Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Walks out of the shadows

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Xan Qenadius"] - I hear that; I've written this guy since 2004. I had to alter his story a bit to fit the timeline. The transfer itself is easy enough - just post up your bio with the template, and give a link to proof of rank. Toss in the proof of rank link in the title request thread, and you're golden.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Xan Qenadius"] - I've seen people use an official community wiki, a Hall of Fame entry, any thread that showed a CT rank, a promotion thread, a thread where someone else called you a Master - basically, you've got a ton of options.

Connor Harrison

Welcome to the Chaos @[member="Xan Qenadius"] - enjoy your time in our galaxy, and hope to see you out there sometime on the right side of my blaster! :)

Atlas Kane

G'Day, person I don't know but who I'm still going to ask how they're doing this fine day.
@[member="Anija Ordo"] I get that...I just want his force history and QenTech to transfer over

@[member="Hayato"] I'm doing as well as can be expected
Bottom of the forum. No rush, though. No profile can post in it until they have 50 posts behind them. Just get yourself established in the site, then you can worry about reestablishing any previous empires or dynasties you had going for you.

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