Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Vettr Nacht | The Confederacy

Torgeir Skovgaard


Location: Drunk Lutgriff

"You speak the truth."
A simple answer to a simple question.
It was unusually blunt for Torgeir, but it was not entirely unbefitting his current character. After all, he had seldom held a meaningful conversation since he had gone his own way from his sister.
He sniffed the air once more, taking a moment to search his mind. It was not a smell he knew well, yet he knew it from a time before. A lingering presence upon his sister, like a ghost.
A fitting description for one of his title. Atleast he need not wonder why he was treated as the Son of Dauda Faerir
"Her name is Astrid, mine is Torgeir. I am everything that she is not, as she is everything that I am not."
Torgeir raised an eyebrow before quickly lowering it. He was moderately intrigued by the stranger. Though he may have given a round of drinks to the drunkards and merryfolk of the Town and beyond, it still perplexed him as to why, even more so as to why he would buy one for a stranger specifically.
He pushed his empty glass forward as the barkeep took it, replacing it with another a few moments latter. Clearly he was well practised at his craft.
"I'll pay for the man next to me. A friend to my sister is a friend to me."
Raising the glass to his lips, he took a long, but slow, sip. To Torgeir, alcohol wasn't something to be drained away quickly. It was something to be savoured at the drinker's pace. Particularly when it was mead, a drink he found increasingly rare in the bars of the Galaxy. Though, the Galaxy was far more advanced and diverse than Skógur Heim, and some more common drinks had to be phased out for more expensive ones that appealed to more people.
It was a sad aspect of life.
Fortunately, one could stumble upon a quaint tavern such as the one he found himself in. And one could meet new people in them, though friends rarely stayed once the drinks wore off.
Torgeir raised his head, looking back to his fellow lupine as he lowered his glass, swallowing.
"Tell me friend, what is your name? I may know of it, if you know my sister as you say you do. Though I may not."




Location: Frosthall
Objective: Party
Tag: Cali Ziiva Cali Ziiva . Beric Layne Beric Layne
Attire: [X]

Millu was alone in Frosthall. Like, not alone alone; the servants and guards were all there still, and soon she'd probably bump into someone who was coming to visit tonight. But she was pretty sure Beric had gone out while she was reading in her room.

That wasn't good... It meant she was to be the one responsible for Vettr Nacht inside the castle walls. Why would her master just leave her alone like this, when she herself knew next to nothing of whatever traditions she now had to uphold when folks started coming in?

Millu knew she should probably just go ask someone in the house's staff about what exactly she should do, but a little something in the not-so-righteous side of her mind decided that it was about time to have a little fun. Beric didn't have to know anything, and it could serve as her little revenge for not even telling her where he was going before leaving her alone on a day like this one.

So the squire moved her feet in the direction of the Grand Hall, which had, since a few weeks before, been decorated and embelished as according to Vettr Nacht tradition; just waiting for whatever feast Beric was supposed to hold there. But she had never thrown a party, and had no idea where to start, what kinds of foods and drinks to bring over... This would end up being harder than she thought.

Location: Grand Hall, Frosthall
Objective: Excite!
Attire: Santa Cutey
Tag: Millu Lee Millu Lee | Beric Layne Beric Layne

Ching, ching, ching, ching, ching, ching, ching, ching...


The doors suddenly flew open and through them marched a pink woman in a red velvet outfit with cotton lining that spilled out of the tight bodice. "Ho, ho, ho," the Zeltron cried without the slightest regard for anyone's melancholy or meditative state. Over her shoulder was slung a large, red sack which she hauled right into the Great Hall.

At least six steps before she stopped, and pivoted slightly to the right. Then the left. Then back to center where her bright eyes fell upon the lonely Millu Lee whose eyes looked in need of mischief. Blink, blink. "Huh, well, no one else is here for presents I guess that leaves all the more for us, Millu!"

Cali stalked down the way to drop the large sack down upon a table. A face-splitting grin preceded the pink one's dance over to the other woman with her arms open for an embrace. "What's a cutey like you doing in a place like this?" Like, Cali was probably the worst person someone could conspire with. Revenge? Oh, no, no, no. Zeltrons never engaged in revenge. They pranked. All in good fun, you see. Potentially at someone's expense to help them recognize the error of their ways.


Voph frowned. Whatever he searched for, wasn't meant to be found. That hadn't stopped him before, though. He sighed quietly, turning the datapad off and setting it upon the bar. He scooped up the mug, and knocked it back, nearly draining the entire mug in a single fell swoop. "Maybe you're right. Maybe it is a sign." Voph turned to look at Oleander, squinting at him as it clicked with him. Anzat. He was probably a skilled hunter in his own right.

