Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion War in the Rim Chapter I — GA Invasion of SO held Sluis Van and Echnos


They weren't going to leave, Aris could tell that much. He lowered his stance, readied his blade. Seszil kept close, hovering just to his side to mirror how he was holding his blade as if someone was wielding them. It was a long practiced stance between the two now, to let the blade strike with him and avoid any accidental crossed blades. Without being able to feel the Force, this was how he had to fight.

He remained like that, unmoving, until Valery charged in. He was only a split second behind her as he dashed, inhumanly fast even if he couldn't quite meet his mother's speed just yet. The opening was all he needed as he brought his saber up to it. Shadowed only a moment later by the floating sword in a mirrored strike.

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Valery Noble Valery Noble


War in the Rim: Obj. I - Sluis Van Shipyards

Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Then there were three. Three Jedi left with an impossible task. Ran, Tinn, and Shiba were inexplicably displaced from success by Empyrean's power. Break was his command and as the other Jedi fell before him, the trio of Ran, Tinn, and Shiba shielded themselves from his control. The force strengthened them totally. They strengthened each other totally.

Three Jedi against a God had their choices reduced. Success in their mission was no longer their immediate goal. Empyrean's abilities were too powerful and amazing. The man's strength of the force and without seemed too ridiculous, almost beyond belief, like a dream or nightmare had captured them. The Jedi Trio realized their only immediate goal was survival.

"Retreat!" Ran ordered her two comrades left standing as the Dead God started upon them. "Contact Tike and Storra! Find another way and fast!" Ran continued. Shiba listened without question. Tinn hesitated. A soldier before he was a Jedi, he'd never left a man behind. Ran knew there was a first time for everything. Shiba grabbed Tinn by the shoulders and his heart broke. Tinn knew what Ran knew. She wasn't going to retreat. She was going to cross blades with Darth Empyrean for as long as she could, to death or life.

The others disappeared from sight as they propelled themselves forward with the force. All that was left in the hall before the ritual was Ran, Empyrean, and the dead. Ran was the only one there to meet his blows. It was a contest of wills, ideals, instincts, and the force. Ran readied herself for all of the strange power Empyrean had. She focused her mind, body, and soul. She reached out to the force for the power to get her through this conflict.

Without death, Ran met Empyrean's assault with her own. A flurry of force-enhanced strikes doled out from the blue blade of her lightsaber. "Why?" She asked. "Why?" She repeated. "Why?" She demanded. "Why burn and break worlds? Why change things this way? Why?" The Jedi Guardian questioned. She knew there was no reasoning with, but she wanted to hear the reasons of her enemy.

Location: Space around Suils Van
Opponent: Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn

It was so easy, watching dots of light moving on a screen, to forget that each dot represented hundreds if not thousands of people. Each ship represented a significant element in the defence of a nation, but more than that, it carried mothers and fathers, sons and daughters into battle. Each person represented by those dots of light thought that they were doing the right thing, that they were protecting those they loved. Each soldier on the ships had dreams that they wanted to complete, loved ones they cherished.

Thousands of dreams that were about to be snuffed out.

It would be so easy to view the battle as a dejark match, an intellectual competition between two admirals where they traded pieces and positions, moving back and forth across the field of battle before everyone retired and went out to get drinks. Soldiers from both sides mixing to exchange stories and congratulating one another on masterful moves and countermoves. It was the kind of scene you didn't see away from the various war colleges spread across the galaxy, a vision of war as just a game.

It wasn't.

Even now the alliance fleet was deploying like a well-oiled machine, preparing to fight as they no doubt had for decades before. There was no denying that the alliance military was a powerful force, a powerful defensive force. For years, they had patrolled the territory claimed by the alliance, enforcing the will of their masters on Coruscant while defending the alliance worlds from the depredations of pirates and others of their ilk. A role in which they'd succeeded mightily over the years. Only a fool underestimated their enemy, and there was no denying the alliance's capabilities as a defensive juggernaut.

Today wasn't that kind of fight.

The alliance had come into his home, the territory that Michael was tasked with guarding, and had done so without the courtesy of a declaration of war. The alliance had shown their true colours to the galaxy, and in their eagerness to strike at their enemy had rushed into combat and had started attacking innocent civilians in their eagerness to kill.

It was very Sith like.

They were throwing away lives that would have been able to live, to dream, who might have been able to talked to their loved ones or found a way away from the war zone. The alliance had thrown all those lives away, destroyed all those dreams. For a moment Michael felt the pressure of those potential lost lives weighing on him, a world that could have been. Yet, the lives of those innocents being sacrificed to the alliance war machine currently, and all those that would be lost in the future if he turned away now stayed his hand.

He could see the Alliance fleet taking up a screening formation, preparing for long ranged combat in the manner that so many fleets had in the past. Only, that tradition was one more casualty that would be left on the field of battle today.

The Sith Fleet had prepared a reception for the Alliance, a test of their very latest technology, to test it and hone it against the strength of the Alliance's best. If they insisted on this foolishness then Michael would blunt their edge here, shatter their ability to wage war in a way that would prevent them from sacrificing anymore innocents to their egos, that would stop the Alliance from sowing anymore chaos into a galaxy that was already lost in the darkness they perpetuated.

"Make to all ships, make towards the storm that the Sith have summoned. We can use it to force the enemy to engage us at range. Stop them from engaging us with the weight of their numbers."

A pause, then the dark-skinned man's shoulder's straightened, letting the weight of the blood that would fertilise this field slide away.

"Missile and artillery ships, you are clear to engage the enemy. All pods are to target the Alliance battleship and it's supporting ships. Focus on knocking them out first. Make sure all pods are recovered immediately and start reloading."

It starting off small, the two artillery destroyers opened fire, their weapons targeting the screening ships, railguns and lasers drawing lines through space.

Then the missile pods fired.

The Sith had conjured a storm of magic and lighting that shook space with it's intensity, but this storm was entirely man made. 72,000 missiles erupted from the Sith fleet, slicing across the distance between them and the alliance. Of the missile storm only 5,000 were the supporting Dancer Missiles that lit up as the barrage closed into weapon range, wrapping the attack in an ECM shroud that made it hard to target them, while generating ghosts designed to fool ship sensors into thinking that there were more missiles than the ships had actually launched. That left 67,000 ship killers closing on the alliance squadron, a mix of stand-off and contact missiles, each capable of devastating a capital ship.

"All ships, come to the new heading and skirt around the edge of the storm, I want the Alliance to have to roll through it to get to us."

There was no joy in Michael's voice as his eyes watching the missiles honing in on their targets. He too would sacrifice thousands of dreams so that millions more could continue.

