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Populate Watch the Throne | DE Populate of Ylix & Aleen


The Tribunal
Onrai Onrai | Darth Apophion Darth Apophion | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray | Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Kroeger Kroeger | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe


As Alars Keto, former Krath cultist turned Governor within the ranks of the Resurgent Empire, strode into the chambers of the Tribunal, he was greeted by the sight of chaos and discord. The air crackled with tension as the assembled officials bickered and debated over who would ascend to the coveted position of Imperial Despot, left vacant by the fallen Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan . Keto, with his stern visage and steely demeanor, surveyed the scene with a mixture of disdain and impatience. The Tribunal, once a bastion of order and governance, now resembled a den of vipers, each member vying for power and influence at the expense of the greater good.

His gaze lingered on the Sith representatives among the gathered throng, their presence a glaring reminder of the tumultuous relationship between the Imperial administration and the New Sith Order. Keto knew all too well the Emperor's decree regarding the separation of powers, a design forged by both the Sith'ari and Korvan himself during the formation of this resurgent power. With a subtle shake of his head, Keto silently chastised those Sith for their brazen intrusion into matters of governance. He knew not among whom they were, aside from the PROPHET Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze , from his days within the MAW, but it mattered not. In his view, the Sith had no place meddling in the affairs of the Empire's administration, their ambitions and machinations serving only to sow further discord and instability. This WASN'T THE SITH EMPIRE AFTERALL.


Keto's voice boomed.


Alars arrived at his seat, his stern glance moving across the room.

"May I remind this council that we are - as we speak - laying to rest a HERO, a martyr who gave his life so that our Empire could flourish. The position of Imperial Despot is to be retired in honor of our late leader, his powers split between the Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces and the GRAND VIZIER.. It is the duty of this council to not only determine who among us suits this role best, but also come together and prepare for the CROWN JEWEL. IMPERIAL CENTER."

The former Krath lowered himself into his seat.


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Watch the Throne.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Onrai Onrai Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim Alars Keto Alars Keto Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Kroeger Kroeger

As Darth Vinaze's voice resonated through the chamber, nominating Marlon Sularen for the vacant position, a ripple of surprise and contemplation passed through the assembled figures. Darth Apophion, ever observant, noted the reactions of the Tribunal members, it seemed the Maw Warlord and Grand Admiral was a solid choice. It appears that the winds of favor are not blowing towards the New Sith Order this day. No one even bothered nominating a Sith Lord. The lack of support for a Sith candidate was a reflection of the current dynamics within the Tribunal and the broader Empire. It underscores the need for a more nuanced approach to our ambitions.

Apophion realized the New Sith Order did not have the power or influence over the Dark Empire as he thought. As Darth Apophion processed these thoughts, his outward demeanor remained impassive, betraying none of the strategic recalculations occurring within.

In the wake of Governor Keto's announcement, a subtle shift occurred in Darth Apophion's demeanor. While his outward expression remained a study in stoic composure, those adept at reading the undercurrents of power might perceive a flicker of annoyance flit across his features. This irritation, however, was not borne of surprise or fear but rather from the immediate realization of the additional complexity, Keto's decision introduced to his plans.

"I know, maybe if you talk a little louder you'll get your point across," Apophion replied to the booming Keto. "Let me guess, you got your position because your daddy's last name was... Which one was it Praji? Pestage? Sindian? Vandron? Tagge? Elegin? Draay? Tarko? Keto! That's the one, Keto." His tone was a bit snide.

Although his initial reaction was one of calculated interest. The separation of military and administrative powers could potentially dilute the influence of any single individual, a notion that both intrigued and challenged him. Yet, it also opened up new avenues for the New Sith Order to exert its influence within the Empire's sprawling bureaucracy and military might.

The division of power was a double-edged sword. While it offers the New Sith Order increased opportunities for influence, it also presents a risk of further fragmenting the Empire, should these positions fall to individuals with conflicting agendas.

"So we are going to split his position. Perhaps we leave the nominations to the Emperor then and discuss the coming Battle of Coruscant."

