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Vaun Family Bios

NAME: Mereel Vaun
FACTION: Clan Vaun | Republic Remnant | Resistance
RANK: Exile | Freelance Operative | Freelance Operative
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.82 Meters (5'11")
WEIGHT: 173 lbs.
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian.



- Stubborn: Mereel, like many mandalorians, can be very hard to dissuade from a cause, even if it is wrong.

- Civillian-Minded: Mereel may not order or carry out commands which would cause direct harm to the every-day civilian. Spice runners and drug dealers on the other hand...

- Slow to Trust: Mereel's time spent keeping track of his father's smugglers has made him more than cautious about trusting people he is just meeting.

- Alcoholic: Combat scenarios have taken a psychological toll on Mereel, and because of this he frequently hits the bottle before combat and before sleeping.


+ Military Focus: Mereel has spent three years serving Mandalore in combat theaters as a frontline soldier. Danger is thoroughly acquainted with Mereel.

+ Physically Fit: Mereel keeps himself in shape in order to fight effectively as a soldier and mercernary.

+ Loyalty/Determination: Once Mereel is bought off or has set a goal for himself it will not be easy to stop him from completing his task.

+ Hawkeye: Mereel has excellent aim (when dealing with npcs) and eyesight.


Mereel is by no means a giant, but he stays active and fit, which is important for someone with his lifestyle. Mereel keeps his face shaven and his hair short, and has a lean but muscular build.


Mereel was born on Mandalore into the Vaun family as the second born son, Mereel had an older brother but he died at a young age. Clan Vaun was not a typical Mandalorian clan. Mereel's parent's did not have the mindset of contributing warriors to the cause of Mandalore, instead they focused on increasing their own wealth.

Mereel's parents succeeded in their quest for material wealth, but they often did it through illegal methods. Over time, clan Vaun started becoming less of a true Mandalorian clan, and more of a crime syndicate. The family became so wealthy through their illegal dealings that they were known throughout several neutral systems near Mandalore.

Clan Vaun's criminal reputation eventually lead to a confrontation with Mandalorian authorities, which lead to the clan fleeing to Glacies Domum in the Unknown Regions when Mereel was only eight years old. It was on this planet that Mereel was truly raised.

Unlike other Mandalorians who were trained to fight for the cause of the Mand'alor. Mereel was trained to fight in order to keep his father's spice runners in check. The first time he had to kill one of his father's spice runners was on his sixteenth birthday.

During one of his missions to return a rogue spice runner to his father's estate, Mereel came into contact with a Jedi master who sensed Mereel's connection to the force. Upon meeting the Jedi master, Mereel was promptly informed that he was force sensitive, and that he could leave behind his family ties and join the Jedi order as a padawan learner.

Mereel initially ignored the master's offer, and joined up with a crime organization called the Jusik Crime Syndicate at the age of 20. He served as a bounty hunter in the organization. At the age of 22, Mereel joined a Mandalorian faction called Death Watch, which lead to him being captured by ewoks for three years. Once free Mereel eventually joined the Jedi order at the age of 26.

Mereel was a Jedi Padawan for less than a week, and in this week he made very little progress in his ability to use the force in any sense. However, Mereel's time with the Jedi was not pointless, while in the order Mereel learned more about himself than he ever did while working for his father. Then the Republic fell to the One Sith, and Mereel's training plans were thrown out the airlock.

After the fall of the Republic, Mereel fell away from the order and became a mercenary for a time. At 26, Mereel returned to Mandalore and fought in many battles on the front-lines alongside his kinsmen. Mereel admired the bond that the Mandalorians shared with eachother, but he became disillusioned with battles that didnt directly involve the safety of Mandalore or her people.

Even so, Mereel hopes to return to his father's estate one day in order to restore any sense of honor to clan Vaun.

Mereel has lived the life of a nomad ever since the fall of the Republic. Mereel's only possessions are a retro-fitted ARC-170 starfighter which was given to him by his father to hunt a spice runner, his armor, and his blasters.

Force Abilities:

Force Sense 4/10

Force Telekenesis
- Force Push: 2/10
- Force Pull: 2/10

ARMOR: Second Son's Armor

SHIPS: Death Bucket - A rebuilt ARC-170, the Iviin'yc - a heavily modified CR90 retrofitted for speed.