Skirmish Line

First Heavy Destroyer Squadron

[ 100 | 100 ] Svalinn Svalinn Class Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Stormbringer Svalinn Class Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Reaper Svalinn Class Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Chaos Svalinn Class Destroyer

Second Heavy Deestroyer Squadron

[ 100 | 100 ] Dreadknight Svalinn Class Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Voidstar Svalinn Class Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Defiance Svalinn Class Destroyer

Rear Line

1st Artillery Division (3km)

[ 100 | 100 ] Void's Grace Arjuna Artillery Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Adder Arjuna Artillery Destroyer

Third Heavy Destroyer Squadron

[ 100 | 100 ] Dauntless Svalinn Class Destroyer
[ 100 | 100 ] Indomitable Svalinn Class Destroyer

First Missile Squadron

[ 100 | 100 ] Fury Hood-Class Missile Carrier
[ 100 | 100 ] Impulsive Hood-Class Missile Carrier
[ 100 | 100 ] Audacious Hood-Class Missile Carrier
[ 100 | 100 ] Goliath Hood-Class Missile Carrier
[ 100 | 100 ] Gladiator Hood-Class Missile Carrier

Artillery Destroyers open fire on the screening ships. Each targets one ship.

Missile ships open fire on Midnight Squadron

All ships take up a course skirting the edge of the storm to keep it between themselves an the alliance while maintaining formation.

Sluis Van Shipyards

Immediate Vicinity: Valery Noble Valery Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki
Equipment: Lightsaber, Shoto, Camlann (Armor)

She had to agree as Valery's expression hardened, seconds away from the fight. She would expect nothing less from the Grandmaster either. Both Sith and Jedi couldn't walk away from this confrontation. She needed to help blunt Sith momentum that would bring the war into the Alliance and the Sith needed to hold this system as one of the preparation sites for invasion. No, it had been a respectful offer that had little chance of being accepted. She caught the subtle movements between mother and son, Lorrdian raised eyes catching the body language of both.

As Valery launched herself forward, Taeli would settle into a defensive stance. It was her nature to do so. From her left gauntlet, a buckler-sized shield would form with a light energy field crackling across its surface. And then the Grandmaster of the Jedi was on her, her first strike coming down with the force and speed of a tidal wave. Focused in her own dueling stances of Makashi and Soresu, Taeli easily fell into the defensive in the beginning of this duel. The first strike, rather than met head on with a block, would be deflected to the side as she sidestepped. The second would be met with the shield and deflected back and away.

And so it would go as the unpredictable nature of Valery's assault tested her defenses. Taeli had learned long ago, both from her own experience and in studying the techniques of other Jedi and Sith, to never meet an attack with a straight block. That was for those who had mastered the blade over the Force. She would nudge and shift, her blade or the shield always just arriving in the nick of time to turn the questing blade away from her.

But never striking out herself. She was studying the Grandmaster. In her estimation, this wasn't the strongest or fastest assault Valery could unleash. The Grandmaster wielded a double-bladed lightsaber and she knew, having wielded one herself and seeing other fight with it, how aggressive the technique could become. No, the Grandmaster had another idea in mind.

That idea became evident when the son appeared, striking towards a split-second opening in her defensive stance created by his mother and her latest deflection. As part of her consciousness, pulled out into the ethereal to observe the battle, watched, the floating sword would go for mirror attack to his own into that spot.

There would be a second snap-hiss and a smaller shoto blade, wielded by telekinesis, would ignite from its hidden compartment on her back to catch both sword and saber of the son. Her eyes, still amethyst, sparkled in amusement, showing no strain or split in focus as she controlled the shoto and continued her defense against his mother.

"Sneaky. I approve," she would say. "How many Sith have died to the one, two punch like that?"

