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Public Verge of Veilrift on Veridia: (Crystal Hunt)

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife



It was strange that she could feel the boys emotion so clearly as she could almost think that discontent was her own. Teresa was not sure how to feel about this odd development. As Braze moved off to inspect the place more her attention turned down at the small agent who started in basic and changed to the military language of the kainite. She thought about what the small woman said understanding the basics of the objective.

Shifting into Ghoul speak herself she looked at CI-0666 "Send the brief to my retainer Komi. So we will talk about this more later." She would understand it far better. "Though from this point, there is no reporting what you see and hear. He will hear my actions from my own lips. Otherwise, feel free to speak your mind while accompanying is." Walking over to braze to listen to his investigations her hand wafted behind the Valkyries back, A gesture to follow along.

As the kid began to read the plaque once more Teresa listened to his thoughts his speculation of the meanings. History and culture was not her area of knowledge. Perhaps her most extensive intelect is in anatomy though mostly in a visual sense. "If its darkest nights, would that not imply we have to wait till nightfall?" The woman pondered herself.

"More than a dream could also mean a memory, a fragment of the past like what can achieved with psychometry. Though that would not be such a bad idea." The woman considered that there was many objects inside and perhaps one was personal enough to give them flickers.

Moving over to the tall wooden arch like decoration there was more inscriptions yet the words slightly irked her. 'Respect, pfft,' the Valkyrie thoughts still annoyed at how they had surrounded her down their once. She will play their game, but she still plans to win her claim. There was no care that her reason was slightly petty and child like. Those things had pissed her off.

Thinking on the boys words her interpretation of what he said was more... simplistic. "So you are saying they want trade and respect?" She asked not having anything that she'd be willing to offer. Glancing back at the entrance of the cave Teresa glared at it. "These fething things." She grumbled with a hint of annoyance flaring clearly in those words.


Braze's spirits lifted at Teresa's insights about the night and memories. "That's excellent. Very clever of you to think of that," he praised her with genuine excitement in his voice. "Well done, Teresa. Perhaps the 'darkest night' might allude to moments when we feel we have nowhere else to turn, or no hope—often referred to as the darkest hour. It might be less about literal darkness and more about a figurative sense," he mused thoughtfully.

Feeling her stubborn emotions, Braze couldn't help but suppress a smile, listening intently to her words.
"So you are saying they want trade and respect?"

"I think so, yeah," Braze agreed softly.

Contemplating what he could offer in return, he shared his uncertainty. "I'm not sure what I could give them," Braze pondered aloud. "It does seem a bit unfair to walk into their home and take things without asking... Perhaps it's meant to be a lesson in humility, humbleness, and sacrifice." He considered the idea further, lightening in tone. "Oh, I know! I have marbles," Braze chirped softly, an idea brightening his demeanor. "I have a whole bunch of really pretty ones. Maybe I can offer those? I don't mind sharing them with you if you'd like, Teresa," he offered generously, willing to share his treasures in the spirit of respect and reciprocity. He went in to one of his hip bags and pulled out a soft felt bag and offered it ove rto Teresa to see.

Location: Veridia
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Braze Braze Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

666 took a calming breath as Teresa responded, the panic gradually subsiding as the towering Valkyrie gave her directives. The Cipher understood them clearly, giving her assent with a bow that was just as grateful as it was apologetic. However, the winged woman's last words surprised her. In spite of the fact that 666 had seemingly intruded on a private encounter, she was allowed to stay. Even so, her mission was effectively over, at this point.

In that, 666 was tempted to take her leave so that she might continue her task elsewhere. However, the cavern’s beauty—in almost a literal sense—quickly drew her in. Not to mention, based on her gesture, it now seemed that Teresa wanted her to stay and follow along.

And so, 666 did.

