Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wandering the Wild Space

She wasn’t sure how to handle most people. It was silly, but Kaia was… well, she knew that she was socially backwards. Living aboard a starship would do that. Was almost like she was from some young adult novel where the world had moved on, save for a group of survivors who were hell bent on fixing the world. She had seen her fair share of conflict, but did her best to avoid getting involved. Still, it was part of her upbringing. But war was just that, war. And she was a little weapon, sometimes. The galaxy was a bright place, though, and there was happiness to be found.

Kaia smirked as the Admiral pointed over to some crew. Droids were really hard working, she knew that for sure, but it was programming. A person who was willing to support a cause was worth a thousand, if not more, droids. “My father used to say something like that. He flew in a TIE squadron… and well, the ship had an astromech spliced into it. Was almost like the ship itself was alive.” Those fighters were special. She wondered if Santhe was doing anything similar anymore. “But, I will, of course!” And give it a fresh paint job, most likely.

“You are sure you can lose one of them?”

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Jaster smiled as he remembered being asked the same question before. Jaster never married, was too difficult for the times he was in. He always wanted kids to remember his name and build a legacy after he died, or he could build a legacy for them. Though he did adopt a daughter through his cultures acceptance, Shakk. He missed her, she was a force sensitive, and as such she wished to find her own path. He was asked that question before she left by his fellow guild member.

He thought to himself, 'They gata grow up some day.'

"Yes, I think providing what I see as family to another as friendship is an acceptable," Jaster sipped his ale, "and I'll be sure to program my contact information in em so we can meet again."

Jaster always was a joker, having fun on a ship where you were stuck on for weeks at a time, that was pretty much all you could do.
She wasn’t use to hand-outs, even with her father being a ship and wing Elder, it still left her with working for what she was after. It was almost like she needed to prove herself. In one way or another. There were the people aboard the Treader who were brave, nearly fool-hearty, the ones who sought the truth and others who sought intelligence. She was one of the first kind. Her brother had found himself in an almost judiciary role had he not been a wonderful pilot.

For her? She was going to be an explorer, like her father, had she stayed. But now? The whole galaxy opened up. And she was marked, she had started getting tattoos young, to commemorate her achievements, and once she found a new home, would get another. This ship was really nice, though, and she would do her best to keep in contact with [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] in her travels. Download some of the contact information when she got an astromech up and running.

And she could help them out, possibly.

But as she was thinking it, he was thinking it. She giggled. “I was just thinking that!” She looked at her finished meal, then back at the Admiral. “Is there a room to work in?”
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Jaster also finished his meal the same time as the young girl, though he had the same meal everyday, it was good to see a diffrent face now and then. His crew were good people, and they were seen as family, yet like all family, you get tired of seeing the same faces again and again.

Jaster stood, "Yes of course, their is a visitors quarters near a maintenance room," he guided her into the halls again waving to his crew still in the mess hall, "the fleet will be staying in our current posistion for the next three days, repairs and making sure all our supplys are still where they need to be, will that be enough time for you to complete your task?"
Was funny how things like that happened. Pace. Meals, conversation, and getting to discuss whatever with someone. All seemed to have a pace that matched, maybe it was subconscious? It happened a lot aboard starships. She could really relate to [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]’s thoughts. It was nice to have those people, the friends who become family, but it was tricky to deal with seeing them all the time.

She had three days? She could do that. And quarters. “If its trouble, I can stay aboard my ship…” She was used to sleeping on cots and hammocks. “But three days? That should be more than enough time.” See how many of those she could fix, for one. Just to help out this fleet, they did take her in and pull her from having to blind jump. Not something she was looking forward to.
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Jaster didn't mind the fresh faces, more and more diplomatic missions don't by the other factions were good for all party's, allowed the Galaxy to get into a state of peace between each other. Jaster made money in both times of war and peace, but that meant less and less fresh faces he would see. Many of the security units were leaving as well, less war, men just wanted to see their family's and go back to their menial jobs and work. Jaster though it was good, but still felt lonely with people he called family, left.

"It's no problem at all, I've been pushing the check list for a while now," Jaster grinned as they approached the room she would be allowed to stay in, "people get lazy in their old age."

They reached the front door, he handed her a keycard, "this area is mostly engineering crew and droids, so if you need help just nock on any door."
Kaia could see that being smart, the various galactic nations working together. Or at least discussing things together. Then maybe there would be less strife in the galaxy. Or she hoped, but reading the history books? Unlikely. Which was sad. But maybe that was she was seeking out the Jedi? She wouldn’t have to raise a weapon if she didn’t want to. But Kaia was no stranger to conflict, she would be able to assist people with her skills so others wouldn’t need to be the ones fighting.

She nodded. Checklists. She knew her uncle, who was one of, or the chief engineer on the Dawn Treader had a long checklist, and certain tasks always got moved to the bottom, just because they weren’t critical. When he lead her to the engineering area she smiled. This felt familiar.

“I will, I should be done before we arrive at Laekia.” Was she saying it right? “I’ll see you before I leave, right?”

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Jaster showed her her room, a small room, looking like a hotel room with a bed and holo-TV in the far part of the room and dressers on both sides of the bed. The room wasn't near the exsterior of the ship so it didn't have a space window, but a holographic screen to places all over the Galaxy. Jaster got them installed, because people sometimes missed home and being on a ship for months at a time didn't help. The bathrooms were near the door and came with a sonic shower, water was hard to come by after a few weeks in space. Jaster never had a home, so space was more relaxing then the holovids of the planes of mand'alor. The place his clan grew up and still are, it was never more then a place in his past.

"Well, I hope the room is to your liking, the storage room with the droids are two doors down over there," he pointed in the direction of the tail of the ship, "last time I checked we have some R2 units and a few R series, also some T3 series, need any help and the engineers wil assist."
She followed [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] to her room. She was going to get off her ship for a bit? That was a nice idea. She smiled as she kept pace. Kaia wasn’t opposed to staying aboard a ship, and every new ship was a new place. The whole exploring worlds thing that she was doing currently was something entirely new. The screen was an interesting concept. Her room aboard the Dawn Treader was in a Corellian décor filled suite with her father and mother, her brothers having moved out, but her room was decorated with a variety of clippings from physical magazines. This was really nice.

“Thank you! And I’ll be sure to ask. I’ll probably get to work shortly, wasn’t sleeping while I was lost. Might turn in for a nap.” And then repair some astro droids, then get to Laekia? She hoped.

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