Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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War & Gamble (Mandalorian Dominion of Vorzyd)

Location: Vorzyd IV; Urban Complex
Allies: Mandalorians; [member="Arla Balor"]
...the corridors of the urban complex were dilapidated and in disarray, it was likely the case with many such complexes across Vorzyd IV, for a people so focused on their work the inhabitants of the world seem to have let themselves go to some extent, poverty was not uncommon here, and it showed. There were broken windows along the corridors, some of them covered with tattered rags meant to serve as makeshift curtains that would keep the wind out and others left wide open, and trash dotted the floor. Naimes would look back over his shoulder ensuring Arla had prepared herself before raising his left hand and signalling to her...

...then the Soldier dashed out from behind the corner they'd used to shield themselves and into the next corridor hoping to rush the length of it. As Naimes moved he remained hunkered down, crouched low and with his Shotgun held across his midsection ready to be turned ahead if a hostile should come around another of the corners to surprise him. He actually took a path that kept him close to the side of the corridors that the windows were on so that as he moved ahead, crouched low, he would know that he was passing beneath them and making a small, or nonexistant, target for any sniper that might have been watching. It was more for the benefit of Arla seeing as how, as an Icarii, anything but a bullet that totally destroyed his brain wasn't likely to kill Naimes no matter where it hit him...

...progress down the corridor was swift and silent before Naimes came to a knee at the next intersection. He heard voices. Peering around the corner slowly Naimes would have seen three men, Resistance Fighters, acting as sentries and blocking their path to the destination of their cureent primary target. He'd have pressed his back to the wall again before looking at Arla and activating his comms...
"Three men."...lowering his Shotgun so that the shoulder strap supported it the Soldier reached for his belt and withdrew a stun grenade..."Silent kill. Take them before they recover."...his other hand had slid down, its fingers threading around the handle of the Fett Kal Trenchknife before he slid it from its sheath....

...knife in hand Naimes held it low by his hip, waiting for Arla to prepare herself, he would look towards the other Mandalorian and state...
"Ready?"...before using his thumb to prime the Stun Grenade and counting to three quietly. Then he would lob the grenade down the corridor listening for it as it hit the ground and rolled the rest of the way towards the men. Detonation followed, a brief -pop- followed by an iridescent surge of energy that flashed for a second and then vanished entirely..."GO!"...Naimes called out, he was on his feet and moving into the open around the corner as his voice rang clearly in Arla's comms...
What [member="Harley"] didn't realize, nor could she realize from her perspective was that little Ginnie Ordo had been in war more times than she'd had birthdays. The pyrotechnic thirteen year old Mandalorian Knight was knocked to the ground by the concussive force of the blast. While the fire was pouring into the air, Ginnie rolled onto her feet and put her hand out to sweep the fire back to its original keeper.

She eyed Harley through the window, glaring at the girl and chased the fireball with strafing fire from her blaster carbine. The second blast of the cannon thundered out and hit the building next to her. Ginnie slung her carbine over her shoulder and spread both hands out to deflect the blast debris away from her vode with a short blast of telekinesis. Once she knew the falling debris wasn't going to hit the Mando'ade, Ginnie flung herself through the window of the factory Harley had fired from and chased after the girl.

OOC: Ok cool. You do realize Ginnie will react with deadly force, eh? Harley just killed one of her vode and is shooting at her people with what is pretty much a bazooka.
Harley realized that the pint sized pando, was coming for her, it made her chuckle. She fired her weapon towards the window she was at, though she was out range at the moment. This was a mistake to underestimate your foe, but it was one she was going to make. She ventured into the building, to try and figure out to reload the weapon. She put it down, and looked at the instruction manual.

Step 1: Press eject button

So she pressed it, and a power pack came out.

Step 2: Insert new power pack

So feth do I get one them from, she asked herself. She started looking around for one, then she found a box full of them, and with a smile she shouted ​YAHTZEE! Then completed step 2

Step 3: Press the button b

She pressed button b, and a green light appeared. She smiled her new toy was loaded, she then turned the machines on. This would cover any noise she made, as the mandalorians came in to the building.

