Well-Known Member
I liked the game for being the most overpowered Force user known to gaming (although Meetra Surik could annihilate whole batallions of Sith with Force Storm if you go that direction in KotOR II so...), but it got exceptionally boring after I got halfway through. At that point I was just in it for the story and honestlyFabula Cavataio said:This is a very old topic that we've been over a dozen times. The conclusion is always the same: one or two people who enjoyed the game for being a fantasy fulfillment and allowing you to take the place of a physical god speak up in its defense, and the rest of us rage about how stupidly OP it made the Force seem and how it's destroyed the community perception of what the Force should be able to do.
I liked that Dark Side "bad end" better than the canon ending