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Campaign Visiting Fringe Force Group:s Mist-Weavers

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Tags: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

Souma seemed to pay better attention as he saw one person at the speeders change into some kinda of bird.

"Woah.... Illy's going to be so jealous!"

"I guess it is different to see in person. He better be asleep though and not watching this." Mig said, noting the twins' Force bond while Souma told him what he could.
I'kk approached ahead of the group, when they were all ready to continue and greeted them. "Well met, beings. Kaia has informed me that you come from many different walks of life, but all here as knowledge seekers. We welcome you to our moon." She gave a wave of her hand and in a rough-archaic Aurebesh, the name I'kk appeared in a glowing mist on the canvas near where she stood. "We manipulate the Mist… and can follow many artistic pursuits, as well as what many would call humanitarian."

Humanitarian. Despite what outward appearances might suggest it was something Mig tended to keep his nose dug into. After the others spoke, Mig would speak up, being sure to pull off his helmet before hand.

"Thank you for allowing us. I'm Mig Gred, and this is my son, Souma."

There was a definite interest from Dani when it came to the Mist-Weavers. She was the type to help heal others, unlike her brother who was more a warrior type. Dani was the one who tried to mend wounds and make life easier for someone else. She had fought in the past, but had tried to turn down her Matukai leanings, and approach her Force traditions of the Fallanassi and possibly the Mist-Weavers.

Could be used to protect and heal, that was interesting.

Watching Gwen, she knew that the Changeling was loving this world, and she was definitely seeming grateful to be on. Even the Farseeker Dani was loving it. She wanted this for so many worlds, green, and of life. Zenitha Chuma Zenitha Chuma would love it, and see Belazura return to its glory.

She smiled as the others approached the Mist-Weavers, she was listening at first, she may have questions, but she was really hopeful to learn.
The Mist-Weaver was listening to those who approached, nodding to the small one. "The moon provided the backdrop, but is what we were looking for, of course." She smiled.

Looking to the others, the Mist-Weavers were constantly in a manner of good mood.

"Ah, one that is in my own vein. I can approve of that. We can show you the way we manipulate the Luminous Mist. It is a protective and restorative approach, but as you can see… can be used to make a lasting imprint on the world." She smiled, looking from Amani Serys Amani Serys to Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker .

"And, little Tilon Quill Tilon Quill . We have made it an art, if you'll allow the pun in language, in being where we are needed only for when we are needed, and we can protect ourselves very definitively when trouble brews. And please, give our best to your father. I can see his marks left on you." A smile.

Listening to Matsu Ike Matsu Ike speak, I'kk nodded. "That does sound like some of kind. Not from here, I believe. But helping those who align to the Light, even if they use it differently than we do, does not harm the Mist."

"We welcome you here, Mandalorian. I hope you are able to use our skills to assist those under your guidance."
A nod to the direction of Mig Gred Mig Gred and his son.

She stepped forward, her robes long and acting lighter than the fabric appeared to be. Ethereal.

"The Mists are that part of what is known as the Force that those artists and healers can tend to feel… It's the part where you pull from when you want to help another, or make something that can last. Compassion, love. Creativity…" I'kk took a moment, calling on the Force, manipulating it in such a way that around her it seemed to solidify, not unlike hardlight designs.

"For me, the lasting emotions, and desire are what allows it to last… that would be the word. To remain as an imprint of yourself on the Force, to do your bidding, to protect and restore…" She waved a hand, but anyone watching knew that was more for theatrics, and part of the Mist moved onto the canvas that had her name, and a small dove-like avian appeared.

"Does that makes sense?"

OOC: Please take reigns of some of the Mist-Weavers NPCs if you have an approach/story you'd like to tell!


Equipment: Skinsuit, Jumpsuit and Robes
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Vehicle: Speeder Bike
Tags: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Mig Gred Mig Gred Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

The mix of familiarity and friendly atmosphere surrounding her drew the smile down at the corners.

Letting her eyes settle on no one as she watched them all interact and speak with each other before Trextan made his singular observations. Earning him a sidelong glance and a half formed grin. She wanted to poke fun, but thought better of it given he was speaking rather freely without prompting.

His abrupt departure leaving her to right herself as someone called for him.

Another readily familiar person as he hugged the newcomer. Leading into a new vein of conversation. Awkward smile and wave to Choli at the mention of her name.