[member="Ginnie Ordo"] it`s all fun remember, and this helps get you to hundred post you need quicker. Also when you enter the building the will be some sith troopers, for you to maim
In the amount of time it took [member="Harley"] to pull out and read an instruction manual, the force-blessed Mandalorian child had not only surged in the window directly after her, but shot and despatched the few Sith guards that suddenly manifested out of thin air. A few shots had chafed around her, but the petite girl hadn't been bothered. Being shot at was part of being Mando'ade.

Being deaf, the penchant for using her Buy'ce's augmented audio sensors was less natural than flicking through her HUD's sensor array and finding Harley not through footsteps but infra-red. Rushing to the blonde at a full run, Ginnie held out a hand and a vein of fire raced for Harley's body. Ginnie would cook her to a crisp and leave her body on the floor for daring to interfere with and kill the Mando'ade.

OOC: If you're going to have NPC forces, please write them into the actual post instead of OOCly telling me they're possibly there. Thanks!
Reports of snipers were filling up Strider's battlefeed on his helmet's HUD. "Karking hell!" The old man hissed. This industrial world was proving to be difficult to conquest. It had been weeks of this gorilla warfare, Mandos fighting invisible enemies while exposing themselves out in the open as they go from buidling to building to clear each sector. The rebel forces have been widling away at the Mandalorian might with no end in sight. Strider thought for sure they would have been starved out by now and the attacks would of ceased allowing for a smoother annexation. But it had become very apparent that was not going to be the case......

Strider looked about him, he had embedded himself amongst his beloved ori'ramikad and was on the prowl as a rapid response team. He was a field marshal and in most civilized nations such men would be behind a desk administrating the war. In mandalorian culture such was not going to happen. The brass would lead from the front for they trusted their soldiers to do their jobs with out having to be micro managed. Who was going to be brave enough to tell Field Marshal Prelait Mantis that he had to stay behind and play desk warrior?

Speaking of Prelait, it was his sector that was reporting the action "Mantis to Garon!" Strider would open up his comms "Whats your situation?" The old man inquired. Prelait knew Strider was acting as rapid response this day with the supercommandos. His boys itching to get some today....

[member="Preliat Mantis"]
[member="Ginnie Ordo"] got a growl from the Field Marshal, before he stood up from the sniper's position. He wasn't happy about commanding her. Truth be told, he'd wish that she got orders from someone else. How he loathed the Ordo clan and all their vile offspring."Search and destroy. Shift mission parameters to termination. Happy hunting."He just told a child to go hunt and kill. And he expected her to do it. If she wanted to be out here, then she'd play his game. His game. What was his game?

His game was putting meat in the grinder. And turning the handle.

Preliat slid down the building, his crushgaunts wrapped around a gutter that gave way, screeching as it carried the Wolf down to ground level. He was near Aditya's position- and then his comm unit flashed again. [member="Strider Garon"]. Another respectable soldier. More meat for the grinder, in a way. Or another person to turn the handle- depending on you looked at it in the long run."Sniper in building across from munitions factory KIA."He replied sharply, before turning off his radio unit.

He got to the munitions factory, and scampered up the fire escape at the top of the building. Blinking, he raised himself along to the catwalks, that the factory overseers and pencil-pushers would use to avoid the floor. He saw them. Six. Maybe seven. Targets moving towards Aditya- then, it sounded as if a dragon breathed fire. And looked the same way. Bolts ripped through the men, tearing them apart. Plasma ripped them apart, sending scorched body parts of the various men about. They screamed for a moment- but had no real time to muster any real response. The trap and blaster fire was too quick, and too well made. Preliat saw one man escape the wrath, curling into a protective ball, nearing sobbing. Preliat dropped down from the catwalks, staring the man down.

The Wolf locked eyes beneath his helmet, a milita member stammering in Huttese for mercy. Preliat took off his helmet, and grit his teeth.

He kneeled down, and for a long moment, it looked as if he was about to show mercy to him. Then, the Wolf did an unspeakable act of savagery- something someone had to see to understand. Why they called him the wolf. Why they called him a savage. Why he belonged on the battlefield. Preliat leveled his helmet with the man's head, gripped the bucket-like protective headgear well, and bashed the man's head. Blood splattered over the ground and railings and munitions equipment, and bits of his skull and brains clung onto the Beskar'kandar helmet. Preliat stood up slowly, holding the blood covered buy'ce, before turning to [member="Aditya Amadis"].

