Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Veil of Shadows

TAG: Aleena Aryss Aleena Aryss
GEAR: Normal Clothing
The planet of Veridian IV, said to be a remote and enigmatic with a bustling economy. Independent, fiercely in that regard. The power goes to the people, people with deep pockets tend to control the governments and businesses, but not in the typical sense of corruption. Rather, they actually ensure that there's a consistent workforce. A international organisation known as the Veridian Labor Consortium, or "VLC" for short ensures that workers right are paramount, and anyone has the right to rise granted their background and skills add up. The Alliance had issues trying to get the planet under the wing of the alliance, ergo why a batch of spies were planted to integrate into their society.

The Shadow Vanguard. An alliance branch of spies that has a good track record, up until this planet. They've been in contact for years and then suddenly... they've gone quiet. The alliance fears that something has happened to them or worse, they've gone rogue. Corbin's break ended earlier than suspected and he thought that he'd be placed in a new battalion... but instead, he's been given command of a batch of freshly trained operatives, and a Jedi Knight would be accompanying them.

Corbin felt like he's being tested, and he didn't aim to fail. They were currently on Coruscant, but the idea is to get onto a travelling starship to the planet, public transport of sorts. Arriving in an alliance starship could be... complicated, especially since they have no details about what happened. As such, Corbin scheduled for the operatives, himself and the Jedi Knight to meet in the space hanger by the afternoon.


He was already there, but instead geared in civilian clothes, and expected his troopers, as well as the Jedi Knight to do the same, ensuring he messaged them as early as he could with regards to that. In other words, the idea is to make themselves not look like they're apart of the alliance, and in the Jedi's case, not apart of the Jedi Order.

He'd explain everything once everyone is present and accounted for.


It had been a little while since Aleena's last assignment away from the Temple. At her own request, she had spent some more time on Coruscant to assist her fellow Jedi, teach classes about healing and taking care of plants and animals, and perfect her own skills. She had learned the hard way that she wasn't ready to be thrown into a war, but as a Jedi, she felt that it was crucial she could her own in a fight as well. Many times, Jedi healers were requested at the front after all, to heal those wounded in combat.

So now that she finally felt ready again, she had requested an assignment from the Council, and Master Valery Noble had been quick about assigning her to a soldier she had worked with herself. She wasn't quite sure why she was joining for a mission that seemed to not really require a healer, but she wanted to prove herself, so she didn't complain.

Dressed up in a dress of smooth silk, and with a backpack on her back, Aleena entered the spaceport soon after. She didn't really look like a Jedi unless she was wearing robes, and with her lightsaber hidden away in a purse, she felt confident that nobody would notice. Her demeanor had never really made her look like the legendary defenders of peace either, so she easily managed to blend into the crowd.

"Lieut- uh, Mr. Valor?" Aleena asked after approaching the man she recognized from the files she was sent, her tone gentle and her smile soft.

"I'm Aleena Aryss."


TAG: Aleena Aryss Aleena Aryss
GEAR: Normal Clothing
Corbin turned to face Aleena, a mix of surprise and curiosity evident in his expression. He was a tall and rugged soldier, with a stern but approachable demeanor. He glanced at Aleena's elegant attire, momentarily caught off guard by her non-traditional Jedi appearance, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Ah, understood," he responded, extending his hand for a handshake. "I'm Lieutenant Corbin Valor, but please, just call me Corbin. It's a pleasure to meet you." his eyes scanned her over. The only exposure he's had to a Jedi were Valery, some of them back at the Imperial Fortress they raided together and now her. Were all Jedi humans? He'd have to give a proper visit sometime, see the different types of Jedi there were... but that's for another time.

"While we might not be going into direct combat, having a skilled Jedi healer like yourself can be invaluable in various situations. We'll be dealing with a group that's gone rogue, and we don't know what we might encounter. Your healing expertise could make all the difference." and it didn't take long for the rest of the squad to come along. A group of newly minted operatives eager to prove themselves, all in casual clothes as requested.

Sergeant Marius, a seasoned human veteran stepped forward to address Aleena and Corbin. He had a strong and commanding presence, with scars etched across his face, a testament to the battles he had fought. "I'm Sergeant Marius, I'm the most experienced out of this group. I've dealt in training these new ones, and I can attest first-hand that they have the spirit and determination to get this done."