Voph picked up his drink for a final time, swishing the liquid around in it for a moment. "But that does not change my willingness to hunt it. Some may call it vengeance, I call it penance. But either way, I intend to see this hunt through." Voph drained his drink, and set it upon the bar. "Thanks for the drink, stranger. I get the feeling I'll see you around. A warning though." Voph lowered his voice and leaned in close, keeping whatever he had to say private between them. "For your sake, I'd hope you've not been eyeing me as a meal this whole time. I bite back."

Voph could clearly see the man as Anzati, but at least had the decency to not call attention to it. Voph dropped a credit chit on the bar to pay for the drinks he had purchased himself, and scooped up his datapad. Without another word, he turned and strode out into the snow. It was time for him to leave. Oricon awaited him. It was time to begin his quest.


For the first time since waking, and quite a rare feat beforehand as well, a short, genuine, chuckle escaped Oleander's throat at the quiet but still very real threat. Now that was both an idea and a challenge, one Oleander wasn't necessarily opposed to. He'd planned on skipping a meal that night, spare the locals from a murder mystery on this night of celebration, just this once. Nevertheless, the threat had a smirk fully claiming his countenance, and an exaggerated inhale preceded his speech. "If I'd wanted you for dinner, I would've ordered something higher end."

"Best of luck with the hunt, though," he called back to the exiting figure, drink in his hand still half full. "And if memories do become the thing standing in your way, I'd be willing to give them a taste." The chuckle hadn't quite left his voice by the end, but with it also an awakened hunger. Shame, what happened to the old drunkard giving people problems later that night. Funny how people just go missing like that.

Kyyrk Kyyrk
Relationship Status: It's Complicated
LOCATION: Drunk Lutgriff
TAG: Torgeir Skovgaard

Gerwald knew it by the way Torgier had answered him. It was not uncommon for Lupines to be born with another sibling. For some reason Gerwald and his siblings had all been the only child resulting from each pregnancy. There were still some inconsistencies about his family and the other among the Lupines he knew. Perhaps there was a reason for that. The wolf was learning that coincidence was something of a rare occurrence, and that little happened without a reason.​
A nod was given toward the man.​
"Gerwald Lechner, and I dare not presume that your sister is a friend. She helped on Ryloth as part of the team I put together to guard the Vicelord during the festivities. I am sure you heard the reports of what happened that day. Your sister performed admirably."
A gulp was taken of the new drink. The Lupine raised his glass toward the other.​
"To new friends."
Gerwald took another long drag of the amber liquid before setting the glass down. His eyes turned to another in the bar and pointed her ( Cord Starfall Cord Starfall ) way.​
"That one looks like she could use some company. Why don't you go invite her over for some drinks hmmm?"

Damien Van-Derveld

LOCATION: City Gates
TAG: Telula Vale Telula Vale

The game was fun to Damien. Lula was easy to surprise, more innocent than he was used to in a witch, though part of him suspected the innocence was a shield to hide something hidden in her past that was unpleasant. She had hinted at it the last time they had been able to spare a moment together, the first she had learned he was a wolf. Now the black wolf stood in front of her, a ferocious and untamed thing. Lula was not afraid. That was good. Had she been, the wolf would have known and perhaps she would have seen another side of it than the one that played with her now.​
She climbed on, setting herself. Damien could feel her grip his fur with a firm tug. With a howl he set back and began to run.​
The night air was cold, and the run was brisk. He could feel it blow through his hair with every lunge he took. Cold snow crunched between the toes of his paws as he left clear tracks behind. Damien did not care. His mind was set on one thing, a race to the top of the mountain. He had to make it. They had to make it, before the lights reached their zenith. It would not be long now, Damien could feel it.​
He panted as the run slowed to a walk. The crest of the mountain was bare. No trees could grow at the height they had reached. It was calm and quiet. Nothing could be heard for kilometers save the sound of the wind and the panting wolf. He spoke once more as he stopped.​
<<"We're here,>> he pressed to her mind, bending his front half so Lula could climb down. <<"Give me a minute to get dressed.">>



Tag: Tish Cowen Tish Cowen | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix | Architect

As they rode, Beric willed the power of the Force into his mount, allowing the Living Force to flow through its muscle, tissue, and veins so that he could coax it past natural speeds. Wind and sleet whipped at his face as a common storm descended on the lone rider, but Beric merely raised a hand and used the Force to part through the wind and hailing snow.