Recalling the plaque from earlier, 666 listened to the ongoing conversation with a mild interest. One of the Aetharian’s long, whisker-like eyebrows twitched as she did, her mind working swiftly to comprehend the demands of the spiritual journey that would soon be undertaken within the cave. In that, 666 murmured a small prayer of thanks under her breath, before continuing after the white-haired youth and the Valkyrie. She understood now what they sought to achieve here—the acquisition of kyber crystals from the cave.

And supposedly, it was a task that demanded respect, reciprocity, and reverence.

666 could not help but to silently question the boy’s words. She worshiped one God, after all, and He existed in the flesh as He did in all the realms and dimensions of the netherworld. Perhaps there were spirits here, but she doubted their ability to truly influence realspace as her God could.

What then, prevented her from simply taking a crystal and leaving of her own volition, without paying any acknowledgement to the spirits?

“Any spirit with sufficient power to cross into realspace would not be satisfied with marbles.” 666 piped up, her voice returning to its normal soprano as she did.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife



Teresa did not know how to take the praise from the kid and was used to it primarily only from carnifex mostly or Komi when she helped with sieving through wordy research. Then again she did not really interact with so many that there was such opportunity. 'Praise was good,' she thought with a happy tone to the head voice. The Valkyrie could also note that the little agent was a little taken aback. It seemed that it was a little theme. Enough to make her chuckle a little.

At the mention of the word sacrifice her eyes turned down for a moment of consideration. The expression she held betrayed exactly what the woman was thinking. Yet she was not the kind to needlessly waste assets to often. After Braze offered something for her to use and showed the marbles, Teresa shook her head and gestured with her hands, "No, I'll work something out." She said with narrowed eyes looking at the ground in thought.

Her Gaze shifted back to the Cipher as she made her comment. "And what would you suggest ... ugh... do you have a name?" Inquired the Valkyrie not believing she had asked yet. Thinking it would also be much easier to have this one's reports on observation for sections she was able to be privy too. The woman had to learn and understand more about His grand plans. "Anyway Just because they have power does not mean they are smart. How many strong creatures are enamoured by simple shiny objects."

With a low sigh she wondered if perhaps it was worth to search around more for texts that could be deciphered together or at least interpreted. It was not a battle but, the puzzle was entertainment and she got to feel that wondrous danger.


“Any spirit with sufficient power to cross into realspace would not be satisfied with marbles.”
Braze glanced back at the blonde and rolled is soft green eyes at that. Choosing to not dignify such a negative Nancy with a reply.
"No, I'll work something out."
Braze glanced back at his felt bag, contemplating which marbles he could bear to part with. Although the idea of separating from any of them was unsettling—he cherished the uniqueness of each piece—Braze acknowledged that acquiring more marbles wouldn't be too difficult. However, each marble was special, a part of a collection of pretty, unique things he could call his own, to gaze upon and play with. This collection brought him an understated sense of joy, rooted in the notion of ownership. Ownership over pretty nice things no one else had or could say they had an exact copy of. Yet, upon deeper reflection, Braze realized that, in the grand scheme of things, he didn't truly need to possess them. While they were nice to have and served as a beautiful, sparkly distraction that brought a sense of zen, calm, and intrinsic pleasure, owning a diverse set of marbles was essentially a small hoard of treasures that he deeply valued.

Shifting his focus from these spiraling thoughts, Braze turned to Teresa. "We saw things in the main antechamber, didn't we? Scattered about? I think I noticed toys, tools, and other such things inside... Maybe it has to be something heartfelt, something to which we have a personal attachment?" he pondered aloud, partially asking Teresa as he theorized. His suggestion hinted at a deeper understanding of the need for a genuine, personal sacrifice or offering, one that goes beyond mere objects to encompass something of true sentimental value.

"Do you have anything you could give up Teresa?" Braze asked curiously.


Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member

CURRENT MISSION - What Was Broken Shall Be Remade
Immediate Goals -
1: Find a suitable crystal to forge a new lightsaber
1.1: Investigate the Cavern.