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Objective : Watch the Throne


When Onrai nominated him, Sularen remained silent instead letting the other members of the Tribunal continue to discuss the matter. It was quite entertaining to just remain there in the background watching as all these individuals presented their own opinions and arguments on what course the Empire should take in the wake of Korvan's Defeat, some of which definitely caught the Grand Admiral's interest. What intrigued the Grand Admiral the most was Darth Vinaze and Aerarii Tithe's own statements with both individuals each questioning whether Sularen could truly live up to the legacy of Korvan and effectively lead the Empire. He didn't blame him as he had failed to gather and wield enough resources to prevent the collapse of the Maw despite his position as High Regent of the Final Dawn in the aftermath of Tython.

Instead Sularen preferred Councilwoman's Suu's and Governor Keto's proposal to split the duties of Imperial Despot between a Supreme Commander for all Imperial Forces and a more Political-oriented Grand Vizir, which would be a more safer option but would still require capable individuals to assume both roles and duties in order to ensure that the Empire could accomplish it's objectives as Keto pointed out. While assuming the position of Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces would most certainly give Sularen the necessary authority and position to advance his own plans to secure the Empire, the complex politics of the Tribunal and the mystery of Korvan's death made him extremely hesitant to even seek out such a position.

Perhaps if Sularen could leverage his connections with other prominent Sith Lords or even bring up his concerns to the Emperor himself then maybe he could avoid the same fate as Korvan but then again as Tirall once said, there were always things that would be outside his control and there was no guarantee that the Sith would not turn on him as they had done with Korvan. Regardless, the Grand Admiral would have to make a decision on whether to play it safe and politely reject Onrai's nomination or take a risk and present himself as a candidate for the position of Supreme Commander. Thus with a heavy sigh, the Grand Admiral raised his hand and proceeded to finally voice his own opinion on the matter.

"First i would like to express my gratitude for my nomination from Onrai" the Grand Admiral began, finally speaking his mind on the matter. "However i would have to politely decline such a nomination." Sularen finished. It was far too soon for him to seek to climb up the ranks of the Empire, especially in assuming a role that gave him complete control over the Imperial Military which while potentially beneficial would carry far too much responsibility and would bring the Grand Admiral directly into the crosshairs of the Emperor and his closest Sith/Dark Side confidants. He would stick to his role as Grand Admiral and instead stick to his original plans.

"As for the position of Grand Vizir, i would like to nominate Derix Tirall for the position. He has the experience and the skills that one would expect to be needed to effectively carry out the duties and responsibilities of such a position." Sularen added. He had known Tirall for years and despite his fierce devotion to the Sith, the former High Regent could still prove to be a good political ally for the Grand Admiral within the vast political structure of the Empire. After all why directly seize control of the throne when you could instead become the power behind the throne.



As the discussions unfolded, Derix couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and opportunity. Governor Keto made the choice for the Tribunal, obviously at the direction of the Emperor, but nonetheless a welcome reprieve from the chaos that was democracy.

He listened intently as Grand Admiral Sularen declined his own nomination for the position of Supreme Commander of Imperial Forces, instead nominating Tirall for the role of Grand Vizier. Tirall was slightly taken aback by the nomination but kept his expression neutral, masking the swirl of thoughts and emotions within him.

"First, I would like to express my gratitude for the nomination," He began, with his voice measured. "It is an honor to be considered for such a crucial role in the Empire's leadership." Again, he added silently.

He paused, considering his next words carefully. "However, I must also acknowledge the weight of the responsibility that comes with this position. The role of Grand Vizier requires not only experience and skill but also a deep commitment to the ideals of the Empire and its people. If elected, I would strive to uphold these principles to the best of my ability."

Tirall glanced around the room, meeting the gaze of his fellow Tribunal members. "I believe that the proposal to split the duties between a Supreme Commander and a Grand Vizier is a wise one, ensuring that both the military and political aspects of our Empire are effectively managed. I am humbled by the nomination and would be honored to serve in this capacity, should the Tribunal see fit to elect me."

