Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Though what the trigger happy man stated was correct, the Jedi still held some power, and if they saw it fit to apprehend a criminal of sort, their was nothing really stopping them from doing so, and it app this person did not know that. When another blaster round was fired to no where in particular her temper started to boil. Everything was going partially well, and this guy was jeopardizing a peaceful-is resolution, by being a complete nut job, spouting random question and asking an unnecessary amount of question. What confused her even more was the persons presence in the first place, they guy look rather stuff and down on his luck, what possible reason could they have in coming here, their was nothing left of value, or anyplace for him to reside, as it appeared, and smelt like the man had not taken a bath in days, or slept anywhere, clean.

Once the blaster started being waved around she decided to take action against the deranged guy, their was not point in him being her besides creating more conflict, and after refusing to lower his weapon, was not demanding the Jedi do the same. Her expression change to a frown, no longer caring about the other's in the group she strode over to the man as he lay on the group tapping his weapon like an idiot. Getting close again she ignited her purple blade, and aimed it at his blaster, intent on cutting it to peaces if he didn't put it away, "Even if the Jedi don't have authority here, they still have enough power to end your life in a flash, and the same goes for me, though I'm not anywhere as nice, or quick".

She moved the blade around around his body up his arm and to his neck, "Is suggest you do what the Jedi asked before making demands and question of your own, and if you don't, I'll just destroy the blaster". She may have been over reacting but certain experiences with certain all knowing but at the same time care free 'I don't care' people made her have a distaste for their kind, and as such was willing to use more, extreme method to shut him up. Though what he said about mister assassin was true, if the guy viewed any of them as a threat she could be certain that a target was pained on her back, especially since he had been seen by them all.

[member="Lancer Damar"]/[member="Noviac Caligo"]/[member="Eri'anya Forr"]/[member="Charity Luckless"]/[member="Kirill Bratan"]
Thankfully, the children had withdrawn their weapons without pulling any potentially provocative stunts. What kind of saber-wielding pests was she dealing with now? Were these kids actually in touch with the Force in some way? Now everyone felt like a threat--everyone except Eri'anya.

It was in Charity's interest to make sure there were no more corpses today. Eri'anya's move towards the last place they had seen the shadowy assassin bothered her, however. The shorter Jedi had impressed her with a more active personality since they first met, but sometimes it seemed like she was intentionally looking for a reason to get absorbed into conflict. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but she worried that it was dangerous to maintain such a bold approach to events such as this one. Her stomach knotted with the tension as she awaited a sign to confirm that Eri'anya was alright.

She breathed a silent sigh when her partner returned to the doorway, but her relaxed composure would not last long. The wild caricature to her side wasn't done with his crazed antics. He daringly fired at his own feet defiantly, spouting off sharp and recalcitrant words. They shocked her in a way. His bitter tongue spat on about his discomfort with the current condition of things. Not that she could blame him, but his chatter pricked her tranquil soul; gnashed at her equilibrium. He spoke truth in most of his monologue, and, admittedly, none of it was unreasonable coming from his point of view.

But there was something in the way he acknowledged and spoke to her. It cut. It hurt. Charity's eyes grew soft, an unstable mix of insult and compassion melding inside. Was it wrong for her to take offense; assume disrespect? Did she not deserve his respect? Did everyone not understand that she was a Jedi, and her only goal was the protection of everyone within this courtyard at this moment?

Even as he finally lowered his firearm, she wasn't completely satisfied. What he had said to her had burned into her heart like an acid. But people had been rude to her before, so why did this hurt her? You don't have authority out here, Jedi, echoed in her mind, grinding into her like a potter's hand to the spinning clay. He was right. But what was wrong with being a Jedi?

The feisty girl interrupted her self-reflection, and a somewhat disheartened Charity waved off her passionate speech. "No... No, he is right." Do I belong here?

[member="Lancer Damar"], [member="Noviac Caligo"], [member="Eri'anya Forr"], [member="Sky'ito Yumi"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"], [member="Kirill Bratan"]
Tanaski just gave a quick shrug at the scene, no one was going to take the holo projector and the messaged inside it, his sister was off threatening some homeless guy, the other Jedi was off tiring to find and arrest the rash assassin, while the purple haired one was contemplating their life and purpose for some reason. As for his former partner, they had just been standing around for not real reason.

