Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Victims of their Greed [TSE Dominion of Oorn Tchis Hex]

Ao Xian

Everyone Forgets the Tail Flick
Objective 1
[member="Kazmai"] | [member="Jyn Cvetkovic"] | Anyone else feel free to be here.

She listened with half of her attention. To be honest, anything more than half was unlikely. The scent of blood, rapidly cooling, was overwhelming all other senses. They had not been subtle, they had not been neat.

But they had been thorough.

As the rest of the crew disembarked from the ship, Ao's eyes fluttered closed and she breathed in deeply. Thirty one in this bay alone. If they had been the first ship to breech the defenses, then it would have been the most they could muster, their numbers more scattered and smaller. But they would retreat into their asteroid, their warrens- like durni, ready to lash out with feet but ultimately prey.

Several hundred in the base itself, not all of them pirates themselves perhaps, but certainly existing off of the fat of their depredations.

They would teach them what it truly meant to be a predator.

"Yes," she said finally, sapphire eyes opening. Usually slitted with just a slice of black, triangular pupils were wide and dark, dominating the blue.

"Got it!" called the verpine. It shrank back a touch as Ao turned to look at it. "When you are ready."

Ao stepped up to the blast doors as her apprentice finally reached the hangar. She glanced at Jyn and Kazmai, and had to remind herself that they were allies for a moment. Not prey.

"Open the doors."
Objective: One
[member="Kazmai"] | [member="Ao Xian"]
He was a friend. He wasn't prey. He had to stop himself telling that to Ao'Xian, reminding his master of that fact. He'd grown much more comfortable around her and he felt that she'd become used to his presence. He almost hoped that she wasn't going to turn him into prey any longer although it had been a very long time since they'd been into battle together and it was currently unknown if Ao'Xian was going to be able to keep her cool and only focus on the bad guys. The reports had mentioned that they were going to be head to head with pirates, smugglers and spice pirates he assumed. It was currently unknown.

He almost hoped they were spice users.

Jyn knew how a spice user worked. He'd basically built so many basic regular Commenori into spice users. He knew exactly what made a spice user tick, exactly what made a spice user turn from happy to sad, angry to lonely, cold to hot. He understood spice users better than most other people because for a time he was amungst them, he was in their ranks sharing the spice that they had brought from him. He was basically smoking his own spice, that was a good way to use his products. Make some money thet injest your own product. He was getting paid to do drugs, that was another way he quite enjoyed looking at it.

He was joined by another.

Jyn and Ao'Xian were a dynamic duo. They were joined by another. He was a beast in his own right. Jyn spent a moment trying to figure it out, he felt like the only human around. He was a human between a dragon and between a troll. Actually, the third was less troll and more lumbering monster who could probably crush Jyn like a little twig and then throw the corpse into orbit. Perhaps it would be best to not anger the giant creature. At least he knew that if everything went wrong he'd probably be okay, protected by a dragon and a giant monster guy. He had to admit that he was in very little danger.

He was okay with that.
Objective 4: BYOO (Gathering information from the locals)
Post #3
Allies: [member="Scipio Alta"]

It should be noted that Alm was consciously pacing herself in eating throughout the conversation. As an adolescent slated to grow another foot or so, her appetite was...not exactly satisfied by salad. Eating was brain fuel, something she’d need if she were to pay attention closely to the thickly accented Basic of the Oorn Tchiss natives to dissect what they were saying. Still, her aptitude for the language was far better than what it had been initially.

She liked the elder Jarru. Though a hard looking man, he was kindly in his eyes and with his speech. It wasn’t difficult to sense the suspicion from the son, however. It was written across his face and in his posture, plain as day.

Alm’s lips parted just slightly as she moved to make a reply, but Junior’s interjection had caught her off guard and caused her to freeze. To her credit, Alm was still a teenager and the decision making parts of her brain were…not completely wired with efficiency. Heat rose to the surface of her face with a mix of embarrassment and anger, not exactly sure how to field this question.

