Velia Takeeris
Nomadic Artifact Seeker

Velia Takeeris
Age | Middle Aged, 40s-50s |
Species | Cathar |
Gender | Female |
Height | 5.8ft/1.7 meters tall |
Weight | 190lbs |
Force Sensitive | Yes |
Decorated in markings, Velia is a Cathar who once was loyal to the ideals of the Sith, and years later is still suffering physical and mental scars from her past battles. She hides her scarred body beneath tons of cloth collected during her travels, as well as adding bits of jewelry to what she wears.
Having spent decades away from a strict training regime, Velia has lost a lot of muscle mass, appearing more as a typical nomadic hermit or similar isolated individuals.
- Lightsaber: She carries a Sith variant of the lightsaber, her own personal one. Its old, but works. Often hidden beneath her robes, seldom ever shown in the open.
I should've thought of that when drawing her - Robes upon Robes: Regularly wears densely layered cloth, both as a way to hide who she is and to help keep her protected in a variety of environs.
- Small Trinkets: Decorates what she wears with various bits and bobbles collected on her journey.
Having served in and suffered from war, Velia is a avoids violence whenever possible. Cooperative, friendly and trusting of non-force users or apprentices/padawans, she'll be quick to tense up and pause around experienced Jedi, Sith or other adept force users, often opting to not interact with them at all whenever possible.
She desperately hides her force sensitivity and will quickly feel threatened, frightened or both whenever someone figures out.
- Force Adept: Her connection to the force is one of the only things that grew stronger in her decades-long exile.
- Psychometry: Velia used it as a Sith to collect information and decades later to this day is one of her best powers. Regularly used to find locations of artifacts.
- Force Empathy: Frequently used to detect the intentions of others.
- Force Sense: An advanced form of it, heavily relied upon to pick up on danger.
- Telepathy: Frequently used to read minds.
- Poor Swordsmanship: Decades spent out of combat has left her incapable of keeping up with others. Her lightsaber is a last-ditch self defense weapon.
- Frail: Never in her life was she durable. One wrong move, step or single blaster shot will put her out of action or kill her.
- Slow Movement: Relative to other, more combat-experienced Force Users, Velia is incredibly slow.
- Bad Pilot: Regularly relies on others to traverse the galaxy. Regular flying? Fine. A dogfight? No chance.
Velia was initially a Sith loyal to a cause, to what faction specifically matters little to her, never bothering to recall.
Captured and indoctrinated due to her force sensitivity and trained by her master to be a tool for reconnaissance and assassination, Velia served as a terrifying weapon, brutally cutting down a variety of targets through her late teenage years and through her twenties. Despite how adept she was, a Jedi eventually killed her master, leaving her with a sense of vulnerability and fear unlike anything before.
Overwhelmed by the death of someone close to her and unable to carry on with her duties, Velia fled to the furthest planets of the galaxy to live in solitude. After many years of meditation she had let go of the dark side of the force, but couldn't find light in it either, staying stuck as a force sensitive hermit.
Strangely, this is exactly what helped her return to travelling the galaxy at large, living a nomadic lifestyle in search of ancient artifacts, historic relics and planets with a rich history, desperate to uncover the past in hopes of understanding why there is so much suffering in the present.
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