Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Via Dolorosa

"You've not felt coldness....till you've touched my heart" - Via Dolorosa


Name: Via Dolorosa
Alias: N/A
Faction: The Family / The Templar Order
Species: Vahla / Garhoon
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 1.8 meters
Weight: 54 kgs.
Eyes: Yellow / Red
Hair: Black
Skin Tone: Pale Shade of Gray
Build: Athletic (Some Muscle Tone)
Homeworld: Dathomir
Voice: X
Theme: X

"Betrayal isn't cruel....unless you get caught" - Via Dolorosa

Force Sensitive: Yes
Alignment: Dark Side
Class: Dathomir Witch
Sect: Spiderclan
Main Lightsaber Form: Form V
Alternate Forms: Form II

"What you call murder....I call cleansing my soul" - Via Dolorosa

Darth Venefica: Mother (Deceased)
Seras Goto: Mother

"Morality is something I simply can't afford" - Via Dolorosa

{-} Cryptic: She never gives full answers, only replying partially; holding truths close to her heart. Via is highly secretive, not considered a loner, though relishes in her privacy.

{-} Eccentric: Via tends to gravitate to weird, unique, and strange behaviour. She is known to surround herself with objects, items, and animals of a bizarre and disturbing nature.

{-} Malicious: Not known for her kindness, she optimizes any chance to inflict harm either mentally or physically on people; and not just those she dislikes.

(+} Persistence: Perhaps headstrong, she remains obstinate in her devotion to the course of action, regardless of opposition or difficulty.

{+} Self-Control: Via has unraveled the mystery of controlling one'self; especially with emotions and desires.

{+}Patience: Via harbours the capacity to tolerate and accept troubling situations, delays, or set backs without getting angry or upset. Though her patience is thinly veiled.

"Why Not?" - Via Dolorosa

Deep inside the depths of Al-Khali where dark science and even darker magick were conjured, two entangled Sith Lord (Darth Venefica and Seras Goto) lovers extracted DNA from themselves, combing it to create their daughter, Via Delorosa. Not quite using alchemy, they jointly employed their dark intentions to fabricate a monster, and initially they had succeeded. With thunderous booms and flashes of red lightening, the two Lords celebrated with a torture spree of imprisoned volunteers.

Though their success was short lived, as the foundations of the Black Rose crumbled around them, Darth Venefica, letting Seras Goto know her intentions, whisked their three week old daughter away to the planet of Dathomir to spare her life. En-route to the planet, the Dagobah Sith had implanted a small beacon chip into the left wrist of the genetically created infant, so either Darth Venefica or Seras Goto could find their daughter, brining her home when the time was right. Proceeding their arrival, the Sith Lord contacted the Mother of the Spiderclan, a nightsister sect, whom she held a bond of friendship with. With a broken heart, Darth Venefica handed the female infant over to the clan; hoping one day she could return to claim her. But after the betrayal from a Black Rose sister, which they later learned, Darth Venefica and Seras Goto continued their terror ways; Seras Goto dedicating her life to science whilst Darth Venefica took the revenge route.

As the years passed on, the young girl was indoctrinated into the Clan; learning the mystic arts of Dathomir Magick. Her prowess and strength in the Force's Dark Side manifested quickly, and so did her knowledge of the Clan's magick. Exposed to all aspects of Dathomir magick and rituals, powers such as mesmerism, surge of the brier, revitalization of the whuffa, scream of the ssurian, spell of interpretation, touch of the kinn'dray, and aspect of the storm she excelled at. During a three month period a Sith had been captured, only the Sith's life at been spared at the bequest of Xiang. In exchange for her mercy, she wanted the sith to teach her about lightsaber combat. After the three months passed, Xiang killed him; keeping the Sith's lightsaber for herself.

The Mother, as did other Clan members, took notice how she was growing and it was time to reach her true level within the Clan. Through a series of quests that tested her survival skills, magick skills, life choices, and loyalties to the Clan which she passed with bumps and bruises; she had been granted the title of Witch Elder a few days before her eighteenth birthday..

The day of her eighteenth birthday, she woke up to a pain in her left wrist, that was pulsating with a blinking light underneath the skin. Nervously, she was confused.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, one of Seras Goto's most cherished datapads began to blink and beep; alerting the Sith Lord. Seras Goto opened up the datapad, where the only contents displayed where a set of coordinates and a brief message from Darth Venefica letting Seras Goto know where to extract their daughter. Destiny for Mother and Daughter were within reach. For a brief time the two embarked together, but Via began to grow weary, wishing to seek knowledge of the Force as dictated by the Sith.

Taking leave of her Mother, she left to explore the galaxy; mainly the worlds rich in Sith history. During visits to Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Dromund Fels, and Ziost she grew more connected to the Darkside; falling further into it's web. Along the way she learned alter image, alter mind, force cloak, force stealth.

Later, after practicing these new found abilities, she was taught force illusion, force invisibility, and mirror illusion. Through these studies, she had become an illusionist of sorts. Though not a Sith in name, she had secretly craved to join their ranks. However, it seemed her living Mother held reservations regarding her daughter aligning herself properly with them. So, after her studies concluded she returned to Dathomir around her twenty-first birthday; feeling no longer like a Witch Elder, but something more, different, powerful.

"Now, can't blame ME for everything" - Via Dolorosa
Canon Items

<> Lightsaber of Emperor Palpatine
<> Staff of Dathka Graush
<> Legacy of Ajunta Pall


<> Primary Weapon: Lightsabers
<> Secondary Weapon: Viridi Nubila
<> Body: N/A
<> Accessory #1: Domine Aranea
<> Accessory #2: Nimis Exaltatus Nova Imago
<> Accessory #3: N/A
<> Accessory #4: N/A


<> Item #1: Sequimini Sanguis
<> Item #2: The Heliox Stone

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