The tall teenager was quiet for a few moments, face stern as she sought to center her thoughts. Her Master was always calm and knew what to say, traits Alm aspired to have one day. Facing Junior, her expression was something hard but not hostile. Wasn’t the type to smile much anyhow.

“Here for information. Need to know about crops and production for Sith Empire. In turn, offer protection.”

Maybe not as smooth or as eloquent as Fa, but she managed to control her tone and reign in any outbursts.

Shifting her attention back towards Jarru Sr., she sought to answer his question.

“I come from Manas, in mountains.” She didn’t expect him to know the planet, a mostly primitive and unremarkable terrestrial zone in the Outer Rim. “My family, not farmers. But we hunt and gather, understand that…” She waved her hands in a circular motion as she searched for the words. “It cycles.” In her own words, the mountain girl tried to explain that she was familiar with certain times of year being more bountiful in specific of game.
The Admiralty
Objective 1
[member="Ao Xian"] | [member="Jyn Cvetkovic"]

Kazmai ignored the puny human.

Instead he let his hammer softly dash against the floor. boom. His breath was released. boom. Breath went in. All around them the others - Herglic, Trandoshan, Wookiee, more.. - added their voices into the mix. The bulk doors started groan open, protesting against the hard-wire made by the Verpine. Slow. Slow enough that it allowed them to channel their rage. He had to remind himself this human was Ao's pet. The only living human in this hangar bay.

Would the squishy one realize just how fortune it was?

He started to growl softly, bending an inch through his knees as the hammer scratched against the floor. Anticipation rising- it snapped when the first blaster bolt passed between the bulk doors. It missed them by a fraction, but it was enough for the tension to break.

"Kill." Kaz roared and charged.

They were met by a wall of metal, of plasma and of squish behind the fortifications. The simian did not care... his eyes saw red and everything before his hammer was going to be destroyed.
Nyra turned and saw no one. Not a single being not even a... mouse? She looked down at the small and insecure creature insisting that he'd never been on a heist before. "You," Nyra said practically pouncing on it. She brought her face straight to his on all fours staring. "Are perfect."

Sitting up a little she knelt and considered for a moment the possibilities. Firstly this mouse was adorable, secondly... it was tiny. How many places could he go? How many things could he steal without anyone suspecting. She had to know where these creatures came from, she needed no less than six of them to be in partners in crime.

And then a man walked in. He was late. That was fine. Nyra didn't care all to much in honesty because she had a mouse. "Right. So let us prepare." she started by pulling the zipper down on her suit. "You mouse may nestle into my bosom if you wish."

"We're going to need to get past rotating guard shifts with enough equipment to break into a vault and have some kind of exit strategy in the event that we are caught." her nose wrinkled, "So we need an old style garbage scowl. Something that people go out of their way not to notice..."

And then it dawned on her. "Introductions!" She stood up and winked a bit. "I'm Nyra Mazul. Who are all of you?"

[member="Tabigarashu Madara"] | [member="Dalton Leath"]
Objective: 1
Allies: @Kazmai @Ao Xian [member="Jyn Cvetkovic"]
Post: 1

The Sith Lord sat upon a corvette set to breach one of the hangars of the pirate base. The marines surrounded him, some shuffling, others sitting straight as an arrow. Roth could sense their nervousness, but he did not worry. The Lord of Despair knew today was not his day to die. For a handful of these marines, perhaps, but he would do his best to prevent as many of their deaths as possible. The captain of the vessel gave the command, and the boarding party Roth was with stood, while he stayed sitting. His eyes were closed behind his mask, focusing on the task ahead. A second order was given, the marines shouldered their rifles, and Darth Roth stood to his feet. He pushed his way through the marines until he stood at the front.

The ship jolted. The voice spoke again.

The doors opened. The lightsaber came alive.

