Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Vanguard Campaign] Alliance Dominion of Karfeddion

The Final Order were thought defeated, scattered to the four winds as the Alliance cemented their hold on the Rimma trade route. Qorbin Fal’s vile experiments had been brought to a halt, his dark temples dragged down.

The Darkness is not so easily removed.

The First Order have started to expand their Empire West of the Alliance and have been keeping a watchful eye on their expanse. Following the assault on Lujo they've funded Qorbin Fal to create a new force for the dark side to fight back against the Alliance known as The Vanguard. Imperial Destroyers, TIE fighters and Dark Acolytes once again oppose the Alliance's expansion. In response the Alliance has started secretly funding the Liberation Front, and X-Wings have started appearing in First Order space resisting their own advances.

The ruling family of Karfeddion were deposed by the Lords of the Fringe, but in the power vacuum they returned to slavery. Qorbin has swollen the ranks of his stormtroopers with reprogrammed slaves. This operation must be brought to a halt.

Jacen stood on the bridge of the ANS Intervention the Spearhead class cruiser. Through the viewports he could see the Acclamator class assault ship that was ferrying the Alliance forces. This was just like the old days, he reflected. Short of resources they would be forced to improvise to find victory today. This was as it had been during those early hours of the Alliance, when just a small collection of idealistic Jedi and the remnants of a shattered Republic fleet came together to make a stand. Those mothballed cruisers and hilariously outnumbered warriors had started the ball rolling on what was now the greatest force for the light in the Galaxy. Yet the larger they grew, the more they were stretched. Former Republic space required a significant Alliance presence to maintain order, the Union constantly harassed their eastern front, whilst the inevitable war with the One Sith had finally erupted.

He felt that subtle shift that warned of a pending jump to hyperspace. Stars stretched out to infinity before him to be replaced with the cerulean swirls of hyperspace.

"Thirty minutes until we revert to realspace," called the Captain. Jacen turned and offered a curt nod. Brown robes trailing behind him, he headed for the hangar bays to prepare to join the first wave.

Objective One

Two Golan defense platforms guard the world, but the Alliance hasn't got the Naval power to spare with the war on several fronts. Only a single cruiser and several squadrons of fighters could be spared. The GADF has formed a novel plan to find victory:
  1. Destroy all TIE fighters
  2. The cruiser will fire precise bursts of ion fire. Time your runs to hit the shield generators as they strike to take them out
  3. Strip the platforms of defensive weapons
  4. Escorts Y wing bombers on their attack runs to bring them down
Objective Two

Dark side Acolytes and stormtroopers keep a fierce grip on the Karfeddion spaceport ( Remove them all and open up the port to bring in reinforcements.

Objective Three

Slave pens cover huge swathes of territory. Bring down the slave masters and assist in the humanitarian effort to set up camps and get then returned to their homeworlds


Anything you want!

The First Order is welcome to show up and oppose on any objectives or as they see fit!

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Objective: 2 clear out the space port
Equipment: A Lilac Coloured Lightsaber
150 thul marines/ full company
gear Infantry armour, Infantry Blaster + auxiliary grenades
Also about 12 proto type Disc Cannons (doing a second part to dev thread in here)

Elaine was in a troop ship, with a company of newly trained and equipped house thul marines. It was smelly ship they have cooped up the whole jump, and she was getting irritated by it. She wanted to landed soon, just for some fresh air, after all these men where beginning to get a little too familiar as well. Her troops where here to help the alliance, and and try out a new disc cannon, she developed from a sith design of lanvarok. This however was used a disc with an explosive core, which was fired from a rail gun.


She could not wait to see it in action, it was designed to bludgeon people in heavy armour. Also if the disc was hit by a lightsaber, it would ignite the explosive core, causing the disc to blow up in front of the force user. Also if it missed it would not be the end of it, as it would begin to bounce unpredictably like the Lanvarok of old. She also had few cortosis rounds, from yavin four that was dug up as well to play with. She was not wearing her old armour anymore, as that was designed to hide her more than protect her, and was currently geting ready to commission a new armour.