Tag: Ran Serys Ran Serys
His blade had been caught, reverberating through the phrik that made the core of Kala’anda. He looked with eyes carved from steel at a Jedi who had failed in her duty to protect her fleet or her friends, and a desperation in her strength. A desperation built on the assumption, or perhaps the hope, that she could win out against him.​
As the Dead, he was the inexorable reality of all that fought against him. In the end, regardless of how hard they fought, they would not surpass death. They thought themselves above it, but Empyrean knew them for the misguided things that they were. Death was all there ever was, the only constant gift reality offers oneself.​
Her blade struck out, blue against red in vibrant flashes of purple where they caught one another. Again and again she assailed him, then demanded an answer from him for why he had chosen to burn and break, that in his hubris of conquest he was the first to change what itself had persisted through all history.​
“Because I will not build myself on the impression of morality, but the reality of it. These lives don’t matter until I make them matter, and to do for me is to be their greatest reward. My victory is their absolution, and I will not let their dreams die for your sickening apathy.”, a ramble of esoteric speech spewed from him. Messages within messages, all unheard.​
He could feel it then, the soft vibration of his ring, then greater until it shook on his hand. The sensations coming from across their bond was of Fear, and he felt it as she did, took on the burden where he could, but he was not trained in the ways of the Dreadmasters, not enough to help her.. It was all he wanted, even as he struck back at a lethal threat in front of him, but he understood something beyond himself.​
Empyrean knew he must trust Srina to survive without him, both in this, and should the unthinkable happen in their plan. He had a duty here to break the Alliance fleet, while she broke its armies, and the lives they spent today would earn them glory tomorrow in their reconquest of the Core.​
The blade of Ran neared his face as he ducked slightly out of its way. Were he to still feel heat, he knew it would have come close to burning another scar on his shoulder, but the lack thereof only allowed him the freedom to dive away where once he couldn’t have. She fought well, reminded him of Romi Jade, but it stalled them against one another for some time, only for the world to change before them.​
Whence Death strode, so too did the Sith follow.​
The world of Sluis Van burned as Escobar let its orbital cannons fire volley after volley on civilian targets. Cities burned, emergency calls had gone out and remained unanswered. On the ground, the chaos, the lack of evacuation, the communication blackouts, all of it made for a tumultuous narrative for the survivors and their dead companions. Some blamed the Jedi, others had an inkling of the truth that the Sith had fired on their own, and while many took this assumption with the stride of a true adherent to the faith - many revolted in the same instant.​
Their revolution was short lived, as the next series of shots rained down on the cities of the Sith’s enemies. There would be no need to deploy security forces to regain control, no need to patch up the rotting beams of a house nearing collapse. A fire of the Sith’s make would burn this world, while they used the ash to cultivate and fertilize a new foundation for Sluis Van. One of loyalty and order.​
But the fire raged still.​
It was in this heat, in this inferno kept ablaze by the souls of the dead, did the ritual on the Escobar find its growing strength. A black, oily sphere rippled as it was gorged on the souls of hundreds of thousands, kept contained and minded by the Sepulchral. It strained in the Force like a scream, like steel tearing, echoing its strength and fury across the system, wave after wave.​
As the strength of those who joined their power to the ritual fed into it, built upon it a foundation for embers to flourish into flames, it came to a critical mass. The power had grown more than self sustaining in the light of the offerings of Sith like Credius Nargath Credius Nargath , Darth Caedes Darth Caedes , and more. A child built on the Sith, and their Sepulchral counter parts can come to full fruition.​
It was all they could do to contain it now, chanting and feeding it strength. The lich priests witnessed the glory of concentrated death sung into existence, fought to keep freed, but the time had come for its release. The Jedi, the Sith, it would make no difference, they would feel its chains unbinding in equal measure.​
One by one, the Sepulchral stood as their chants fell to a low drone, matching in a crescendoing pitch as their hands brought a knife up to their chin. Silence came with the slice of their own throats, and the blood that fell was black and congealed even then. In a silence built on heresy and suicide, the Orb fed on the last of its souls - the richests and darkest souls in existence - then knew itself actualized.​
It had awoken, and its great screech echo’d through the Force like a God scorned.​
The Ritual had completed, and Empyrean could more than feel its ascension. He grit his teeth as the sensation overcame even him and his senses, forcing him to turn away from the Jedi towards the doors, as though simply looking in its direction would help his focus. He could barely hear himself think, barely heard the whispers of the Worm and its darkness, all that existed in his senses now was the Orb.​
Without guidance, it would break free within the station, and all their preparation, the sacrifices he had made of Sluis Van, would be for naught. Where he once was focused on the Jedi who sought to free their fleet from the ritual, now only existed as a small blip in the distance of his attention. There was nothing but this and here, the great ritual he was to drag towards the Jedi.​
He raised his hands, both real and unreal, and let them grip onto unseen chains as power coursed through his muddled flesh. It cracked as the power of the Ritual rushed into it, blackening skin that had long since lost its color. For even the Emperor, it was painful to hold, painful through nerves that had felt nothing but pain for years. It drove a spike into his focus, but pain only tempered a Sith - and he was greatest among even them.​
With a step through reality, he freed himself from the Star Fortress, into the expanse of space where none could breath but the dead. Unseen chains still bound in his hand, he escaped the storm that surrounded his fleet, and bore witness to the great wall that thought itself able to hold back even this. There was nothing that could survive what he had done or what he would do, concentrating thousands of lives into a scar he would paint across reality.​
There would be no exception to the price he had chosen to pay - not his fleets, not his world, nothing. His crusade would be the final one, the greatest march to ever hold the Sith’s fervor. It was with this ritual it would begin, where their strike force would be fed to the hells, and nothing would remain to stop his own fleets from driving deep into Alliance territory.​
His hands fell then, not against Alliance ships, nor against their wall of protection they had become so assured of, but against Life itself. Reality tore in a great chasm, and with it the echoes of the Force abused rang out like a banshee’s cry - driving a painful spike into the mind of every Sentient in the system. Distant birds would scatter, animals fell into chaotic turmoil, and children fell to their knees in cries of exasperation unsure where this torture originated from.​
Within this chasm in reality, strode hunger, harbored hate, and it had been guided towards this tear by the promise of subsistence. The Nether was home to inhospitable, unkillable, gluttonous monsters who preyed upon souls, and thus one was summoned here. It was not a beast of unimaginable proportions, or a creature of a thousand eyes and tentacles, but the very intention of hunger itself. Like a God manifest, Empyrean dragged it’s attention to Sluis Van so that it may feed on his enemies and allies alike.​
A dark fog, thick and dense, spewed from the tear in droves. In the blackness of space, it seemed to dull the stars, then cloud them completely as it fell upon both fleets, making even their great storm pale in comparison to this abomination in the air.. It felt at their steel constructs, curiously poked at sensors and weapons alike, until it consumed the entire battlefield, from Alliance Ship to Sith Cruiser. It was in these brief moments of silence that it allowed itself that singular luxury, of unbridled curiosity on the happenings of ants.​
But it was the personification of gluttony, and it could not resist itself any longer.​
Durasteel and technology would not hold it back, and even the rituals the Sith and Jedi alike had hoped to use to protect themselves would be pressed to their limits as it began to penetrate the Ships looking for sustenance. Hallways and rooms would fill up, doors would be ignored, and energy shields meant little - there was only the Fog, within and without the ships.​
The first to die would only feel the sickening sense of oil on their skin, then in a breath their eyes would grey and they would collapse into a heap of death. There was no violent upheaval, no great striking or weapon, but something instant and unknowable but inexorable to all that lived - it was the sudden death of anyone the Fog fed upon.​
In a single moment, small, then larger ships began to fall silent and dark as their crews were consumed by an entity that knew only this, who’s only purpose was this. It fed upon all without abandon, and it would feed until it was satiated or the wound was closed.​



Sluis Van Shipyards

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"You might become the first," Valery answered once her son joined the battle and clashed with Taeli's shoto. This wasn't her first time fighting alongside Aris, but it was the first battle of this scale, where she had asked him to join her. He was older now, more experienced, and she knew he wouldn't be holding her back. Though against an enemy of Taeli's magnitude, Valery couldn't help but keep a watchful eye over her son.

A motherly instinct that would never fade entirely.

As their duel progressed, Valery drew on her experience as a former Battlemaster and quickly assessed Taeli's strategy. The Sith Lord was deflecting rather than blocking, her defenses precise but lacking any aggressive follow-up. Valery recognized the signs — Taeli was either stalling, awaiting reinforcements, or hoping to wear them down. She couldn't let this drag on. Their mission was critical, and the longer they delayed, the greater the risk of being overwhelmed by Sith forces.

Either way, Valery couldn't allow the duel to drag on forever. They had an objective to complete, and she didn't want to run the risk of being overwhelmed by more Sith Lords.

Deciding it was time to disrupt Taeli's careful rhythm, Valery moved with purpose. She feinted another powerful strike, her double-bladed lightsaber arcing towards Taeli. But just as their blades were about to meet, Valery tapped into the Force and moved towards the Sith Lord, phasing her body through Taeli's defenses. In an instant, she passed through the Taeli's form, reappearing behind her with fluid grace. It meant the two Nobles now stood on opposite sides of Taeli, splitting her attention further, but Valery primarily hoped it'd throw her off-balance.

Rather than lash out with another sweeping strike that could be deflected, however, Valery took advantage of her double-bladed weapon and stabbed it backward, attempting to drive the rear blade through Taeli's back.



Aris tensed as he kept his blade pressed to the saber. He didn't respond to the Sith, rather kept his focus on keeping the now floating blade busy. He swung again and again with a bruising strength no Padawan should have. Not that it mattered to a telekinetic weapon. Rather, he was trying to keep the second blade on the defensive. His grip had changed on his hilt, subtle and negligible to most.

