Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Voice on your shoulders

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The idea of making deal with the sole intent to make her mother angry... well that appealed to her. The snotty little brat in her wanting to punish her mommy for not doing this or that. She was only human albeit a superior version of a human that was highly educated, skilled with her use of the force, political savvy and budding on possibly being awesome but she was still only a human. That did mean she had faults and wasn't infallible... just meant she liked to have a little more fun in the long run.

The rest of the night was herself and Cato drinking the high priced alcohol with her father while they were dicussing and planning what could be done. Giving feedback as well as funding to the different aspects, getting information and artifacts from the family vault below the house that would come in handy to the senator for what she wanted to do which was study the force as opposed to the bigger things. She was happy to work with it to provide insight to her real purpose which was Denon's fortification.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
After the long night when the sun looked to be coming up as Ayumi explained more and gave more information to her father about Denon and the Republic. He seemed less then impressed but mostly because he was practical and believed in the age old reason that you cannot make credits from the dead or dying. You need governments to provide reasons for industry to do things, if these facelss ones who preferred to organize and give all this danger were as smart as they thought they were it would be less messy.

And as he seemed to explain less garish with more of a flair because you are supposed to make it look like you don't care or want to be involved. instead most are practically screaming look at me look at me while others try to heal the galaxy and stop the pain. It helps the profit same way being under a constant assault by people who only know how to slaughter will weaken the resolve of being killed for a purpose. Galvanizing the works with prospect of death helps the republic far more as people want reason.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi headed to her bedroom with Cato as the morning light was coming through the windows and she entered the room dropping the meshed dress from herself while she stood there falling on the bed. The feeling of her face being smushed a little here and there while she spoke closing her eyes and not wanting to open them for the light that was coming through right in her face. "No go away sun, I renounce thee in favor of sleep." Ayumi said it while she could feel the offending light vanish.

"There you go senator, the blinds are shut and I am certain after awhile your mother will care but your father seemed very very happy with the development. Cato sat on the bed and was getting her under the covers with the pillow at the back of her head.. well side just in case she got sick to prevent drowning in her own vomit which plus for awareness despite her drinking as much as the senator she was almost certain of it.... There was the strange thing when Ayumi started to drift off to sleep.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi slept and dream of well mostly arguing and arriving at the party naked and embarrassed... except she shouldn't feel like that so it was shifting before she moved over with some of her attention to the world. Ayumi woke up several hours later as she could feel her head being stabbed with an icepick... she felt it going in and out in and out of her brain. Ayumi brought her hand up while the fading light was there but there was more to that while she could see some light through the cracs in the blinds on the sides. So she hadn't slept all day.

"Oww." Ayumi said it getting up and stumbling while she was going to it with the captain coming to her with some water while they were going. She had everything fine, Cato was just as much in pain when ayumi got the bottle of painkillers and offering a small thumbs up while news of what they were going to be able to do came to her. THey had works in the lower levels thanks to her father so she could retrieve what she wanted to from it. The family crypts before she pushed some attention to the door.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi was happy with it though and her father had come through on some of the other things while there were reports from Denon about shipments beginning to arrive and make ready to arrive from family holding companies that provided whatever was needed. The funds for the different things had gotten substantial donations in the family name which would help and her father was buying a retirement home in one of the penthouses on the planet where he could move in with her mother coming along.

Well if she wanted to, she was imaging the home here she had built would still contain her but it seemed more like the pair were at least on par for the course with putting a planet between them. She wouldn't notice and he'd get to be somewhere he could enjoy rather then just stuck in a house with her. Ayumi was getting dressed and she looked at the two large sentinels that were silent standing there towering over all of them with their massive glaives to defend agains them being attacked.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi was looking at them while she walked with Cato and the captain towards the stairs that would lead down to the lowest levels of the estate with the vaults and wine cellar. Her families wine cellar was just as extensive before she came out of the lift in the low light of the hallway when she started walking. "This place looks spooky." Cato said it while she was walking over with a couple of the things before Ayumi spoke. "Maybe but the foundation of the estate is sealed up tight to prevent things from getting inside this far down."

She said it with a nod of her head in excitement, turning over several of the places they would be able to work on. "My grandmother liked the idea of it being classic and as a way to scare the slaves if they were misbehaving. Have sentinels flanking in some of the rooms here to watch them and make sure they didn't steal anything but it was always a safe place." Which was in light of its looks when she passed by one of the larger rooms showing off the racks of wine that went down the row.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
They weren't going into there though instead continuing back towards the larger door and Ayumi was standing there for a moment as two of the larger sentinels coming up to guard it. She looked over at Cato and the captain as she was moving forward with them stopping the two women when they tried to follow holding massive hands that were made to crush heads as she had guessed but never knew for certain. "Sorry I guess it is only for those of the bloodline." Ayumi sighed and entered.