"Nice setup."
Kal had heard the warning over his buy'ce but laid still as he surveyed for the other two snipers out there. He heard Ginnie covering their six as he knew she would and could. She was already an impressive warrior even though she was slight of age and stature. But having fought with her before he knew she could handle herself well. And she did.

Off she ran for the woman who had just fired into their midst a moment before. His urge was to join her in the hunt but first his priority was finding those two snipers.

Preliat ran across the field of battle and Kal smirked as he almost wished the man would trip. But he didn't which made Kal grit his teeth and continue his search for the snipers who had been taking out his vode. Minutes later Mantis was back on the ground and bashing a man's skull in and that was when he saw them.

Movement from the roof of the building across the street as well as one floor down out a window. Raising himself on a knee he steadied his aim just as the snipers were training their own rifles on Preliat who was busy introducing his helmet to the fallen soldier. Kal fired taking out the man in the window then traversed up and shot the sniper who, already dead, reflexively pulled his trigger and sent a slug into the ground mere feet from Mantis.

Jumping up Kal spoke over his comm to Preliat. "That's two more you owe me hopalong. Try not to get maimed or captured. I might not be around to save you next time." Hus laugh echoed over the channel before he cut it off and opened one to Ginnie. "Hey halfpint. I'm coming in behind you to help with the hunt. Until then, OYA!"

Closing that channel he jumped through a blown out window and entered the munitions factory.

[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"]
Gloves off, Aditya's fingers were a blur of wires, blasting caps, plastic explosives and ammunition. The Engineer was working as fast as her imagination allowed to create breaching charges, impromptu grenades, auto-firing gun mounts and explosives of shapes and sizes indicative of someone who had been there before. [member="Preliat Mantis"]' lover might not have been a Mando'ade nor was she a particularly gifted fighter but in the pinch of an abandoned factory and with the militia continuing to grind out against her Mandos, Aditya felt useful.

Fairly zoned until her tripwire went off, Aditya swerved around to see the bursting dragon fire of her automatic turrets eradicating the six enemies she'd plainly forgotten were incoming in the first place. "Woa! It worked!" As the pink mist cleared, Aditya saw the level of devastation her protective gun battery had caused and rubbed her nose. "Maybe a little too well."

Aditya jumped as Preliat landed, her eyes becoming accustomed to the shifting light of the blaster fire's birth and death. There was one left. "You found me! That . . . that bastard was going to kill me. . . th-h-what are y-hhurrrk!"

The woman covered her mouth with a hand as her wolfish lover bashed a man's head in with his own buy'ce. Having brought out her blaster to do the job herself, she stood in the eery quiet as Preliat turned round to speak. Her eyes were wide under the goggles and achingly slow hands drifted to the ocular device to pull it off her head. She stared at Preliat, at the bits on his armour and the casual glance on his face. Her lips parted. "Thanks. I'm kind of excited I found it. Do you have any idea how many amazing explosions I can cause with the stuff in this place? What do our boys and girls need most out there? Smaller charges for contained explosions, or big kabooms?"