She her and men stood by waiting for permission to land, and begin their assault.
Objective Three
Southern Continent: Dark side of planet

[member="Loske Matson"] [member="Micah Talith"]

Vexen slunk through the opening in the wire mesh. Oh how she despised getting mud worked into her fur, but the rain had been hammering down hard for the last few weeks and she had no choice in the matter. This open-air complex was nearly a kilometre across. All the fear, all the suffering it dulled her senses. She needed those. There were guards walking the criss-cross of walls that ran between the pens, human, Gran and droid. It took her exceptional night vision and hearing to keep her out of harm’s way.

Vexen paused as someone above turned to face her. In the dark of night he saw nothing but shadow, but she couldn’t move without risking drawing his attention.

Turn around.

The guard looked from left to right before turning on the spot. The Wraith continued on her journey to the watch tower. Without pausing she shimmied up the ladder, calling on the Force the help her launch up the last section which had been removed to prevent the prisoners from climbing.

The guard inside was sound asleep. Vexen crawled around the lip, desperately trying not to look down. She affixed a small camera to each corner. The view from here was staggering and showed the scale of the atrocity. It had taken her a long time to realise that the Rodian on her Ithorian herdship had essentially taken her in as something akin to a slave. But this…this was…

“Micah, can you see this?” she whispered into her comm.
ALLIES: [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Vexen"]

Raised on Republic standards and democratic thinking, the youthful vigor had been stricken to her core when she learned of the slave rings. She was going to be the number one evangelist of no slavery!

“I can’t believe this sort of thing still happens.” Loske was ranting as she walked through the ship hangars with her compadré, [member="Greyson"]. “I mean I know there’s credits involved in it and whatnot, but man it just doesn’t seem right.” The little blonde was working herself into a bit of a frenzy. While her soft steps were hardly heard next to the giant’s next to her, small ripples of adrenaline radiated from her core. The odd object hanging on the walls they walked past would shiver while she gestured. She was, of course, circumstantially oblivious. What she was focused on, was the fact that she was going to be involved in this campaign with someone other than Grey and somewhere other than the sky. She was out of all her comfort zones. There were three objectives she could sign up for, but she’d not been formally assigned anywhere. And figured she could use this opportunity to try something new. Sort of.

The persons who were to collect for the third objective, the slave rings which she was so fired up about, were assigned to meet in the hangar. Loske had volunteered to be the pilot for the strike team; getting persons to fly beneath the belly of the cover fire and any blockades presented by the bag guys. She’d be operating on the ground once landed, though.

“Ok, checkpoint issss..” As usual, Loske was chattering happily away. Whether or not Grey was listening was another story — there were many times he randomly peeled off their path and she’d be talking to herself. Which was fine too. She reviewed the data pad in her hand, with the overview of the objectives and planet. Her checkpoint was near one of the available Rendili corvettes — a sleek ship that wasn’t quite as agile as her customized X-Wing. But it would do the job.

A small vibration purred from the datapad-- a sitewide alert that an update had been made to her objective. A new feed of information being uploaded. While she wasn't privy to the audio, there was a location tag with their eyes on the ground. "Guess I now know where I'm going. Now I just gotta show up, and show what's up."

Location: ANS Intervention
Objective 2
Equipment: Apprentice robes, lightsaber (orange blade)
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Trix Bastin"]

The gym on the Intervention was small, with the typical weight rack and mat. Of course, Ayme was always drawn to the heavy bag. Lightsaber training and mediation were areas Ayme struggled and the escape of something familiar, like pounding her fists into the canvas bag, were welcome distractions.

With a final jab that sent the bag swinging Ayme stood breathing heavily. She could feel the pull through the Force and knew it was time to go. With a sigh she walked over and started to wipe away the sweat that was dripping down her forehead.

