.<)
NAME: Valjan Hon'rey
RANK: Sith Apprentice
AGE: 27
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 135lbs
EYES: Green irises encircled with a red line
HAIR: Deep Red
SKIN: Deep Red, Tattooed, Scarred
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, Force Sensitive
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
1.Fierce : Prone to extreme intensities in emotions and convictions, inclined to react violently.
2.Hatred: The system of slavery that kept her from freedom for so long is disgusting and abhorrent to Valjan, she hates it more than anything else and will not stop till it is changed. This is usually channeled in her will to become more powerful and alter the way things are within the system, sometimes it will lead to more rebellious behavior. (Her memory loss has changed this behavior somewhat, she is reviled by the practice but can't place the reasoning as to where the hatred comes from beyond a philosophical dislike and the obvious physical markings marring her flesh)
3.Sadomasochist: Revels in causing pain to others, so much so that it borders on the sexualized. In turn also revels in pain caused to herself to a degree.
4.Vindictive: Will focus heavily on righting wrongs to herself or ideals, often violently.
5.Overambitious: Having a strong excessive desire for success or achievement, grows restless when her goals are not met and obsessive when she has failed in a task.
Valjan is quite capable of handling pain and even revels in it. She is very aware of herself and rather intelligent, excellent at playing the long game in terms of strategy but sometimes looses sight of longer term plans over short term setbacks. Her strength is not markedly impressive but she is relatively fit, obviously more of her works go towards Sith teachings in dark arts as opposed to saber handling, one would call her proficient at wielding a saber but never anything past that. With her memory loss, much of her knowledge is lost or at a very instinctual level. Force lightning and other prior learned dark arts are something she can wield but at relatively low power and at great damage to herself, the pathways all seem to remain but the proper control is utterly lacking and often simply do not function outside of moments of desperation.
Covered in the tattoo markings of her people, most signifying determination of will. Face is marred by the marking of a former slave, branded ownership titles branded over once again to remove the names but locations remain to remind all of her former status. Also marring her flesh are the scars of repeat beatings and whippings, these coat her body almost as completely as the tattoos.
She is very wiry, muscles taut on her frame but not very large... she would seem more athletic than imposing. She is just a bit taller than female average but by all appearances is not very intimidating, one might even assume fragility at first glance.
Outstanding mental problems:
[Mental] The regular eccentricities allotted to a Sith; mild paranoia, mildly Sociopathic behavior ( Sadomasochism in particular), can be impulsive and manipulative. One thing that may be a mental problem is her often obsessive behavior when a failure occurs, causing a single minded determination that can oft blind her to other goals. Prone to violently enacting justice on perceived wrongs.
Fairly extroverted in temperament, she is one to jump at the opportunity to speak with others. On initial contact she is almost jovial, relatively sarcastic and easy-going, getting to know her a bit deeper will reveal much of this to be a guise. She is a calculating and cold individual, creating this false veneer incites trust and often allows others to drop some of their guards. She is swift to bring judgement on those who have wronged her, but she is not swift to judge and can seem very forgiving or unconcerned for trivial matters.
Excerpt on awakening: [That all imposing darkness reached to her eyes, frigid and unable to move, slumping as the machine continued to whir on behind her. Images and sharp feelings flashed but nothing concrete, nothing permanent except a name.
" I am Valjan Hon'rey."
Shaking her head very slowly as the frigid sensation passed the darkness started to recede. She was someone and there was a life trapped behind this deep fog over her mind. That had to be the case, she was absolutely certain, but the particulars and even the generalities seemed to elude her. What was this place, cold and metallic. ( A laboratory?) she mused momentarily before starting to stand, shakily gathering her balance on a smooth edge of the machine behind her, whirring slowing to a dull buzz and the clinking of internal parts. The lighting was dimmed, emergency power if she had to guess, and this machine seemed to be one of many.... she would find her answers.]
Valjan awoke to this time in some kind of a facility, many answers remained completely forgotten and perhaps forever lost to her. The other machines contained several dead, variants of many species but many Human. In time she found her possessions in the facility, things she knew had meaning in a previous existence. This facility was nestled in an asteroid, a cold body between the stars.. an object to be avoided by starcharts if any would pass near this derelict part of space. A ship was also in the facility, it's original purpose forgotten but a method of escape to her. Making her way back into the galaxy Valjan found herself committed to bounty hunting, a way to earn credits and keep her ship running while trying to sort through her existence. She was force sensitive and could remember how to wield a saber, control over her powers were limited... she could recall being trained in vague memories but the precise techniques and applications were long distant. Learning eventually of The Sith Empire she begins her journey to remember what she once was, a Sith, a piece in the kog of some great entity that encompassed much of the known Galaxy... they could help, if not with the lost memories at least to regain what was hers by right of will.
Valjan is most often in light and flowing robes usually a red-ish coloration that revel in simplistic patterns. Underneath the robes is a thin suit that creates a sealed environment when attached to the re-breather helmet she is almost never seen without. The helmet is simplistic in design but always well cared for, polished to perfection and recolored whenever damage is incurred.
Commonly carried items: Hand and a Half Lightsaber ( Orange crystal ), Small Datapad, Comm device on her right ear and small pouch under her robes, this often carries credits and other various nick knacks.
The ship is from a bygone era but retrofitted with a mash of current technology. It's weapons are up to about par with current tech level, engines a bit on the slower side but very reliable, shielding and energy capabilities about on par with the average. The ship is a workhorse and relatively large for a personal ship but it does have long-distance and hyperspace capability, a perfect fit for a bounty hunter.