Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wanna Thread?

Jordan Achilles

I was once a kid, now I'm half shadow, half man
Yep, the title's right, who wants to rp together? I'm open to all and any ideas, as long as they don't involve death. So who wants to rp with Tom Riddle. Don't worry I won't kill anybody to make a horcrux, mostly cause it doesn't exist here as of yet <_<
But seriously, whoever wants to rp just post so below and we will talk about it.

Yuuthayn Di'cantos

The Perfect Hiding Place is in Plain Sight
*rolls eyes* If I wanted to visit Wonderland, Pinky, I would just get jacked up on Spice... :p

*mimics the hair* Wow. It IS epic! :D Hang sounds great! Where and what should we do?
[member="Jordan Achilles"]
I probably shouldn't, but if you want to you could always take a look at my bio. :) My character mostly deals in criminals dealings as she is an ex-member of The Red Ravens and were in the higher echelons while a member. Recently she escaped the ravens claws and are now living a sort of wild life where she travels from planet to planet while living on a rather large budget.

[member="Jordan Achilles"]
[member="Jordan Achilles"]

I'm always interested in doing more threads, so long as you don't mind the long posts I tend to write! Or that fact my guy is a mass murderer.

But hey, it's what's on the inside that counts.

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