A familiar figure breezed by the open gym door and slapped her hand on the frame. Ayme smirked and tossed her towel in Trix’s direction then got to work gearing up for their new journey.

She entered the hangar at a trot as her eyes scanned the busy area. Her eyes landed on her master who was making preparations for their mission and she made her way over to him.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Objective: B​
Allies: GA​
Enemies: Other​
The blue light of hyperspace filled the bridge of the Tu5k-Class corvette as it hurdled through time and space, the light of the stars reflecting off of his visor. The bridge was eerily silent as the captain of the vessel was receiving reports from the Alliance. He shifted in his chair and looked to Mordecai,

"It sounds rough out there. You sure you can handle this?" A legitimate question. Ever since the Shriek-Hawks picked up enough credits to man their small fleet they had been taking jobs further and further from home. The fleet was stretched thin and all that could be offered to the Alliance was this ship and whatever men were available to fight. Still, it hurt his pride.

"Of course." He didn't need to give anymore of an answer. He turned and began making his way to the hangar. The captain was competent enough to keep the ship afloat and his men were more than capable of taking down a few wannabe stormtroopers.

The corvette exited hyperspace into the battle, guns blazing. The four gunships were out in an instant. Old as they were, the Tra'galaar shuttles were beskar plated and packed a heavy punch to anything that stood between it and its objective. The other two were old Mandalorian Gunships, a true terror in the skies but even those too were beginning to show their age. The gunships peeled away from the shuttles carrying the Mandalorian strike team to protect the corvette and decimate the starfighters.

As anti-starfighter flak burst all around them, shaking the beskar plated shuttle Mordecai looked over the men and women with him.

"Alright, power up your weapons, we're not taking any prisoners today, you shoot to kill. Anyone not wearing GA armor or wielding a red lightsaber is fair game! Oya!"

"OYA", the response came back over the coms as the shuttles burst through the atmosphere of the planet. The front facing plasma cannons laid into the unsuspecting Sith forces, blowing their troops away as they flew over head. As the engines roared and the armor plating took the punishment it was designed to Mordecai and his shock troopers leaped from the troop bays, their jet packs and repulsor packs guiding them safely onto the roof of the building. Like clockwork explosives were set up quickly, the audio dampeners in their helmets keeping their ears safe from the sound of the blast.


Several holes in the roof crumbled as the explosives breached the permacrete ceiling. Blasterfire sprayed over unsuspecting troopers as men and women in Beskar'gam preceded to wreck their faces.

Today was gonna be a good day.
Location: ANS Intervention
Objective: 2
Equipment: VT Vanguard Armor | Skywalker Saber | MP1 | Jed-Cred | Warden Cloak (see sig for details)
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Trix Bastin"] | [member="Havock"]

War. It was something the bladesman had retreated from for a bit, favoring to focus inward on his on personal compass and development. But try as he might, he still received the comms of Alliance intel and chatter. Try as he might, his feet still itched for the dance of the fight. This time, across the comms and dispatch channels for the Hounds, he had caught word of action over Karfeddion for Alliance forces. This normally wouldn't have excited him, and he would have ignored it, save for two things. [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] seemed to be heading things up for part of it, and he had been meaning to work with the man more after Roche. And secondly, this wasn't just some mindless expansion, as much had been of late. There were slaves, darkside cults, and more. Things that boiled his blood to let exist.

So he had burned atmo to the Alliance, his pilot still on her little vacation, and had docked the slightly-less-battered-than-usual Turhaya in the bay of the ANS Intervention, the YT-2400 looking almost out of place with it's gaudy paint job and colorful nature. That brought a grin to his face as he had first stepped down the ramp towards the bunks for personnel. They offered bunks specifically for Jedi, a little more comfortable and roomy, but still spartan and militaristic in nature. Julius had declined, asking for a bunk amongst the rank and file, eschewing even the officers room that the flummoxed aide-de-camp had insisted on for a Jedi. Never had he really been that much of a Jedi, and in the end he fit in better with the enlisted than most of the rest of the NJO.