Not to Seszil, though. The Sword's strikes changed suddenly, and rather than following Aris's strikes it suddenly came from a different angle all together. As Valery phased through, Seszil remained, spinning quick in a strike where Valery had initially struck with the intent of just overwhelming the Sith Lord with the different angles of attack.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf


War in the Rim: Obj. I - Sluis Van Shipyards

Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

The exchange of blades and words was brief. Sabers clashed and so did Ideals. Both would color Ran's memory of the moment. Desperation and frustration took over as she watched the Dead God slip from her grasp. The Sorcerous Ritual continued and finished and she was too late. Half of her strike team was dead to the Dark Lord Empyrean. The other half was scattered searching for a way to prevent the completed ritual. In a few short breaths Sluis Van was changed not just by bombardment under naval opposition but by the darkside. Ran had failed in her mission. She couldn't help but feel that with this ritual complete the power of the darkside gained that much more traction in the galaxy.

As Empyrean disappeared into the vastness of space, Ran's priorities shifted. The safety of her strike team was her ultimate concern. "Shiba, Tinn, Storra, Tike!" She tapped her comms. "Do you hear me?"

"You are heard, Jedi Serys." Shiba confirmed. "By all." She added.

"Good! I failed to stop the Dark Lord." Ran informed. "The Ritual has completed, but the assault is not over. Keep your defenses up. The dark side is stronger over Sluis Van now more than ever." She continued feeling the predatory forces at work, honing in on her body as if a moth to a flame. The others, all capable Jedi, could feel it too. The danger that came for them. "Let us meet at the rendezvous point. We will join the Galactic Alliance fleet and figure out our next course of action there." The strike team ayed an affirmative over the comms and set off, the force enhancing their actions and speed once again.

[Thread Exit]


Avel Som was still chilling in the corner, watching with mild curiosity at the Emperor's priests sacrificing themselves in His name when Darth Empyrean walked out of the room, sealing it shut. Avel Som stood up, leaving Darkwing -- who still seemed to be mesmerized by the black void that had spawned from the ritual -- and crossing to inspect the door. He could not figure out how to open it. The Emperor must not have wanted it open, probably to protect whatever was happening in here from enemies. That was fine. And if they happened to either break through or find an alternate way in, Avel Som would be here waiting.

He turned back to look at Darkwing, the hawk hopping closer to the orb. The bird's red eyes were glowing with an otherworldly light, and his ebon feathers seemed to blend into the shadows. Avel Som had never seen him do that before. "This is new magic," he said to the ebonhawk. Darkwing didn't respond; he was too lost in whatever was happening. As Darkwing reached out his beak to touch the orb...
In an instant panic at what would happen, Avel Som jumped in a burst of speed and grabbed his feathered friend and pushed him out of the way as Darkwing began screeching in pain. Whatever it was that had attacked Darkwing now turned its attention to Avel Som as he accidentally touched the orb.

He was filled with intense pain, as if every cell of his body were being destroyed. He instinctively deadened his nervous system to dull the pain, but he still felt it. He had to slow himself to the point that he could hardly move and felt nothing at all. He began to feel sluggish, his mind not able to comprehend what was happening; all he could sense was that something was trying to devour him. His entire body was dying and regenerating over and over constantly. A black oil began leaking from his eyes, nose, ears and mouth. All he could do was stand there and stare into the void...

And through the void, he saw... Something. He found himself amidst a pulsating swirl of red smoke and dark blue lightning there stood a man. It was not really a man, but that was what Avel Som's mind interpreted it as. The man turned to look at him with fiery red pupils amidst an electric blue sclera, matching the eerie surroundings. You're not Rhysion. Who are you? I have not seen you in any of my visions. The man seemed to be contemplating something. Hmm... Intriguing. A new pawn of Rhysion's. Yes yes, I see. This is a grand opportunity. You shall make a fine vessel. The man was suddenly beside him, reaching out a hand to touch Avel Som's forehead. The pain he felt from the touch was excrutiating, way beyond his flesh, like his very soul was being sliced with razors. Of course, your mind and soul will be destroyed in the process, but be honored to become the vessel of... Wait, this isn't right...

In a burst of blinding light, Avel Som found himself back in the chamber room, his mind slowly starting to work again. Perhaps he had never really left. He was still in a daze and was only just now noticing that his body was giving of an irradiated glow. And that his clothes had completely burned away. Apparently, the constant dying and regenerating by his cells had produced so much energy that he had gone nuclear. As he looked around, he noticed that a couple of the remaining sepulchral had gotten caught in it and were not piles of charred bones and ash. The others had been able to shield themselves. They displayed no outward emotion as to what had happened at all.

"Anyone got any spare clothes?" Avel Som asked them. Or, he tried to, but his lungs were filled with the same sludgy oil that coated his body. Somehow it had not burned away. All that came from his question was coughing as he swallowed the black bile. "Ugh, gross." He then noticed that some of the furthest away sacrifices still had relatively undamaged clothing. "Hope you don't mind."

Dressed once again, Avel Som looked around the room. A sudden realization hit him. "Darkwing!" he shouted, and he rushed to his avian companion's side. The hawk was still alive but unconscious, having gone into a Force-induced coma to keep himself alive. Avel Som gave a sigh of relief and picked the bird up in his arms. He walked to the door, not even registering the fact that the door instantly opened before him with barely a subconscious thought.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

<< Bait with victory, but deliver only ruin. The promise of triumph is the sweetest poison.>>
—Darth Caedes, holocron

Outer Rim Territories
Sluis Van
Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia | Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar | Liram Angellus Liram Angellus | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Darth Caedes sat cross-legged in the dim glow of Last Light’s command bridge. His eyes, deep-set and bloodshot, fluttered as he reached out with the Force.

Across from him loomed A’Mia Madrona. Her branches spread across command deck bulkheads, vine-like appendages cascading to thread through vents, consoles, and shattered terminal screens. A sickly green fungal bloom spread from her to Caedes’ feet and all around him, encrusting the decaying metal with creeping mold. The pungent smell of rot hung in the air, but to Caedes, it was the scent of power.

Between them, etched into the rusting deck plates, was a crude ritual circle—an ancient Sith design born from the forgotten temples on Korriban. Along the circle’s perimeter, artfully arranged in macabre symmetry, were the corpses of a long dead crew— the highest of the Athysian League’s Hegenika, witches practiced in the horrific rituals intended for Last Light, found starved and deceased with their derelict fleet upon the time of its recovery by Korriban. The bodies, still clad in their tattered uniforms of old, had been exsanguinated and given ceremony, their vacant eyes fixed upward as if witnessing the storm beyond the viewport. Their minds were yet veritable troves of forgotten knowledge, waiting to be cracked back open and used again. Though dead, they had not yet finished in their service to the Dark Side.