They had arrived, and aside from finding a spot to listen, the Zeltron did little more than just that. Intently catching the words that passed between the two groups.

She couldn't help but be in awe of the elder mist weaver.

It was certainly one thing to be held to a high position such as sword of the jedi, or head of a temple. Another entirely to be sought for wisdom beyond just the moment everyone lived in. Her curiosity got the better of her however watching the Mist form and shift. Eyes a touch wide at the display. Emotions made it lasting? Seemed fitting.

Struggling however to figure out what her own curiosity was at the moment, and even to put words to it. While intently watching, she remained silent for the time being. Perplexed slightly and crossing her arms.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

She gave a nod to the weaver. There were weavers within the silver jedi. They trained with them and along side several other groups to have a robust view of the force and be able to learn. it also helped in the longer run sometimes since she knew a number of padawans left to find other paths or because they had knowledge denied them. Easier to let them do things and know things but learn they don't have the skill level yet. She smiled though and moved with one of the weavers as she spoke and they were rising up into the air. For space and because meditating higher up was easier at time. The jedi master speaaking a mantra she learned when working on things to develop.

"Through my fingers, pink are are twisting, haphazard, random, a disorganized stream of energy and matter that seems pregnant with the possibility of every conceivable shape… But this is an illusion. Things have their shape in time, not space alone. Some marble blocks have statues within them, embedded in their future." She said it and the words were to some more snobbish but it worked and with Romi Jade Romi Jade sshe had managed to develop her techniques in the art of the small to a degree she at least didn't annoy Horliss Horliss.... she just amused him enough to smack her into a hyperspace tunnela nd throw her at a planet.
A little later, while visitors and Mist-Weavers hived off for conversation, Tilon was spinning wisps of tangible Force between his fingers when he stumbled into a debate he hadn't expected.

"Oh, we are happy to teach," said an insectoid Mist-Weaver whose name he couldn't pronounce. The pair of them were sitting on a bench under a tree. "But that doesn't mean a technique can be deeply learned all by itself. Those who visit and learn from many other traditions - like your father and Master Ike - believe at some level that knowledge can be collected, separated from the people who gave it life."

The strands of mist faded around Tilon's hands. He thought he was getting the picture, and it made him uncomfortable. "But nearly anyone can learn nearly anything," he said. "And should, if they can."

The Mist-Weaver shrugged. "As I said, we're happy to teach."

"You're saying that weaving some mist doesn't make me a Mist-Weaver?"

"Yes, but even there, Tilon Quill, you draw too sharp a distinction between the skill and the culture. To the Jedi, knowledge is discrete and ownable and whoever can take it, should. The knowledge that we share is a part of us. To use it well is to use it as we would, thinking of us, in relationship with us though we are far away. Our way of life has lasted since the stars were young. That way, and the knowledge bound up in it, isn't something a Jedi can or should dictate into a holocron device or write in a notebook. Treat us as a collectible and all you'll ever be is collectors."

Corbin silently watched as the Mist-Weavers spoke, only taking a moment to introduce himself respectfully when everyone else did so. The Weaving they did was rather fascinating. He himself had often thought of weaving when he considered his own Force use, especially when dealing with light (and sound, thanks to lessons in Mimicry with Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki ). The Mist-Weavers indeed held a part of the Truth of the Force that Corbin sought. It was a piece of the larger puzzle. He was eager to learn, but he kept himself calm and focused, thanks to training he'd had with Master Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun .
Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Mig Gred Mig Gred Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Amani Serys Amani Serys Please feel free to interact!

Choli was never one for public displays of affection. Her childhood was spent growing up with the Tusken Raiders and keeping to the old ways, to the point that even showing too much skin was still uncomfortable for her. Top it off with the amount of teasing both Trextan and she received while working together in the past by members of Wraith Squadron, the Epicanthix was prone to keep her affections for the younger Voidstalker in private for when they were alone.

However, in this instance, the time spent apart drove her to tighten her hold around Trextan, holding him tight in that powerful hug.

"Yeah, you know how Chloe likes me to meet every odd hermit Force user she has ever known... same story. Only this time, she told me she directed you over here to." Perhaps as a way to throw a bone to the kath-hound and let them be together for a time.

Seeing the wave from Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Choli drew back from Trextan's arms and mirrored the awkward wave and hello.