Excursions like these were deadly for most but for the Lord of Frosthall and protector of Vandor, they were as routine as waking up in the morning. The cold no longer had the power to inhibit him; it hadn't for a while. And a snowstorm would not prevent him from protecting his home.

Boosted by the Force, the trip was much shorter. Kod'yoks were used commonly on Vandor due to the harsh weather conditions that would break down most speeders in less than a week, and that was if it even survived a day. And although they were definitely slower, Kod'yoks were native to Vandor, able to climb rocky mountain passes and weather the worst of the colds. And sure enough, they had arrived at the frozen lake that surrounded the Cauldron.

The lake was mostly frozen, but in between large floes there was still cracks that gave way to near-black, ice-cold water churning below. These frozen depths were perhaps one of Vandor's most benign and surruptious dangers, for while one could build a shelter to weather against the storm. The Kod'yok made sure to carefully navigate from floe to floe as to not fall prey to the icy water within. And soon they were on the Cauldron itself.

Dismounting, he rubbed the thick pelt of the beast before giving it a simple command through the force: Stay. Seeming to understood, it exhaled and blew a column of steam from its nostrils, stamped its foot, and stood there, watching Beric as he began to climb with its bulbous eyes.

Beric had expected that he'd be alone. After all, Vandor was his world, and no one knew it as well as he did. And no one, he assumed, would have the strength to make the ardous journey to and up the mountain. But his assumptions were dashed when he say the figure of a woman, wrapped in furs to protect against the biting cold, making her way up the mountain in front of him. "Stranger," he called over the high-pitched wind. "Are you lost? This is no place to be alone, in this weather."

Objective: Frosthall/BYOO
Wearing: [X] [X]
Tag: | Damien Van-Derveld |


The moment he took off, Telula's breath hitched and her fingers locked in the grasp she had on the fistfulls of fur she had. It wasn't the easiest task to learn the way a wolf ran and how to not become dislodged. It wasn't like riding a horse, the movements were different, but it didn't take too long for Lula to figure out the mechanics of it all. The further they ran, the closer the witchling leaned into Damien's back to help shield her from the wind and the cold. Her cloak was thick and warm, but that didn't help her face any, and eventually she hid her face entirely in the tufts of black fur just to keep her face protected and warm.

It wasn't until she felt their run begin to slow that she first peeked upwards again, then eventually lift her head so that she could look around. Naturally she had no idea where they were or where he had drug her to, which of course caused her curiosity to rear its head. Enough so that she had first missed the prompt for her to get back to her own feet, though had luckily looked down and noticed the way he had stooped for her. So Lula carefully slid to her feet, thankful once again for the leggings she had worn beneath her dress.

Again she felt the press of Damien's words against her mind and she half turned so that she could look at him. "Where is here?" she questioned him, but the very slight smirk on her face indicated that she honestly didn't expect an answer, considering he had yet to tell her anything about what they were doing. Regardless, she nodded to him and slipped the pack from her shoulders so that she could offer it over to him. "Just don't leave me out here too long on my own," she teased him, "Never know what creatures may crop up that I try and bond with."

Perhaps it wasn't humorous to him yet, considering the last time Lula had attempted to bond with a wild animal. And yet...if it weren't for that, the pair of them wouldn't be here now. Whatever the case, once he took the pack from her, she grinned and shooed him away.

Attire: [xXx]
Tag: | Dimitri Voltura |


It was all amusing to Eenia; the fact that Dimitri was not normal, and yet he worked so hard to maintain that image - at least in this current, public setting. Of course, the blonde had no intentions of putting his cover at risk, she had merely started to walk ahead of him because she knew he would catch up, whether naturally or supernaturally so. He had chosen the later, and she grinned at him with that amusement only he had seemed capable of igniting in her.

There were still plenty of things that were utterly closed off when it came to dealing with Nia, or when it came to her dealing with other things. But the fact that Mitri had been able to rekindle the natural, lighter side to the woman's personality was a feat in and of itself. Plenty of people in her life had tried and failed, yet here she was.

So she had so easily fallen into step with him as they made their way to the tavern. The lively crowd within could be heard even before the doors were reached, and Nia actually giggled a little because of it. Force, how long had it been since she had laughed without purpose or forcing it? Whatever the case, as the pair of them made their way inside, Eenia's brow creased slowly. The further they got within, the more slowly she walked as her expression contort with concentration. And then all at once, her feet stalled.