The Sith Lord took five steps out into the hangar, deflecting two blaster bolts as he did so. The marines behind him poured into the hangar bay, shouting and taking cover before returning fire. The pirates in the bay were a ragged bunch, much less equiped and skilled than the soldiers of war Roth had faced throughout his career. A man jumped out from his cover, standing directly in front of the Lord about fifteen feet away. Roth sensed the bravery in the man's heart melt into fear at the sight of the masked figure in front of him. Without thinking twice, Roth raised his free arm and brought the pirate flying through the air; to land on and meet his demise as so many others had, on the red lightsaber at the hands of Darth Roth. While Roth was playing with his food, the Empire's marines were making quick work of the pirate force. Almost as quick as it all had began, a sergeant approached Roth and informed him that the room was clear, and brought forth a live pirate. Smiling under his battle-worn mask, Roth crouched down to the wounded pirate's level. "This will be quick." And then, the Sith Lord shut his eyes and reached out with ghastly tendrils, just as he had done years ago on Vullain as an Acolyte with the One Sith. With little trouble, Roth poked and prodded his way into the pirate's mind, searching for anything pertaining to the information he was here to receive. Ultimately finding nothing, he grimaced and stood. In one fast motion, the lightsaber was ignited and sliced through the pirate.

The Lord of Despair turned to face the door of the hangar bay, which the team was already working to open. All he had to do now was wait for them to finish, then their carnage could continue.


Well-Known Member
Objective II | Status: Unconcious
A human construct, an invented measure of one's life crammed into seconds, hours, minutes... but here, it was all meaningless. What devilry had been concocted escaped the girl's mind as she struggled to push through the fog. Not a hypothetical fog, but a true mist - at least in her own mind. It might as well have been reality. She'd been given a sedative, that much she could remember, but everything else was hidden past the veil. Even as her footsteps brought her through empty streets she began to recognize places she'd been. Non-congruent streets lining up with each other in a way that made no sense. The corridors of her home on Oricon, the streets of Telos IV... not only these but a handful of locations which had no business being tied together. It was disorienting to say in the least. How long she'd wandered was a question asked that had no answer, time passing neither by sun and cycle of moon nor by season. Every moment a day lit by an invisible source, one never ending day. Alone in her mind, she struggled. Sometimes she could hear her own voice, echoing endlessly. Other times she would hear voices from her past, the voice of Lord Tirdarius, callous but encouraging. Even now she heard echoes, but one in particular cut through the mire.
*Awaken?* But she was awake.. wasn't she? Her head turned, a particularly narrow alleyway beckoning to her, as if a string was connected to her very soul and gently being pulled. Unquestioning she followed, footsteps echoing along the stone paved way. As she passed between the two buildings a shiver took her spine. It suddenly felt as if there were a dark shroud closing in about her, Lyra's breaths coming slower now, more difficult. With each step her head began to swim, a slow wobble finding its way into her step. Again the voice spoke, this time almost angrily, a hint of malevolence accompanied by a stab of pain in her chest.
Ragged came her breaths now, though not from exertion. Water. It felt like water in her lungs. A violent fit of coughing wracking her nimble frame, hair falling down briefly across her face. A frantic hand brushing it aside before clutching at her throat. She couldn't breathe.. She could feel her fingers wrapping around her own throat, nails catching, digging, biting into flesh. Her body heaved now, almost convulsing as it struggled to expel the unwelcome fluid from her lungs. With a final wretch, she took a deep inward breath. The cold scorched her mouth, her airway, her lungs. A frigid breath of air reigniting the coals of life within her bosom. Once more the voice, this time almost a scream.
Another breath. Another sharp pain. Lyra's eyes snapped open.

Tabigarashu Madara

Good things come in smol packages
Hirou's fur rippled and they clutched their tail, ears laying flat. If a mouse could blush at the compliment, Hirou certainly would have.

"Well thank you!" The Nezumi squeaked, clearly pleased.

Of course that didn't change the fact that when the offer of.... bosom riding.... was.... well.... offered..... Hirou's nose twitched and they blinked.

