
Name: Vettu'honi'oazi
Nicknames: Na
Age: 23
Race: Chiss
Sex: Female
Height: 168.5cm
Weight 74.5kg
Force Sensitive: No
Affiliation: Grey Claw Pirates
Occupation: Agent/spy for hire
Home world: Csilla
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Very Hetrosexual
Strengths, weaknesses and other performance factors
Concealment: Is adept at keeping hidden and out of sight, either by disguises, hacking into sensors, equipment or old fashion camouflage.
Blades: Is a avid user of Vibro blade and other light swords, being taught fro a young age, and know how to take down an opponent with quick precise cut/slices.
Poisons: Know a good deal about certain substances, their effects on different species and how to administer them effectively.
Tech yes: Has been trained extensively by different people in the art of hacking, slicing and programing and different systems used by the major factions.
Light and Precises: She is a expert with light and small arms and blasters able to use them effectively despite the lacking fire power.
Unbreakable: Training to not break under interrogation and mind trick means she really reveal her true motive or employers if captured.
Resourceful: Though not an expert survivalist she can use everyday tools and adapt them to what ever task is needed.
Professional: Though not naturally professional or strict when required she is able to take the though processes of an elite solider or officer.
Solo Worker: Though willing to be in a team often works alone, this can be for better or for worst depending on the assignment.
Marital Arts: Knows the basics of marital arts and some hand to hand combat skills, though often tries to avoid open fights and cannot stand up to experienced opponents.
Heavy Weapons: Large weapons like blaster rifles and missile launches are not something she use on occasion because of her job, and as such lacks skill using them.
Force users: Has very little experience fighting and dealing with force uses due to the inhuman powers.
Light Attacks: Her attacks do not always puck the most power and can have difficultly with armored opponents.
Other traits
A bit to far: Sometime will take mission and assignment past the point actual needed to complete them, endangering herself and others, though may yield beneficial results.
Vettu has typical blue skin and red eyes for her race, accompanied with dark blue hair reaching down to her waist. Most of her clothing is dark blue and black robe like attire with the addition of silver or gold jewellery, though also entails tight fitting suits sneaking suits. On assignment she will wear more stealthy armor or what ever choice of clothing is required for said task. Many tasks involve night clubs and going undercover as a dancer of sorts.

Though having a slightly stoic outward appearance (common for her race), Vettu for most occasion is a sly, flirty and outgoing personality, but still retains a sense of professionalism. In addition she is a convincing actor making it difficult to tell if she is lying and able to roll and improvise for different scenarios with multiple cover stories.
Vettu grey up traveling with her father around neutral and the Iron empire, learning the spy trade and other skills useful to spy from him, though he himself was more of an assassin then an agent. She learned the basics of hacking, shooting with blasters and other questionable skills. Coming of age she eventually started accompanying her father mission, proving useful slowly but surely increasing her experience and knowledge.
Eventually she went solo from her father, taking up a more secret agent role then assassin, and currently is up for hire, acting of behalf of who ever pays.
Her most recent job is as a member of the newly formed Gray Claw pirates, draw to the group for there slightly vigilantly ideals but still a for profit organization. She serves as the crews hacker, one of the gunslingers and information gatherer and is Captains Iron beards right hand woman. Vettu is the only current female member and aims to rise the ranks of the small group.
Cerberus Rps
Nexus Armour
Security Slicers
Small straight Vibro Blade
Latest DDC Defender
Ship: Newest model A-wing
Land Na
Other Na
[member='Captain Ironbeard']
Corvo Arnvis
Enemies: Na