Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Waking the Bear. [Mando/Sith]

City Walls - @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] & Kal A'den-Shuk'la

Kaine was certainly intrigued with this downed Mandalorian. He was not only a marvelous warrior, but he was also force sensitive to boot! He would have to isolate the section of his helmet's constant recording to analyze and review this discovery, but of course first hand experience was better than a recording. Kaine leaped down from his perched position, using the force to slow his descent as he did, and landed a meter or so behind Mikhail Shorn and kept that distance, content to only observe. "Interesting, I would have never thought one of these Mandalorians would possess the ability to wield the force. An interesting discovery, don't you agree?"

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

Capital Walls
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Kaine Zambrano"]

His vision now clear, Kal stared up at Mikhail, turning up his nose slightly in disgust. "Run. Run while you still can." He spat, feeling as if his insides were melting and his mind disintegrating. "Heed my warning. Lest you crawl back to your comrades." This time it was not he who spoke, but the Dragon. "It would be a shame to see your oh so pretty face damaged." Kal couldn't help but feel that he was dying inside, that he was losing control of his own body and mind. Taking no attention to the dragon, he simply longed for it to end. Longed for the pain to end. Longed to be free.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me."
The dragon screamed, but this time Kal screamed with him. They screamed forever and into eternity, yet without a sound.

Lord Ghoul

City Walls -
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"] @[member="Kal A'den-Shuk'la"]
Flapping fabric rustled in the wind and the other Sith landed behind Mikhail with a solid thud. Mikhail glanced over his shoulder at the man before turning his eyes back to regard the fallen Mando. He shrugged his good shoulder. "I'd pegged them all for the brutish macho facade, but I guess anything's possible."

The Twi'lek began to speak, threatening Mikhail. Then he opened his mouth in a wordless cry. Doubtless there had been some internal damage due to the fall. Shorn shook his head. He sighed suddenly, that flicker of morality within his eyes dying. Its flame snuffed by a calloused soul.

"Yes, yes. My pretty face. Not everyone gets to see such a wonderful sight before they die. Be thankful." He smirked, then with a sudden, ruthless thrust, Mikhail plunged his lightsaber into an unarmored section of the Mando's stomach. The crimson blade seemed to drink up the flesh greedily in a hiss of charring tissue. Mikhail couldn't tell if the screaming was from the Mando or the searing flesh. The Twi'lek's eyes fluttered closed.

Shorn turned around to face the other Sith, his face benign. "Looks like we're done here. Care to help me mop up somewhere else?" He walked off, not waiting for a response, still clutching the Mando's helmet in his left hand. He spotted a repulsorsled, ejected the driver, and turned to regard the other Sith. "Coming or what?"
City Walls - @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] & @[member="Kal A'den-Shuk'la"]

Kaine nodded and followed Mikhail, sparing the Mandalorian a final glance before jumping onto the hoversled. "Lead the way, comrade. We have more Mandos to put to the blade." He kept his curved-hilt saber in his hand, still didn't activate it, that would wait till later. All around them Sith and Mandalorian gunships battled for air superiority, both sides losing gunships left and right, their flaming wreckage crashing into either the battlements or the ruined structures within. Chaos ruled this day, but the outcome was far from being achieved.

Lord Ghoul

@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
Mikhail eyed the Sith as he hopped into shotgun and they sped off. Shorn was careful to avoid running into any squads of Mandalorians. Or tanks. Sure, fighting was fun. But not that fun. He grimaced as his wounds pulsed painfully. The numb spray was wearing off. He reached one hand into a glove compartment and searched for a medkit. Nothing. Blast. He gritted his teeth.

"So, who are you?" asked Mikhail, never one to pass up small talk sure to be full of interesting surprises.
SOMEWHERE IN THE CAPITAL!?!?!? - @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Kaine chuckled, but that question was expected. Not many Sith had a chance to have extensive time alone with Kaine, so many didn't know him or what he did, but Kaine wasn't going to shy away from enlightening them. "My real name holds no importance, but you may call me Lord Infinitous, or Darth Infinitous, whichever title you chose to put before my moniker, but you can call me Infinitous. I am, what they say the Emperor's right hand man, although I am not one of his Hands, though I do know them rather well. I guess my real rank would be, Grand Vizier, or Vizier, or the Empire's paperwork man. Whichever you prefer, my boy. And you are?"

Lord Ghoul

Somewhere Further Into the Capital - @[member="Kaine Zambrano"]

Shorn's hands on the steering mechanism froze. Grand. Kriffing. Vizier. The situation got several depths too deep for Mikhail. This man could probably crush him like an insect. He was older in the ways of the Force. And therefore stronger. But Mikhail was never one to let the sudden threat of powerful authority figures faze him.