"Erm. No.... thank you....."

Hirou didn't know this person. While she had quite nicely complimented them, a certain trust was required for riding in things like pockets. Hirou decided, without much consideration, that this was much like a pocket.

Yes. A pocket.

They did however leap across the divide, small though it was. Landing lightly on her forearm, Hirou scrabbled up until they summited her shoulder where careful balance was secured.

"I can requisition a ship from the Inquisition!" Hirou pipped, hoping it would help. It was a ridiculous statement, coming from a mouse. But it was true. Hirou worked directly for Tai Fa, Lord Saarai and head of the Saaraishash. They were also an honorary Sith Knight, but Hirou didn't think that was germane to the conversation at hand. Almost bouncing with excitement on her shoulder, they looked back and forth between the two humans. "We can head to the hangar! My name is Tabigarashu Madara, you can call me Tabi."

Hirou didn't know these people. And names were personal things.

[member="Nyra Mazul"] [member="Dalton Leath"]

Ao Xian

Everyone Forgets the Tail Flick
Objective 1
[member="Kazmai"] | [member="Jyn Cvetkovic"] | [member="Darth Roth"] | Anyone else feel free to be here.

Ao didn't think of Jyn quite the way he saw her. Or even remotely, truth be told. He was a potential, certainly. Strength for both himself and for the Empire at large. But mostly he was..... more like a stray animal she wasn't yet certain she was going to keep. And one that certainly hadn't learned how to piddle on the paper yet.

Kazmai at least showed her proper reverence. He was solicitous in his actions. While she didn't like how he rarely left behind creatures in a state that she preferred them, at least he didn't get nauseated and turn greenish when she ate.

Inwardly, Ao sighed. Not everyone could be Kalak, perfect Kalak. She missed him and while he would never thrive in a situation such as this one, couldn't help but wish he were here.

As the hangar doors opened and Kazmai uttered his single offering to the gods (herself included), Ao struck.

She moved like smoke and water, striking as a viper from behind the larger beast as he led the charge, using him as cover for her attack. Fanged jaws opened wide, snapping bones and slicing flesh with ease. While she slaughtered, she knew that the great beast had her safety in mind- he had proved it before. Jyn would learn with time, for now he would add his strength to theirs. With no great strength or razor fangs, his lightsaber would do, to carve through muscle and body like butter.

What could any beings do in the face of such monstrous fury?

Pirates died beneath hammer, teeth, and saber. Some stood against it and fell. Some ran, only prolonging the inevitable.

But here in this hallway, it was a massacre.
Objective One
[member="Ao Xian"] | [member="Darth Roth"] | [member="Kazmai"]
The lightsaber he had borrowed was horrible. The lightsaber he had borrowed was uncomfortable, yet the lightsaber he had borrowed is probably what kept him alive. He didn't do much with it, he more just waved the lightsaber around, got lucky a few times and watched as a couple of pirates fell as Jyn very much accidently deflected their own blaster bolts back into him. He wasn't confident, he honestly didn't have a clue. He would love to claim that he did something but he was surrounded by utter monsters, two of them were actual monsters. They did most of the work while Jyn just got amazingly lucky a few times.

Was it luck, or was it the force?

He knew that Ao'Xian would ask him to think about that. She was a unique teacher, training during battle. She was good though, slowly teaching Jyn to open himself up to his hate and to his anger. He knew that hate and anger were the first things he needed to achieve before he could even dream about becoming powerful like his master, like the other creatures who were taking part in the massacre. It wasn't just a killing, a killing wouldn't of been so messy. Blood stained the walls, the floors, the doors, the people and the creatures in the room, blood stained everything that it could stain, clinging.

Then a blaster bolt hit him.