BLUFOR - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax & Phaelissia Phaelissia


TARGETING ACTION(S) - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax , Phaelissia Phaelissia & Braze Braze

The Force was so different than what he had expected. He had meditated on it, poring over the ample texts his Lordly Cousin, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr was more than happy to provide. Ever since a harrowing encounter with the Sword of the Jedi, he had destroyed much of himself - and more importantly, his lightsaber, in an attempt to overpower his opponents.

This had been a painful lesson, but one that allowed him to burn away his limiters - and sober him up to the realization that he can't just casually pursue a mere physiological understanding of the Force. There needed to be a connection, a spirituality, a passing of legacy.

A Master, and he, the Apprentice.

Which was why he was on this planet, drawn to this cavern, Stormclaw on his hip: to find the materials to fashion a lightsaber that was truly his own. But he wasn't alone, already he could Sense at least three persons within the caverns: one of them he could sense was powerful, one of the Butcher King's own brood.

He thought he recognized her, it would be exceedingly poor form to mistake one of Carnifex's own Valkyries - but he slid through the shadows of the caverns. To those who would see him, they would find a Kiffar with tired, bloodshot eyes, and an overall dour demeanor. Trayze made note of the scattered trinkets, and the trio puzzling a riddle out.

"Is the shop closed?" the Kiffar Sith dryly inquired, his voice far more hoarse than it would normally be. "I can always come back later."
Location: Veridia
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Braze Braze Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

"And what would you suggest ... ugh... do you have a name?"

“My designation is CI-6660.” 666 answered, her expression deadpan even as the youth rolled his eyes at her. She had known that those of impure blood were often ignorant of the purity encapsulated in the Eclipsing Mission, but she did not expect to meet one who appeared to be so convicted in his ignorance. It was curious perhaps, but also deeply concerning.

“I would suggest an animal sacrifice.” 666 began. “Or failing that, a sentient one.” She added. “If a spirit is making the effort to cross into realspace, they are likely seeking a small taste of what it is like to be mortal.” The Aetharian continued. “They also require energy, so that the journey back to their home dimension is not so tiring. A sacrifice, perhaps one that is well-cooked and succulent, fulfills both of those needs.” She finished.

"We saw things in the main antechamber, didn't we? Scattered about? I think I noticed toys, tools, and other such things inside... Maybe it has to be something heartfelt, something to which we have a personal attachment?"

666 opened her mouth to answer, but then she stopped. She remembered seeing the trinkets as well.

“T-that doesn’t prove anything!” She declared. And in her mind, it didn't. Perhaps the people on Veridia had a predisposition towards littering.

Savages, 666 thought to herself.

It was only then that 666 registered the presence of another in their midst, causing her long, pointed ears to twitch with stimulation as the newcomer’s footsteps pounded the stone floor. As they got closer, the Aetharian’s whisker-like eyebrows rose without warning, owing to the strangely familiar gait of the footsteps in question, which quickly set off alarms in her awareness.

The man of the people. The pro-Sith rebel leader. The privateer captain under marque.

Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife



Teresa took note of that name and thought that it was not proper name at all. "Yeah I'll not be calling you that, it's not a name." Yet it did not role like a title. Her eyes narrowed a little trying to work a designation into something... more. She began to thick of the letters that was used in each word. Liquid metal began to run down her hand and along her fingers till forming a ball centimeters away from the palm. The silver liquid with a dark blackish red tint shifted and molded into endless abstract shapes. "Crise? Crise Criiiseee." The woman smiled liking that sound. "I'll refer to you as Crise from now."

In the time of her thinking the agent offered a differing opinion to Braze. Teresa's smile grew with peaked curiosity. "Very well," Teresa looked between them. Given all the information so far, Teresa was not so phased to rush getting the things she wanted even if it took a few days. "How about this then a test... or rather an experiment. I shall watch over my Apprentice as he explores his theory, and..." Her eyes flicked up as the woman's senses picked up the faint sense of a budding dark aura. It was unfamiliar to her and so she took a step closer to Braze, whose presence was washed out in the force thanks to the amulet she had given him earlier.

