Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Warlords of Draenor


If not mature, than incredibly patient. No more quotes or tags or playful remarks from anyone towards me anymore, please. Thank you. :)

PS: I do enjoy the game. I just don't find it as challenging or rewarding. My B-net is Kanashimi /
That was always the hilarious part of WoW to me.

All the Horde quests are like FOR THE HORDE LOK'TAR O'GAR KILL THE ALLIANCE. And so all the Horde players chomp at the bit.

Meanwhile, Ally side our quests are like "those Horde aren't real nice, you should probably just kill them" and you shrug and go "sounds reasonable." Thus the Alliance doesn't care.
Well, I couldn't rightfully call myself a Horde player and not vehemently wish death to the Alliance every now and then. :p

Even if the Alliance-Horde war did recently end and peace was somewhat restored.


Lok'tar ogar!

Although, there are still many members of the Alliance that think the same about the Horde.
I'm only Alliance because all my friends rerolled. I was horde since Vanilla. Im still Kill on Sight Space Goats and hand out daily gnome punts on my Horde. I'm a self hating alliance player. The only race I'll EVER play is Human...but I have a NE cuz humans can't be druids ._.

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