Vallory smiled at that. "Suits me, does it? And in what way?" She had a hint of a smirk at saying that. She leaned for a bit towards [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]. Curious just what exactly she meant by that. She was old in physical age, even if it did not show and had experience with many things. Yet still retaining that wonder, that curiosity and that fascination with things.
"So...I'll be going in...alone, in some dark place with no knowledge of what's inside? Could be anything from predators to traps to...well, anything. Did I get that right?" How could she say no? She enjoyed staring in the face of danger, it gave her a rush. Facing it head on, charging. Though with recent events she was beginning to wonder if that were the smartest way of things.
"So...I'll be going in...alone, in some dark place with no knowledge of what's inside? Could be anything from predators to traps to...well, anything. Did I get that right?" How could she say no? She enjoyed staring in the face of danger, it gave her a rush. Facing it head on, charging. Though with recent events she was beginning to wonder if that were the smartest way of things.