"Yeah, that's a mouthful. I think I'll just call you Lord I, or maybe the Grand V if we're being official." Mikhail's mouth twitched with the beginnings of a small smile. "I'm Mikhail Shorn. Apprentice at large." He pronounced his name, Mick-Hale, in a sudden accent, vaguely aristocratic in its cadence and sounding to originate somewhere along the Hydian way. But then it was gone. "There'll be a lot of paperwork after this is over with," Mikhail said, sounding almost sympathetic if not for the light of devious wit in his eyes.
CAPITAL IN THE SOMEWHERE? - @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Kaine nodded, "Ah yes, Mikhail Shorn. I've reviewed your file, along with a few other's. Quite the interesting specimen you are, my boy." Indeed he had read Mikhail's file, extensively you could say, but he had never met the lad face to face before. "These Mandalorians sure are tenacious, arn't they? This war was unneeded though, but the Mandalorians were so stubborn and would not align with us, not their worlds burn and their children are being slaughtered by the dozen. But if this will get the point past their thick helmets and their thick skulls, then so be it."

Lord Ghoul

CAPITAL THE SOMEWHERE IN - @[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
So the Grand Vizier had read his file? And found him a- specimen? Mikhail wasn't sure whether it was a compliment or the veiled interest of some mad scientist sizing him up before conducting some terrifying lab experiment. Something to do with lots of needles and drills. "You read my file? Well, Lord I, consider me flattered."

Shrugging at the topic of Mandalorians, Mikhail scanned the streets, slowing a bit in order to make a detour around an enormous firefight erupting in front of a what used to be a supermarket, but now resembled nothing so much as a.... well, a burnt building. "I kind of just want to see them all burn," he said calmly. "This won't be the end you know. They don't give up. They'll fight you until the Sith Empire's put them all down. Like rabid animals. I don't know much about the Mandalore besides rumors, but from what I've heard he doesn't bend. And you know what happens to things that don't bend."
IN CAPITAL THE SOMEWHERE - @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

"They break." He said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice, staring off into the blazing ruins that blurred as they zoomed by on their hoversled. "The Emperor himself is going to take care of Mandalore, he told me so himself. We have nothing to fear, I am completely confident in Moridin's ability to handle him. He nearly killed the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order on Coruscant, I should know. I was there."
Target: Kaine & Mikhail

Small satisfaction spiked a smirk upon the Mando's hidden face. A hoversled was bolting his way, his HUD indicating that it was not friendly and in such a place as a war zone there was only one other option, hostiles. His smirk was only short lived as the headache still pounded in the confines of his skull. Could of been worse, though he was the only survivor of the crash that had wiped out his squad and only had woken from unconsciousness fifteen minutes earlier, he should of been dead.

Dred Varad stepped out from the dark ally raising his left hand out, his wrist being a platform for the Kelvarex Consolidated Arms MM9 mini concussion rocket-- cycled to the 1126 rocket ammunition. Utilising the computer tracking system the mandalorian wasted no time in firing the rocket off just as he gain lock upon the hoversled. The sadistic grin formed once more as the rocket launched from his wrist and towards his prey.

The adrenaline was beginning to pump with in the warrior, it was a welcomed feeling from the nauseous one he had felt from the concussion he was suffering. Even better feeling was the grip of his concussion grenade launcher and its folded stock now extended and rested into his shoulder, positioned with tiger like reflexes he waited to mop up the scene with more explosive pleasures or hail grenades upon the sled in case his rocket did not do the job.

Lord Ghoul

F***ING LOST - @[member="Kaine Zambrano"] @[member="Dred Varad"]
Mikhail raised an eyebrow, his blue eyes cool with skepticism. Shorn was a cynic at heart. "Yeah, maybe. But what if the Mandalore and the Grandmaster are here? How would the good old Emperor hold up then?" Curious himself, Mikhail reached out with the Force. Though his Force reserves were all but exhausted, this required little effort besides concentration. He felt... power. It blossomed and flowed out from the inner city and near the spaceport. Darkness tangling with a surge of light. While reaching out, he felt a premonition in the Force.

"Uh oh."

He leapt from the repulsorsled without hesitation, a Force enhanced leap carrying him far from the vehicle, which burst into a brilliant ball of orange before what was left of it careened into the nearest building. Shorn tumbled to the ground, pain lancing through his body and causing black dots to fill his vision as he rolled on his injured shoulder before coming up to his feet, lightsaber activated. He swayed as the pain took him hard, but he gritted his teeth and bore it. He glanced at the burning vehicle and then up at the contrail still painted in the sky.

