Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Warden, scientist, and secret police looking for thread ideas.

Protect the innocent, experiment on the guilty.
So, I've got my character pretty well figured out and I'm looking to make the profile either tonight or tomorrow afternoon, and I want to start some threads asap. TLDR of the character is that he's a force sensative scientist, kinda like Darth Plageus. After he gets into the wardens of the shroud his main project will be researching midi-chlorians to further the Warden's goal of dominating the force. Said research naturally requires living test subjects, especially those strong in the force, so he will also be working close with black watch. Also anything related to Sith alchemy or Sith sorcery would also peak his interest, and I'm sure we can come up with justification to get him offworld.

I'm specifically looking for someone to recruit my character to the Wardens of the Shroud IC. If nobody steps forward in a couple of days I'll just write it into the biography, but I think it'll be more fun this way. And obviously if there are any other science types in the empire, especially those interested in force-related topics, we could work together on something. Anybody in the secret police, we could do a mission hunting down a target together. Or the opposite, if you've ever wanted to have your rebel get caught and not crucified you can escape from one of my labs.

So if any of these ideas interest you, or you have any of your own, hit me up! We'll work something out.

P.S. I'm gonna be busy for most of the day, but I will be at my computer, so I may or may not respond to anything before tonight.
Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan Oh that looks like it's interesting. Do seem some ways I could toss some things at you. Don't have anybody in the Wardens though, so this would either be collaboration with independent parties, opposition, or someone caught.

Walker Walker Also a force sensitive scientist/alchemist who's heavily into biology, made two species, submitted for a third. Two of those have direct relations to the force, one having alchemic eyes like a miraluka's sense, and the other having powers not dissimilar to anzati. He's kind of lost his mind so he flip flops on some things while getting hyper-focused on others. Right now, that hyper focus is mostly creation of species as a way to essentially immortalize himself, as individuals may die, but species seem to extend far beyond the same lifespans. He'd definitely work with others in such a field if he saw a use in it. Or do a sort of collaboration on gaining subjects for testing.

Xerek Xerek , Tek Tek or Vaya Vaya these are characters I've considered bringing back into doing things recently. So they have some options for changes and oppurtunities. All three are force sensitive, though Xerek more so, and more experienced. Xerek is also a great deal older than the other two, having once been anzati and then being placed into a droid, only to later be put back into a body that was some mix of anzat and zeltron I think. Tek is a very combative nautolan, and fairly good at that, but who's not understood the force nor I think realizes he has it yet (need to check). Vaya doesn't know of her force sensitivity either, but does use it when taming animals even if she's less aware of doing so. Any of these could be captured, though Xerek also has the possibility of being in oposition whether as hired aid or something else. Right now, tek and vaya lack ships.

There is one other option actually, a character I haven't actually submitted but have the bio mostly up for. Who's probably gonna act somewhat like a mercenary or pirate. He'd look like a kowakian monkey lizard and for all appearance purposes act that out, except would work with a Twi'lek ships captain to achieve their own goals. They could work for or against him, depending on if hired for or against or some form of collaboration.
Protect the innocent, experiment on the guilty.
OK, where to begin? Please note that I have not yet taken the time to read any of the character bios, but I will in the near future.

A ARS VAMI Sounds fun, but we have to figure out some way for you to even know Jacob's project exists, which would be kind of difficult in the early stages for anyone outside of the EE. Maybe if they have a spy in the EE that gets captured you could come looking for them and find Jacob in the process?

Salis Salis Walker definitely sounds like somebody Jacob would seek out given the chance. Creating species is bound to have a link to midi-chlorians. Is he creating intelligent species, or animals? If he hasn't started creating intelligent species yet, I think we could definitely work with that.

Jacob could be a good antagonist to help Tek or Vaya discover their force sensitivity. And if Vaya likes animals we could do something where she gets involved with Jacob and Walker's work, which I'm sure will involve a good bit of animal cruelty.

Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta Sounds good! Especially if she would be trying to figure out Jacob's secret, or take issue with Jacob making the prisoner disappear after catching them.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim A faction thread, huh? How would that work?
Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan Not too much issue with not having read the bio's in my case, I did give most of the more important information. Also yes Walker has made one non intelligent species and two intelligent species. Very different each in design, as the non sentient ones were quite physically capable and produced fast, but prone to sickness, as well as well as incredibly dumb. The first sentient one was very intelligent and very capable, but also stand out like a sore thumb. And the last is basically just a kowakian monkey lizard, with common sentient intelligence, and the ability to grow stronger in the force by eating recently/currently living beings. It would almost certainly have some link, even if it didn't his own race is technically an altered race of humans just very far back. Who have basically got a midichlorian sack that has its own force sensitive traits, along side if the species individual itself is force sensitive or not. THat part does get a little hard to explain.

