Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Venussia Sasko

NAME: Venussia Sasko
FACTION: Techno Union
RANK: CEO of Eridium Industrial
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’7”
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
LANGUAGES: Multilingual
SIBLINGS: [member="Juliette Sasko"]


  • Withering sarcasm

  • Business-savvy

  • Ambitious

  • Well educated


  • No combat skills

  • No piloting skills

  • ADHD

  • Terminally late

Venussia Sasko was born on Bovo Yagen, a middle child who had to hold her own with seven other siblings. The family was dirt poor and as the younglings had little parental guidance, most of the Sasko children ended up falling into illegitimate activities, like spice-dealing, petty theft, and smuggling. But not Venussia. She was an annoying little over-achiever. Determined to distance herself from her ruffian siblings, (I mean, one of them had a goat for a best friend for crying out loud) Venussia studied hard, got good grades and went to business school, graduating magna cum laude.

Venussia started out her business career as an Administrative Assistant for Idellian Arrays, but it wasn't exactly her dream job. The ambitious young human was made to work long, slavish hours, and lets face it, Venussia was not cut out for fetching her boss’ stim cafs. After telling them to “take this job and shove it,” she padded her resume (like, ALOT) and with no qualifications, snagged a job as Marketing Director for Bratan Engineering. After a long, drawn-out sexual harassment suit, in which she was the defendant, she moved on, bouncing from company to company. Venussia finally ended up “living the dream,” when she became the CEO for one of [member="Darell Irani"]'s extensive holdings, because well, he didn't have anyone else that wanted the job.

In her position, Venussia only hires the best and brightest because if they look good, she looks good. And if she can somehow con her underlings into doing all the work for her so that she can sit back and file her nails, well, she earned it didn't she? If her employees are smart and resourceful, she pays them handsomely. Anyone who works for her also needs to possess an enormous amount of patience, as Miss Sasko is a big fan of pranking her employees, who often find small signs taped to their backs, that say things like “KICK ME.” Admittedly, her pranks could use a bit more creativity.

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