As the shift happened, Julius' eyes snapped up from the sabaac cards he was holding, and smiled as he dropped the Idiot's Array down and nodded to the stunned looking dealer. It was his third winning hand of the night, unusually lucky and prosperous. If he wasn't so well known in this little make-shift 'cantina' down by the engines, where they wouldn't be noticed or disciplined by the superior commanders, some might have called him a cheat. Instead, he tapped the lad on his left and smiled at the large pot with a nod and a wink to indicate that the winnings should go to him. The kid had been talking about some girl he fancied back at the base on Sullust, about asking her to marry him but not having the money for it. And he was Corellian, to boot, so both sides of his story struck Julius' heart-strings.

"Take that. Don't spend it on booze or guns. Go buy that girl of yours a wedding she deserves, and send me an invite when it happens. I'll be sure to show up, maybe smuggle a good batch of whiskey from home for you kids. Gentleman, duty calls, i'd report to your various duty assignments quickly..."

With that, he stood and strode off, the trusted vanguard armor clanking a bit as it settled into his frame. A new warden's cloak hung on his frame, dyed a verdant green instead of the original blue, the old Corellian symbol worked on the right breast of the garment. As ever, the lightsaber of the Skywalkers hung at his left hip, bouncing freely, and on his right thigh was strapped a curious looking pistol of custom design that had served him well. Dangling from the neck, resting right where his sternum would be, on a stout beaded chain, was a Corellian jedi-credit, studded with soul diamonds, and next to it a similar medallion with words in Olys Corellisi etched on it.

Eventually as he threaded through the hallways, he spied a brown robed form he remembered well, and he supressed a wise-crack but couldn't suppress the grin that came from seeing the Jedi Master [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]. He might be lightyears more serious than Julius, but the Corellian respected him loads, and acknowledge him a moment after the grin by falling into step just behind him, managing to almost look like a proper jedi and soldier, even for him.
Objective: 2 clear out the space port
Equipment: A Lilac Coloured Lightsaber
150 thul marines/ full company
gear Infantry armour, Infantry Blaster + auxiliary grenades
Also about 12 proto type Disc Cannons (doing a second part to dev thread in here)
Allies: [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"] [member="Havock"]

The order came and her transport began it's decent, her and her troops where heading towards the space port. She had orders to seek and destroy any enemy she found holding it, and a they where possibly members of the one sith present, this only made her happy. She hated them with a vengeance, ever since they brutally vong formed alderaan, and had that creature dribble on her. Her ship bounced a lot as it entered atmosphere, and they could hear firing from the outside of the hull. Seems they where not going down without a fight.

Soon enough they landed, and the loading doors opened, as it did blaster fire began to open up at them. They had landed too close to the firing zone, and a machine gun of some sort began firing at them, and ripped into the first wave of thul troops. She was in the second she lite up her lightsaber, and began deflecting the shots back at it. This took up all her concentration, then some disc cannons moved to side of her and launched some disc at it, they fired three shot's of each, each one made a loud popping noise as they fired.

The machine gun nest had acolyte in with them, he was unaware of the disc explosive content. He blocked the first shot, BANG it went as his lightsaber hit the termite core. The explosion made hit harder to block the next two coming at him, which hit hit chest cavity and bounced off. It caved it rib cage in as it did, and then smacked one machine gun crew on the back the head killing him instantly. Ten finally it exploded, killing or wounding the rest of them. She had lost ten men to machine gun nest, and only killed five, it would have been much worse if it was not for the cannon. The pilot would have to pay for that error later, for now she had to press on, as this space port was not going to take it's self.
Location: ANS Intervention
Objective: 2
Equipment: Assorted armour | 2x Renegade blasters
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Havock"] | [member="Julius Sedaire"]

“Are you supposed to be in here?”

Trix ignored the petulant query of the marine who had ceased fiddling with his rifle and was casting a doubtful eye in her direction. He was one of a dozen soldiers currently milling in the armoury prepping for deployment, each going through the practiced dance of veterans.