"... you test your theory." Finally the voice spoke out behind them. That liquid metal she played with earlier retreated back to being a bracelet around the woman's wrist. "Do you perhaps have a natural affinity to draw people to you?" She whispered amusingly at the kid never having this kind of issue herself. "We do not own this land," The Valkyrie replied looking at the newcomer. "If you are looking for Crystals erm?" Teresa paused not knowing what to call the man.

"I don't know your name, anyway, sith, Crystals are inside." She said intentionally not disclosing a warning. After all, no experiment was a true experiment without a baseline.
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"Is the shop closed?" the Kiffar Sith dryly inquired, his voice far more hoarse than it would normally be. "I can always come back later."
"What do you mean by 'shop'? Are you expecting there to be little Jawas inside, looking to barter with crystals for a few stray credits and a shoestring?" Braze asked, quirking a brow at that.
“My designation is CI-6660.”
"What, are you some kind of droid? Did someone build you?" Braze asked, looking at them incredulously. What a poor creature, Braze thought.
“I would suggest an animal sacrifice.” 666 began. “Or failing that, a sentient one.” She added. “If a spirit is making the effort to cross into realspace, they are likely seeking a small taste of what it is like to be mortal.” The Aetharian continued. “They also require energy, so that the journey back to their home dimension is not so tiring. A sacrifice, perhaps one that is well-cooked and succulent, fulfills both of those needs.” She finished.
Braze gave a disgusted look after hearing that. "I think you're cross-wired or your programming must be malfunctioning. 'Sentient' implies the ability to feel or perceive, allowing us to think and experience emotions. So unless you somehow think peas and carrots are animals... then again, this would necessarily include consciousness. 'Sapient,' on the other hand, is the capacity for intelligence, wisdom, and logic, along with the ability to solve problems, learn, and understand."
"Do you perhaps have a natural affinity to draw people to you?" She whispered amusingly at the kid never having this kind of issue herself. "We do not own this land,"
"Actually, I think I do have some kind of force anomaly that's been developing, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a direct side effect of that. I didn't use to be able to feel for anyone other than myself. I couldn't understand empathy or empathetic thoughts... I just didn't experience it until suddenly I started just feeling how everyone else felt. I could hear what they were thinking too. I started to make forced bonds with people I spend time with too.. or people I'm in great proximity to... I think it tends to be a lot stronger through touch so I try to wear gloves now. "

Braze carefully padded back in to the entrance of the cave and went to look for the large antechamber cradeling his pouch of marbles...

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - What Was Broken Shall Be Remade
Immediate Goals -
1: Find a suitable crystal to forge a new lightsaber
1.1: Investigate the Cavern.
2: Try not to incur the wrath of the Kainites present.
3: Shut that brat up (OPTIONAL)

BLUFOR - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax & Phaelissia Phaelissia (?)


TARGETING ACTION(S) - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax , Phaelissia Phaelissia & Braze Braze

As the white haired young man prattled on, Trayze could feel the veins in his forehead throb irritatedly. He did not come here to argue semantics, and he had come a long way - there was no mood for the arguments over the semantics of "sapient" versus "sentient, nor would he willingly entertain the notion of the youngling's pride. This... general irritability had only grown since his stalemate at Yavin IV, where he faced off against the famed Jedi Grandmistress and barely survived. Yet it was in this gabbing with the two other Kainate women that Trayze learned that he had intruded on something far more complicated than initially thought.


This was a habit that was going to get him killed, sooner or later.