"Give me. A damn. Break." Mikhail growled.
LOST FUCKING - @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] & @[member="Dred Varad"]

Kaine was about to answer Mikhail, but he felt a disturbance in the force and reacted just as Mikhail had, leaping from the hoversled just as a projectile slammed into it. The flaming wreckage sailed for a couple meters before slamming into a ruined building in a furious explosion that sent shrapnel everywhere. Kaine landed into a crouching position as his lightsaber flew to his hand and with a press of his thumb he activated its crimson blade. He spun it around a few times as his eyes scanned the area for threats as he heard Mikhail say something about a break, prompting a laugh from Kaine. "We are Sith, we do not require nor do we deserve breaks, we are warriors. We will kill this upstart like the rest of them." With that Kaine sprint off not towards the location the missile came from, but instead followed a path that would make a wide arc around and then towards it. He kept his senses opened, he knew that he would face opposition as he approached, but he hoped that Mikhail would follow his lead and take the other way around to try and flank this Mandalorian.
Somewhere @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Mikhail Shorn @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Kaine Zambrano @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Dred Varad
Mirta smirked as she rode down her Basilisk into the atmosphere, blasting what she could with her lasers, The ground inched closer and closer as she rode it down towards the capitol. She fired down at the sith as her droid barreled ever closer. Then she hit the ground and a shockwave traveled across the ground causing nearby buildings to collapse even more as Mirta jumped out. The droid and her found themselves facing two sith, and she thought she saw a mando so she radioed over " Sorry, don't have much choice where these things land..." Of course she already had her blaster out as she shot towards the two sith she noticed, her droid firing away with its various cannons.
She had to move away a bit though as she realized the droid glowed red, and was giving off heat as it rapidly cooled. It was going to be a glrorious day for battle after all. She just hoped that she found Daxton.
Somewhere @Mikhail Shorn @Kaine Zambrano @[member="Mirta Kar"]
The kinetic impact the massive droid created, amassed a concussive wave that kicked up dust and dibri along with rattling a ruined building to the ground that added to the confusion and chaos of battle and more specifically this skirmish. Dred was forced to take cover with in the alley he had just emerged from to ambush the two sith. The minor annoyance of having to break his stance and aim with his grenade launcher was washed away with the pure fact he wasn't going to be fighting the sith alone. Always a comfort to have brothers or in this case a sister in arms to your side.

His comms perked up with Mirta's apologies that were not needed for her entrance to this fray. Dred appreciated the arsenal the female mando had brought and it only would wager in their favour. "Keep moving, keep shooting!" Were Dred's only reply as he thrusted himself back from around the corner, grenade launcher at the ready once more. He aimed the weapon towards the long haired Sith that was advancing in a arch towards his location. Dred squeezed the trigger lightly to let loose the concussion grenade towards the intended target in hopes of making the Sith into pink mist.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
Capital City
...All the people with the Mandalore and Emps.

Strafing fire, irritating. He shelled himself within a shield of the Force, walking through the strafing run the Mandalorian fighters were throwing down. He made sure to avoid any direct hit, but took the energy from the bolts fired that he could and stored them up before firing the energy back at one fighter in a bolt of lightning that tore through the ship's armor and sent it careening out of control into the ground some distance away. Hopefully that would send a message to the rest of them that air support was not tolerated in this area.

He said nothing, and did nothing further but wait to see if anyone else would be foolhardy enough to try another run. He didn't honestly care what happened to the soldiers. The death around him swelled and he drew in the energies. Bathed in the destruction. He watched silently, right arm resting at the wrist on his saberstaff's hilt. He knew that most non-Force users had means around the Force, so he would have to carve them up if it came down to it. Still, he wanted to wait for all the 'witty' banter to be done with and see who struck first.
Capital Walls - @[member="Dred Varad"] & @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] & @Mirta Ka