Trix resisted the urge to swear at him and settled for rolling her cigarra to the other side of her mouth. She was in a battered cage set at the very rear of the armoury, usually the haunt of a quartermaster when on duty. The electronic lock had resisted her initial attempt to bypass it, prompting the use of boots and the butt of one blaster to solve the equation. The offending lock, looking significantly worse for wear, was now buried beneath the avalanche of assorted armour pieces Trix had freed from a one of the giant repair cabinets.

“Answer me,” the marine puffed his chest out and took a menacing step towards her. Another two marines, clearly less green around the gills and bored by everything, spared the pair a cursory glance before moving further away from the scene.

“You have authorisation to touch that?” The marine demanded again.

Trix tossed a dented helmet over her shoulder. She paused to take a deep drag of her cigarra, pulled a chestpiece from the rubble and set to work strapping it on.

“I’m warning you!”

Trix, now clad in the most functionable of the gear she’d be able to salvage, finally turned to face him. She wouldn’t be winning any beauty contests anytime soon – but she could take a slug in the chest and keep on breathing.

Anything but the weave robes.

​Trix eyed the skinhead before abruptly deciding to answer him. "I'm a Jedi."

The man stared at her in stunned silence, then burst out laughing.

Trix considered being offended, then tossed her head back and laughed along right with him. The sound was manic, dry and cutting enough to slice skin, and managed to clap the marine's trap immediately shut.

“Don’t worry,” Trix told him as she swept past. “It’s just a trial outreach program.”

She left the stunned marine gaping in her wake as she stepped out of the corridor. Now that she had the illusion of gear she was ready.

Find Havock first. Then Voidstalker in all of his shining glory.

After that, it was business as usual.
Objective 2
Location: ANS Intervention
[member="Trix Bastin"] / [member="Julius Sedaire"] / [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] / [member="Elaine Thul"]

Ayme smirked as Trix caught up to her. They were approaching Jacen and another man who looked vaguely familiar from the halls of the Intervention or maybe it was from Sullust. Ayme had always struggled with keeping people other than her closest friends straight in her head, they just became nameless faceless familiar figures in her world. It seemed to be another area machines would always hold a superior place in her mind. She could barely recognize people from her uncles gang yet she could spot a decent hyperdrive motivator from a mile away.

The hangers activity was picking up and ships were starting to be boarded. It wouldn't be long and they would jump into the action. Ayme was ready, she hated the waiting part of any objective. She would become antsy and fidget constantly while the time for action slowly ticked closer, the people unlucky enough to be around her bore the brunt of her anxiety.

She reached Jacen and nodded to her Master. "Morning sir, I hear we have a party to attend."


Captain Meneer Chrome
Post 1/20
Objective Two

His brief was simple. To protect the spaceport.

So he stood in line, eyes front and paying no attention to the surroundings until ordered to. The area was filled with hangars, starship repair businesses and shady cantinas. They’d seen them as they disembarked from the transports.

There was a sense of an upcoming battle. Their intel from the briefing was limited but accurate – they were to expect incoming transports. They may land adjacent to their position and engage directly, or approach by a stealthier means. The troopers would be told which was the outcome once the officers were informed.

This did not worry or frustrate OK-3103, he was used to following orders and trusted the chain of command implicitly. When he needed to know, he would be told. So he waited, standing at attention, for the Alliance to come.
Objective: Two
Location: Hangar Bay
Allies: [member="Havock"] [member="Trix Bastin"] [member="Julius Sedaire"]

“Indeed Katash, but we’re crashing the party today,” he said with just a hint of a smile. Jacen was a fairly relaxed and informal Jedi Master, but when it came to action he worked hard to lower himself into an almost meditative state where action came without delay from either emotional involvement or conscious wrangling.

