Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Vexen
SPECIES: Defel Wraith
AGE: 14
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.2m
WEIGHT: 44kg
EYES: Orange
HAIR: Indistinguishable in normal lighting (absorbs all). Bright UV will show a range of green and yellow stripes



+ Shadow: in normal light, she appears little more than a shadow. In darkness she is almost indistinguishable and can move with complete silence
+ Mind Tricks: She has a natural affinity for Force mind tricks, using these to make anyone forget about her if they catch sight of her.
+ Fast: Back on Ithor she had to escape pursuit from any who spotted her in the shadows, as well as hunt deadly poisonous insects for food with her bare hands. Vexen is very fast and co-ordinated when she puts her mind to it.

- Orphan: Vexen grew up alone in the tunnels and vents that service one of the Ithorian city ships. She believes this to be the entire world, with the exception of the Land Below (Ithor) which she has seen through viewports. She has no understanding of current culture, social interaction or technology.
- Language: She has a poor grasp of basic, equivalent to most four year olds. eight year olds.
- Small: She's very small and light
- No combat training: Obviously.
- Cowardly: Vexen has come to learn that other creatures will react with terror or try and hurt her if they see her. She prefers to avoid other creatures, even the other homeless wretches that live away from the sight of most. Vexen prefers to avoid confrontation most of the time. Even though she is reassured by [member="Micah Talith"]'s presence she is still shy around strangers.
- Vain: Despite living out of sight of anyone else, Vexen will clean and brush her fur meticulously. She keeps an ultraviolet light in her home, which allows her to preen her fur and admire her bright green and yellow stripes


Vexen was actually stolen from her parents at a very young age. Brought to an ithorian herdship to be traded, she escaped at night. Vanishing into the tunnels and vents that bring the flow of air and moisture required for the Ithorian garden cities, she was never found. Digging through a concrete wall into an abandoned service room, she made a home for herself. Living as a feral creature on the periphery of civilisation, she grew up raiding the world above for food. She found that if anyone saw her, she could often make them forget.

A Rodian maintenance worker, named Rajik, spotted her. His eyesight condition forced him to wear glasses that happened to spectrally shift UV light slightly, allowing him to see the Defel. Dragging her back to his house, which connected to several maintenance shafts below, he decided to use the wretch to line his own pockets.

Now Vexen comes to him for fresh food, in exchange for stealing from the inhabitants of the Herdship during the night. Over the years he has taught her what to steal by administering beatings when she brings him useless items and providing more food, or tasty treats, if she pleases him.

A solitary feral creatures, Vexen roamed the Ithorian ships until a chance encounter with a Jedi young-ling...

Vexen was taken from her life in the shadows by Micah Talith. With the permission of his mother he sheltered the malnourished Defel Wraith. Over time he encouraged her to practise her grasp of the Force. It was when a ship of children crashed on an unmarked world that she was forced to find her courage. Instincts she had survived on for years kicked in and she put aside her fears to help them escape a planet full of terrors.

When Micah and Kira were threatened on Contruum she came to their aid. Relying on her speed, she used a pair of stun batons to bring down a squad of stormtroopers baring Micah's escape. She accompanied him to Lujo where she fought against several dark jedi in a temple seething with the dark side of the Force.

Micah tends to refer to her fighting style as similar to a Lepi. Always on the move she bounces and weaves between her foes. In the dark her blurred silhouette combined with several artefacts made for her by Micah makes it hard to pinpoint the Wraith. To date, she has never used her claws to harm another individual. She prefers her stun batons, dart gun and stun pistol. She eschews the typical lightsaber of the Jedi.

Vexen still has no knowledge of her species. Perhaps the information was lost during the plague, or perhaps the species was only ever seen in small numbers in the galaxy at large. All they had tracked down is references to Wraiths, who appear as little more than a shadow.
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