Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: My intention is too invent two brand new light sabers for my character Vonstein and power them with a rare material i will invent.
  • Image Source: BD Rogers Sith Lightsaber 3D

  • Canon Link:N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source:N/A
  • This Light sabers crystals create a wider and longer blade than seen on a standard issue light sabers. They are able to more easily reverberate back blaster fire with increased energy projectile force.
  • The light saber blade has a corrosion acidic effect if it touches a opponent, there armor and weapon what ever the light saber blade touched would potentially begin to burn and melt as it slowly corroded.
  • If this light saber blade burned in to actual flesh of a person or creature a dark mark would burned upon there skin that would resonate a corrupting aura of darkness and depression.
  • Strengths:
  • The material these two light sabers are made from is highly strong and durable able to with stand a massive amount of damage protecting the core crystal of the light saber and its casing making impervious to most forms of damage.
  • The Crystal that powers this blade is extremely powerful and have many great attributes for combat as listed in the special features, but beyond that they are silent and do not make they regular buzzing sound most light sabers do, these blades are almost like a Ghost Whisper when they go into action so very silent.
  • Weaknesses:
  • This crystal is pretty unstable and highly explosive and it is possible if its containment is breached with enough force there presents a slim possibility it could blow up in your face with the force of a cluster bomb.
  • To Acquire the Solar Corona Crystals for this light saber is extremely complicated and very costly , requiring a journey to unknown parts of space know as the Nexus, were only one refining system exists and it is extremely expensive, and as previously mentioned due to the highly volatile nature of these crystals there production is a very long process, making enough crystals for two light sabers costs over 50,million credits and takes 6 months of mining and labor.
  • Solar Corona Crystals gems have shatter points, minuscule points where multiple edges and facets would come together, forming a weak spot. If delivered at exactly the right point, and exactly the right way, the slightest tap could cause the entire gem to crumble.
  • Solar Corona Crystals are extremely rare and valuable ,They are produced by a combination of the extreme pressures present in the Solar atmosphere of the Sun in the Nexus System. The process uses pressures great enough to crush elements together and the scraping of the liquefied air of the sun. The aura of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other stars. The Sun's Corona extends millions of kilometers into space and is most easily seen during a total solar eclipse this part of the suns energy is Siphoned off in the main process of forming of the Solar Corona Crystals. The Newly discovered Planet ZuaberLord Property of the Privateers Alliance is were the crystals for this light sabers have been formed deep in the Nexus of Zauberlord Space.
  • The sizes of Solar Corona Crystals increased with proximity to the core of the sun although the sun was so hot it melted most metals upon prolonged exposure ,so deep core mining of the sun was currently not possible with the Privateer Alliances resources. Solar Corona Crystals are mostly valued for their beauty and power. The way that light reflects inside Solar Corona Crystals would make it seem as if it has a volcanic fire inside it.
The crystals are not canon but the process i made them with is canon, i couldnt find a spot in the factory or codex for a new submission of a stone or crystals, there is everything from Npc's to new races planets and tech and so much more but nothing for a new sort of Material i probably could have tried to slide the Crystal creation in new tech or something but then a judge would have said this aint the proper spot a crystal aint tech. The codex and factory are here to create new things that are not exactly canon. Now i could go on Wookieepedia and make a link for Solar Corona Crystals because anyone can edit Wookieepedia it is not exactly a perfect canon resource, but instead of trying to trick you i am being honest, the process the crystal is made from has been done to create other crystals in star wars canon it is true Solar Corona Crystals do not exist in canon, But neither did the new planet i made exist in canon. I am not trying to be rude or argue the point only saying i was trying to be creative and make something 100% new when it comes to light sabers it is mostly boring there all the same made from few different kinds of crystals but pretty boring, straight forward and technical i tried to make it interesting. [member="Nadja Keto"]
Salvator Vonstein said:
The crystals are not canon but the process i made them with is canon, i couldnt find a spot in the factory or codex for a new submission of a stone or crystals, there is everything from Npc's to new races planets and tech and so much more but nothing for a new sort of Material i probably could have tried to slide the Crystal creation in new tech or something but then a judge would have said this aint the proper spot a crystal aint tech. The codex and factory are here to create new things that are not exactly canon. Now i could go on Wookieepedia and make a link for Solar Corona Crystals because anyone can edit Wookieepedia it is not exactly a perfect canon resource, but instead of trying to trick you i am being honest, the process the crystal is made from has been done to create other crystals in star wars canon it is true Solar Corona Crystals do not exist in canon, But neither did the new planet i made exist in canon. I am not trying to be rude or argue the point only saying i was trying to be creative and make something 100% new when it comes to light sabers it is mostly boring there all the same made from few different kinds of crystals but pretty boring, straight forward and technical i tried to make it interesting. [member="Nadja Keto"]
You can submit crystals to the factory in the technology section using the Material and Substance template. If you would prefer to submit those crystals now, I can move this to the prefactory section until they have been reviewed, otherwise we can attempt to review this submission on its own. Let me know what you would rather do.
[member="Nadja Keto"] Thanks, Nadja i would prefer this moved to pre-factory because those crystals are key to the entire invention thanks for your time and patience , i will take care of this soon as possible.

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