With that, Tirall leaned back in his seat, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay ahead. The game of politics was ever-changing, and he knew that there was only one outcome at that moment. Victory or death.


Torture and Interrogation Officer and Agent
Objective: Interrogation
Location: In orbit of Carlac, ISB Black Site station
Equipment: Officer Uniform || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


I raised my eyebrows for a moment at his questions. I haven't used the Force yet, but I've dealt with people enough to know that he's probably tense. I wasn't sure if he was scared, as we put quite a lot of emphasis on training to avoid that. True, he already knew what my full rank and occupation was; if he hadn't, all he would know now was that I was an interrogating officer, he wouldn't know anything about the torturer. He still didn't know that I like my job, though. The raised eyebrows finally turned into a stern look and I looked deep into his eyes with my green eyes.

"It is not a farce, agent." I told him in a cold voice. "I am following the orders of our superiors. And they want a verbal report from you now. So I would ask you to behave in a professional manner, as you've been trained to do. And I won't warn you again."

There was a very faint threat in my voice; that if he didn't cooperate with me, I would go from being an interrogating officer to a torture officer. It made no difference to me which way I got the information. And I didn't care if it gave me "bad" news later. For me, it was an advantage if the other agents were afraid of me, in case of an internal control interrogation. Then they would start talking sooner and I wouldn't have to resort to other means. The man mentioned this Jon Hojkstra Jon Hojkstra again; now I wondered who he was.

"No, this is not about Hojkstra. If you're nervous, take it as a normal report, similar to what you've done in other cases before. Only in this case, your superiors want to hear it verbally." I told him.

Admittedly, one could already tell that this was no ordinary report, since in the case of such a recording, the man's body language is easy to read for those in the know. I, on the other hand, thought that our superiors were much better at this than I was, or they would pass the recording on to other analysts. In fact, I even wondered where all this was going to lead. Now I wanted to know why this man was so special to the ISB.

"Start with the order you received and arrived on the planet." I told him again, as I crossed my fingers on the table and looked him in the eye.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Objective 1
The Tribunal, Cademimu V
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Darth Apophion Darth Apophion Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Kroeger Kroeger Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Alars Keto Alars Keto

So it was that the cycle of nomination and withdrawal proceeded again.

Her initial agreement with Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze segued into a moment of notice for the arrival of Kroeger Kroeger , who until then had remained out of the picture. Similarly silent was Alicia Drey Alicia Drey - Onrai would need to press more and discover exactly what secrets her former apprentice was yet hiding, as her expectations were that she held minimal loyalty towards the Empire. While Onrai herself was neither a fanatical devotee to the Empire itself, nor a suitably indoctrinated servant of Solipsis, she firmly believed that the Empire deserved whatever it was those within it had to give. There was no reason to work towards individual agendas - that had been the downfall of many an Empire in her days.

The comments of Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe raised a moment of acrimony from Onrai's part. "The Grand Admiral did what he was capable of doing with the resources available to him. One must consider that the failings of others can have a repercussion-filled effect on those placed in nigh-unwinnable odds. Or are we to be reminded of your participation on the side of the Alliance insofar as the battle went?"

The arrival of Alars Keto Alars Keto and his intervention into the process raised an eyebrow on Onrai's humanoid face. "Then why did we just waste time discussing the future Despot instead of the future Vizier or Supreme Commander? The sacrifice of the esteemed Despot as important as it was, soon he will be buried and his direct impact upon us will be no longer felt. Insofar as Coruscant goes, we already know it will be targeted and what needs to be done to that world." Onrai at least had her schemes and plans in order for Coruscant's conquest. Darth Apophion Darth Apophion 's comment was somewhat relevant, yet Onrai did feel it was worth responding. "If the Emperor wished to make that decision unilaterally, he would be here telling us what he intended to do. We were given the opportunity to gather and proffer our suggestions for a reason."