None (yet, I'll be looking for you ewoks, I still remember the Mustafar incident.)




Chronological Order:

Time for a Training Montage: - Mereel participates in a bounty hunter's guild group exercise. [Incomplete. Listed here to show the start of Mereel's time spent as a free lancer.]

Escape from Endor-catraz: - Auri Vesta busts Mereel out of an Ewok cage.
Chorus of Chaos: - Mereel and other Deathwatch members activate Mandalore's planetary shield to aid the rebellion against the Dominion.

Morally Questionable/Good Citizens do Their Part: - Mereel joins an oddball team to kill a corrupt senator/sith. Mereel reevaluates his life choices and priorities.

Jade Moon: - Mereel's first time being force feared. Mereel's hatred of the Sith begins to dissolve.

A Republic in Pieces: - Mereel travels to Teth to find a remnant of the Republic. While he fails his mission, he and a Sith Knight become unexpected allies.

Safe Harbor - Ongoing

Loss of Many - Mereel runs into Darth SiRiDio again, this time at a bar. Mereel's hatred toward all Sith is pretty much gone at this point.

One Hundred Eight Hours - Mereel travels with Auri Vesta on a mission to refuel a Resistance fleet.

Trouble on Takodana - Ongoing

The Beginning of an Apprenticeship: - Ongoing
NAME: Detrik Vaun

FACTION: Clan Vaun

RANK: Alor of Clan Vaun


HOMEWORLD: Mandalore

AGE: 59

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'1"

WEIGHT: 194 pounds

EYES: Right brown, left white

HAIR: Black with hints of Grey

SKIN: White




+ Old Man Strength: Detrik is surprisingly strong for his age. He is physically capable of squaring off with much younger men.

+ Skilled with a Blade: Despite his current circumstances, Detrik was once a valiant and perhaps even honorable Mandalorian Warrior. His weapon of choice whenever he went into battle was a vibroblade.

+ Money: Because of his activity in spice dealing and other illegal affairs, Detrik has acquired quite a fortune.


{±} Fierce - When in combat or when dealing with matters he truly cares about, Detrik fights or interacts using all of the power of his emotions.

{±} Ruthless - Detrik will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, no matter the cost and no matter how long it takes.

{±} Materialistic - Detrik is obsessed with wealth and power.

{±} Amoral - Detrik has stopped caring about the morality of his actions long ago. Whatever makes money, gives him power, or achieves his goals is what dictates his actions.

{±} Cold - Detrik is completely devoid of any love or kindness. Those emotions were severely wounded at the death of his original Clan-mates, and killed with his wife and son.


- Reckless: Detrik Vaun was able to rise to prominence in the Unknown Region's spice trade with little serious opposition. Years upon years of unchallenged success have made him believe that he is unbeatable.

- Stubborn: Detrik is as stubborn as an ox. It's his way or the highway.

- Justified: Detrik more or less believes that the galaxy owes him, and almost always feels justified in his own actions and decisions.

- Poor Vision: Detrik was rendered blind in one eye by a Jedi's lightsaber blade. He has never gotten a cybernetic replacement, and the vision in his right eye is pretty poor. He can only see things clearly if they are within 5 meters of him.


Detrik Vaun is 6'1" tall, has pale-colored white skin (from always wearing his armor whenever he goes out) and maintains a muscular build for a man in his late 50's. Detrik's body brandishes many scars, most of which are vibroblade cuts and bruises from blaster bolts impacting his armor and blunt weapons striking him during combat.

Detrik also has a burn mark that runs along for an inch on both sides of his left eye, a blemish that he received from a Jedi's lightsaber during a fight. Detrik has black hair with some shades of grey cropping up on the fringes.


Detrik Vaun was born on Mandalore into a small but otherwise typical Mandalorian clan. He was taught to live by the resol'nare, learned to fight while he was still a child, fought with his family when the Mand'alor beckoned them, and did everything typical of the model Mandalorian. Detrik lived an incredibly happy and relatively care free existence until his mid-twenties, which is when the entirety of Clan Vaun besides Detrik was either declared KIA or MIA in a single multi-day battle with a slaver fleet in the Er'Kit system. When Detrik got back to Mandalorian space, he returned to the clan compound alone.