Things moved quickly after that. In no time, they were on their way and face to face with the Weaver's of the Mists themselves. She remained close to Trextan, half telling herself to not reach for his hand and half wanting to. To keep them busy, she pulled out her datapad that had connected to it the old QQ Jedi Academy Library card that connected securely and encryptedly to the expansive archives collected. It was the closest form of archival data that she could pull from. From comments made, there were valid points. How had the weavers managed to survive? Then again, so did the Wardens themselves. By keeping to themselves and blending in as much as they could. It was a big galaxy.

Fingers would tap a nervous beat on her datapad, slipping glances from Trextan to the Mist Weaver, to Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser , Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , and finally to Tilon Quill Tilon Quill . All valid points from the Weaver.

"It is much like the users of the White Current," Choli interjected quietly, inserting herself in the conversation. "You can understand the concept of it, maybe even learn to use it, but it will not be as culturally relevant, as attuned with your being, or as masterful as those who live their lives enveloped in the White Current."

Chloe Blake Chloe Blake had learned the White Current from her former Master Je'gan, but even she could never master it as much as a White Current adept. That is why Chloe considered herself more of an enthusiast of the many Force Organizations out there. Much like the stories of old, picking up here and there and teaching what she knew to Trextan and Choli so she could pass it on.
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Trextan had always been a poor study of academic technique. When the conversation went over his head, he started to zone out a little.

Choli spoke of the White Current. Another subject he understood at a very shallow level. Trextan had an instinctive use of the Force. Instinctive and unsubtle.

He closed his eyes, trying to push distractions from his mind. He had a lot of catching up to do with people, but this was a genuinely rare opportunity.

Stretching out with his feelings, Trextan focused on trying to feel the flow of the Force changing as the insectoid creatures wove it into new patterns.
For Kaia, being among the Mist-Weavers was healing in a different way. She was a Jedi, sure, but she was much more a Warden of the Sky. Jedi in what the Order should be, rathe than what it, more often than not, was. People who had the means to help others and just did it. Not being bound by the Senate, or some government. Not being thrown into a war zone and having to deal with the fall out for that. A Jedi shouldn't be throwing their abilities around in a conflict. They should be protecting those that needed it.

As a Warden did.

As a Mist-Weaver did.

She would never be of the Mist-Weavers, but she could learn the tactic and help others.

With others in the group, Kaia made her way to the side and was learning to weave the Luminous Mist in a way that she could wrap it around herself, not to heal, no… she wasn't that strong, or steadfast in her approach. But she could protect, and that meant she could save people.

The mist that seemed to have a pink hue to it around Master Ike was a light blue around her. Tilon received the answer that made Kaia realize that even if she could master this technique, it was not something that she could claim she was. Just what she knew.

"Its more than what you can see in your holocrons. Its something for you to experience first hand, over years…"
Said the Weaver, to Kaia's nod.

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill
The Mists were unique. Even in her part of the galaxy it was special.

"Gwen, are you wanting to try this?"
She asked.

Dani watched the others and slowly brought herself to move with them. She was reaching into the Force in the same way she did when she was learning the Matukai. But more similar to the White Current. The mental exercises that were provided to them from the Weavers, and the description of the Luminous Mist felt very akin to the White Current.

"But instead of making it move in the Current, you solidify the Mist, make it do what you intend, merely than see what you intend."
Another Weaver had spoken to Dani as she continued to move through one step of the skill, and the other.

Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

SHe could feel the others around but she was mostly focused on what was in front of herself. Allowing the mists to move aand dance between her fingers had a smaller thread she was weaving into a small patch. Slowly allowing the force to guide her hands when she and the weaver didn't speak. The hands were moving more while they looked at each other focusing on the smallest details of it. Her breathing even before she was checking on paarts of it. Art of the small was great for being able to see the mists and how it interacted, how to grasp it and focus it. It was what allowed many of the artisans to develop their better materials when she came away. Focus returning to her eyes and the small patch had become a blue white pouch she was forming thing in with her hand. Matter stacking together to become solid and this soft and squishy... and then sweetened and ripe. THe pouch opening as it was in her hand and slips of sweet cakes loaded with fruits were there for the two fo them to eat.
The Mist-Weaver's words unsettled Tilon and stuck with him as he spun his first cords and skeins. The woven mist slid around his hands like shell-spider silk. It eluded control or static forms. He couldn't grasp it any more than he could comfortably come to grips with the idea that expeditions like this could be...extractive. Hegemonic.