It hurt. It hit his shoulder. It did no real damage but it hurt. It wasn't a good idea to try and shoot the young Sith Acolyte. Jyn glared at the man who fired the blaster, eyes full of rage. If the corridor had already witnessed a masscre then it had seen nothing. Jyn was angry, he moved forward, hands steady to block the blaster bolts being fired at him. His fear appeared to be gone, rage had taken over. He stood in front of the three utter creatures that had joined him and he slaughtered. His weapon cut through pirates like they were made of butter. Arms fell off, heads rolled across the floor and men cried out in pain.

Jyn had snapped.

The corridor was illuminated red. He'd accidently cut a power cable during his slaugher. Another pirate fell to Jyn, and another. There was no method, no fancy lightsaber work to the slaughter, Jyn was just swinging and enjoying the screams of his victims. He was surprised that he hadn't been shot again although he supposed he had the force to thank for that. Another pirate fell, another after another. Jyn didn't stop until the screaming had stopped, until the four of them had finished those who tried to oppose The Sith Empire. Jyn didn't stop until they were all dead, all of them.

Then he breathed out.

And collapsed. Exhaustion had set in.
The Admiralty
Objective 1
[member="Ao Xian"] | [member="Jyn Cvetkovic"] | [member="Darth Roth"] | Anyone else feel free to be here.

Hours turned to minutes turned to seconds and eventually the roar in his ears subsided.

The red faded.

It paved way towards his vision returning and seeing the remnants of a... pirate, he surmised. Head gone, hammer bloody, the metal floor had been dented from his repeated shattering blows against it. It seemed that in his fury he had lost control for a moment. Kazmai raised himself, blood dripping from fur and metal and teeth, tilting head and sending pleasant cracks through his bones while surveying the battle. Almost over- there Ao was, feeding, the corridor bathed in sudden darkness.

Why darkness?

"The human collapsssssed, brother." With a grunt he looked over to where the Trandoshan was pointing. A mess of pirates surrounding him. "Seems your pet knows how to handle himself, Radiant One." Kaz rumbled after finally dislodging something that had been stuck in his mouth, giving him sweet pain.



It was flicked away and the simian squinted at the Verpine currently working at one of the panels. His army, his legion, welcomed all. As long as they were no human. It mattered not if they were fighters themselves, all that mattered was that they could offer something in and out the battle. It was currently working on restoring the lights, diverting around the powerlining that had been cut. Moments later the emergency light flickered back into existence.

Another stretch.

Every surface was covered and splattered with blood and more. "I dedicated these kills to you, Undying Source of Light and Luck." A bow to Ao, before he gestured for his men to pack it up. This was only the beginning, they still had several corridors to clear and a command center to break apart.
The Admiralty
Objective 2B
[member="Nyra Mazul"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"]

This situation was getting out of hand.

The lady was now offering- was she really? "Don't think the mouse wants to choke on your tits." He drawled between the cigarette. Then, rising. "Pleasure, Tabi." He had been under the impression that this Sith Empire meant business. Right now this was all very confusing. They were going to take that bank with one shapely creature (she didn't smell human), a mouse and him? He looked on over behind the Mazul and studied the white-board with the blueprints and other crap they somehow managed to get their hands on.

Inquisition indeed.

"Dalton Leath." Someone active in the criminal underworld might have heard of him. It was a name that kept popping up every few decades or so- sometimes this name stayed active for only a single job, sometimes it was active for years.

Same one? Poser? Who knew.

But he had done everything from gun running to counterfeiting to assassination and theft. If it was the same one anyway. "We can introduce ourselves while walking, yeah?" Unless they decided that wasn't an option for some reason, Dal would push the door open again and step out. One look this way, that way, then heading on over towards the hangar. "We gettin' any support from the Empire on this? 'sides the ship and reconnaissance, I wouldn't mind some... back-up."
Well, the mouse was on her shoulder at least. That was enough for Nyra. "Make sure to hold on tightly," Nyra said nodding at her shoulder and passenger. This thing was adorable, and she wanted eight now. She didn't respond to Dalton's comment instead giving him a nod and beginning on her way. "We don't need imperial support. Smaller teams are better." Looking at the man she considered for a moment.

