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Walter Dellian

Walter Dellian
Lord of Elrood

| Basic Information |

  • Name: Walter Dellian

  • Alias: Lord Dellian

  • Titles: Lord of Elrood

  • Homeworld: Elrood

  • Current Residence: Elrood

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Marital Status: Unmarried

  • Force Sensitive: Yes

  • Force Rank: Master (Ascendant)

  • Force Alignment: Darkside

  • Character Alignment: Lawful Evil/Neutral
| Physical Information |

  • Species: Human

  • Race: Human

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 52

  • Height: 1.9 Meters

  • Weight: 80 Kilograms

  • Eye Color: Brown

  • Hair Color: Graying, formerly dark brown

  • Skin Color: Fair; Caucasian
| Affiliations |

  • The Techno Union

  • Dellian Holdings

Personality - Prideful, condescending, and ambitious are the first three words to describe Lord Dellian. The rest are: conniving, brooding, spiteful, malicious, vengeful, persuasive, and controlling. Walter Dellian is a profound orator, politician, businessman, and warrior. Having spent his entire life and subsequent careers building up such a reputation and impressive array of skills, his accomplishments have left him extremely arrogant and cynical towards most intelligent life. However, when he discovers someone with an equal (never greater) mind or power capacity such as his - he treats them as such.

Appearance - Lord Dellian is a strong and proud individual. He stands at almost two meters with a frame of eighty kilograms. While he is never the strongest physically, his fair and nimble stature allows him to perform a number of respective maneuvers and abilities. Walter is impressively agile and quick for his age, something which he recognizes and attempts to curb by integrating physical fitness regimens into his daily life on top of meditation with the Force and other spiritual necessities.

Clothing-wise, Lord Dellian often opts for the most aristocratic appearance possible. On most business occasions and other political outings, he wears a simple black tunic with matching trousers and boots. However, he adorns himself with a brown armorweave cloak, lightsaber clasped to his hip. During combat operations, he wears his Obsidian Armor with the same armorweave cloak.


| Powers and Abilities |

Melee Combat - Lord Dellian is a respectable swordsman and personal combatant. Relying almost entirely on Form II of lightsaber combat, Walter wields a curved-hilt lightsaber to capitalize on the form's reliance on footwork and swordsmanship. He is no master of Form II in the slightest, but he can hold his own against any well-practiced opponent of his rank. In terms of hand-to-hand combat, Walter Dellian has a proficiency in Teras Kasi and has a reputation for powerhouse leg sweeps and strikes to vulnerable areas.

Force Abilities - As a businessman and manufacturer, Lord Dellian focuses primarily on these diverse sets of skills. He has a solid foundation of basic Force powers but his specialties are within the technical arts: Mechu Deru, Electronic Manipulation, and Technometry. Most of these are utility skills and revolve around outside sources, so Dellian makes strong use of Force Choke and Force Lightning during personal combat should the need arise.

| Possessions |
| Starships |

| Confirmed Kills |

  • N/A

| Bounties Collected |

  • N/A
Hailing from the Outer Rim world of Elrood, Walter Dellian makes his not-so-humble beginnings under the parenthood of Richard and Lucia Dellian. Young Walter's future was marked for success the moment he was conceived; his father was the foreman of a massive corporation and his mother a Senator of one of the largest regions on the planet. The Dellian heir was brought into existence with thunderous cheers and a youth full of private schooling, military and political studies, induction into corporate dealings, and further training under his mother.

Lucia Dellian noticed it first. The flickering of the lights in the house, glitches with the droids, and numerous other automated mishaps. Little did she know, it was the will of her young son altering these electronic subsystems and enforcing his commands through droids. Even as an infant, the newborn Walter would manipulate the nursing droids to cater to his every need such as diaper changings and milk. Lots of milk. But as Walter grew older, those skills began much more honed and focused rather than based on the instincts of a young toddler. Once he became old enough was when his mother decided to tell him about what had been happening, why it was happening, and that she was the exact same thing as him. A Sith. Lucia adored power, passion, and control and moved her family to this world to conquer it.

And so they shall.

Walter Dellian spent his formative years with the best tutors in the sector, trained with the best fencing instructors, sparred against the best Teras Kasi masters, and learned the way of the Darkside under his beloved mother. Once he began applying his technical skills of the Force to enhance automated machinations and constructs was also when he joined his father's corporation, honing his skills by practicing on the newest technological advances Dellian Holdings crafted.

Then came adulthood. It was much more meaningful than his teenage years. At this time, Walter Dellian was apprenticed by his mother in both the Force and the battlefield known as politics. He learned how to deceive, be cunning, and manipulate other beings to bend to his every whim. As the years went by, he began ushering Elrood into a new age. He was a representative and then a senator, quickly growing a large base of support within the populace before making it to the Prime Minister primaries. His opponents were weak-willed and lackluster, making false promises to the people - his people.

Considering all of those factors, he won.

In office, he wanted nothing more than to rid Elrood of its democratic government style. His campaign opponents were proof that vile and unworthy creatures could've been able to claim the executive position for themselves without any qualifying factors, without being perfect like he was. Walter Dellian destroyed all traces of the title Prime Minister and brought his own little touch into the government - Lord.

You will.

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