When the Black Valkyrie of Kaine departed with the youngling, he moved to Phaelissia Phaelissia , and gave a slight bow of his head. "It is good to see you again." He would motion towards the gaping maw of the cavern. While he had come initially for the simple errand of claiming a crystal to forge a new lightsaber, perhaps he may be able to gain something else in addition... "Do you by chance know the objectives of Lady Teresa? And if I could be of assistance?" he ventured, curious as to who precisely this boy was to earn the interest of one of Kaine's many concubines. Were they related? Was he to be an apprentice? Or a mere tool? "Or would I serve better in my absence?
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Location: Veridia
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Braze Braze Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

“I have no need for a name.” 666 protested. “I am a weapon in the Arsenal of the Eternal Father. I serve at His pleasure and my purpose is greater for it.” She declared. Nevertheless, the Darkened Valkyrie was unmoved by her objections as she quickly decided upon a name for her in spite of them. In that, 666—now Crise—could only pout in silence, though part of her wondered if she should be more grateful.

“Thank you, my lady.” 666 said begrudgingly, before offering the winged woman a bow.

"What, are you some kind of droid? Did someone build you?" Braze asked, looking at them incredulously. What a poor creature, Braze thought.

At that point, Crise turned on her heels and shot a harsh glare towards the bratty youth—the Darkened Valkyrie’s apprentice. It was that fact alone which prevented her from saying anything in response to his comment, but then…

Braze gave a disgusted look after hearing that. "I think you're cross-wired or your programming must be malfunctioning. 'Sentient' implies the ability to feel or perceive, allowing us to think and experience emotions. So unless you somehow think peas and carrots are animals... then again, this would necessarily include consciousness. 'Sapient,' on the other hand, is the capacity for intelligence, wisdom, and logic, along with the ability to solve problems, learn, and understand."

“To be classified as sentient a species must manifest the capacity to reason and engage in abstract thinking, be capable of making and using tools, and be able to communicate with written or spoken languages.” Crise retorted incisively—her words stated almost verbatim from the latest edition of The Essential Guide to Alien Species. Unlike Trayze, the Aetharian was not above arguing semantics. “There is not a pea or carrot in the galaxy capable of exhibiting any one of those three requisite qualities.” She added.

And so, with a budding rivalry established between her and the brat, Crise decided that she would take up the challenge offered by the Darkened Valkyrie. In that, all she needed to do was pick out a crystal and successfully extract it from the cave. She could conceive of no plausible circumstance through which it might go wrong.

“I accept, my lady.” Crise said.

With that, the Aetharian turned on her heels and moved to venture deeper into the cave, a small, if slightly arrogant smirk tugging at the corners of her pouty lips as she did…

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife



The woman tried to contain her giggles at the back and forth dig at each other. It was comparable to two Kowakian monkey lizards fight over nothing at all without the physical abuse. Also the added on layer of she was just being sarcastic about drawing people in but the boy acknowledged his strange pull. With a mix of a little snort at the start and growing laugh, the Blackened Valkyrie could not help but not be amused and did not intend to interject. She also understand the tension as even Teresa did not expect to see one from the Kainite nor the one from the sith who she did not know.

The Valkyrie followed her young 'apprentice' back towards the cave. For those who might catch it, one prominent feather slowly began to change almost transparent with its edges still plenary definable. It felt easier to flow this ability that she listly tugged on doing something slightly new again. The frustration and tinges of anger radiating off the bickering two felt like a delightful snack. Teresa could not decide if to stop the arguments it just let it be.

It seemed all four of them was now heading in the same direction. So Teresa was close enough to hear the questions he posed to Crise who was invested in nothing more than a petty squabble against a child yet to reach adolescents. Strangely she had at least learnt the art of defusing a child willing to die on a hill for an argument, it was simply play on the shorter attention span. She turned her head slightly to see Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar from the corner of her eyes. "My objective is to observe my apprentice, no more no less. That is all you need to know about why I am here." There was a low rumble to the authoritative way those words fell out.

"I imagine a less of a headache separating the small ones before they start scrapping and trying to gouge each others eyes out. Given there is four of us and well no one is yet to explore deep, it'd be better to be in pairs. Widen the range for what we seek inside yes." She said while remaining untrusting of the unpredictable element. Her gaze turned towards as she cleared her throat. Phaelissia Phaelissia "Crise if you could possibly keep an eye on the newcomer, while you try your approach to this puzzle. Just don't mention that there is stuff lurking inside. They will be something fun for you to observe." She said in Ghoul speak knowing only the Aetharian those words.