"I've always found when robbing a bank to post as a customer, open a deposit up. The vault is underground but there is multiple containers that can be summoned to one of the three doors. We can make a statue and coat it with anti scanning materials." She nodded and pointed with a thumb to the mouse on her shoulder. "We can put you inside of it, with an air supply and some tiny adorable tools."

Yes this plan was going to be easy. "Then you can switch out the ID tags on our container and theirs. You have some sort of technical knowledge for this right?" It didn't matter it was a simple thing to switch ID tags. "We come back later to get something from our vault, very short term deposit. Then we back a ship up through the unarmored wall and steal the entire container worth of artifacts."

Not how Nyra normally did things, she was much more subtle normally, however they were on a clock."

"So we have a skeleton of a plan. Questions, comments, concerns?"

[member="Dalton Leath"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Objective 1

The Pluton moved to within point-blank range of the station, soaking up the subpar fire of its laser cannons and other ordnance. The turrets swiftly snapped and came alive - albeit not the main guns. Opening fire with the LRHHVels at this range would be suicide for the Imperial forces infiltrating the station. Instead the secondary and tertiary guns of the battleship opened up, their firepower engaging and destroying most of the exterior turrets, silencing the guns of the outpost in a swift motion. Vanessa watched from the bridge as turret after turret was disabled. "This... this is proper destructive power. I have to admit, it does hurt holding back, but better to keep our forces alive with limited firepower than to risk their well being."

Hopefully, there wouldn't be any surprises that there were at Ciutric.

Ao Xian

Everyone Forgets the Tail Flick
Objective 1
[member="Kazmai"] [member="Jyn Cvetkovic"] [member="Darth Roth"]

Ao had been focused. At some point the human had died, but that was fine.

Eventually, all things died.

She looked up from her meal, muzzle coated in blood as she gulped down something that might have been a liver with a flip of her head and a snap of her teeth.

The Xykan had been aware that he'd fallen- but also that he was essentially unhurt. It wasn't clear if he had been injured if she would have been more concerned, but at least here and now, she bent her head again, tugging at a strand of something wet before responding. She did at least chew contemplatively and swallow before speaking-

Ao was polite like that.

"Mhmm. He is sturdy for a human," she allowed. Curled as she was, it was easy to bring up a back claw to scratch at her snout.

Relatively sated, she unfurled, leaving behind the cooling kill in the middle of the corridor. She preened momentarily, when Kazmai dedicated the deaths to her, looking fully satisfied with the days work thus far.

Then she felt the asteroid shudder. It wasn't much- most sentients would have missed it, but a Xykan's senses were particularly keen. It reminded her that sigh there was more to be done. Despite the fact that a nap in a warm place seemed the most desirable thing in that moment, they had work to do. The ships outside would keep as many of the crew of this place busy as they could, but it was so that those within could accomplish their job.

"Jyn get up," she said, flicking her tail dismissively. "If I cannot nap then neither can you. I require your familiarity with technology." Her nose wrinkled in clear distaste. "Take the insect and the lizard and.... what is the word? Down heavy? All of the information from their data base. We can sort through it later."

"Down load perhapssssss Lady?"

"Yes. That."

There, that should cover it. Another team was charged with retrieving stolen Imperial goods. As soon as they had these things in hand they could leave. And let the fleet slag this rock entirely.

Tabigarashu Madara

Good things come in smol packages
The Nezumi didn't hang on. Hirou scampered across her shoulder, leapt behind her neck to the other side and then repeated the process.

Hirou was clearly very excited.

"Yes yes! I can do that!" They squeaked.

It became clear upon closer inspection that the creature had a tool belt and bandoleer with a number of tiny, makeshift tools on it. Nezumi tech was a bit below galactic standard, but their miniaturization? Perfection. And Hirou in particular was a tinkerer. They hadn't had the chance to use it much in the Saaraishash, so it was very exciting for them to be able to use their favoritest thing in the whole galaxy to actually help.