She was still as stone, her gaze snapped up to Dimitri's for he would surely feel her shift in mood, and then she breathed words out at him, knowing he would hear them above the din despite the fact. "Anora is here..." Out of all of the places in the galaxy to be, why here? Last Nia had checked, her sister was not a Confederate. In fact, Nora had been running about with that Mandalorian still. Now that's not to say that she didn't miss her big sister, because she did. But after what had happened between them, Nia wasn't sure how big sister would take to seeing matter how apologetic Eenia felt.




TAG: Beric Layne Beric Layne
SECONDARY: Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix | Architect

Raina held her head low against the wind, clutching her furs tight around her.

This was going to be a fin climb with the wind and cold throwing her in every direction. It was chit weather. She was just about to conjure some fire bodies to accompany her when she felt that sharp feeling of the Light Side approaching.

Her usually brown eyes burnt a bright violet as she turned around, summoning a ball of fire in her hand just in case, as the voice of a man hailing her carried over the wind.
"And what, pray tell. would be a place to be alone in? If you're scared of the weather, run on back to town." she told the stranger with a sweet smile, yet it didn't reach her eyes.

She had to admit, as she looked him up and down, that he was handsome in a rugged way. Yet she trusted a Light Sider as far as she could throw them.

She narrowed her eyes at him.
"What are you doing out in these conditions?" she asked him over the din of the wind, her distrustful nature kicking in.



Dimitri Voltura




TAG: Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn

Eenia's reaction surprised him.

One moment she was all smiles and the next she had grown tense. She did not even react on his question of something to drink. He had just looked down at her when she said three simple words:

"Anora is here..."

She had briefly told him of what had transpired between her and her sister, but had never gone into much detail. All Dimitri knew was that Anora was her sister.

He followed Eenia's gaze until his eyes found the dark haired, casual dressed woman of the same beauty as her younger sister. He then looked back at Nia with a frown.
"What would you like to do, my dear? Do you want to speak to her? Or should we go somewhere else?" he asked her softly, resting his hand reassuringly on her shoulder. She was clearly shaken by her sister's presence and he did not want to play the Master tonight.

He looked back at the server that was still waiting.
"Give us a few minutes, please. Hold the order for now. I'll get back to you." he told her, his hand still on Nia's shoulder, channeling strength to her.



Tag: | Dimitri Voltura |


The only response that came from the youngest of the Vahn siblings was a noise in the back of her throat. She had not taken her eyes off of her older sister, though there was confusion evident on her face as she studied the pair at the bar. That was not the same Mandalorian she had last witnessed her sister with. Not that, that was exactly a big deal or anything, but it did bring up a lot of questions for Nia.

However, she was being spoken to, and Eenia forced herself to peel her gaze away from Anora to focus on Dimitri instead. "I'm not sure," she answered honestly, glancing briefly to the bar, then back again. "Part of me would kill to go and speak to her, but...I also know that she's not exactly going to want to say anything to me..." and naturally Nia couldn't blame her sister for that.

"And," she sighed the word out, "I don't want to ruin her night. She looks like she's having a good time." Which the blonde also knew would change immediately once Nora either sensed the younger of the pair, or caught sight of her.




Tag: Tish Cowen Tish Cowen

As he neared her, being able to see more clearly now that sleet and distance did not obscure his vision, he noticed that she cut a striking figure. The woman's eyes burned bright with an unusual violet glow, and in her dark rose and furs standing against the white snow, she cut a striking, almost seductive figure. Beric had seen many beings of beauty, but this woman was different. Unique.

Her response to Beric's question was in the form of a challenge, and Beric had to guess that she was not the docile type. Subtly reaching out in the force as she spoke, he sensed a strong aura around her. Another Force User. . . it seemed that Vettr Nacht truly had attracted all cuts of life from around the Confederacy. "I am Beric Layne, Lord of Frosthall and Vandor," he responded. "The protection of this world falls under my duty."

His proclamation remembered him why he was here. A sense of urgency filling him. . . the visions. . . he gave the woman a curt nod before brushing past her, making for the top of the snow-covered volcano.




Some things yet remained constant.

Despite the changes that had been wrought upon his partner, Delia was very much so herself. Sure, there was a ravenous appetite that had to be attended to. But outside of that? Her response to his desire to go to the tavern was exactly as he had expected. Years prior, she would have said the exact same.

At the very least, there was a compromise. Rience busied himself pouring a mug of warm cider as the sleigh carried on.

"Don't you always want me to yourself?" he inquired, offering a wicked smile. His tone denoted one simple truth - he wouldn't have it any other way.

Cordelia Malkavian Cordelia Malkavian

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