She turned over in her stomach several times while she was working over more and more with the doors opening slowly with the feeling fo the force building up around her while she prepared herself. It wasn't an easy thing and she was thankful for the mesh she was wearing under her meshed coat. it was lightweight and repelling the feeling of the force used on the locks. Then the doors were opened and Ayumi felt the rush of air within it before she gave a small look scenting the air.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
it was stale with the scent of sealed death from all of the family that were kept within the crypt, a cool breeze came to her carrying the sounds of the crypt on the air until she was looking over some of the bigger things. She knew a number of her family were down here buried and main problem with death was the possibility of ghosts when she kept walking feeling that chill on her cheeks go down her spine even in the form fitted and sealed mesh. It wasn't an actual coldness just something in her head.

Ayumi stayed at it while she was going and came to some of the murals on the walls while it was taken from her ancestors office on Coruscant.. It was pretty but like the urns and some of the equipment that had been collected in the rooms as it was looking like small treasure rooms with the walls lined in pictures, art, tapestries and more while below there were boxes and crates of valuables that had been kept. One portion of the family fortune that went along with all of the credits in accounts across the galaxy.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The feeling of the force came to her as she could sense and feel the force swirling, since the netherworld had been opening it provided a charge to the energies of the people here t seemed at times while she was marching through the crypt to one fo the vaults. Her hand going to the door as it vibrated with the force and she could feel the grooves of the metal for herself. Scraping the palm of her hand on the metal while the crimson stained it allowing her to squeeze her hand.

THe trail of blood that was dripping from her went down into the small catch in the middle that seemed to scan her blood to make sure she was who she was. The door itself making sounds while the metal inside shifted to open up for her. Aurodium sections of the doors set up when it finally opened with a hiss of air coming in when it pulled at her a little. Ayumi opened the door pushing the heavy sections of it before looking over the collectioned cubes and spheres of holocrons that had been made by her family.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
This was one of the things she did want to have access to, when your family was descended from an emperor as the uncle and considered heirs to a legacy many didn't know what to do with... You accumulated a lot of stuff... stuff like this that showed skills with the force that many others might not have to work with. "Alright lets see what we can find." She entered it and the holocrons glowed softly as there was hissing from them when they seemed to have her lightside presence near them.

The garbled laguage was coming out while some seemed to almost want to activate when they were on the stands. An urn almost humming and vibrating with the force while Ayumi watched it keeping her attention on the dangerous parts of everything they were doing. It gave a lot of the works that were being done on until she picked one of the holocrons that came from her great grandmother one of the more neutral she kknew from the lessons she had given her as a child. Ayumi looked at it while the others hissed.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
She could listen to them while holding it and it was warm to the touch before she let the force energies extend outwards while she shivered a little. No chill, no coldness here but that breeze and scent of something was there. She didn't want to see the holocrons get all angry and start inciting force spirits or some hoodoo that could be a problem for all of them. She moved out of the room closing the door before she went over more of the crypts there with ornate stonework carved on them and metal with jewels.

She touched it but she wasn't here to rob and take what had been brought over the years to be stored in some of the larger coffins. "Alright now lets see about getting back." She looked over a few of the things remaining at the ready for anything when the small hairs on the back of her neck rose up. She knew her father had used the things that went on down here as a means to scare her but that didn't always mean that it was being made up. She was prepared to work on some of the things going towards the doors.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi made it out of there quickly as the doors shut and the silent sentinels were standing ready for anything. it had her attention on the bigger and more dangerous things developed ready to pounce and trying to deal with some of the more interesting things when she saw Cato and the captain down below. "Well how did it go?" Cato asked it as she seemed to be worried and concerned that it had taken awhile and could almost sense that Ayumi's hairs were on end... Damn twi'leks and perceptions about hair despite their lack.

"Yes everything is fine, just a very creepy place to go to when you are little or an adult." Ayumi said it holding up the cube though and she could focus on that, focus on the good of that before pushing forward with more of the presence when she put the holocron in her pouch on the outfits belt. Grabbing from the large wine cellar a bottle that looked expensive and old for them to celebrate on the trip back with the good news that all was in readiness for their new encounters with the people of Denon.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi had a few ideas of the things she could do and there were other things they were bringing. One of the parts of the estate she wanted to use was coming back whille the senator could see it being loaded into the cargo hold of the ship and it was large. The crystal grav trap they were bringing with themselves into the ship from the estate to take to Denon before she pushed over with a few of the things. "THe crystal grav trap has been loaded along with some of the other things like your father who is coming with us."

The captain seemed a mix of surprised and confused just a little while she was going forward with it. She wouldn't complain and she understood that they were getting a whole lot of the families credits to help Denon so much in fact that the old man was coming to retire and live in some luxury on Denon which had more defenses, more people and just considerably a better class of socialite he could associate with. less stuckup and more refined city folk that liked being in their penthouses with wine parties.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi offered a smile though tot he captain and stood there on the stairs for a moment while some of the things were being loaded up or sold off, large crates of the bigger credits from the vaults while the credit chits were in high denominations when her mother was asleep most likely still or out spending credits on new things. She was wondering about some of the things until she was moving with all of her attention on the bigger things. Ayumi herself was going into the ship with the others while they had their things.