The tremble in her voice choked as a piece of skull dripped off Preliat's Buy'ce. She walked the remaining paces to him and put her hands on his cheeks, stepping up on her tip toes to kiss him. "Thank you. . . do you need a cloth to wipe your buy'ce? I have one, let me get it." She couldn't look down. Not with the smell, that awful marrow smell clogging her nostrils. Aditya wanted to vomit, knowing full well it was the pregnancy and not her inner inclinations which gave her the urge.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: Vorzyd IV: Urban Complex[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: Mandalorians, [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]When Naimes stopped Arla stopped taking a knee and keeping her rifle at the read the stock into her shoulder her gaze down the line of sight her fingers never trembled anymore when she moved the only thing that did was her heart rate as adrenaline often shot through her system giving her the energy it would take to keep moving and moving quickly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She didn’t know much about her companion for this mission when assignments came out she was paired with him. If she had known he was an icarii she would have been filled with questions. Questions which would most likely border upon invasive. But how did one dismember themselves and then get put back together? A conversation for another time another day.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]For now she was kneeling with her arms pulled in holding her rifle up watching and listening, she could hear the sound of the voices carry down the hall. Her buy’ce system had picked up the talking but only Naimes had eyes on.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She saw him pull the grenade, oh she did not do well with grenades never having been able to get them to go far enough. She slid her rifle around, reaching down into the slot of her boot she pulled the vibro blade it was old but still sharp. When using a blade in close contact it was up close, personal no matter what anyone said you stab someone you see the life leave their eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arla duck walked forward to be closer to take out the targets as he had said the silent kill. Her fingers curled around the handle she could feel the weight of it in her palm.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Seconds ticked off Arla was a spring waiting to be sprung, green eyes watched through the T of her visor the grenade roll through the door way, by time he had said GO she was halfway through the door, and on his heels.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She ran to the left while he went to the right she could see the targets now they only had moments she grabbed the first one by the back of his head, grabbing handful of hair pulling him backwards she reached around and plunged the knife into his chest the target only had a moment where he turned looking at her in disbelief as he fell to the floor never moving again.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She looked over at Naimes, he was taking care of number two but where was the third she quickly looked around he did say three she knew he did. She began looking for where he went he’d be just as incapacitated as the others[/SIZE]
[member="Ginnie Ordo"]

Harley saw the child running towards her, she smiled at first then she the flame thrower. She jumped upwards towards the next level of building. Onto a mezzanine floor, she then ran towards the lift. She had to discard the disruptor cannon she had found for know, but she knew she wanted one. She head into a lift, to move towards the top of the building. She then checked herself over, in adrenaline rush, she had not realized the girl had touched her bum. Oh dear, that`s going to hurt. She was moving to top floor as she had an Axe Wing fighter there, which she may have to use to escape with. Though for now she wanted, need to get out her armour. As otherwise she suffer further burns to her, so as lift moved she began to strip her lower layers off.
Location: Vorzyd IV, North of the munitions factory

The fighting was intense. Snipers in windows took pot shots revealing an inadequacy due to lack of experience. From the roofs artillery fire rained down onto the streets. On the streets several vehicles had been upended onto their sides for barricades and cover for the militia dug in there. But despite their fortified positions, well armed members, and a command that bespoke of intelligence and cunning it was tasked to the mandalorians to root out the opposition and to take this planet peacefully if possible but with force if necessary.

And in ths city it was proving to be necessary to use force.

Most of the other planets cities, towns, and urban areas had been taken. Many saw the wisdom of surrendering and willingly joining with the coming mando force. But in this city the fighting was intense. Early on it was determined that they had managed to hire mercenaries and here was a large group of them.

And so here Atin Kandossii, rally master and alor of clan Kandossii, found himself leading a platoon of fellow mandalorians to eliminate the well entrenched threat.

In one of the blown out storefronts he watched as his vode returned fire at the enemy. Gett, Janson, and Horus were near him where he crouched. "First thing we need to do is call in air support to strafe those roof tops. Everett get on the comm and radio the Holy Order squadron. See if we can get a fighter or two to make a few passes. Janson, take your squad and break into fireteams. I need you to get up above us in the floors to take out those snipers. I know you like picking them off. Gett, you take your squad and fall back to circle around. Try to draw their fire and split their attention. Throw grenades at their positions and try to shake them. Wait til you Janson has taken out those snipers and air support has removed that artillery. Don't be a hero just do your job ner vod."

Everett got on the mic while Janson and Gett got their squads and moved out. Looking over at Horus, who was a mando without a clan and led a small group of like minded and equally clan free soldiers, Atin pulled her closer as artillery rounds shook the exterior of the building. "It's up for us to do the initial push. We'll wait for our vode to get into position and start before we move. Now here's the plan. We have to cross the street and get to that ditch where those speeders and other vehicles are flipped. Once there you are to lob grenades and plant explosives on those barricades. Then hgh tail it back across the street and hit the ditch. At that point those soldiers and mercenaries should be either huddled against their barricades or have fallen back to the factory's walls for cover. As soon as your men are back in the ditch, blow those barricades. Then move up and take their barricades and pour fire into those who haven't retreated into the factory. If we can bottle them up in that building it will free up this main street to allow our vode to move around easier in the city."

