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Approved Tech Vronti and Astropi

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Intent: Create a pair of specialized Lightsabers for one of the Knight Commanders.
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link: Lightsaber
Primary Source: N/A


Manufacturer: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Affiliation: Alkor Centaris
Model: N/A
Modularity: Crystals, emitter, focusing lens could be traded out for different parts.
Production: Unique
Material: Bronzium Phobium Emitters Sigil Crystals Mestare Crystals Adegan lenses Non-Demetris circuitry, switch components, overcharge capacitors, transistors, resistors


Classification: Lightsabers
Size: Average
Weight: Light


For use by extremely skilled saber duelists only
Maximized cutting power


+ Can't be Stopped: Does not short out from, and can cut through Cortosis.

+ Burn it Down: With exceptionally high cutting power, it can make short work of most metals. When the overcharge is activated, the cutting power is magnified to hyperintense levels, even above the fabled melting point of Mandalorian Iron.

+ Ride the Lightning: Immense electricity emitted during overcharge can course through electronics and cause them to go haywire or explode from overload. Metals can conduct this current, and even cook armored opponents without protection from this.


- Not Waterproofed: Due to the emphasis on keeping the blades functional during combat, the sabers lack bifurcating ignition pulses, and cannot function while wet or underwater.

- Limiter: When the overcharge is activated, the blades will function for no more than a minute thereafter (5 posts) before the killswitch deadens them in order to prevent catastrophic damage to the weapons.

- Observe Downtime: A proportionate amount of time to the overcharge used must be observed before the blade is reactivated. (1 post - 1 post, 2 posts to 2 posts, etc)

- Shocking Experience: The electrified blades hold an extreme amount of power. They will jump to anything conductive that comes in contact with them, meaning the user must be extremely competent to wield them safely.


To commemorate his elevation to the status of Knight Commander, Alkor was gifted with these blades. Designed with the technological superiority of the CIS in mind and Alkor's own deadliness with the blades, they took the idea of lightsabers being an archaic weapon and defied it.

Utilizing non-standard circuitry for Lightsabers, they made the blades resilient toward being shorted out and even went so far as to scour for exotic crystals to help amplify the effectiveness of the twin sabers' cutting power. Even further, to make them more dangerous against armored opponents in an age where people had such defenses as could resist lightsabers, they created a prototype setting that took their destructive potential to new heights.

During the so-named Overcharge, the blades gain a pseudo-unrestricted flow of electricity, amplifying their heat and power output. In addition, the electricity can arc and jump to conductive surfaces it comes into contact with, which can fry on board electronics within armor or overload them, and even cook an unprepared opponent inside of their previously protective gear.
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