It was true. Braze was, in fact, a plucky and brazen brat with an arrogant streak and a penchant for causing problems with his overconfidence.

“To be classified as sentient a species must manifest the capacity to reason and engage in abstract thinking, be capable of making and using tools, and be able to communicate with written or spoken languages.” Crise retorted incisively—her words stated almost verbatim from the latest edition of The Essential Guide to Alien Species. Unlike Trayze, the Aetharian was not above arguing semantics. “There is not a pea or carrot in the galaxy capable of exhibiting any one of those three requisite qualities.” She added.
But he wasn't going to let some cross-wired, weird 'pleasure weapon droid' thing act like it knew better than he did. He was, after all, full of that youthful moxie and endless tenacity that was so often associated with young adolescents who thought they knew better with so little life experience. But he did revel in winning fights, and debates and arguments were just another art form for fighting - one where he could execute his finesse and strategy and show off how keen his mind really was. He really was like a small annoying, yappy, little dog that was more than pleased to nip at any metaphorically exposed ankles.

"Just because something is written into a book or tabloid doesn't make it true. It's common practice for those with an agenda to propagate falsehoods and try to disguise them as facts to manipulate the masses. After all, they are just animals, right? Not as important as people, right? That kind of logic and reasoning helps bridge the gap to make people passive when powers decide to decimate the local wildlife for profit margins. Then it's just a slippery slope to speciesism regarding less developed cultures and peoples because, after all, if they aren't civilized, they are basically animals, right? Making it easier to pacify the masses into just accepting the exploitation and abuse of such peoples. It is a vile tactic created to sow confusion and tyranny, and I will not be manipulated. I'm not some vapid, weak-minded echo chamber lacking the ability for higher reasoning and research beyond steps one and two, eager to eat up whatever tripe some exhaust port in a suit came up with to help line their profit margins."

“I would suggest an animal sacrifice.” 666 began. “Or failing that, a sentient one.”
Braze paused briefly before asserting his argument further, "What you said earlier implies a disillusionment for the sanctity of life. And I disagree with that sentiment."


The entrance to the cave, initially narrow and unassuming, gradually widens, revealing an expansive antechamber that stretches out like the belly of some ancient, slumbering beast. The transition from the dimly lit threshold to the vast interior is breathtaking, as if stepping into another realm entirely, a hidden sanctuary carved from the earth itself.

This antechamber, a cathedral of natural stone, is illuminated by clusters of glowing moss that cling to the walls and ceiling, casting a soft, ethereal light throughout the space. The moss emits a bioluminescent glow in hues of green and blue, providing a gentle, otherworldly illumination that highlights the rough textures of the cavern walls and the smooth, worn paths that meander across the chamber floor.

Scattered across the floor, an eclectic collection of items can be found, each telling its own silent tale of past visitors or rituals performed within this sacred space. Toys that bear the patina of age, intricately crafted tools whose purpose has been lost to time, and small personal artifacts, each left behind as if in offering or remembrance. These items, seemingly random yet deliberately placed, hint at the cave's significance as a site of passage, reflection, or communion.

Adding to the chamber's mystique is a clear, serene river that cuts through the space, its waters running deep and cool. The river is home to glowing fish that dart and weave with grace, their bioluminescent bodies creating trails of light beneath the surface. The effect is mesmerizing, as if the stars themselves have been caught in the gentle flow, weaving a shifting, living holovid that contrasts with the stillness of the surrounding chamber.

The combination of the glowing moss, the tranquil river, and the luminous fish casts the antechamber in a state of perpetual twilight, a place where time seems to stand still, inviting visitors to pause and reflect. The air is cool and damp, filled with the soft sounds of water and the occasional whisper of movement, either from the fish below or the subtle stir of air through hidden passages.