A close explosion shook the counter as shrapnel from the artillery shell pierced the interior of the building. A sharp cry echoed from behind them as a mando was hit with shrapnel. Wood splinters and stones peppered Horus and Atin where they were hunched over scarring their armor and shaking them a bit but causing no damage other then cosmetic. Horus turned the T slit of her helmet in Atin's direction. "And what will you be doing, sir?" The slight disdain and open defiance was easy to hear. As unaffiliated mandos, which her squad was made up of, she felt that they were given the 'hard' jobs as in her mind she thought the other clans considered her and her vode expendable.

Atin understood her anger and frustration because too many times lone mandos were sent on the more dangerous tasks becuase they were unfamiliar and lone. But Atin wasn't like that and neither was the majority of the clans that his dealt with. "Listen and listen well Horus. I don't discriminate. Each mando life weighs the same in importance to me and mine. I will never give an order that I haven't done before or one that I wouldn't do myself. You want to question orders, you do it on your own time. But you will comply or you can pull out and go follow someone else." Atin's voice was hard and flat.

"Now you will be in a shooting gallery. We both know it. Even with Janson and Gett's squads and aerial cover you will be exposed. That's why my squad will be the distraction. Everett, and Tad, over here. We will be using our jetpacks to fly over the enemy encampment. Everett, your fire team will drop grenades as you fly over. Get into that factory on the sixth floor. Tad, your fire team will be right behind and will be using your flame throwers to bathe the soldiers and mercs as you pass over. Enter the fifth floor. You two get your fire teams together and begin working down while clearing each floor. I'll be bringing my fire team right behind on our jetpacks but we will be dropping into the middle of them. We'll drop near the big crater and will open up on them. Just give us a three second countdown before you blow those barricades."

Horus just nodded slowly. "Sorry sir, you can count on us." As Atin counted down the minutes they waited.

[member="Marev Priest"]
Location: Vorzyd IV; Urban Complex, corridors
Allies: Mandalorians; [member="Arla Balor"]
...Naimes was not quite so hasty once the Stun Grenade had detonated, in the blur that followed Arla might believe she was following him but he actually lingered a footstep behind her, he let the effects of the blast dissipate to an extent as the both of them rushed their targets. All three of them should have been affected by the grenade. The Fett Kal Trenchknife was held securely in Naimes right hand, his fingers threaded around the grip, and remained low, at hip height as he approached the initial man whom he targeted as his first kill...

...using his left hand Naimes would reach out and spin the man around to face him with a surprising amount of force, maintaining his grip so that his target could pull away, then he would hug close as though meaning to embrace the man. As he came close Naimes would drive the Fett Kal up into the armpit region of the mans left side, underneath his arm, a common soft spot in armor the same as the knees and, sometimes, the pelvic region. A brief gasp followed, Naimes would slide his left arm over the man rights until he could hook behind his head to hold him close and muffle any screams against his shoulder. It was a quick and clean kill, Naimes would twist the blade of his knife to open the wound once it tasted flesh, then it was over...

...dropping the body Naimes would turn his head to look over at Arla whom he assumed had killed the others but he noticed that only one body lay at her feet which is when he looked ahead, further down the corridor, spotting the third man who was still half stunned but attempting to crawl away. He seemed almost defenseless in his current state but if he cried out help would arrive; luckily he hadn't regained his senses enough to do that yet as the effects of the stun grenade continued to render him inert...

...turning his hand Naimes would place the flat of the Fett Kal against his left palm and wipe the blood from his first victim off while relaying to Arla through his comms...
"Kill him."...he could have very easily done it himself but instead he'd decided to task Arla with it. Maybe he was curious to see if she could kill a man when he was defenseless, at her mercy and if she could he wanted to see how she would do it. Quick and clean? Bloody? He offered no suggestions...