“And with a green Jedi as well!” he added, meeting Sedaire’s smile. The smile evaporated as [member="Aela Talith"]’s new foul mouthed apprentice arrived. “And also…you,” he added. Already GADF soldiers were filing into their LAATs. Close air support would be clearing out the main defences as well as providing support. There was no way the Alliance was getting armour into the confines of the spaceport, so if the enemy had placed any vehicles in their path it would be on the navy to clear them out.

“That’s our ride! I am assuming,” he said, turning to Trix and Ayme, “that you have both read my guide on how not to get shot on the first day of combined arms operations? If not just don’t run in front of the soldiers without asking first.”

In his arms was a CC13 rifle. The reliable blastec weapon that was this generation’s heavy version of an E-11. When they left the hangar a pair of X-wings would be accompanying each of the shuttles into the battle.

TR-8R "Hunter"

NOT FN-2199,he and I are different
Objective 3

TR-8R had a simple job,guard the slaves captured,he didn't mind the angry yelling,it was the brave ones who kept trying to escape that ticked him off,he had recently beat one of them to the ground with his baton,they'd nearly escaped but TR caught them just before they could make it to freedom.He had many of their legs handcuffed too now,he was tired of watching them try to escape,it was pathetic.
Objective: 1
Location: Kandosii-Class Dreadnought
Allies: The Shriek-Hawk's, Galactic Alliance (Contract Confirmed)

T-minus 10....

Ordo looked out at the infinite black and its myriads upon myriads of stars. His old grey-green eyes once more surveyed the depths and reaches that though travelled were barely understood.

T-minus 9...

His mind went to another time when he was in command of fleets that made worlds quake with fear and spread the Mandalorian people across the stars. His big hand rested on the porthole as his forehead leaned against the transparisteel.

T-minus 8....

Just millimeters of transparent metal stood between him and hard vacuum as he closed his eyes and imagined what life would have been like if he had just stayed home. He would be sowing seed on the back forty, burning swaths of the eastern fields and letting them rest for a few years. Would he be drinking iced tea right now? Would his young children be rambling on about their new game? Would he just be holding his riduur and watching another Okyaab sun set?

T-minus 7....

Hyperspace would be coming soon and they had agreed to do a job. Dark acolytes, space stations, stormtroopers, and slaves all things he had spent more than 30 years fighting already. He didn't know if the galaxy would ever change.

T-minus 6.....

His eyes opened and he saw his reflection in the porthole. Skin like leather with enough scars to make a topographic map jealous and eyes that had seen more than enough for any one life time stared back. Was that really his face? Did he really look so weathered? He supposed so.

T-minus 5....

Troops moved around going to their stations as the hyperdrive prepped for launch. It was a skeleton crew at best, mostly family really, old war horses like him that were just too stubborn or too scared to let the military life go. He had only taken men and women that had volunteered. If they had new families or just felt unsure, he left them home. No one should go to war with doubts even just a contract like this. Doubt led to fear and he knew too well where that could lead the mind.

T-minus 4...

His short cropped brown hair with more than its share of grey showed from under the sides of a black bandana as he closed his eyes again and heard the ship go quiet behind him. Everyone was in position. Everyone was ready and the Galactic Alliance would get the help it needed to make this assault quick. He thought about how much it would cost them in credits for their service and tried to gauge what it would cost them in lives if they went in alone. It wasn't an easy comparison to make.

T-minus 3....

He took a deep breath. His big barrel chest expanding as the air filled his lungs like two balloons and then sunk as he slowly exhaled.

T-minus 2....

His eyes opened to see the stars in the distance begin to elongate into infinity as the hyperdrive went active. The ship seemed to stretch out to catch the light as it raced off into the unknown.

T-minus 1.....

The galaxy seemed to slow for that moment and he could almost imagine that the galaxy was as beautiful as it had always looked when he was a boy.


