Image Credit: MeckanicalMind
Intent: To have Factory ships so people can stop going "lel antiques" at the One Sith
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: One Sith Ministry of War in cooperation with at least:
- Arakyd Industries - Weaponry, Targeting Systems, & Controls
- FlightUnlimited Group - Engines
- General Spacetronics - General purpose electronics
- Koros Spaceworks - EPC
- Merthyog Communications - Communication systems
- Nubia Star Drives, Inc. - Interior Design
- Starshipwrights and Aerospace Engineers, Inc. - Helm systems
- Taerab Starship Manufacturing - Hull
- TransGalMeg Industries - Power generation and distribution
Affiliation: One Sith
Modularity: None
Production: Mass-production
Material: Durasteel
Classification: Assault Heavy Cruiser
Role: Space superiority
Height: 100 meters
Width: 120 meters
Length: 625 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1.0
Minimum Crew: 3,000
Optimal Crew: 6,000
- 5 Heavy Long-Range Dual Mass Driver Cannons
- 8 Heavy Long-Range Turbolaser Cannons
- 15 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
- 15 Heavy Ion Cannons
- 20 Turbolaser Cannons
- 10 Proton Torpedoes
- 10 Heavy Proton Torpedoes
- 15 Quad Laser Cannons
- 15 Flak Cannons
- 16 Gunships
- 8 Dropships
- 6 Heavy Dropships
- Deflector Shield Generator (x2)
- Advanced Targeting Systems
- Communications Array
- Encryption Network
- Escape Pods
- Holonet Transceiver
- Standard Detention Cells
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Sensor Array
- Tractor Beam (x2)
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 7
The Vanguard-class Heavy Cruiser was designed via multiple contractors from Coruscant while being organized by the One Sith. Rather than assume all engineering duties, the One Sith simply delegated such tasks to specialized companies that would build engines or shield generators or starship hulls. The One Sith state took a management approach to the design of the Vanguard by stipulating project requirements with strict oversight of contractor achievements. This allowed for the new government to organize the creation of starships without a major company such as Kuat Drive Yards.
Designed for space superiority, the Vanguard was among the first starships of the One Sith that were produced. It boasted comparable firepower to other Heavy Cruisers along with comparable defenses. Via heavy firepower and defenses like other assault ships, the Vanguard posed a danger to any enemy ships simply by its own strength rather than the support of starfighters. Its wedge design allowed for maximum forward firing output with minimal exposure.
The heavy use of turbolasers, ion cannons, and proton torpedoes solidified the Vanguard as an anti-capital ship Heavy Cruiser. It also had moderate tertiary defenses beyond its shields in the form of point defenses. Room for the shield generators was made by foregoing extra-thick hulls that were typical for Assault Heavy Cruisers. The Vanguard's laser cannons were quick to target and fire lightly armored ships while flak cannons provided excellent defense against starfighters and missiles with its reflective flak countering target systems as well as shredding very lightly armored starships.
Its accompanying non-combative attachments were fairly standard for assault craft. Its targeting systems were comparable to other assault Heavy Cruisers and featured a robust but secure communication system that would be funneled to more sophisticated support ships. Its sensor array was also fairly standard as it relied heavily on more advanced ships' sensors. It also featured a couple tractor beams in order to detain ships. Among the most welcomed features of the Vanguard was the inclusion of 512 cute astromech droids. Mouse droids would also frequent the halls both to gather information on seditious folk and clean the floors.