...the Fett Kal was cleaned off and Naimes would sink its blade back into the sheath he wore while taking the -Kath Hound- Shotgun again then he would begin to move ahead casually while scanning the corridor as it stretched ahead. He spared a look at Arla as he went...
"Objective one is up ahead. Deal with him and we'll go."...she was a Rally Master, technically she outranked him, however Naimes was an old soldier in an entirely different fashion. He wanted to know if she had the stomach to do what was necessary...
Preliat turned his cheek when [member="Aditya Amadis"] kissed him, her lips falling on his slightly scarred left cheek. He blinked for a moment, when she spoke of wiping his helmet off. He looked at it, and casually wiped the bits of brain and skull and blood off with a simple wipe of his crushgaunt. That was it. There was no delicacy. No respect for the dead. Just a wipe. He spoke again."Enough to stop the fighting, I hope. Explosives and munitions will help- but don't drain the supply or dismantle the place. We could repurpose this place, make it a speeder factory or something beneficial."Though he might as well have been speaking through his teeth. The Mandalorians would always need more weapons- and so would the galaxy. This place, would never really shake the death and destruction. It'd always be there. Just like for him. It was an inescapable truth.

[member="Kal Kandossii"] entered the munitions factory, and Preliat slipped on the blood-soaked helmet, before leaning forward, his knife and his tomahawk bouncing. His tomahawk was placed on his upper left arm, while his knife, his large, terrifyingly efficient Ori'ramikad knife was slipped in a sheath on his right forearm. He motioned Kal to follow him."You're with me."He turned to Aditya, pausing and pointing a finger at her."When I come back, please promise me you'll have both your eyebrows."He wasn't joking.

Preliat marched forward, presumably with Kal in tow (if Kal was smart and didn't want a beating from the wolf)."They have to have a command post or unit or some sort of commander directing them. We're gonna find them. Guessing they'll be way away- probably tucked away in one of the buildings around here."He turned to test the lower ranking soldier- pausing and folding his arms. He had an idea, he was just interested in what Kal had to say."If you were an enemy commander, commanding an insurgent force aided by feth knows- how would you hide your operation? How would you cover yourself?"Preliat's head dipped out to glance out to the streets, where he could hear an exchange of fire, followed by silence. Hopefully, a Mandalorian victory.
Weeks...Days before today....

How Many Times Before

Endless cycles push and pull. Endlessly. Constantly. Chaos burns through me leaving ashes. Never a void, always a crescendo roaring to an earth shattering symphony.

Bleak grey stone walls stared back at the man upon his knees. Sitting in the shadows it was only a flicker of torch light that graced his tortured features. Darkened lines lay swollen under his eyes. To many tears had fallen to count them all. Every heartfelt sorrow questioned where he was and none of them had any answers.

Weeks, Yokuni had been here for weeks. He had lost track of time it was only his connection through the Force that kept him alive. There was a obvious truth here. There were no answers here.

Placing his hands upon cold stone floor he found little strength to help left himself up to his feet. He had managed to move his legs. It was a futile attempt. Little strength remand in his legs just like his arms. Yokuni fell in his first attempt to get up. Always the stubborn fool Yokuni was unable to walk, so he crawled. He crawled across the floor and out the door.

Days later the Togashi family home parlor

“How many times before Yokuni”, he took another drink of whiskey staring at the wall. Sitting there he was not actually looking at the pictures or paintings upon the wall. It was just one long look at one blank spot upon the wall. Slumped within his chair all his thoughts still plagued his mind. Still he had none of the answers he sought. “How many life times? So many names and so many faces. It is only a small spark of a greater truth Garith. Of your confusion”, he continued to speak to himself, “Are you the same man as you once was? Or you the man that you are today? Is there really redemption for a man like you? Is this really redemption? Or is it really a slow death of retirement while you watch the galaxy burns. You were once a true honorable warrior with purpose. Now you rot in the shadows of politics. You have not even moved while your children suffer. Not just your children but your grandchildren.”

Now screaming at the top of his lungs Yokuni jumped to his feet and tossed his glass of whiskey at the wall. The Force rippling through his voice shook the room and shattering glass. Soldiers rushed into the room believing the Lord under attack only to find their noble Lord shouting at a wall?

Yokuni spun threatening them all with a glare. A glare that sent waves of dread through their souls. “LEAVE ME”, he screamed at them. A shocking turn as he rarely raised his voice at them. Well in this life time he rarely did such a thing. In the past near all was a victim of his rage. Without questioning they left their Lord to his internal troubles. Younki was left to reflect. He still had no answers other then his rage was chipping away screaming to claw its way out.