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - What Was Broken Shall Be Remade
Immediate Goals -
1: Find a suitable crystal to forge a new lightsaber
1.1: Investigate the Cavern.
2: Try not to incur the wrath of the Kainites present.
3: Shut that brat up (OPTIONAL) ("He is Lady Teresa's apprentice, calm yourself...")

BLUFOR - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax || Phaelissia Phaelissia & Braze Braze (temporarily.


TARGETING ACTION(S) - Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax , Phaelissia Phaelissia & Braze Braze

Trayze bowed politely to the raven-winged woman, knowing better than to interfere between the bonds of Master and Apprentice - considering he is actively seeking a Master. He lingered with the short, elven lass as the four of them entered the caverns, the Kiffar exhaled and drank in the pool of the Force, sampling the aura of the life before him.

He would need to re-center himself, taking a few pregnant pauses to sense and assess the location he was in. Turning to the white haired boy, he grunted. "You there, you mentioned that offerings are given to this cavern in exchange for the crystals?" He would turn for confirmation from Phaelissia Phaelissia "Some means of equivalent exchange, power for power, wisdom for wisdom?"
Location: Antechamber, Crystal Cave - Veridia
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Braze Braze Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Crise moved deeper into the cave and soon found herself standing within the antechamber—a wide, sprawling space that promised adventure and novelty. And yet, she felt a rising sense of guilt at being so enticed by the sight, especially due to the fact that this world, as stunning as it was, was impure and unenlightened by the Eclipsing Mission. As such, she made a reminder to chastise herself for being so seduced by it later. In the meantime, Crise reset her focus, intending to approach this place with all the discipline and self-denial that she could muster.

Veridia was beautiful, yes. But until the world had been sanctified in the purifying energies of the Eclipse, it was nothing.

And so, with her refreshed mindset, Crise continued forward, while making a conscious decision to refrain from indulging herself in the petty argument with the white-haired youth, in spite of his lengthy response. The Aetharian felt that she was better than him simply by virtue of her purity, in spite of the fact that he was Force-sensitive and she was not.

After all, he was not anywhere close to becoming a Sith. And privately, Crise doubted that he would ever ascend into one.

"Crise if you could possibly keep an eye on the newcomer, while you try your approach to this puzzle. Just don't mention that there is stuff lurking inside. They will be something fun for you to observe." She said in Ghoul speak knowing only the Aetharian those words.

There were things lurking deeper inside.

For a moment, Crise wondered if the Valkyrie’s words were a warning or something else entirely. Nevertheless, the Aetharian felt capable of defending herself against whatever things dwelled within the caves. Her augmentations would see to that. However, she could not ignore the presumed warnings of a Sith. Her acknowledgement of the potential dangers alone mandated that she take additional measures to protect herself and Trayze.

<<I will see to it, Your Darkness.>> Crise answered. With that, the Aetharian turned back to face the Kiffar, who seemed to have been briefly transfixed by the cave’s beauty as well.

All the while, Crise’s thoughts went back to the words on the plaque on the statue outside of the cave. A few moments later, as her synthetic gaze swept across the flowing river which cut through the middle of the chamber, the beginnings of an idea began to form in her enhanced mind.

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Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife



Teresa moved off with Braze once more soon to be alone together as the other two was free to move off. She too moved freely as she approached the many trinkets as her eyes wondered between them. Tools, toys, personal effects and a great many other things. "Feel better now you got that off your chest?" She asked with a soft chuckled at the meaningless squabble that happened. Coming across a pendant that no longer had anything to hang from. With a wave of her hand dust pushed away from the surface into a large cloud or large clumps dropping to the floor.

Sitting on the edge of the workspace Teresa pushed out with her senses feeling for where the other two are waiting for the distance to be enough for conversation to be private. Her gaze turned to the kid the fact he had a defective arm, and she was pregnant. Crise was no issue but the other was simply unknown. "We should not stay long." She as her hand moved over the top of a few of the objects besides her. "Besides I am in no rush to acquire what I want from here."