It came down to power relations and relative opportunities, he supposed. How many Force traditions other than the Jedi and the Sith had a genuine galactic presence? Or did the galaxy have room for the Mist-Weavers, the Order of Shasa, the Fallanassi, and so many others solely in the form of techniques copied in visits that lasted a few days, a few weeks, largely by Jedi? Had his father replicated something insidious about the Jedi even as he strived to do things differently? Was the elder Quill, at heart, still trapped in a deeply Jedi paradigm?

Disquieting thoughts. Tilon sat alone, in silence, on the bench and spun what cords he could spin.
The Mist Weavers by and large seemed quite welcoming, and open to sharing their knowledge with the visiting party. The master among them explained the Mists in a way that Amani found easy to interpret. Being a healer in her own right, their tangible grasp of the Force itself was something that she could relate with; The Force as a piece of oneself, projected out into the physical world. For her, it was just a matter of making that more literal, pulling at that connection to indeed weave it into a manifested state.

"…I see," Amani later muttered through intense concentration, strands of the Mist like webs between her hands. Even as a Force-User, the process of turning such thought into action felt strange, if easier than she expected. The perspective fostered a mindset she had never had reason to place herself into. It was as much a revelation to her understanding of the metaphysical, as it was to her repertoire as a healer, "I see now…"

The Mist suddenly evaporated with poor timing. So Amani tried again…
Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Mig Gred Mig Gred Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Amani Serys Amani Serys Please feel free to interact!

There was a murmur of inquiries and commentary from the group as a few attempted to try their best to weave the Force into glowing strands of threads. Choli's kaleidoscopic eyes would pan from one to the next. Now that the adrenaline rush at seeing Trextan was fading, the slight sense of awkwardness from being around so many sapients began to pick at the Epicanthix's brain.

Before this, she'd been staying in the reclusive and frigid world of Yanibar in Wild Space with Druma Pah, a Zeison Sha Warrior who had hermitted himself away from the galactic politics and wars. Her mentorship with him lasted almost seven months, allowing no opportunity to go off-world, much less the time to send regular communications. It had blistering, dry summers, and wet, frigid winters, barely even habitable by humans, much the less any other species. The entire experience was something she wanted to talk about with Trextan, but now was not the time.

While Choli understood the concept of what the Mist-Weavers were detailing, putting it into practice was something else. The only boon to her is that Chloe had provided some training on using the White Current by the Fallanassi. At the very least, Choli could feel the flow of the Force around her. Now, attempting to use the waters of that intangible river and spin threads was entirely another story.

This would take time. Focus. Something she couldn't do with so many people nearby. Seeing that Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker had also chosen to attempt weaving the mists, the former starfighter pilot quietly rose to her feet. She did not interrupt him to explain her departure, as she figured he would want to take the time to focus as well. Their connection would allow him to sense her movements anyway. A courtesy search revealed a small patch of trees off to the right, not too far from the main group. It wasn't out of the way that it would impede anyone from coming to her.

The crunch of leaves and rocks under her boots were the only indications of her departure, and in no time, Choli found a perch for herself to sit. If anyone else decided to join her, Choli would not object.

Closing her eyes, she did her best to let her mind go blank and fall into the fabric of the Force that surrounded them. While Choli did not have the most potent Force affinity, she could, at the very least, sense it and manipulate it when it came to fine-tuning circuits and junctions. Perhaps, with time and practice, she could translate that into intricate strands and threads.


Equipment: Skinsuit, Jumpsuit and Robes
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Vehicle: Speeder Bike
Tags: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Mig Gred Mig Gred Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

The time for practice seemed to arrive, and everyone went about it in their own fashion. A glance to Master Ike, and that small group revealing a slight change in the air around them in a colorful display. A grin appearing as Lossa watched Choli find herself a decent little spot, while Trextan seemed content where he was.

Lossa eased herself into a seated position out of the way. Hands in her lap and fingertips lightly touching as she drowned out everything else around them.

The dark swirling thoughts that had been baying at her pushed down further for the moment. The sensation of her surroundings giving way to the ebb and flow of the force. Manipulated by some, beckoned by others. She didn't tug at the fabric, letting herself relax and breath while imagining herself drifting through it. Surrounded and wrapped in it.