Next up is a young human woman with a sharp gaze and a wiry frame, to which she stepped forward. "I'm Private Raine, sir," she said, saluting with a mix of nervousness and determination. "I specialize in reconnaissance and stealth operations. Ready to do whatever it takes to support the team."

Shortly after, a tech-savvy twi'lek trooper with a calm demeanor, spoke up next. "Private Lira here, sir," she said, adjusting her goggles. "I'm in charge of all things technical—hacking, slicing, you name it. I'll keep our systems running smoothly."

And finally, a sturdy and muscular trooper with a friendly smile spoke up at last. "Private Jax reporting, sir," he said with a nod. "I'm the team's heavy weapons specialist. If things get tough, I'll make sure we have the firepower to handle it."
It looked like everyone is here. Corbin gave a chance for Aleena to introduce herself to the others. Otherwise, he would step up and clear his throat, detailing what the mission is about. "Alright, everyone, gather around," Corbin said, his voice carrying authority and determination. "Our mission is to locate and find out what happened to the Shadow Vanguard, a group of alliance operatives not too different from yourselves. Recent intel suggests they could have gone rogue and may pose a significant threat to the alliance if that's the case." from his wrist, a holoprojector showed itself. "We'll be operating on Veridian IV, a remote planet with a heavy focus on self-sustaining themselves. Our primary objective is to investigate the the Shadow Vanguards last known whereabouts and gather any information that could lead us to their current location." He continued, "While we hope to resolve this situation peacefully, be prepared for the unexpected. The Shadow Vanguard are experienced veterans with good tech behind them. We cannot underestimate their capabilities."

Corbin looked at each team member, emphasizing the importance of their contributions. "Raine, your reconnaissance and stealth abilities will be crucial in gathering intel and maintaining the element of surprise. Lira, we'll rely on your technical expertise to handle any security measures or systems we encounter. Jax, we'll need your heavy firepower to neutralize any threats that arise."

He then turned his attention to Aleena. "Aleena, your healing skills will be vital in providing immediate medical aid to injured personnel, both our own and potentially anyone caught in the crossfire. Your presence will reassure the team that they can take risks without worrying about their well-being as well as the well-being of others, within reason." that was his word for ensuring that nobody would take advantage of that notion.

Corbin paused, his gaze encompassing the entire team. "Remember, we are a cohesive unit. We trust and rely on one another. Stay vigilant, communicate effectively, and support each other at all times. Our success depends on our unity. This is a very fragile operation that can go wrong fast. We can't afford to make mistakes. Any questions?"



"The pleasure is mine," Aleena told Corbin with a smile before she shook his hand with a gentle grip and strangely soft hands. In many ways, Aleena was a polar opposite to Valery - she was no battle-hardened Jedi, and she didn't have that same aura of confidence and leadership. Instead, she felt more timid, but outwardly calm and kind. Warm and inviting, the way any Jedi Healer should really be.

"I'll help however I can," she then added with a smile before she tucked some of her blonde locks behind her ear. "I'm a healer but if something goes wrong, I can offer support as well, but preferably not at the front of a fight." She could create barriers and manipulate the environment in various ways to protect other people, but she was better at it when she wasn't directly in the enemy line of fire.

Aleena's vibrant blue eyes then shifted at the sound of footsteps, locking in on the other soldiers who were joining them. She had briefly seen their files, but the introductions were helpful to remind her of what she read, and to understand them better as people. A picture sometimes says more than a thousand words, but meeting someone face to face was a step far beyond even that.

"I'm Jedi Knight Aleena Aryss. Most of my work revolves around healing, but I also take care of plant life and study the environment." It was a bit vague, but perhaps they'd get to see what she meant later during this mission. She had a feeling that so many soldiers weren't assigned to this mission for no reason at all. There was a significant chance for things to escalate.

Blue eyes then shifted back to Corbin when he started to go over the situation, as well as the role everybody had on the mission. When he got to her, she showed particular relief at his last comment. She could bring people back from injuries that would otherwise be lethal even with immediate treatment, but it was incredibly demanding on her. She was there to help when necessary, but ideally injuries were prevented.

"No questions from me, everything seems clear." She smiled at first, and then let out a soft but nervous breath. This was her first assignment in a while, so she really couldn't mess this up. Not with Master Noble personally overseeing this whole mission.


