@[member="Kiyala Demont"]
Yusan looked up as he heard his named, then immediately and went back to his datapad, opening a small 3D project and working on it until Hanna spoke up about an election. At this moment Yusan stood up and spoke out immediately, hid datapad dropping to the for. "Miss Vondiranach, the point that you are pushing for an election right here and right now is not the time. While i agree the Filibustering had to end, my apologies Senator Demont, and for this useless vote over the confidence held in the Interrim Chancellor. It was not needed for you to promote an Election here and now so soon after the departure of our Former Supreme Chancellor. I call for a few days to allow all those here today to review what has been conversed and then raise the question of a new election." With that he remained standing, his tone calm and controlled as he starred at Hanna Vondiranach