Of course, that all fell apart when Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen rejected the nomination in the wake of such. With his proffering of a suggestion for Vizier, and the affirmation of his nomination, Onrai saw no reason to bother putting forward her second choice - or her third, for that matter. "I can concur with Derix Tirall becoming vizier. If he is suited for the position, he will be successful. If not, then his time as such will make it evident."
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Location: The Tribunal
Objective: Politicking, and now scheming invasion.
Onrai Onrai Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Darth Apophion Darth Apophion Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Kroeger Kroeger Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Alars Keto Alars Keto

As Ayra's thoughts swirled the debate turned to the splitting of Korvan's position into two. Suggestions to move the Tribunal onto the topic of the Coruscant invasion plans were also raised as the next agenda. Leaning forward back towards the microphone, Ayra stated: "This Empire does not require the bureaucracy which plagues the politicks and decision makings of our rivals in the Alliance. The Federal Assembly should not be imitated. I find the cowardice in this room disturbing."

Ayra met the gaze of Derix Tirall Derix Tirall and said to him: "Your humility is not required. Only your service. You will not merely accept the nomination of this Tribunal but you will show the strength in the ranks of this government by seizing the position itself. I am already tired of your nonsense. Do not give me your drivel: take what is yours." The gaze of the former One Sith turned next to Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen . "Your cowardice is noted, Grand Admiral. You are dismissed from these proceedings. Your usefulness to this Tribunal has run dry."

Then Ayra turned her gaze to Alars Keto Alars Keto and snarled: "If you raise your voice to me or this Tribunal again I will snatch your throat and begin the squeeze."

Reclining back into her seat Ayra kept her glare on Sularen as he sat there. This not a well played performance or act. A new found vitriol for the Grand Admiral and Governor Keto had found it's way into the Tribunal. It was disgusting. The opportunity for power in the Empire had been there for the taking, and Sularen had declined it. It was only through passion that you gained strength, and through strength you gained power. Not only did Ayra doubt Sularen now but viewed him as a weakling that had somehow wormed his way into the upper echelons of the Dark Empire.

It reinforced Ayra's beliefs. That the power of the dark side had truly been diluted by cowards such as the man sat before her.

It was embarrassing. . .

Not the Tribunal

Seated within her meditation chamber, Sinestra immersed herself in the currents of the future, a piece of her presence extending to the proceedings of The Tribunal. Words spoken, intentions implied, and hidden agendas all wove together, shaping the Force visions unfolding in her mind.

One by one, the pieces slowly began to fall together.

And high above this new reality taking form, like a master of puppets, the cloaked figure of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis loomed with a sneer.

Korvan's demise was pivotal, a catalyst bringing the Emperor's grand design closer to fruition. The vacuum left behind became like a carcass upon which these ravenous vultures descended. A gladiatorial arena of infighting among those with influence within the Empire—be it bureaucrats, admirals or Sith—to keep their ambitions away from the Emperor's throne.


I took a long breath in and out, the stale recycled air of the orbital facility not exactly calming my nerves. It was at least some relief to hear that I wasn't being punished for losing an asset, at least not yet.

"I'll do you one better, I'll start from the start if it's going to get things moving here." I shifted myself a little in my seat to sit up straighter, more formal, and began to deliver the story.

"Operation Nightfall, Onderon. It was my first assignment outside of Imperial space, I'm sure everyone has read that report by now, I failed to secure a perimeter against Jedi operatives that put the Queen of Onderon and the Imperial Despot in potential danger." There was no hiding my distaste for those events, and everyone knew it. I had yet to live down my report of Jedi Ninjas infilitrating the premises. I'd looked like a fool.

"Commissar Korvan, the Despot's daughter that is, offered me an assignment that would look better on my track record following that. We recruited Hojkstra, some old Imperial asset with relevant knowledge of the core worlds, and the three of us arranged separate transportation to Empress Teta. I went aboard a freighter. I wasn't allowed to know how the others got there. SIS was on our trail pretty quickly so one of us must have slipped somewhere. All I know is that my falsified ID passed all GA customs and border checks from Thyrsus to Teta. We linked with the Krath cult for a couple of weeks in order to feed them information in preparation for a coup d'état of the planetary administration and a complete secession from the Alliance Senate. I parted ways with the other agents shortly after the Alliance arrested the secessionist movement and I did not see them again. Imperial military was on the planet within hours and I stayed put until you came to help me extract. I wish I could give you more details, officer, but I was kept in the dark from the beginning. The whole thing seemed... off. From the outset."