"Gees fine ill do it, no one else seems to have gotten the memo", though to be honest Tanaski would probably be the best person to receive this massage, his profession and last few jobs on the planet giving him a decent idea on what to expect. Walking forward ignoring the others took the projector out of the garuds hand, but gestured for them to keep their weapons. "No reason to drop the gun boys, even more so with a assassin out for your heads on the loose".

After taking the projector the youngster took a few steps back, just in-case someone else wanted to listen in, and proceeding activate it, slightly interested in what the message might say.

/ [member="Lancer Damar"] / [member="Noviac Caligo"] / [member="Eri'anya Forr"] / [member="Charity Luckless"] / [member="Kirill Bratan"] /
General of the Hutt Army, Director of Slaving
[member="Tanaski Yumi"][member="Charity Luckless"][member="Sky'ito Yumi"]

The soldiers agreed it was best to keep their weapons but since they were still being held in place with the force, they couldn't drop them anyway. The holoprojector came on when Tanaski activated it. There standing was a man in a very nice suit and almost bald.

"Greetings Jedi. I see you have met my men. They ate there to only give you a message and nothing more....unless you tried to kill them Then they would defend themselves. As for me I am known as Kirill Brantan. I am a very high level agent for the Hutt Cartel."

"I have many resources at my disposal and have been instructed to assist you all in your mission. I highly suggest that you take me up on this very nice offer because the alternative would not suit you at all. Please come to the Palace restaurant in the Promenade And tell the door guard that you are there to see me. He will escort you to my table and from there we can talk. My guards will show you the way if you would like. If not then they will stay in the courtyard And do crowd control. I hope to see you all very soon. Have a pleasant day."

Then the holoprojector turned off.
Keeping a suspicious eye in the direction of the vanished assassin, Eri'anya took a few steps closer to the boy holding the holoprojector. They remaining men had asked for the Jedi, after all, and as such whatever message came through would be meant for Charity and herself. There was an undeniable strangeness pervading the night's events, what with the hanging bodies, assassinations, arson, and smelly strays, but perhaps the man on the other end of the communicator could provide some much-needed context.

What appeared was the holographic image of a man. He was well dressed and losing his hair, that much was clear, but the diminutive Knight could tell little more from the brief glance she afforded the device. She was not quite ready to let down her guard, her reservations only deepening when he mentioned the Hutts. The Cartel had a hand in countless shady enterprises, and Nar Shaddaa was home to some of the most heinous. It also didn't help that, despite the amicable tone the man used, there was a rather transparent, threatening undertone to his offered assistance. The whole think stank, but Eri'anya was fairly sure that ignoring the man's offer would make things worse.

Taking a final, lasting look toward the back of the cafe, Eri'anya finally let out the breath she had been holding. Plenty of time had passed for the killer to escape into the night, and while her instincts were telling her to go after him for the crimes she witnessed, she also knew that she had missed her window for an easy chase. The message and invitation had taken precious time, and now she was better served seeing what this Kirill Bratan wanted.

Retaking her dropped composure, The small Jedi pulled her cloak tightly around her frame before walking back into the courtyard proper. She could hardly abandon her fellow Jedi to the weirdness of tonight, and it was a pair of Jedi that had received the invitation. Nodding a gesture of mutual good will to the surviving, cooperative men, Eri'anya flashed them a smile that failed to reach her eyes. "Take these bodies down, the authorities need to be told what happened here. I can find my own way." She made a mental note to look for the Palace restaurant, quickly entering the name into her datapad for later as she approached the much taller Jedi.

In a conscious effort not to incite any more seemingly random blaster fire, Eri gave the the billowing sleeve of her friend a gentle tug, just as she had before. Charity's downcast eyes made it easy to meet her gaze, despite the staggering disparity between their respective heights. No words needed to be spoken at this moment. She would tell her if she truly was not alright, and they could unpack this crazy night once they finally saw it end together. With one final tug, Eri let go of the sleeve, endeavoring to keep walking until the smell of fresh death left her nose.

[member="Charity Luckless"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Noviac Caligo"] [member="Kirill Bratan"] [member="Barnabas Harou"] [member="Lancer Damar"]

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