"I would also like to seek him out, does he happen to be on-world?" the Pureblood questioned, somewhat interested in a night on the town. For the all the time he had spent on Hok, Ballen-Ist had never truly explored the planet and what it had in store. All he was interested in was power, the main reason he stood in the palace of [member="Kelan The Hutt"] at the very moment. Soon they would multiply their influence exponentially, once all of the legal work was done and out of the way.
"I will forward all of the necessary documentation to your... Legal team," the Sith paused before continuing, "and then we can get down to business," with a grin he bowed slightly to the Hutt, before directing his attention to Marken. "My friend, why don't you show me around the palace, put me in contact with that Ugoro fellow." Ballen-Ist was eager to leave, not a fan of being surrounded by those who could gain from ending him there and now.
The Knight liked to think he had played his hand well, having had a taste for cunning and deception for quite some time. Not that he planned anything extremely detrimental to his business partner, but he would be prepared if anything were to happen. For now, all he wanted to do was discuss things with the Hutt's adviser.
"I will forward all of the necessary documentation to your... Legal team," the Sith paused before continuing, "and then we can get down to business," with a grin he bowed slightly to the Hutt, before directing his attention to Marken. "My friend, why don't you show me around the palace, put me in contact with that Ugoro fellow." Ballen-Ist was eager to leave, not a fan of being surrounded by those who could gain from ending him there and now.
The Knight liked to think he had played his hand well, having had a taste for cunning and deception for quite some time. Not that he planned anything extremely detrimental to his business partner, but he would be prepared if anything were to happen. For now, all he wanted to do was discuss things with the Hutt's adviser.