"Come on, we'll return to Denon with what we have so we can handle the important things." she was looking to tap a few of the ideas before sitting down and leaving the holocron on the table in front of her while her father was sitting there across from her wearing some of the more impressive clothing as some of the attendants were there coming with him. He wasn't bringing the slaves but he was bringing those who served for larger pay grades of credits. Ayumi looked at him offering a look on her face at him.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
"I see you aren't finding leaving everything to bad." She said it while Cato and the captain came to sit down with them at the table before she leaned back a little and he spoke with a grin. "Well I thought it might be harder to do leaving everything in there but i came to realize that there is not a lot of stuff that really holds value. Yes sure the house is where I grew up, the room where I slept and office or your room but there are memories in my head as much as in there. All it holds is a lot of empty space."

"And not just in mothers head?" Ayumi said it getting a small chuckle at the joke that was admittedly in poor taste while they were leaving and preparing some of the trip. They were restocked, they were set up with everything and when it came to her mother finding out well she would do it soon enough she was certain but by then who knows. The servants had been let go with a good severance so they could enjoy themselves and live on the planet while maybe finding a new job if it was needed.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The trip back to Denon with all of the works they had been doing for some of the larger aspects. Ayumi was making a list of what they had and what was being done on Denon itself. Massive amounts of work had been done since they got the stations and factories in place so they could manufacture, test, set and ship it all within the system to streamline the fortifications of Denon. She was also working on a secondary idea that could help the system and would make it a stronger early alert system.

"So what do you think captain?" The woman was sitting there looking at the design and concepts as well as the list of fortifications that would be coming. "It is an interesting idea, a relay you can set around the system to isolate it and mess with hyperspace navigation would be a smarter way to protect Denon and give long range sensors the chance to pick other up. It won't be like a mass shadow from an interdictor but it would mess with the coordinates and make the computer drop out of hyperspace to readjust."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi was looking at her and they might be able to work with that as she nodded her head in agreement. The relays would project a signal that acted like standard navigational beacons which most ships allowed and with it they would create the small variation to the computer that would throw off all calculations with hyperspace travel. Effectively disabling the computers and not allowing jumps to be made as the computer couldn't have the proper calculations. Would it be perfect... maybe yes, maybe no.

"That is one of the plans, I rather like the idea of being able to just prevent Denon from being attacked by seeing them all arrive off in the distance. We should be able to handle it then from a long range while their navigational computers fail to handle the calculations." She had been inspired reading some of the reports from the jedi on a number of the things they had been working with before she was pushing a couple new ideas as well to the construction efforts they wanted to put onto them.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi though had a couple other ideas she might be able to work with when she was pushing the ideas around in her mind before she bowed her head in agreement with a few thoughts. She had more though on the table before she stood up ready tow ork with some more of the things. Leaving the holocron on the desk with her datapad when she was prepared for anything they had going on. "Alright, lets go and check the hold then we'll meet with Cato and the others while we should be arriving at Denon."

She got a nod from the captain as they were walking towards the cargo hold where there were some crates of treasures and equipment for everything, reports from other soldiers who were getting engineering reports about the other facilities that fed into Denon for reports about what they were getting until she was ready. "THis is all looking good, Deneba might prove useful for a number of things, the sand and deserts of the world would provide a large supply of raw resources."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi was looking at many of the crates when she opened them up and there were aurodium busts of different faceless people looking like many fo the ancient watcher statues. There was a small look on her face while she moved some of the packing foam to the side so she could see it and it was not bad looking she had to admit but a small look was on her face. "Everything is looking fairly well here for now. we should be able to sell and trade the aurodium off for more then enough to fund several projects."

She gave that a few thoughts before the captain was checking some fo the more ornate weapons that were literally something she could work with. "Does this actually work?" She was looking at it and the gold plated mandalorian ripper was there as Ayumi went over to her and picked it up providing a small look on her face. "Yeah I think it does we have been working with a lot of these and most are aurodium plated or designed to show just how much our family has been worth over the centuries."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Ayumi maintained some of her distance from it all but was nodding her head in approval. A look of interest and need to want to enjoy what they had here instead of wasting her time with many of the other things. She was working out even more of the ideas though of what they would have this to fund since she wasn't planning on many ships... Let the ones who wanted war make those. Instead she was making the ships that would be for a factory ship or for a manufacturing and scouting ship.

"Well we'll also have some of the bigger things senator to work with. I know you have been working on many of the things for yourself. Ships and fleets are not interesting to you. You much prefer to make it all have a difference, to have all of the better lives and share those with the people." She said it with a grin on her face though while they were moving about at all of the crates to have some impressive items. Ayumi looked at a few of the paintings that would and could be sold off they never looked at.

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