TAG: Aleena Aryss Aleena Aryss
GEAR: Normal Clothing
Corbin nodded at Aleena, acknowledging her response. He understood the mix of confidence and nervousness that she must be feeling, especially considering the weight of responsibility on her shoulders as a Jedi healer. "I'm glad everything seems clear, Aleena," Corbin replied with a reassuring smile. "Remember, we're all here to support each other. If you have any concerns or if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to let us know. We're a team, and we'll navigate this mission together." Corbin's words aimed to alleviate any doubts or anxieties that Aleena might have been experiencing. He wanted to ensure that she felt supported and valued within the team, recognizing the critical role she would play in the success of their mission.

Sergeant Marius, who had been observing the exchange, stepped forward. His gruff voice carried a sense of authority and experience. "Listen up, everyone," he said, addressing the entire team. "We're embarking on a high-stakes operation, and each one of us has an important role to play. Trust in your training, trust in your teammates, and we'll get through this."

The squad members nodded in agreement, their determination evident in their expressions. They were aware of the risks involved, but they were prepared to face them head-on. With the unity and trust they had cultivated thus far, they were confident they could overcome any challenges that lay ahead.

Corbin gave one last reassuring smile to Aleena before turning his attention back to the entire team. "Alright, let's gather our gear and make final preparations. We depart soon. Stay focused and stay strong."

The Starlifter-class Passenger Liner. A large and spacious vessel designed to transport a significant number of passengers across different systems and planets. The Starlifter-class Passenger Liner offers comfortable accommodations, including sleeping quarters, dining facilities, and recreational areas, ensuring a pleasant journey for its passengers. Perfect cover for the squad.

He largely remained with Aleena however, offering to carry any bags that she needed. He picked up on her nervousness, wanting to reassure that at the very least, he's someone to lean and rely on.



Location: Mid Rim
Tag: Corbin Valor Corbin Valor

"That's good to know," she told him with a more reassured look in her eyes. It was likely not difficult for the soldiers to notice that she was a bit nervous, so she appreciated the willingness to help a lot. But at the same time, she also hoped that it wouldn't shake their confidence in her abilities. Because no matter how nervous she was, she'd do everything in her power to keep them alive and bring them back without permanent injuries.

That's what she had been trained for, just how they've all been trained for their respective specializations.

Aleena's bright blue eyes then turned to the Sergeant, as he decided to address the soldiers with a motivational little speech as well. It was easy to feel the effects it had on them all — they were a team, and truly felt like one. She knew without a doubt that they were all willing to risk their lives for each other.

It was the true bond of soldiers.

"Alright, easy enough..." Aleena muttered to herself once everybody was ready, and the civilian transport arrived. Besides a backpack with just basic needs, she also carried around a bag with heavier medical equipment and supplies. So when Corbin offered to take it from her, she offered it with a smile. "Thanks, it's pretty heavy on the shoulders after a while." She chuckled and followed the soldiers inside.

"How long will the trip be roughly?" She asked Corbin along the way.


TAG: Aleena Aryss Aleena Aryss
GEAR: Normal Clothing
Corbin took the medical equipment bag from Aleena, offering her a reassuring smile. "No problem, Aleena. I'll make sure to carry it for you," he said, understanding the weight of the supplies she had to carry. He adjusted the strap of the bag on his shoulder and led the way onto the civilian transport. As they found their seats inside the spacious passenger area, Corbin settled in beside Aleena. He glanced at her, sensing a mix of nervousness and determination. "The journey to Veridian IV will take approximately two standard days in hyperspace," he answered her question, providing a rough estimate. "It's a bit of a haul, but once we arrive, we'll have a clear objective and purpose."

At the very least, the passenger starship itself is pretty open. There was no need to stay in one area and people can enjoy the luxuries of the starship in the meantime. He knew that himself and the recruits will definitely waste alliance credits on the starship, provided they don't go too crazy, like spendings rounds for every person on the ship.

The spacious passenger area of the civilian transport exuded an air of quiet efficiency. Soft overhead lighting bathed the interior in a warm glow, creating a soothing ambiance that put the travelers at ease. The walls were adorned with sleek and modern designs, combining clean lines and gentle curves, while comfortable seating arrangements provided ample room for relaxation. The seats themselves were plush and cushioned, offering both comfort and support for the journey ahead. Their neutral tones blended seamlessly with the overall aesthetic, contributing to the serene atmosphere within the passenger area. Each seat had its own retractable table, complete with a personal entertainment console that allowed passengers to enjoy a variety of media during the trip.

