Balaya Praelior Zambrano
Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust
@[member="Alexandra Shadowstalker"]
Balaya backed away and stopped.... Her apprentice had given up... Had stopped fighting and she moved forward deactivating the blade with a small sneer that turned into a semi hardened smile. Her gaze drifted down to Alexandra before just standing in front of her and holding her shoulders steady. "It is okay my apprentice, it will take some time to learn but I shall teach you to be strong. Just remember your failure with the Duros to get angry and remember that power you felt just now. Your hatred, your fury can make you into a powerful sith lord one day and it all starts right here. One small step on your path and I will guide you upon it. Now" Balaya moved going to the throne for a moment and taking a seat if only to feel it. She always stood to the side, her masters hand, his fist and his apprentice but now. Here she was the master if only for a moment and leaning forward held out her hand.
"Come here and kneel apprentice."
Balaya backed away and stopped.... Her apprentice had given up... Had stopped fighting and she moved forward deactivating the blade with a small sneer that turned into a semi hardened smile. Her gaze drifted down to Alexandra before just standing in front of her and holding her shoulders steady. "It is okay my apprentice, it will take some time to learn but I shall teach you to be strong. Just remember your failure with the Duros to get angry and remember that power you felt just now. Your hatred, your fury can make you into a powerful sith lord one day and it all starts right here. One small step on your path and I will guide you upon it. Now" Balaya moved going to the throne for a moment and taking a seat if only to feel it. She always stood to the side, her masters hand, his fist and his apprentice but now. Here she was the master if only for a moment and leaning forward held out her hand.
"Come here and kneel apprentice."