Vorzyd IV

Once again the Elder had found himself on battle field. Wearing no armor just the white Atrisan robes with light blue embroidery. There was also the saber hilt upon his belt. He walked down the street hearing the weapons fire up ahead. Visually he seemed calm. Yokuni, no Garith was far from calm. He was the unstable mess he had always been in the past. He needed blood.
It didn't help that the Mandalorians were shooting at the rebels. They just made her work harder as the leaders she was surrounded by were all gun ho to take them out as revenge for killing their brothers. Ana knew revenge got a person nowhere at the end of the day but she knew it was hard to not want it. She did for everything that had happened to her.

"Haven't we lost enough brothers and sisters in combat," Ana spoke from her chair as the leader finished relaying the plans. "I'm not saying give up but what's wrong with negotiating? Hearing them out and seeing what they want. We have not even tried that route yet. Fighting in the end will only get us all killed."

Anastasia didn't pretend to be a great speech maker. She didn't really have a way with words either but she was getting looks at least which was a start. Grumbling worked as well.
Location: Vorzyd IV; Urban Complex, corridors
Allies: Mandalorians; [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]

She looked down the hall she could see the man crawling she heard Naimes Kill him. If he could see her face he'd have seen that for a brief moment her eyes had widened in shock at the command.

She was reminded of the day on the ridge when she had first met Arrbi, he had said it's a contract they want them dead so that's what we do. We kill because that's what we are paid to do. It wasn't that she had a problem with the killing, it was that they were unsuspecting and he had killed them.

She had to ask herself as she moved slowly toward the man crawling, she did not look at Naimes as she walked she didn't want to look weak now. What would this man on the floor do if it was her she remembered Empress Teta. There was another way something she knew how to do that she had shared with no one they might wonder who had taught her and why. Questions she was not prepared to answer. Being a young woman, in a bar filled with men who leered at her, grabbed at her, and relegated her to a pallet on the floor with a scrap of blanket there had to be ways to protect yourself that wouldn't raise attention.

Arla was standing at the man's feet now, this man trying to crawl away he would kill her. Kill or be killed. She wiped the blade on the man's pant leg he turned over his eyes locked on her she could see it, he began to yell rolling over to crawl faster, she slid the blade back into the slot putting her foot onto his back pressing him hard to the floor she bent over her hands grabbing both sides of his head, he shook hard trying to throw her off, grabbing back at her. She held her breath and twisted hard there was the sound of bones cracking and then the hall was silent.

She didn't look down she couldn't she knew he was dead she turned and looked at Naimes this time.

"Objective one, acquired and eliminated" She stepped over the body this time pulling her rifle from her shoulder. "I'm ready to go" Once the deed was done it was easier to move forward easier not to think on it just the reminder it could have been her.
Stepping back from his turn of cheek, Aditya's eyebrows quirked. What had she done wrong? The casual nature of his crush gaunt on the muck had Aditya's mouth shutting and her throat pushing back the bile. That had been a person Preliat shoved off his buy'ce. Again, Aditya fought against looking down. "Just enough, not all of it and I won't blow the factory up. Unless I have to. You'll know 'cause you'll see me running away from it as fast as I can." Her hand brushed his chest plate, knocking off some of the debris of his kills.

"Both my eyebrows and most of my fingers." Aditya held up both hands, curling the knuckle of her left ring hand finger so as to appear as if she was missing part of a digit. Best not to lose the ring finger, it might come in handy later. Waving back at Preliat, Aditya tried to keep her face light and eyes off the mess on the floor. "I kid, I promise not to miss, maim or murder any bits or babies in my explosive hidey hole. Take some breaching charges and bombs. Please, for me. It might help. Let the Mando'ade know I've got gear for them."