Detrik was a single man left with the task of restoring an entire clan, but he didn't start this task immediately. First he spent a few months maintaining the compound alone, asking himself how to prevent what had happened to him - to prevent losing everyone he loved - from ever happening again. He wasn't force sensitive, he couldn't use some grand force technique to bolster everyone's spirits in battle, and Mandalorian Iron only protected people from physical attacks on the wearer, it couldn't save your family members from dying in the cold vacuum of space, and even the most intensive and detailed military planning could never save everyone in a fight.

The only path that Detrik saw that he could take if he wanted to prevent being alone again was to abandon the sixth tenet of the Resol'nare. He would no longer answer the call of the Mand'alor, from now on he would only march to the beat of his own drum, and he would raise a clan from the ashes of Clan Vaun that answered only to itself.

Detrik went on a massive recruiting spree, targeting impoverished non-Mandalorians and degenerates that he found during his travels with promises of a better future he was able to quickly build the Clan's numbers. During the early years of clan-building, Detrik trained each and every newcomer personally in the ways of a slightly distorted version of the Resol'nare, replacing answering the call of the Mand'alor with answering the call of the clan's Alor. If a person failed to meet his standards, he would kill them in front of the others with his vibroblade. This only happened twice.

Eager to see how loyal these converts were, Detrik quickly tested their mettle in a long-term, highly unethical mission to claim vengeance on the Er'Kit slavers. Lacking the numbers to take on the slavers in a direct conflict, Detrik conceived a dubious and convoluted plot to hurt the slavers and their profit margins on Er'Kit at the same time: buy a bunch of spice in bulk, find a way to make it look like an adrenal, pitch it to the slavers as a stimulant for their slaves, and then once the slavers have been giving it to their slaves for a few months, cut the supply and intercept and destroy any suppliers who might curb the side effects of spice withdrawal.

The plan went off without a hitch, resulting in the deaths of countless slaves and many of the slave masters who had continuously tested the slave's "stimulants" for themselves. The mission's success gave Detrik three things: proof that his new Clan was loyal, a sense of fulfilled revenge, and enough credits to buy more defenses and arms for his Clan and his homestead. This trial into the spice trade had been beneficial to the Clan, and Detrik saw no need to change things. He continued operating in the spice trade as he expanded Clan Vaun. During this time, Detrik got married to a woman named Y'vitii and had twin sons. The first son, Emil Vaun died shortly after childbirth. The second son, Mereel did not suffer the same fate, but Detrik's wife was a sickly woman, and died during the operation.

Distraught by the loss of his wife and son, Detrik slipped into a state of continuous-drunkenness that lasted several years, and left the raising of his son during this period to his most trusted enforcers. Eventually Detrik's illegal dealings caught up to him, and him and his clan were forced to flee Mandalore. The Clan ran all the way until they reached a planet named Glacies Domum in the Unknown Regions, where they set up shop in the form of a castle in a desolate geyser basin.

The ordeal forced Detrik to retake control of Clan Vaun, and he stopped drinking. But he always felt like something was missing from his life, and the part of him that could be kind or loving had left his life with his wife and first son.

Despite not feeling any love toward the boy, Detrik taught his son Mereel the only things he had left to offer. He taught the boy his version of the Resol'nare and personally oversaw the development of all of its tenets in the child. He held nothing of his business away from his son, even going as far as to give his son the task of hunting down and executing smugglers who crossed the Clan's spice deals once the boy turned sixteen.

Eventually, Mereel, the last trace of his family, rebelled against Detrik and fled the Clan Vaun Estate. Unlike the previous losses, Detrik did not feel sad, he felt angry. Ever since his son's departure, he has been ordering underlings to hunt Mereel in some way or another. All the while, he has been building Clan Vaun's presence in the Unknown Regions with ease.


Wrath (Tempus-class Star Frigate)




NAME: Brieda Vaun
FACTION: Clan Vaun
RELATION: Daughter of the A'lor of Clan Vaun
HOMEWORLD: Glacies Domum
AGE: 17
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'3" Unarmored, 5'5" in full Beskar'gam.
WEIGHT: 117 pounds
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Brunette
SKIN: Caucasian, pale tone



+ Armor:

+ Lucky:


- Stubborn:

- Sheltered:










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