A’Mia’s presence was overwhelming. Tiny fungal filaments grew towards Caedes, barely visible, snaking their way up his black robes, wrapping themselves around his body until they reached the back of his neck. There, they found purchase and burrowed into his skin—much like roots penetrating soil.

Caedes inhaled sharply as the connection took hold. The mycelia pulsed, linking his consciousness to that of his apprentice. His own mind became a conduit for her sensations—he felt her hunger for knowledge, her ancient patience, the slow, inexorable march of time that all neti lived by. For a moment, he allowed himself to sink into that shared experience, their thoughts merging, their emotions blending into one another. Pain was ever-present here, but through their bond it became something else—something useful.

Outside, in the void of space, the storm surged. Thick clouds of ash and dust swirled through the stars, lit by the blood-red lightning that lashed out in violent arcs. Ships, both friend and foe, were battered by the tempest, their shields straining under the relentless assault of the unnatural storm. Caedes could feel it all—the chaos, the terror, the confusion. Every flash of lightning, every scream gone suddenly silent, resonated within him.

He opened his eyes, gazing across the ritual circle at A’Mia. Her wooden face, twisted and ancient, stared back at him with knowing eyes. The fungal tendrils connecting them throbbed as the Dark Side pulsed between them, thick and suffocating.

Master, A’Mia's thoughts rumbled through their connection, finding their way to him, slow and deliberate, like the creaking of an old tree in the wind.​
Apprentice, Caedes thought back in confirmation.​
What is… that? she asked.​
Something approaches.

But Caedes did not respond immediately. His thoughts were elsewhere, drifting through the currents of the Dark Side, lost in the madness that had long since consumed him. He felt the pull of temptation, the allure of absolute power, but there was something deeper, something darker still which pulled at his attentions. He could feel the edges of his fractured mind, the places where his sanity had long ago splintered, and he wondered, as he often did, if it was already too late to find his way back.

A’Mia's vines tightened slightly around his neck, the pressure a reminder of the power she held in their symbiosis, of the transparency they now shared between them. Still, some elusive dread tugged at him, distracting. A danger loomed close by, a growing disturbance in the Force. Approaching… approaching… approaching…

The effects of Darth Empyrean's ritual hit like a tidal wave, reverberating through the fleet and shaking the storms. Caedes felt it as a sudden pull—a sudden violent shift in the Force, gut wrenching. His eyes opened wide, momentarily panicked, the fungal tendrils linking him to A’Mia trembling as they both felt its nearing—an overwhelming, sickening presence blooming in the void near Escobar. Something ancient, something ravenous awakened there.
“Empyrean,” Caedes growled, rising to his feet. Fungal tendrils snapped and fell away from him, falling limp at his feet. His scarred face was tight with fury, and his voice vibrated with a barely contained rage.​
“Fool! In his greed he means to seize it all. Let all else be damned.”

A great rift tore space open. From the Netherworld, something was crossing—a great and terrible Hunger, invisible yet all-consuming, drawn to the life force of every soul within its reach. This was no mere spirit. It was a force of obliteration, ravenous and relentless, and it cared nothing for the distinctions between Sith or Galactic Alliance. It sought only to devour.

The ritual they had painstakingly built now faltered, straining beneath this new power—a power not of their making.
“Curse him!” Caedes spat, his fists clenched as he gazed toward the viewport, watching the swirling storm outside.​
The fleet—his fleet—was caught in the middle of Empyrean’s reckless hunger. He could feel it drawing nearer, slithering through the darkness, a maw that would swallow everything in its path. Caedes growled low in his throat. Every fiber of his being rebelled at the thought of retreat—yet Hunger was not something to be faced head-on. Not at least without the proper tools. Sorcery was a fragile and precise art; what was built for one purpose could not be easily used for another.

Even now, Hunger clawed at the barriers erected within their ritual circle, barriers built for a very different purpose, scraping away at protections like a relentless predator. He could feel it—feel the hollow, gnawing cold pressing in from every side. If they stayed here, they would be consumed.
“Captain,” he ordered, voice sharp.​
“Turn this ship around. I want us out of here, now!”
“At once,” replied the captain, holding his head in one hand, looking faint.​
“Get those Netherdrives active,” Caedes continued, hissing as if in threat.​
“Empyrean means to sacrifice the fleet in pursuit of victory.”
The captain stammered, seemingly in disbelief.
“Yes sir—! You heard him. Draw power from weapons, motivate those drives and send what’s left to thrusters—” and get us out of here.​

Caedes turned again to the viewports, directing his gaze through the storm to Elmindra. Go! he urged. There is nothing more for us here. The world would be mangled by such a force as that which Hungered upon this battlefield, never mind Escobar or the entangled fleets. He snarled, lip curling, and his gaze fell to where the shipyards would be. To where the worm Emperor would be. His fists clenched at his sides, knuckles turning white, he glared.

Slowly at first, the ship began to turn, lightning and fiery engine thrusters lashing out to lick the Last Light’s shimmering shields—painting the churning fog behind in violent reds.

“Netherdrives motivated!”
“Do it! Make the jump.”

  • Caedes began gathering power in meditation.
  • Empyrean's ritual finished, and the resulting Hunger interrupted Caedes' own.
  • Caedes called for retreat, using the fleet's Netherdrive (rather than the typical Hyperdrive) to escape into the Netherworld. As the storm is tied to the generator on his ship, his withdrawal would lead to its rapid dispersal. In its place, the Jen'qazoi's haunted fog remains.
  • Many of his ships are lost, going dark as The Emperor's phantom sweeps through their midst, consuming.
  • The Jen'qazoi, spirits of cruelty and hunger, are sent into a frenzy at the arrival of The Emperor's phantom. Now, they patrol the space of kilometers, empowered by the rift to push through the Jedi's defensive sorcery.
  • OOC: exiting the invasion.
All dialogue portraying the actions of Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia were written with her consent, and with contributions from the writer.

Sluis Van Shipyards

POV: Jen'qazoi
Tags— Liram Angellus Liram Angellus | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

The Jen'qazoi stirred in the blackened corridors of Escobar, a formless legion of shadows born from the cold breath of Korriban itself. They drifted through the airlocks, hovering in the spaces between metal and the void, their presence rippling through the decaying dark like a faint wind. Silent. Predatory. Their awareness was not of flesh and bone, but something older, deeper—a hunger etched into the very fabric of their creation. Each one was a shard of corruption, drawn together by the will of their master, Darth Caedes.

They had no eyes, no mouths, yet they saw everything.