Aditya put her hand on her stomach and waved [member="Preliat Mantis"] off with [member="Kal Kandossii"]. She turned back to her work and began wiring another auto-fire blaster rig. This one she angled up, as Preliat had made clear there were holes in the woman's defence.
Location: Vorzyd IV; Urban Complex, corridors
Allies: Mandalorians; [member="Arla Balor"]
...Naimes watched, pleased, as Arla took her position over the man before snapping his neck. He watched as the body went limp in her hold but also noticed that she didn't look down at him which caused him to surmise that she didn't enjoy the act of killing. There was nothing wrong with that. Moving ahead after the deed had been done he would offer..."Killing should never be glorified. It is merely a necessity of our life."...the culture of a warrior demanded that he kill his enemies which meant the act was common however that didn't mean it should ever be something that came to naturally to any of us. Without sparing another glance at the deceased man Naimes would move around the body and further down the corridor...

...walking down the corridors Naimes would lead Arla to another junction in the large complex and around a bend, these buildings were often mazes within themselves, they'd need to exercise patience as another patrol moved by them before they could move on but Naimes would signal to Arla so that she knew to let them pass. When everything was proceeding smoothly again they would travel onwards, deeper into the complex where the windows were boarded up and the lights started to flicker, until they came to a room that they could hear from several meters away...

...upon their initial approach Naimes would crouch down, minimize the target he'd present, while he moved ahead and then he would position himself to one side of a doorway while unslinging his -Kath Hound- Shotgun and pumping it once to ensure that a round was prepared. Looking at Arla he would have gestured for her to position herself on the opposite side of the door before his head swiveled to the side and he looked at the wall. Little known fact was that one of Naimes eyes was cybernetic and granted him an infrared optic of vision allowing him to trace heat signatures, to an extent, through walls and structures. He'd focus before his back pressed to the wall again...

"At least six hostiles inside."...he'd tell Arla..."Breach and clear. You have point."...Naimes lowered his -Kath Hound- and was just about to remove another grenade from his belt when the blast door to the room slid wide and a man stepped out. Before he could react Naimes brought right hand around for an open palm strike up under the mans nose, he heard a snap and a crimson mist exploded outwards following the blow, then he would following by yanking him aside and with one hand wrapping around his neck and the other sliding across his forehead he'd jerk his head quickly causing a snap to follow. Dropping the limb body Naimes didn't even think..."BREACH AND CLEAR!"...he'd shout, the others inside likely already having been alerted, his hand moved to his belt and he'd remove a fragmentation grenade which he primed before tossing it into the room from around the corner. Moments later a loud -BOOM- split the air...

....Arla had point...
Location: Vorzyd IV

Just casually walking down the road in a war zone. Who would do something like that? The fearless? The crazy? Well it would seem less crazy as there was weapons fire coming his way just yet. Garith did not walk directly into combat. Did he have a plan?

“Don’t move”, Garith seemed not really surprised as he was now surrounded. Historically urban warfare was a high casualty battle field. At any moment you could turn a corner or enter a door way to be greeted by death. Many of the weapons pointed at him came out from windows. A man native to Vorzyd IV who had spoken to Garith crawled out of wrecked speeder.

“You are surrounded. Surrender and we might let you live”, as the man spoke others came out of the building to complete their objective of surroundings the Atrisian male.

Garith, formally known as Togashi Yokuni held his hands up, “I surrender. Please take my saber on my belt if it makes you feel more comfortable. I have no current plans of being hostile. I just wish a chance to speak”, carefully chosen words. If the fighters of Vorzyd had listened to Yokuni’s words maybe they could see a subtle truth.

“Let the Jedi keep his saber for now”, the man speaking for the group ordered. Sadly people only see what they wish to see. Yokuni metaphorically painted a picture. He did not out right lie. They had chosen to believe what they are seeing now. Deception was the very key to warfare.

“Come with us Jedi”, the man walked into the nearest doorway. They were many of them here. Was this some sort of command center?
[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Ginnie Ordo"]

As Kal had entered he heard his name called by Mantis and stopped. Preliat walked while talking expecting Kal to follow. Opening a channel to Ginnie he left it open for Mantis to hear. "Hey short stuff, you gotta grow eyes in the back of your head. Hopalong Mantis needs a hand and maybe another good leg. Stay safe kid."

Turning with a smirk under his buy'ce he followed Mantis and listened to his question. "If it was me, I'd be leading from the front. But these little cowards are probably in some bunker or basement watching and giving orders through some kind of electronic network. Or else in one of these high rise apartments over looking the city so they can have a bird's eye view."

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