The ship disappeared into hyperspace with a blink and they found themselves in the swirling blue cloud they knew so well. Ordo pushed away from the bulkhead and began walking to the hanger and his fighters. It was a ragtag bunch of ships and they had more ships than pilots this time but they would help clear the skies for the Jetiise and everyone knew Mandalorians had the best fighter pilots in the galaxy. Ordo being the best of them. He walked in and looked at his crew. They were an ugly bunch but good at what they did and who was he to judge anyway.

He found his ship and the others just began doing what they needed to do to prepare for the assault. He ran a heavy hand o'er the hull and checked the external readouts on the maintenance datapad before he began climbing into the ship and putting on his buy'ce. Mand'alor's mask meant little to the Mandalorians these days, but he liked the way it felt and that would be enough.

"Real space in T-minus 20 minutes and counting." he said over the squadron comm, "Check in."
LOCATION: Southern Continent: Dark side of planet
OBJECTIVE: THREE -Slave pens cover huge swathes of territory. Bring down the slave masters and assist in the humanitarian effort to set up camps and get then returned to their homeworld.
ALLIES: Micah Talith | @Vexen | [member="Loske Matson"]

[ Yeah Vex. Crystal Clear. ]

There was a distinct edge in his voice as it crackled through Vex's comm. Much like his mother, Micah had a low tolerance when it came to slavery. Kira Liadain had once been a slave, and in that, had instilled the notion that a sapiant's life was their own and that it was a right that should not be taken away. This, what he caught on the feed within his HUD, made Micah's fingers twitch.

They were here to be the first wave; set the traps and to bring down the slave masters. Vex, being tiny as she was, was working alongside with Micah to get the preliminary intel on what they had to work with. Who they were dealing with, and what sort of security measures they had. They were working together, Micah didn't want to split up quite yet. Everything was in preparation for what was to come.

They had a rendezvous with the other members of the team at a designated area about five klicks from the slave pens. Their contact was [member="Loske Matson"], an unfamiliar name but hey, he didn't ask questions. He simply gave results.

[See if you can set up that computer spike on their terminals. Be careful. ] he warned her. He wasn't far. If anything happened, he would jump in, but there went their element of surprise.
[member="Loske Matson"] [member="Micah Talith"]
LOCATION: Dark side of planet, southern continent.

There were two beeps of acknowledgement as Vexen decided to tap her comm rather than risk talking. Having moved back to the watchtower door, her paw was now a few inches from the lock. Stretching out with the Force, she manipulated the lock until it gave with a quiet click.

Dart gun in hand, she stayed deathly still and waited until she was content the lone guard hadn't heard a thing. Given the wind up here, he'd certainly notice when she opened the door.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

Yet her paw lingered on that door handle for seconds that seemed to stretch out. With a quiet grumble of annoyance at herself she sprung into action.

One smooth motion. Door open, pistol brought around. A barely audible click and then there was a dart protruding from the back of the guard's neck. He slumped back in his chair and she pulled the door closed again.

"Got it," she called as she found a spare socket. Then she started using her sensitive eyes and the IR modes on the camera to start plotting out guard positions and paths in her tablet. The diagrams would be synchronised with any other Alliance personally in the vicinity.
Objective: 2 clear out the space port
Equipment: A Lilac Coloured Lightsaber
140 thul marines/ full company (10 injured/dead)
gear Infantry armour, Infantry Blaster + auxiliary grenades
Also about 12 proto type Disc Cannons (doing a second part to dev thread in here)
Allies: [member="Julius Sedaire"] [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"] [member="Havock"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="OK-3103"]

Her troops finally of the shuttle began to form up, with the scout unit's taking point and the main infantry behind them. They here about roughly a hundred meters from them, and behind them was the disc cannon squad. They had landed to close to the space port, and as such she was expecting higher than initially intend resistance. Her troops fanned out towards the main building, every so often a fire fight would erupt. This was only the beginning, this was the weaker troops of the enemy, sent to where down her troops. Every so often the disc cannons would fire on building, the disc where more or less spinning bouncing mines. This was clearing out troops hidden in buildings, and causing untold damage to the inside of the building.

