Within his mind, Naast'ika saw a red line extend forward from himself and race towards the planet. He had seen it before. His crew did this when they had a very specific path they wanted him to take. He didn't like following a line. He found it boring to have to follow a line instead of flying as he pleased. But his crew were letting him shoot things today! And there were so many, many things to shoot! Naast'ika's voice beeped upon the bridge. The equivalent to a verbal shrug as he rolled to starboard and bowed down slightly, angling himself to move slightly away from the planet but still keeping his primary weapon, the powerful Heavy Proton Cannon, pointed towards the red target icons.
It was only a few seconds before Naast'ika was happy that he had chosen to keep his dorsal side facing the planet. A cluster of small, fast ships flared maneuvering thrusters and Etheric Rudders as they turned towards Naast'ika and accelerated. Behind them, a small number of larger ships turned to follow in a loose, disorganized formation. Beeping with joy, Naast'ika turned his main weapons upon the cluster of ships. Secondary neural clusters within his skull (organic, brain-like biots originally created by the Yuuzhan Vong) performed their duty automatically, acting upon the subconscious will of Naast'ika Laaran and calculating the exact approach vector of the enemy ships, anticipated their next several seconds of movement, and plotted the exact firing solution required to lash out at the small, metal and plastic craft.
Naast'ika's body shuddered slightly as his weapons fired. He felt the tiny shockwave ripple through his body as his cannons discharged. It felt good to him. Not -that- kinda good, but good all the same. In his three dimensional perception of space and time, Naast'ika watched his own shots race towards their intended targets. A single shot from the proton cannon was aimed at a large, dense ship at the rear of the pack of enemy ships. A second shot from the proton cannon fired moments after the first, this one aimed at a ship his sensors identified as a gunship. Between the two shots from the main cannon, six shots rang out from the twin heavy plasma cannons that adorned the nacelle on either side of his chassis. These shots were fired in pairs of two at three other unknown ships within the cluster. Each target was larger than a starfighter, but smaller than a Corvette.