Through the corridors of the star fortress, outside its walls in the storming darkness, the Jen'qazoi drifted, trailing like tendrils of smoke. There was no sound as they moved—no footfall, no scrape of claws, nothing to betray their presence save the creeping, suffocating dread they left in their wake.

To mortal minds, they would be sensed first as an itch beneath the skin, a disturbance in the air, like the smell of death carried on a forgotten breeze. Yet by the time such a mortal mind could comprehend that feeling, it would already be too late. For the Jen'qazoi did not merely feed on the body. They craved thoughts. Memories. The very essence of sentient life.

The Jen'qazoi hungered.
They are close. The thought echoed between them, wordless, more feeling than language, a collective whisper shared and passed between them. Their prey approached, oblivious to the cold gaze of the dead, watching, waiting. ​

The first scent of thought hit them, subtle but intoxicating. It was the taste of fear, fear buried under the false bravado of soldiers trained to believe they were invincible. But it was there, nonetheless—a nervous flicker as boarding parties locked into airlocks, prepared to infiltrate the Star Fortress. The Jen'qazoi relished it. They feasted on it even now, their essence swelling with each heartbeat of a soldier’s anticipation, each unspoken doubt.

They were like candles in the dark, flickers of life soon to be extinguished.
We are with a great one. We cannot be contained. The thought rang out like a tolling bell through the dark, their own soulless hunger amplified by that of The Emperor’s summoning. ​
We will feed.

The Jen'qazoi moved as one, spreading out over kilometers and pressing themselves through transparisteel viewports. They were drawn outwards to the heat of thought, stirred into frenzy and spurred on by the Netherworld’s open rift. The Galactic Alliance had no idea, no sense of the horrors lurking just beyond their perception. The minds of their pilots and soldiers, their mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, their naive heroes, burned with exquisite, delicious consciousness, and the Jen'qazoi feasted on that glow.
Hungry… so hungry…

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That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell


You know that light that flashes before your eyes before you die?
That's our targeting reticles.

For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.
Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO
LCaptain Halpern "Celestial City CO"
Captain Zev Tantor "Silver City" CO
Captain Rojuh Pouil "Valhalla" CO
Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director 5th Fleet
Chief Gribbs - NCOIC 5th Fleet.

Fleet Information - Click Signature unless otherwise directed
ORDERS: Take down defenses and secure shipyards
ENGAGING: Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia

  • Battlegroups Alpha, and Beta continue to engage attacking forces.
  • Battlegroup Ceti is being rerouted to assist Battlegroup Delta with the news of the storm dissipating to nothing.
  • Celestial City and Silver City are both using long range heavy guns (heavy Particle beam cannons, Mass Drivers) directly on “The Omen” and “The Invictus” while drawing fire away from the Heavy Cruiser. Their Falanks systems being used offensively on top of their weaponry.
  • Sovereignty Class Heavy Assault Fighter numbers took a heavy toll in the “fog” losing 45% of total numbers (57 remaining) to engage strike frigates.
  • All X-wings (78) target Sith fighters and strike frigates
  • Seraphim and Super-Angel Interceptors (138 total) engaging Star Destroyers(primary) and fighters (secondary)
  • Capital A-wings (42) engage fighters
  • AMF Y-wings engaging all Strike frigates and Star Destroyers
  • All fighters moving at attack speed.
  • Fleet AI (S.E.R.A.P.H.I.M.) With the storm having dissipated, moving all Skycranes on an intercept course at ramming speed against both “The Invictus” and “The Omen”.
  • Consitutional initiating “abandon ship” and ordering all to the escape pods. SERAPHIM is controlling the ship and moving it into position behind the Star Destroyers attacking “The Silver City” and setting the “Self Destruct”.
  • “The Liberty” and “The Profligacy” both were ordered to begin venting all non-essential fuel and plasma into space as they move on “attack runs” on the Star Destroyers attacking “The Celestial City”
    [*]Three “Broadsword torpedoes” were then launched once the escort carriers micro jumped and detonated in the middle of the energy field with an intent on causing an explosive reaction further damaging said Star Destroyers.
At the Escobar/Shipyards
  • Outcome has been found in the remains of the dissipating storm and SERAPHIM has shut down all systems except life support and is rebooting the systems to save any potential viruses. The AI is taking full control of the ship and bringing it back to safety.
    [*]Revelry is initiating “self destruct” and sending all crew to escape pods
  • All 10 squadrons of remaining Elysian class Strike fighters (87 total), all 10 squadrons of Carcharodon Strike Fighters (72) are going in at full attack speed flying cover for the remainder of the 10 squadrons of Jackal Class Starfighters (piloted by SCAR Group) (86) to hit and board the shipyards. Their purpose is to secure as many airlocks as they can. (1 and 2)
  • Elysian class Strike fighters (87 total) return to engage the “Invictus” battlegroup.
    [*]Carcharodon Strike Fighters (72) return to engage the “Omen” battlegroup
  • Cherub gunships are being ravaged by Sith spirits.
    [*]SERAPHIM is slowly shutting down all affected ships (save life support) and rebooting, same as “Outcome”. All one man starfighters that are affected are either set on a crash course with a Sith vessel, or reactor overload (self-destruct)
    [*]Stellar and Avalon firing blindly “best guess” targeting said beast.
    [*]All Cherub gunships not dealing with spirits continuing to engage Hunters
    [*]Stellar docked with airlock 1 (weapons firing at defenses)
    [*]Avalon docked with airlock 2 (weapons firing at defenses)
    [*]Marines and SCARs engaging Sith Forces inside airlocks.

  • This was not a “battle” this was not an “operation” this was clearly a “fight” and while the forces of the GADF did not have the Force to counteract that of the Sith, Angelus knew how to fight dirty. The biggest ships were putting themselves well into firing range of the enemy ships, giving them the best shots in order to give the fighters, interceptors and bombers the best possible chances for clean shots on the attacking Star Destroyer and frigate bridges.

    “The Invictus” and “The Omen” were being dealt with but otherwise left alone for a reason. “The Constitutional” was reporting heavy damage and having to pull back to initiate repairs. Angelus countered the order and called for all hands to abandon ship and make way for “The Celestial City” in escape pods and shuttles, Captain and command staff included(though they would be last off). SERAPHIM would then take control and move the heavily damaged vessel at all possible speed in between and behind the Star Destroyers attacking “The Silver City” and set the self-destruct.

    “The Liberty” and “The Profligacy” both were ordered to begin venting all non-essential fuel and plasma into space as they move on “attack runs” on the Star Destroyers attacking “The Celestial City” once they each reached their limit they would micro-jump just out of the area as “Broadsword” torpedoes were launched and detonated in the energy field. If all went to plan they would set off an explosive reaction doing further damage to those attacking ships.

