Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Volunteers Requested - Strategy Game Testing

(Not sure the best prefix. I guess this works.)

Hello again people! :)

I'm looking for volunteers to help me test out my new space battle strategy game. I've learned my lesson from last time, and this will have rules, yet be very simple.

This game will cover fleeting, fleets and space battles. I should be able to adapt all the tech entries here to it quite easily.

So, looking for some people to help me test, balance, re-write. Time commitment will be tiny to start, just a few minutes to write a PM a day with ideas etc. Later when I get more advanced I'll try to get people on Skype or in a thread.

Any questions or to volunteer please post or PM me.

Please note: no matter what happens, these will NOT EVER be mandated for use here in invasions etc, this is just for fun.

Jorn Mair

Alright well now will there be a Sith and Republic side thing like last time, or will it be our own troops?
Until I get the rules down pat it'll be generic ship types in each class like Star Destroyers etc.

Once it's working though I'll add other groups and add tech submissions in too.

Thanks guys! I'll give you a tap on the shoulder when I'm finished the first draft. :)


Cool concept! Not sure if I'd be much help on something like this, but please keep us updated?

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