Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Voss is Under Attack..... Again

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
It is well established with Silver space that monitoring stations are used to speed up the travel of silver jedi military and civilian ships. THis means tracking and seeing people arrive with ships from outside it that don't identify themselves. They would have eyes on ships heading towards Voss the capital and be on high alert again since this happens frequently enough that they would literally e looking for it and with now several darkside factions appearing they would continue to stay on alert.

Defense wise and just in general the temple itself has been changed thanks to attacks from former members like Aria and connor that the Library itself is mobile. we have a massive 10km by 10km station that is able to protect them and be mobile. Silver jedi have personal wrist pads that access the library ad they can take it with them as opposed to one single place that can keep being destroyed or ruined by attacks. Given we have seen it "destroyed", "hacked" and erased within seconds.

The home fleets there in the system would be set up and prepared for pretty much what can come with several fleets and a large amount of defensive stations in orbit that protects the planet and system. The defensive screen of ships with several being made to interdict and detect stealth vessels, the collected armada there to defend the planet is made to repel and trap in the system enemy fleets as they go through a grinder. The world itself has the planetary shield carriers that are set up and five armies. (ranger's, soldiers, gormaks, voss, jedi)

There are even droids thansk to the different companies that range from defense droids to biot droids able to be controlled and set on as needed to protect the planet an the temple. So a sixth army overall that can overwhelm. The listed defenses of the world make it one fo the more superior defense wise of the faction next to worlds like Ossus, Rhen Var and Dromund Kaas. Worlds that are hub worlds for right now and able to establish a larger network that goes into the general exploration and galactic mapping ideas.

The silver jedi know their space back and forth and have always left it an open door policy to work with people who try to work with them. Our faction staff are friendly and work together to do things. Generally we like story over just forcing a situation to be one sided. WHile you might not have had the intent all you did was teleport into a system, ignore what is there and then dictated that what is there doesn't matter only pvp. something silver members don't enjoy the salt of.

THen said that it would be a series of threads which because it is the capitol planet forces a faction to participate whether they want to or not. With any logical response denied because "bro we just want to have fun" an attack like this the fleet wouldn't let you get to the planet, they would overwhelm within the first minute you came out of hyperspace from combined fire and have been using the monitoring stations to watch and see you coming. THe armies would be prepared to smash anything that got close and interdiction to prevent ships from leaving.
More then all this you have to expect NPCs to help defend Voss. Us Jedi are popular among those under our command for the most part since we keep them alive so they would return the favor. Couple shots into the middle of a duel and you Sith would be dead.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

I've skim read the posts here and the OOC thread.

If people want to write stuff, they'll write stuff. Facts and the like are broadly irrelevant.

So, let's take this skirmish at face value, have fun and understand that the moment it's over, it will be as if nothing ever happened - unless we want it to be.

So engage. Don't engage. It's entirely up to you. If it's still happening post-Easter, I'll be there :)

[member="Jada Raxis"] Before you go off complaining in the general OOC thread about this, can you stop making it sound like we're being salty about the very idea of a skirmish? No one has an issue with it, and in fact, I'm totally down for coming to your spot for a followup after this. Main issue was that it was just poorly planned out on your end. Also, really crappy timing all things considered.

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
Arisa Yune said:
Thurion Heavenshield I agree with you here. I like how the OP unilaterally set objectives without even speaking with the staff while still in transition. I know I wouldn't want to start my first full day as FO with this mess in my lap. Dickish thing to do tbh. It's also a funny thing that while other people call out the SJO for inaction, the SJO seems to be the only group of Jedi ever targeted outside of the old GR.
You are salty, accept it.

It was a nice try. Those that offered encouragement, thank you.

I probably won't be interacting with this faction anymore.


Cheers! :)
[member="Jada Raxis"] I'm not salty, it's just that you're too sensitive to take constructive criticism about your execution and communication skills (or lack thereof). You're actually the salty one here.

I'm pretty sure you're the only person that's actually leaving the thread, lol. This was an internal discussion thread about the topic anyway, where we are going to talk more candidly than in the public OOC thread. Still, no one was rude to you in this thread. We gave you honest feedback, it's just tough that you didn't like what you were reading.

Take care. I'm still coming after you like I said in the general OOC thread.
[member="Jada Raxis"] I never intended to come off as salty just kinda amazed this keeps happenign like clock work and people then get surprised when we bring it up. I am not saying your intentions were good or bad I have no way to know whats in your mind. But I do very much find it annoying personally that it happens seemingly every time and it becomes harder to believe people are just innocently not a where. If you were not I am sorry I'd recommend taking to people always first. Few factions I know of are unwilling to explain thing. What you are running into I think is the past history of sith behavior over years ooc.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Jada Raxis"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

I'll pop this in the OOC thread too, but for clarity:

Just to put the record straight — in case anyone was unsure — the skirmish is on, people can join or not join at their own discretion and I hope as many as want to will enjoy the thread.

They whys and the wherefores are pointless at this stage. The Silvers are always open to stories and writing with anyone that wants to — this was always the case and it continues to be the case.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Alright to stay on top of it a quick update for our members who are in the thread on where you can go or what you can do if you want.

Space - There is a sith fleeter but he mostly only seems to acknowledge an Iron empire fleeter and is immune to silver jedi weapons and ships. [member="Arisa Yune"] is engaging as well and [member="Sala'dine"] is marking two unknown's who appeared in are immune to weapons, do not hail and have intimate knowledge of where the hidden temple is on Voss.

Ground - We have ground forces deployed and any ships that managed to make it through the fleets, defense stations and planetary shields are met with this opposition. So far nothing has really appeared but several sith have managed to make it onto the planet itself through unknown and mysterious means that our defenses cannot counter. There are sith being fought near the temple as they moved towards the library and have met resistance, another group moved in and were encountered by Bryce from the outback but have mysteriously disappeared. There is a sith lord immune to tags and defenses attempting to trn the planet of lightsiders by himself into a darkside nexus by tearing apart a mountain at Voss-ka. Jedi force, Voss mystics have been sent to counter this with force light and have neutralized the situation.

Conclusion - Most of the fervor seems to be gone with some still doing things, this might change but we have the upper hand in writing a more cohesive story so far where it isn't disjointed. We also have the advantage of training and knowing what can and cannot be done by ourselves. So for those in the skirmish keep it up make something nice and go salvage that technology they use. Our technology levels will boom with slipstream to get through gravity wells and avoid objects, teleportation will let us get past shields and everything.

[member="Makari Valeal"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Echob Krirgo"] [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] [member="Catherine Soja"] [member="Vitha Sat-thuron"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Audren Sykes"]
this is mostly for logistic purposes but Voss-Ka and the jedi temple.... no where near each other. Good distance away always because the jedi weren't going to put the Voss people as a target. As well given the amount of force users vs one sith who doesn't care about opposition.... the city stands easily as ten thousand force users repelling one beings attacks is a lot easier.
[member="Lynn Nantaris"] the usual attacks, teleportation, godmodding the destruction of the planet... tuesday

and for Voss-ka, given atrisia took several sith lords sacrificing themselves to tear it apart and we work closely with the Voss on the world. No destruction on that scale has been resisted at every turn and such BS is ignored. Continue to have fun if you are getting it

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