    When SERAPHIM had completed the action of setting “The Constitutional”’s self-destruct, its orders on the Skycranes finally changed as all of them were set on an intercept course for “The Invictus” and “The Omen” each at ramming speed. The AI did manage to find and gain connection to “The Outcome” only to find the entire ship in chaos, the crew being affected by some maniacal malaise. Quickly, the fleet system shut down the entire ship (save life support) and began to restart and reboot all processes, re-initializing and installing new security systems before bringing the ship back to safety.

    SERAPHIM only made contact with “The Outcome” because the storm was dissipating into nothing. There was a bigger problem. The majority of the ships were experiencing rapid loss of life by some unknown entity, and the AI began similar protocols as done with “The Outcome”. “The Revelry” has exponential damage and reported initiating “abandon ship” and “self-destruct” as it was still with the beast who had been consuming other ships. The AI would soon be at its operational maximum capabilities at this point, leaving Angellus to come up with other ideas for the future.

    The Marines were falling too, but they were trained for this and kept fighting alongside the SCARs, as they were taking and securing the airlocks they were able to get to.

ANS Theselon
Theselon Squadron
Crown of Stars

Amelia remained silent, watching carefully as her smile grew, her eyes following the images of the vast Sith Warships making their way toward the storm in space. She had to hand it to the enemy commander, it was a sound tactical decision, however, she wasn't so young or hot-headed to merely chase after the enemy and push headlong into the storm just to get at them. Nodding silently, she watched as the projected images lit up with thousands of ordnance streaming through the space between the two armadas focused on taking out her heaviest vessel.

"Supreme Commander von Sorenn to all vessels, I want a full salvo of Missiles and Torpedoes, set detonation point in front of the incoming ordnance. Support with overlapping fields of fire to clean up any that slip through the detonations. Pull our starfighters back, I don't want them getting caught in the blasts."

As the vessels began to maneuver and unleash their salvo in return, her attention was drawn to the screen arrayed. Two of the images blinked rapidly before disappearing slowly, a heavy growl escaping her lips as she looked out towards the formation and watched two of the War Drakes being torn apart by the artillery destroyers. Turning her attention back to the main fleet, she brought her hands forward, crossing her arms over her chest as she settled in for what was to be a heavy engagement.

"ANS Midnight, focus on the lead vessel skirting around the storm, when you have a firing solution, take it."

The command was simple, and the intent was to force the enemy fleet into a bottleneck as it attempted to skirt the storm. Amelia could only hope that there would be some reaction, some positive outcome as she watched the ANS Midnight orient itself and target the lead Svalinn-class Destroyer. Amelia watched as the vessel seemed to pulse, the weapon's power cycling through the capacitors before it unleashed a burst of super-accelerated solid slugs at the lead vessel.

As Amelia took the moment to appreciate the devastating weapon that the ANS Midnight carried, her attention was quickly drawn back to the task at hand as she once more focused on the artillery destroyers. Watching the two fleets maneuvering, she began to see the plans within plans unfolding as she carefully studied the movements of each.

"All Megos-class Star Destroyers will focus their main Heavy Turbolasers on those Artillery Destroyers. I want them defeated in detail, we'll focus fire on each one individually before we begin to fire on the next. Have our Skirmish line hold fire for now, and redeploy our screening vessels to the starboard and port flanks."

The woman brought her hand up, lightly rubbing her chin as she continued to focus and study the movements of the fleets. Watching the enemy formation, she understood that her strength was in the numbers she held at her back, and she wasn't willing to give them up. A soft smile pulled at the edge of her mouth as she nodded silently, showing respect to the enemy commander and appreciating that he understood the need to mitigate her numbers.

  • (2) War Drakes destroyed by Artillery Destroyers
  • ANS Midnight firing Hypervelocity Cannon on lead Svalinn Destroyer
  • Megos-class Star Destroyers firing on Artillery Destroyers [Focusing fire on Void's Grace]
  • Missiles and Torpedoes deployed and detonated in front of missile pod's ordnance
  • Screening vessels redeployed to flanks
Apprentice//Adjunct Professor

Outer Rim Territories
Sluis Van Shipyards

Last Light Battlecruiser​

To the Neti, it felt as if things were really just beginning. All that had come before was merely preparation for their moment to come. Everything they'd worked on, every careful detail, all the sorcery components laid down just so by A'Mia and Darth Caedes, all of it was coming to fruition. She had only a slight inclination that something was amiss, barely enough time to confer mentally with her master. Then the numerous fragments of A'Mia's consciousness seemed to rattle and screech like metal against stone as a rift in the very fabric of reality tore asunder.

It was almost painful to her, but the pain served to sharpen her mind. A'Mia needn't search her mental map, the tear in it was blatant, and she was increasingly distracted by it. Torn between fascination by her King's fury, rich and deep and dark, while also pulled to energetically investigate the source of his ire. Though her affect was most commonly flat, she could not help but feel a sense of disappointment and mild frustration that they needed to flee the site of such an egregious incident. She wished to examine the anomaly up close and for a prolonged time.

Her master was correct though, there truly was nothing left here for the living, and so her branches creaked in protest, her mind began to withdraw from the intense and laborious act of mapping massive swatches of space-time. She would hunker down into a new metamorphosis period, wood groaning and protesting as vines or roots unwound themselves from their hold on metal and wires. As The Last Light made a hasty exit, A'Mia gradually unentangled herself from the ritual circle and pondered the great mysteries she'd encountered deep within the heart and mind of Darth Caedes Darth Caedes .

Outer Rim | Sluis Van | Star Fortress Escobar | Aboard The Omen
Allies: Darth Caedes Darth Caedes | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia | Darth Assimilus Darth Assimilus | John Locke John Locke | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Engaging: Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Admiral Elmindra Xitaar moved with a methodical grace as she commanded her fleet, her every motion calculated and exact. Through the Force, she was everywhere at once, her consciousness linking with her captains, officers, and even the individual gunners stationed across her ships. The Omen loomed motionless in space, a predatory beast lying in wait. The hum of the Axial Cannon charging resonated through the ship, its immense power gathering for a devastating blow. She glanced at her tactical display.

“Axial Cannon ready,”

“Fire on the carrier,” the Admiral commanded.

“Let us see how the Galactic Alliance fares against the true strength of the dark side,” she muttered, her voice low, dripping with contempt.

On the tactical display, enemy support craft were already moving into formation, trying to counter the own fleet’s staggered positioning. She could sense their desperation, the fear that gnawed at their edges as her fleet’s strike frigates advanced relentlessly, like hounds closing in on wounded prey.

"Deploy fighters and send in remaining frigates to support the front lines. Cut through their support craft like a blade through soft flesh.” She punctuated her words with a predatory smile, a rare break in her otherwise implacable demeanor.