Large viewports also were on the side, allowing those to take in the view of space if they wished to. Gentle chatter and the humming of the ship were quick to take over the ambiance. "I'd get comfortable if I were you. Any uh... shows you're into? Documentaries?" he half-expected the answer to be along the lines of not having watched anything, due to her responsibilities as a Jedi.



Location: Mid Rim
Tag: Corbin Valor Corbin Valor

"Two days?" Aleena almost seemed surprised that a journey through Hyperspace could be that long. But then again, she hadn't exactly traveled away from the core too much. A fact that embarrassed her rather quickly when the realization kicked in. She smiled sheepishly and rubbed her neck a little while they entered the ship. Luckily, it provided the perfect distraction from nervous thoughts through beauty alone. Most of her time traveling had been on smaller ships or civilian transports without any luxury to them — this was far more luxurious than anything she had seen.

So it seemed that, at the very least, this longer trip would be comfortable enough. Hopefully not too comfortable, though, as she wanted to be focused when they needed to be.

"This is quite something, huh?" Aleena asked after a moment, hoping to avoid an awkward silence. She hadn't spent much time around soldiers, so she wasn't really sure how they acted. They were usually portrayed as rougher around the edges, but Corbin was carrying her equipment and acting very polite.

Either the media was off, or she met an exception?

"I don't really watch any shows, but I do read a lot." She could easily spend the two days alone in her room, reading through books until they reached their destination. But she wasn't so anti-social that she'd actually do that. "I'm pretty sure that I read that there's a movie theater here, so we could all watch something there. Or uh, what else can we do here exactly?"


TAG: Aleena Aryss Aleena Aryss
GEAR: Normal Clothing
Corbin chuckled softly at Aleena's surprise, understanding her perspective. "Yes, hyperspace travel can take a bit longer than expected at times, especially when traversing longer distances," he replied, a warm smile gracing his features. "But fret not, we have a comfortable journey ahead of us. It's what they like to do, really drag out the travel for our "luxury."' He wasn't quite sure whether or not it was malicious, but he knew that once the fee is paid upfront, one could enjoy everything the ship had to offer.

Her comment at the surroundings led to a nod from Corbin. "It's quite the sight. This transport ship offers a higher level of comfort compared to what we might be accustomed to during missions." he agreed, glancing around the spacious and well-appointed passenger area. With the mention of books, well... he didn't know what to say to that. "More of a media guy myself. Action movies. I know it's a bit ironic, considering that we get plenty of action in these mission as it is."

"I know there's a garden, if you want to do your uh... jedi peace thing? Serenity?"
The word escaped his mind, but he tried to refer to meditation, constantly coming short of actually saying it. "Otherwise, they have a twenty-four seven diner. Get an appetite going. I know the soldiers plan to take full advantage of this all-expenses paid trip, so don't feel like you have to hold back either, Master Jedi. Aleena." He said those last two referrals deliberately to see which one she's more comfortable with, a personal basis, or a professional basis? He had a strong feeling she'd be fine with her name.



Location: Mid Rim
Tag: Corbin Valor Corbin Valor

"Drag it out for luxury?" She shivered a little at the thought. Her idea of relaxation was grabbing a book and being in the Gardens at the Temple, or somewhere in nature. To be stuck on a ship out in space was one of the worst ways to spend free time, as far as she was concerned. Although, she had to admit that this ship seemed to have a lot, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she stayed open-minded and spent her time here with the soldiers.

A good way to bond before they were thrust into a situation where they had to trust each other with their lives. Of course, the soldiers already knew each other, but she wasn't really part of the team just yet.

"Well, I assume action movies are very different from the real world, right?" She asked with a bright smile, before she tucked some blonde locks aside again. Her smile brightened even more, however, when he mentioned that there was a garden on this ship. Even if it was small, she'd love to go there to relax a bit.

"Meditation you mean? But uh, I'd like to go there to just relax and tune in with nature." Hopefully there was enough to tune into, but there was only one way to find out. "Aleena is alright, and I'll grab a bite later." She paused, looked at him for a moment and then decided to just go for it, before she'd end up too nervous.

"Would you like to join me in the garden? If you'd rather watch movies with the others, that's alright though. I just... can't sit inside all day long."


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