When they reached the hangar, Hirou was the one who signed for their ship, putting a small paw print on the screen that brought up 'Saaraishash Agent Tabigarashu Madara, Sith Knight' on the screen for a moment in flashing yellow before disappearing again.

Hirou never got tired of seeing that.

[member="Nyra Mazul"] [member="Dalton Leath"]
Objective One
[member="Ao Xian"] | [member="Darth Roth"] | [member="Kazmai"]
Was he being attacked in his sleep? He opened his eyes, coughing. It took his a few moments to adjust to the darkness before he noticed what had been attacking him. He'd had a dragon's tail flapping in his general directon. He coughed, shuffling against the wall. There was blood everywhere, he vaugly remembered a masscre that he had caused but he wasn't sure. It was more likely that Ao'Xian had ate her way through the corridor, the blood had been caused by her. There were human bits flung across the floor, insides, Ao'Xian's snacks and the bits that she didn't want from the dead human.

"Wh..I wanna nap?"

He murmered, yawning. He coughed, feeling the scar on his face. Had he been shot? His shoulder was buring, but he had to ignore it. He knew he had to job, Ao'Xian needed him. Someday he needed to teach Ao'Xian how a computer worked but for now he knew that he would have to do. He pulled himself to his feet, feeling the hole in his shoulder for a few moments before he looked towards the creatures he'd been assigned, told to work with. He was to download the data from the main server room and then delete anything that survived, delete anything remaining in the base that shouldn't be there.

"Anyone have a layout? Anyone know the location of the main server room? Anyone have thermal imaging and can tell me where the warmest place in this base is?"
The Admiralty
Objective 2B
[member="Nyra Mazul"] | [member="Tabigarashu Madara"]

Dalton started nodding as they walked up the ramp into the belly of the ship, but not before he had noticed something strange.

Tabigarashu Madara... Sith Knight.

That was odd - everything was odd about this and Dal was starting to get strangely... used to it - because he didn't feel any noticeable force signature coming from the little mouse. A Knight of the Sith should have been radiating the Darkside by now, but this one seemed to be positively normal. That didn't actually have to mean anything? It wouldn't be the first time that Dal came across Sith Lords that could hide their signature from everything.

But it was strange still, he mused as the ship took off. "It's a good plan." For the amount of time they had anyway. Had to row with what they had, no time to complain and whine about it.

Why the Saaraishash didn't just storm the building and put everything on lockdown was anyone's guess.

Soon they were in the air.

"What if they somehow detect Tabi?"
The Admiralty
Objective 1
[member="Ao Xian"] | [member="Jyn Cvetkovic"] | [member="Darth Roth"] | Anyone else feel free to be here.

Kazmai didn't wait to listen what either the Verpine or the Trandoshan would answer Jyn.

Truth to be told he found technology bothersome and boring... the screens were so small. How were his fingers ever supposed to do anything with them, if just his index finger was large enough to encompass almost a third of the screen? More often than not he started typing and accidentally clicking on other things at the same time. It was a mess more often than not.

Damned humanocentric piece of shet.

"I see why you took him on now, Radiant." Kazmai commented softly while those eyes swept from one corridor to the next. "Computer assistant. Very smart." A knowing nod came next as his hammer leaned heavily on his shoulder.

There wasn't really any other logic possible for Kaz. Either the human was a pet or he was basically an assistant, much like the Verpine. You couldn't truly trust them to have your back, but... computers? Kazmai could see that. Reserve the humanoid nonsense for the humans. Before that thought could develop any further, the simian froze in place.

Nostrils swiveled, low growl starting to emanate from within him.

"We must hurry, they are trying to close our path." Only a moment later the bulk doors before them start to slide together. With a grunt the simian went in for a dash, it might have been a trap.

Probably was.

But it was a battle and the blood had already dried on his fur.

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