The storm surrounding the battlefield crackled with energy, the massive space creature at its center thrashing violently as it unleashed chaos upon anything within its reach before disappearing at a moment’s notice. There was always a layer of unpredictability when working along side so many powerful Sith, but Elmindra welcomed it. Chaos was an ally of the Sith. It gave her strength.

"Destroyers taking fire from enemy fighters but they are in position," one of her officers reported.

“Open fire.” Elmindra's voice was steady as she commanded the opening barrage. A torrent of crimson energy erupted from her destroyers, hurtling toward the supercarrier.

With every breath, every motion, every word, Admiral Elmindra Xitaar bent the battle to her will. The dark side coursed through her, filling her with power. But she was far from sated. Her satisfaction was palpable as her fleet unleashed a devastating barrage of fire, the coordinated strikes of her destroyers raining crimson death upon the enemy. As she readied to press further into their ranks, something shifted—something dark and insidious. It was like a ripple at first, faint but growing with intensity. Elmindra’s eyes narrowed as her senses, honed through years of battle and her deep connection to the dark side, caught the sudden disturbance. It came from the direction of the Sluis Van shipyards, a vast, expanding wave of dark energy that consumed everything in its path.

Her tactical display flickered. At first, she thought it was a malfunction. As she watched, ship after ship—both enemy and ally—began to blink out, their markers vanishing into a void. The frigates she had just ordered forward, the strike crafts positioned to swarm the Galactic Alliance fleet, and even parts of the Alliance’s own formation were being swallowed by a growing, gluttonous darkness.

“What is this?” she hissed, her voice sharp and dangerous. The officers around her looked equally confused, their eyes flicking from the tactical display to the viewport.

Then, she sensed it. The unmistakable tendrils of a Sith ritual—a power that eclipsed even her own. A darkness so deep, so consuming, it left no room for anything else. Darth Empyrean. She could feel his presence now, vast and cold, his will reaching out across the stars, drawing all into the abyss of his design. It was not just an attack on the battlefield—it was a devouring void, an all-consuming force that fed upon everything in its path. A darkness that cared not for the allegiance of those it consumed.

Reports began to flood in from her captains, their voices tinged with panic and confusion.

“Admiral, we are losing ships—!”

Elmindra felt the warning reverberate through the Force. A sharp, urgent signal from Lord Caedes. Go! There is nothing more for us here.

Her teeth clenched. She was not one to flee, not in the face of the Galactic Alliance, not even with the power of Darth Empyrean threatening to swallow her fleet. And yet, the void spreading across the battlefield was beyond her control, beyond the control of any Sith except the Emperor himself. To remain was to be consumed.

“Prepare to retreat!” she barked, her voice cutting through the growing panic on the command deck.

“Admiral?” One of her officers hesitated, clearly shocked by the sudden order.

“Do not question me!” Elmindra snapped, her eyes flashing furiously. “We must fall back now, or we will all be consumed.”

She felt the resistance in her crew, the shock of seeing their victorious momentum halted by something so intangible and terrifying, but they obeyed, their hands flying over controls as they prepared for a full withdrawal.

Elmindra turned her gaze back to the tactical display. Ships continued to disappear, entire sections of the battlefield swallowed by the spreading darkness. It moved like a storm, rolling over everything in its path, leaving only void in its wake. She could feel the fear of her own fleet, the terror rippling through the minds of her captains. She reached out once more with the Force, this time casting her presence wide across her fleet. Unlike the battle meditation she had used to control and coordinate her forces, this was a sharp, urgent command. A pull to draw them back, to retreat before they too were claimed by the darkness. She could feel Lord Caedes doing the same, his will urging his forces to withdraw as the Emperor’s ritual continued to unfold.

Pull back immediately. Elmindra’s command echoed through the bond she shared with her apprentice. Do not delay. His compliance came as a strained reply. She could feel his fear, but also his resolve. He would obey.

The Omen’s engines roared back to life as the massive battlecruiser began to pull away from the battlefront and set the course to jump to hyperspace. The strike frigates and destroyers that remained followed suit as they all prepared to make the retreating jump. Yet, Elmindra could not shake the gnawing feeling of loss as she watched the remnants of her fleet vanish into hyperspace, abandoning the battle she had so carefully orchestrated.

As The Omen made the jump to lightspeed, leaving the battlefield behind, Elmindra stood tall on her command deck, her gaze hard and calculating. She had survived this encounter, as had much of her fleet. But the taste of retreat was bitter on her tongue, and she would not forget it.

Not for the Alliance, nor for the Emperor.

This was far from over.​

The Omen Armada: engaging Battlegroup Alpha
  • The Omen fired the Axial Cannon on The Celestial City
  • Star Destroyers:
    • The middle Star Destroyer took heavy damage from The Celestial City, Interceptors and Y-wings; shields at 12%; emergency protocols initiated: cease fire, all power diverted to maintaining shield integrity
    • The other 2 Star Destroyers defended against Y-wings and Interceptors but still took moderate damage; shields below 75%; all fire focused on enemy fighters
  • Strike Frigates:
    • The initial wave were able to evade some of the Y-wing attacks but took heavy damage from X-wings, only 3 remain with shields between 50-70%
    • Secondary wave of Strike Frigates were sent in as back up
    • Engaging enemy fighters and the Constitutional
  • Cruiser:
    • Deployed 7 squadrons (84) Sion-class Heavy Starfighters to accompany remaining Strike Frigates and engage enemy fighters and the Constitutional

The Invictus Armada: engaging Battlegroup Ceti and Beta
  • The Invictus took some damage; shields at 90%; fired Axial Cannon on The Silver City
  • Star Destroyers:
    • Middle Star Destroyers crippled by The Silver City, Interceptors and Y-wings; shields at 0%; emergency evacutation protocol initiated
    • The other two Star Destroyers took heavy damage from Interceptors and Y-wings; shields below 50%
  • Strike Frigates:
    • Took heavy damage from Y-wing and X-wings
    • Only 2 remain with shields between 50-70%
    • Secondary wave of Strike Frigates sent in as back up to engage enemy fighters

The Omen Armada and The Invictus Armada traded blows with Admiral Angellus’ fleet over Escobar.
The Omen Armada took damage from the swarm of enemy fighters but the capitol battlecruiser was able to successfully fire its supercharged laser cannon on The Celestial City.
The Invictus Armada took significantly more damage, as it faced Battlegroups Alpha and Ceti, but held its ground.
Then Empyrean’s ritual swept out over the battlefield, consuming enemy and ally alike.
Reports of ships and their pilots suddenly going offline flooded in and Elmindra received the warning through the Force from Caedes so she initiated her retreat.
Both the Invictus Armada and Omen Armada were able to retreat but not without some significant losses.
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