And yeah having an antagonist to jumpstart their awareness of force sensitivity is perfectly reasonable! I think Vaya would be the easiest in that case, as she's more likely to have the kind of reaction to cause something in the force than Tek is (he just loves fighting basically) but she'd for sure be unhappy to see animal cruelty. If you've got an idea on how she'd get involved though I'm open to it. Now she could just get hired to help with animals and then realize what's happening, or get captured, or if there are other things you can think of that's good.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan

I tried to involve everyone (EE applicants).
For example, Jacob needs to be rescued because his lab has been attacked and his researches are in danger, as is he. The lab could be inside an asteroid, and here we also need the help of Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta 's character for investigation, to hunting down the intruders. The others are FUs, involve them are not that difficult because of the research. And others can be easily involved into this situation.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

The AC and the EE have their own story, we will continue it after Panatha, we're planning to work together and create an alliance between our factions.
The Hutt Republic's leader is the Black Sun's (EE's subfaction) leader, he has influence in the EE. They'll not endanger their position within the EE...
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul

The issue is that I operate that. Still Eternal Empire affiliated.

The renegades are not looking to split off with the "different interests" you may be speaking of. They want to take out Broka as the one in charge to put themselves in charge, yet then they are all competing on who would be the one in charge after Broka is taken out from his position. They all have the same interest and goal in mind in regards to taking out Broka from his position of authority over the organization. I have orchestrated this as so, and thus you can't really argue substantially against it. If you did not orchestrate the narrative, no matter how convincing of an argument you make to alter things, you cannot operate as if that is so if the one who did start the narrative and oversees its execution does not agree to have that in the story.

Another part is that you are not allowed to intervene with said mercenary character anymore. You are not allowed to write with the EE in general with you as a writer, not just with a specific character. Your mercenary would not be allowed to go in for that OOC purpose due to you writing them.

Also, the goal of said narrative is to be more pve than pvp.

On another note though, this has greatly distracted from Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan 's purpose of starting this. Terribly sorry this popped up when you're just looking for folks to write with. Very commendable you did this though Jacob. Keep up the good work. Maybe the warden I made meets up with yours in the future. Maybe Black Sun could supply with test subjects if the opportunity shows. Prisoners of the gang that happened to be sensitive. Either way, welcome to the EE, and I hope we work together at some point.
Protect the innocent, experiment on the guilty.
Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan

I tried to involve everyone (EE applicants).
For example, Jacob needs to be rescued because his lab has been attacked and his researches are in danger, as is he. The lab could be inside an asteroid, and here we also need the help of Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta 's character for investigation, to hunting down the intruders. The others are FUs, involve them are not that difficult because of the research. And others can be easily involved into this situation.

Oooh, I never thought of having a lab in a asteroid. I like it! Now we just need to figure out who could attack him, and why, and how they found him. Is anyone from the enclave on here? If one of them got captured (NPC would work too) they would be a perfect test subject for Jacob. Then we just need to plot-armor some way for the rebels to track the lab.

A ARS VAMI Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

OK, so bottom line I'm getting from this drama is that ARS is outside the EE and related plots, so if we want to thread together we need to come up with something private that doesn't affect anyone else. We can work that out between us.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan

We have 2 enemy groups currently who can attack this. The Shadow Empire, and our half future enemies, warlords and their men from the Old First Order time. The Shadow Empire are mostly the Dark Side Force Users and Space Hydra (marvel)
So it is up to you, simple military (FO remnants) or the Shadow Empire. If you made your choice, I think I'll start the thread tomorrow. :)
Protect the innocent, experiment on the guilty.
Jacob Calhan Jacob Calhan

We have 2 enemy groups currently who can attack this. The Shadow Empire, and our half future enemies, warlords and their men from the Old First Order time. The Shadow Empire are mostly the Dark Side Force Users and Space Hydra (marvel)
So it is up to you, simple military (FO remnants) or the Shadow Empire. If you made your choice, I think I'll start the thread tomorrow. :)
The shadow empire sounds intriguing. Let's go with that.

I should mention though, my schedule is pretty tight through the week. I can't promise that I'll actually be able to post before Friday or even Saturday. I'll try, I just can't promise.

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