Stardust Solus Skirae
The Emerald Dragon
[member="Adara Raxis"]
Stardust closed her eyes to let a heavy breath out, looking down to adara as she smiled, this girl had every reason not to hate the Sith empire and its leader, while stardust had every reason...such a interesting thing....
his blood amplified your powers, his name is cursed for what he has is the Australis name. I cant judge you for not hating them or I would be as bad as everyone else who've every reason and I mean every single reason in the galaxy to not hate them at all...but I do, unfortunately I do have a reason
Stardust said with sadness in her voice, then sighed as she looked away in thought...maybe hanging onto this anger wasn't good...after all it pushed her to do such stupid things...maybe she could learn something from adara
theres no reason to condemn I've said I've committed worse...and look I still stand today some of the things I regret many I do not for they led me to here. I will find out ok? I'm sure..whatever you've done is merely a effect
She helped her into the room, patting her shoulder as she smirked
your mind is strong, but your body is tired, and both need to be rested in order for you to work perfectly. Just a hour nap is all I ask
Stardust closed her eyes to let a heavy breath out, looking down to adara as she smiled, this girl had every reason not to hate the Sith empire and its leader, while stardust had every reason...such a interesting thing....
his blood amplified your powers, his name is cursed for what he has is the Australis name. I cant judge you for not hating them or I would be as bad as everyone else who've every reason and I mean every single reason in the galaxy to not hate them at all...but I do, unfortunately I do have a reason
Stardust said with sadness in her voice, then sighed as she looked away in thought...maybe hanging onto this anger wasn't good...after all it pushed her to do such stupid things...maybe she could learn something from adara
theres no reason to condemn I've said I've committed worse...and look I still stand today some of the things I regret many I do not for they led me to here. I will find out ok? I'm sure..whatever you've done is merely a effect
She helped her into the room, patting her shoulder as she smirked
your mind is strong, but your body is tired, and both need to be rested in order for you to work perfectly. Just a hour nap is all I ask