Kaine increased his speed with the force, and dove behind a nearby building as the concussion grenade sailed past him and exploded where he just was a few moments ago. Luckily he found the corpse of an Imperial soldier behind that building, and right next to his corpse was a partially unused]"Manticore" SienarTech Grenade/Missile Launcher[/url] with it's grenade drum intact and a belt of missiles slung around the soldier's body. Kaine deactivated his lightsaber and took up the weapon, and switched it from grenade mode to missile mode, and loaded it with a missile. He took aim at the Mandalorian Basilisk nearby and squeezed the trigger, sending the missile towards the mechanical beast at high speeds. Kaine made sure to aim slightly above the main body of the beast towards the rider, one: because gravity would cause the missile to dip downward after traveling for awhile, and just in case they decided to fly away to evade it, it would hit the main body anyways. Kaine then went back behind cover and switched his weapon to grenade mode, and ran around the other side of the building to lob a couple grenades at Dred in retaliation for lobbing some at him.
Zalen walked onto the battlefield. "STTTOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!! I need someone to fight!" Zalen truely wanted someone to fight, but he also wanted to distract some mandolorians; they would glimpse at or even target him most likely. Zalen hoped that one of his Sith Brothers and Sisters would take even the slightest advantage.

Zalen egnited his shoto in his left hand and his lightsaber in his dominant hand. He started in a typical Niman dual-wielding stance waiting for any opponent. Niman was the most well rounded of the seven traditional lightsaber forms, it was good for everything, but great at nothing. Zalen's blaster deflection and dueling wouldn't be optimized, but he would have a certain balance to his lightsaber techniques which would leave very little openings for any mandalorian opponent. His legs tensed up and he ran forward with a blazing speed.
Capital City
@[member="Emberli Garett"], @[member="Teferi Efreet"], @[member="Jaxton Ravos"], @[member="Darth Moridin"], @[member="Reyven Samoth"], And Whoever I'm missing... Long list...

So, this was what he'd been drawn in for. Not merely a battle, but a full scale invasion involving some of the most dangerous and deadly Sith that the galaxy had ever heard of. Kamon loved it. Clearly there was much fun to be had in this battle. More fun if he'd managed to get more training from the Fallanassi, but for now he would make do with what skills he had. After all, he hadn't made it to Jedi Master by bowing and scraping at everyone's heel. No, he'd damn well earned it for hard work and effort.

As he looked out on the gathering of those present, he watched the fighters strafing. His presence masked, he watched one of the Sith absorbing energy from the attacks and using it to take down a fighter. Clever. Poor pilot. Kamon watched the ship as it spiraled down somewhere in the city in a crash of fire and splayed metal. Such violence was so needless.

Turning back, he watched from his perch as the Sith confronted the Jedi and the Mandalore. Clearly the Sith Emperor thought he had the advantage. Ahh, how stealth had its advantages. The Jedi Master watched from his perch, taking in the Grandmaster and the padawan as they stood with the Mandalorian leader. In truth, as the field was laid out before the Sith, he did seem to have the upper hand. In reality, the playing field was tipped in the favor of the "good guys" as Kamon had decided to call them for the brief moment.

One of the Sith was closer to him than the others. The figure wore a mask, and appeared to be wearing armor. He wasn't the only one prepared for battle. Wearing modified armor, the Echani Jedi Master was suited to take on this foe with maximum protection and limited loss of mobility. Taking into account the protection bubble around the Mandalore, Kamon would have to keep his distance. The Sith were vying for the same, it would seem. That was alright. It was advantageous for him to have the space necessary to do battle without having to worry about bumping into one of the others while he was doing.

Master Teferi, I trust you can handle the others. I will take this one off to the side. Force be with you.

Drawing the power of the Force into himself, he jumped off the top of the structure, flew out, and fell down to land on one knee a few meters in front of Reyven. Lifting his head, he looked at the Sith and then calmly pushed his robes to the side before pulling two lightsabers from his belt and holding them firmly in his hands. Attached to his back was a third weapon, but it could wait in hiding for the moment.

"Stop, Sith. You have come seeking a fight. Take it when it is offered."

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
Capital City
All the peeps there
@[member="Kamon Vondiranach"] (Less vowels please in the future)
He did not budge. "How gallant. Are you here to save the poor Mandalorians? I can't help but wonder how this alliance was made. Mandalorians in my time were... Well I guess they weren't our allies, but they definitely didn't rely on Jedi to win their battles for them. Then again, Jedi also weren't in the habit of befriending mass-murderers, so maybe I have some adjusting to do." He shrugged, very nonchalant about the whole thing. He had been in battle before, after all. Worse odds, too.

"Still, I don't like people presuming why I'm here. Perhaps I came just to watch? Now you're actively engaging me. I cannot understand where the Jedi get this air of 'nobility' when they seem to always pick fights with me." He looked to one of the Mandalorian soldiers on the field and, tilting his head, drove his will into the soldier's mind. As if in a haze, the Mando turned his blaster on the Jedi's back, firing repeated shots. "See? Even he agrees with me. ...Or she, it's hard to tell with all that armor."

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