Pausing a moment for the Kid to think about her words and also hide the yawn in the crease of her arm. "Feth I need a nap." the woman took the pendant that caught her eye earlier into her hand. "Come here, put your hand on mine. Do the thing I showed you last time. To get some answers." Holding out her hand with the pendant her Golden orange became sealed behind porcyline white lids. The Blackened Valkyrie waited for his hand then focused on the object searching for the past belonging to this thing.


Braze's successful attempt to quiet the others felt like a personal victory to him, flooding his mind with a delightful rush of dopamine. "Yes~," he chirped, his voice bubbling over with childlike excitement as he adopted a playful, buoyant step. Reveling in his perceived triumph, he observed Teresa with keen interest, his mood taking a brief downturn upon noticing signs of her fatigue.

A genuine wave of concern washed over him, extending toward her with the comforting warmth of a campfire glow. Among the treasures they encountered—a mix of rings, toys, jewelry, and elaborate hair decorations adorned with long needles—one item in particular caught his attention. The jewelry Teresa picked up. It was a pendant, a striking green stone meticulously carved into the likeness of a serpentine beast.

Driven by curiosity and a gentle spirit, Braze extended a small hand towards the pendant. With a careful, almost reverent touch, he placed his hand over the green pendant, his fingers lightly brushing against Teresa's in the process.


In the heart of the crystal cave's antechamber, under the soft, ethereal glow of bioluminescent moss and the serene shimmer of a river teeming with glowing fish, a ceremony of ancient tradition and deep respect unfolds. A beautiful young woman with long raven hair, part of a group of youthful peers escorted by a few adults, steps into this natural cathedral. They are a sight to behold, each adorned in exquisite silks and patterned attire, their garments flowing and vibrant against the muted tones of the cave. Elaborate hairpieces, unique and precious, crown their heads, signaling the importance of visual appearance and the reverence of this gathering.

As they settle at a long, stone table, an air of solemnity and anticipation envelops the group. The young woman, her dark eyes reflecting the ambient light, begins to craft delicate figures from colored rice paper, her fingers moving with practiced grace. Around her, others join in, their silent focus punctuated by the soft rustling of paper and the occasional murmur of approval or gentle instruction.

"Remember, each fold carries our prayers to the spirits," an elder's voice resonates softly through the chamber, a guiding presence among the younger participants.

The young woman nods, her concentration unbroken as she shapes a paper fish, imbuing it with her hopes and respect for the natural world around her. The ritual of crafting these figures, symbolic offerings to the spirits of the cave, is a reminder of the harmony between nature and those who seek its blessings.

As the paper crafts are completed, the group transitions to the next phase of their ceremony. They approach the river's edge, each participant holding their crafted figure delicately in hand. With a reverence born of tradition, they release the paper figures into the water, a ceremonial feeding of the glowing fish. The bioluminescent creatures dart and weave through the offerings, a dance of light and life that mesmerizes all who watch.

Another part of the group prepares for a small sacrificial ceremony, gathering in a semi-circle around a beautifully carved stone altar. The young woman with raven hair steps forward, holding a small, intricately designed green stone pendant—a personal treasure, no doubt. She holds it in her open palm for a moment, her voice steady but filled with emotion as she speaks the traditional words of offering:

"May this token of my life's journey find favor with the spirits of this sacred place. In giving, I seek harmony with nature and the blessings of its crystalline heart."

One by one, others come forward, each offering something of personal significance, their words echoing the sentiment of gratitude and respect for the gifts of nature. The ceremony is a powerful expression of the balance sought between taking from the earth and giving back to it, a request for blessings that acknowledges the flow of all life.

As the ceremony concludes, the group stands together in silent contemplation, their faces illuminated by the gentle light of the cave. The air is filled with a sense of unity and peace, a moment of connection between the human spirit and the ancient, enduring essence of the earth itself.


The small glowing fish swirl about the river lazily so some times eating little bugs that happen to fall in. They are but simple creatures.



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