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Tags: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Matsu Ike Matsu Ike @ Tilon Quill@ Trextan Voidstalker

"We welcome you here, Mandalorian. I hope you are able to use our skills to assist those under your guidance."
Mig nodded, smiling a bit. "That's what I'm hoping too, that and that my son will pay attention." Souma quickly moved to focus, waving a little at the master. Mig just smiled and rolled his eyes a little, continuing to look at everyone around him as he waited for the lesson to start. It was then that he finally noticed a familiar face, the Mandalorian Corbin Vasher. He walked up, nodding to the man.

"Corbin. Long time no see. Surprised to see another Mando'ad here." Mig would look to see his son standing a bit behind him, seeming to try and get a read on who the man was.
"The Mists are that part of what is known as the Force that those artists and healers can tend to feel… It's the part where you pull from when you want to help another, or make something that can last. Compassion, love. Creativity…" I'kk took a moment, calling on the Force, manipulating it in such a way that around her it seemed to solidify, not unlike hardlight designs.

"For me, the lasting emotions, and desire are what allows it to last… that would be the word. To remain as an imprint of yourself on the Force, to do your bidding, to protect and restore…" She waved a hand, but anyone watching knew that was more for theatrics, and part of the Mist moved onto the canvas that had her name, and a small dove-like avian appeared.
Mig had to admit, it sounded nice. His own training didn't revolve around suppressing his emotions, so to hear another group talk about a side of the Force that incorporated it was a nice change of pace. He looked over at Corbin, thinking on everything. "Uses the planets natural habitat so naturally."
The Mist-Weavers were glad to share what they could, but the greater secrets were ones that they were going to protect. To withhold from outsiders. If someone wanted to convert, I'kk was more than happy to assist them. The beings were happy to answer the questions.

"Turning your actions into what you want is important, but using your compassion. The Mist is not meant to harm."
That was something else, something darker. Something twisted. "The art created is more to share a message, but to share a feeling, that is something pulled from the love you feel. The desire to assist."

Which the Mist-Weaver did recognize as a similar trait from the Jedi cousins.

"We have heard of the White Current, another approach similar to ours, in some ways." I'kk had nodded.

Another Mist-Weaver approached Amani Serys again and nodded. "Close, but let go of the desire to make it happen, and just… make it happen." Typical Force issues, obviously. The art of doing, and not wanting to have it done. More lessons would be needed to perfect.

"Using the planet? The Mist is everywhere…"

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Amani Serys Amani Serys Mig Gred Mig Gred Tilon Quill Tilon Quill
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

The jedi master had moved to the side with the weaver as the two of them were finding a place to sit and eat out of the small pouch they had weaved. The look was on her face though as she listened. "Good times." The jedi master spoke as she took a piece of fruit out and the weaver nodded. "Yes... but you are not like them." She debated it for a moment. "I am but I spent years learning of your people and others. From the Aing-Tii to shapers, weavers to advisors... all have things to add to the understanding of the force, the mist... the great wind many others see." She said it but was check it. "I see." The words were there and the jedi held a hand out while she moved her fingers and focused... bringing tendrils of the force together with a look. "It is always something to learn and feel.. learning how to weave so you can mend the flesh of the body to heal." There was a small chuckle between them while her hand weaved a smaller rope she could test.

Location: Near the speeders
Objective: Learn and explore
Tag: Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Tilon Quill Tilon Quill Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker Amani Serys Amani Serys Mig Gred Mig Gred Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Choli Vyn Choli Vyn Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Equipment: Gwen's attire, Echo stone, carved luck charm, wooden quarterstaff, slingshot

I stood by Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris in a bit of a daydream, watching the nature of the world and watching the mist wavers play with the force to move the mists around.

"Gwen, are you wanting to try this?" She asked.

"Oh.. yeah, sure. Sorry. I was miles away." I said to my friend with a bit of a bashful grin before trying to focus my own force into the mists. My fingers moved and I felt the warmth of the Echo stone around my wrist as it helped my focus. They mists coagulation into what looked like a coiled rope, or maybe a snake, gently twirling around in front of me and Dani. "This is pretty, I wonder what I can make them do." I focused harder and the child stood and grew vertically, splitting and dividing into the shape of a tree. It looked quite eerie with its whispy, leafless branches made of mist. I smiled at my handiwork. "Not the most useful trick I've learned, but kinda cool."

"Not everything has to be useful little one." one of the mistweaver interjected to me. I felt a little silly and I blushed. I knew that, I loved playing with the force and my own abilities just to enjoy them. I didn't try to argue with the weaver and just took the note on board.


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