Her men where no having all one way, every so often a machine gun nest would pop up and kill a squad, only to be put down by squad near them, this was slow and painful going.

TR-8R "Hunter"

NOT FN-2199,he and I are different

TR-8R had begun patrolling around the slaves,walking back and fourth.He was feeling drowsy,he didn't remember how long he'd been standing around.He continued walking,thinking to himself When this this dang slave op gonna end?He had no clue,he stared at the slaves and his Z6 stun baron popped out of it's holster.He saw the fire in their eyes,so he menacingly began doing some sick spins with it,ready to whack any one of them with a painful electric shock.As he did so,the slaves' faces lit up with fear,TR-8R gave a small smile under his helmet,as he stopped spinning the baton,and with a pop it went back into it's holster
Objective 2
Location: Hangar Bay of ANS Intervention
Allies: [member="Trix Bastin"] / [member="Julius Sedaire"] / [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] / [member="Elaine Thul"]

Ayme smirked at the mention of Jacen’s guide. She couldn’t help but remember her first week in the Academy where he had introduced her to the guide. Then he spent the next few days making her recite the rules during their sparring session. She had bruises for a month to remind her of each and every one.

Ayme adjusted her twin blaster pistols which attached to the back of her utility belt. She had always been a decent shot and since her lightsaber skills were still a work in progress she liked having the back up.

With a final roll of her shoulders, Ayme started making her way towards the LAAT. “Last one on the transport is a poodoo eating gundark.”
Location: Staging and Departure Area, Slave Pens
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="TR-8R"] "Hunter"
Enemies: [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Vexen"] | [member="Loske Matson"]


Truth be told, Cameron had long since become numb to the entire concept. He did, however, find it amusing that so many people chose to be so dramatically animated in their reactions to slavery throughout the galaxy. If a sapient did not desire to be a slave, then it was incumbent upon them to develop the ability to escape, resist, or otherwise change their station in life. bad, so sad, life wasn't fair.

A soft breeze drifted on the cool night air of the planet's southern continent, causing the dark blue and gray cloak adorning the Sith Lord's body to ripple slightly. The planet made an ideal location for the First Order to house and indoctrinate their slaves prior to being shipped offworld for assignments of import. Outsiders were, typically, forbidden on the planet simply due to its very rich history in slavery.

Naturally...Cameron didn't actually care about any of that. He was here for one simple yet definitively irritating reason. As part of some sort of trial run with this new government, he was charged with assisting in the buildup of the First Order's capital. While Imperials were used in a variety of supervisory or roles of import, there was no wasting of Imperial personnel on mundane tasks such as construction...not really. For that, work requirements were outsourced to a variety of populations stemming from various systems.

Karfeddion had...recently fallen off track a bit. As a result, Cameron had spent a brief three day sojourn on the planet's surface to get things back on track. Standing near the edge of the raised landing platform, the Sith Lord's silver-green gaze peered out from beneath the hood of his cloak and drifted from the loading of transports back to the pens where several slaves were still awaiting processing for transport to various Imperial project sites. He paid little attention to the troopers working the fence lines and even less to the indigenous slave masters that seemed to delight in uselessly beating the slaves.

At least, they had prior to Cameron's arrival. Slaves beaten to a pulp were useless to him when they arrived at their destination. It effected their work capacity which directly resulted in missed deadlines or poor quality work. Cameron certainly was not going to try and explain to [member="Natasi Fortan"] why he couldn't oversee the simplest of tasks because the workforce was being outright neglected. Yes, they were slaves, but they had to be effective slaves.

The Sith Lord's solution was simple. Standards of behavior would be ruthlessly enforced with all those the First Order paid for. In short, failure to comply with any instruction or meet any standard would result in example by death. Naturally, merely killing off slaves wouldn't prove much...some probably moronically would prefer death to slavery. As such, Cameron coupled his disciplinary inclinations with desirable reward for those that excelled.

The First Order would reward those that were deserving. If you were not deserving, however...

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