Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Image Source: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/1/1a/FNV_Recon_armor.png
Intent: To provide Circe's Vinithi with a suit designed to accentuate their strengths and deteriorate their weaknesses.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Enigma(at her laboratory)
Model: Vinithi Fusion Armor
Affiliation: Enigma (Vinthi Fusion Guard, NPCs to soon be made)
Modularity: Mild
Production: Limited
Material: Armorweave(underlayer), Alchemized terentatek leather(outer layer, space gloves), Duraplast(plates), Adamithium(plate coating), Duranium(standard gloves)
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 15kg
Quality: Class 7
Special Features:
Internal commlink
Integrated datapad with access to the Holonet
Facial energy/particle shield
Holographic HUD
Vacuum-proof(~25 min)
Glove mounts(usually fitted with a laser and Trifaraleen gas sprayer)
Trouser pockets
Nutrient pack
Force resistance
Integral Verpine shield
Description: The Vinithi Fusion Armor's origin dates back an indeterminate period of time, during the initial plans of Circe for developing an entire species of the aforementioned plant people. Initially envisioned as nothing more than a stock of bodies for her to use if needed, an encounter made her realize that she did not have one thing - the capability to protect the things she valued as extraordinarily close to her. It was that spark of realization that gave her the inspiration to turn at least a portion of the Vinithi she had stored at the Malachor V laboratory into a group of elite individuals, loyal solely to her, and with capabilities that were naturally accentuated by their engineered genetics.
In order to do such, however, they would need armor. With that, the woman went to her laboratory and, with Mirari droids and manufacturing machines assisting her, began producing a very limited line of specialized armor, tailored uniquely for Vinithi physiology and nothing else. This line of armor was made of materials available to her - armorweave for the underlayer(providing a decent degree of energy and physical protection), and Terentatek leather that was alchemized identically through the same processes that Circe had used to help the Sith known as Harley manufacture her own Hide Armor. This allows for the wearer's body to be protected from most Force powers, but does not protect them from objects hurled by the Force, mentalism, any Force attack aimed at skin not covered by the leather, Force-enhanced strength, Force Push/Crush(partially), and telekinetically thrown objects. The metal plates in question are somewhat flexible, being made of durable duraplast coated with a layer of adamithium for enhanced energy resistance.
The armor's chief durability feature, however, is the built-in shield, a Verpine design providing general purpose protection from temperature extremes, sonic, and energy-based weapons. An integrated particle shield also helps provide protection(to a lesser degree) from physical attacks and projectiles. The shields in question have a 180 second consistent runtime before needing to be reactivated, about three minutes. The power cells for the shields in question will be fully discharged and unusable after five full runtimes - a total of fifteen minutes of shielding. This of course can be reduced significantly by enemy fire.
Two different types of gloves can be found for the suit. The first is a set of fine yet simple durasteel chainmail covering the hands, still allowing for the form-fitting, easy use of weapons. The gloves also allow for Vinithi wearing them to utilize Force abilities with little to no issue whatsoever. The second, however, consists of gloves made of further tanned and stretched terentatek leather, providing the wearer a pressure identical to a standard atmosphere in the event of being placed in a depressurized environment. The rest of the suit sans the gloves is pressurized with air, enough to provide the Vinithi inside with a good approximately twenty-five minutes of life-time in space.
Two wrist mounts are ordinarily fitted to the wrists of the suit. Coming stock with each suit is a laser - not a laser weapon, not a laser cutter - just a standard, 2W laser. It's basically a high-power, glorified laser pointer, incapable of doing anything short of lighting a piece of paper on fire, or popping a balloon. It does, however, have the ability to, thanks to its high power, permanently blind anyone whose eyes it's pointed into. Even a quick swipe across the eyes, a split second of contact, will cause significant vision impairment. Aside from this, it can't really do anything. Only somewhat effective against droid optics, and ineffective against people watching security cameras.
The other wrist mount fits an insidious, rarely-utilized weapon - a trifaraleen gas sprayer. The highly corrosive and gaseous superacid is primed for a total spray-time of five to seven seconds, enough to cause significant damage to any enemies impacted with it. Armor will be corroded away, and the individual inside will experience a very unhappy time.
Mounted on the back of the suit is a small backpack carrying densified nutrients. This is to allow a Vinithi wearing the suit to use up the nutrients and regenerate their biomass quickly while in combat, minimizing non-serious wounds and reducing the chance of death in combat. The nutrients are drawn into the Vinithi through specially designed IV needles pricked into their back. This can cause a slight tingling sensation back there.
A final feature of note is the helmet-based datapad, holographically projected(in concert with the HUD) in front of the shield guarding the face. The shield is what keeps in air and pressure when in space, and provides added facial protection for the wearer. It does not conceal the individual's identity.
These suits are very rare, and cannot be properly worn by non-Vinithi. Vinithi are able to adjust their biomass modestly to allow for the proper pressure applied by the suit to their bodies, whereas normal humans would require the suit be taken to a quartermaster for adjustment. As well, the needles that are part of the nutrient system are fixed. While Vinithi can wear them with no issue, being of uniform biomass, any human that would put on the suit would find the needles piercing through their spinal nerves and paralyzing them from the waist down. As of right now, only five hundred have been made in the entire galaxy, one suit for each Vinithi currently existing.