As the tension within the Tribunal chamber reached its zenith, Alars Keto felt a chill run down his spine as Alicia Drey of the New Sith Order threatened to choke the life from him if he so much as raised his voice in her presence again. He paused, knowing truly well the dangers of such a promise as momentary fear gripped him.

Keto's hands clenched at his sides as both fear and anger bubbled forth. He seethed internally, struggling to contain the surge of frustration welling up within him. Though he knew the folly of openly challenging a Sith Lord, and the good of one making due with their promises, the threat to his authority stung like a fresh wound. The former Krath actually belonged here in this chamber and those who did not had derailed this endeavor for far too long.

With a measured breath, and a deep gulp, Keto met Drey's gaze with steely resolve. "We will take a short recess," he declared, his voice steady despite the turmoil roiling within him. "..and reconstitute this chamber with those who will not fracture the unity of this prestigious body."

The Governor set his hand down on the round table calmly, within moments the sealed doors to the chamber opened, Keto's gaze followed.

"I will reach out to Executor Varanin for further guidance into our next meeting. This council.."

His head rose high.

".. is dismissed."

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Objective : Watch the Throne



The moment Alicia Drey called Sularen a coward for rejecting Onrai's nomination flipped a switch in the Grand Admiral's mind. First she had made the idiotic decision of nominating Tithe as Kovan's replacement and now she had the audacity to act as if she held any sort of power over the Tribunal itself, calling the Grand Admiral a coward and threatening Governor Keto. As Drey's words lingered in the Grand Admiral's mind, his mild paranoia and concerns regarding the mystery surrounding Korvan's death soon dissipated replaced with avid memories of previous summits and sessions similar to this one where he had been questioned, insulted and humiliated by individuals such as Alliance Senators, Independent Imperial Warlords and Mawite Warlords.

As Alicia glared at the Grand Admiral, Sularen returned a glare of his own, showing a disdain for her comment as he clenched his fist ready to respond to the Sith Lady's vile insults and threats and even openly challenge her given her disruption of the proceedings, but Governor Keto stepped in right in time, calling for a recess of the session and dismissing the members of the Tribunal so that they could reconvene later on. Still even then, the words of Alicia Drey still stung the Grand Admiral who had just been reminded of the humiliations and insults he had suffered throughout the years. Should Drey continue to prove to be problematic he would probably have to remove her from the equation, whether the rest of the Sith liked it or not. Sularen had already dealt with enough rivals and had little interest in dealing with any more, especially within the confines of the Empire. As Darth Vader had once said "Never suffer rivals"

Thus, the Grand Admiral would remain seated within his chair patiently waiting for the Tribunal to reconvene and continue their discussions. They still had to finish the process of choosing a new Supreme Commander and Grand Vizir not to mention also discuss the matter of how the Empire would conquer Coruscant. Hopefully next time the session would go far more smoothly, that is if Drey and Darth Apophion could shut the fuck up and make some sort of positive contribution to the Tribunal.

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The tensions so high and taught they could be played like the strings of instrument, yet so quickly cleaved in two by the call of recess.

Without so much as another word, Vinaze rose from his seat and exited the council chambers. He had seen enough of how they reacted, both to the Sith and to one another. Though he could not deny Sularen would have been a good pick, the flurry of disagreements among them made it appear they were all failing to meet the prerequisites for the job. If they could not agree on who to serve under, who to keep the Imperial sentiments united still, how could they decide on how to bring down Coruscant?

Alas, Vinaze did not know, nor was he meant to be judging their politics. The Sith were to have no sway over the Empire beyond what would trickle down through the re-established clergy of the Dark Side's Church. That was where his duties were chiefly concerned. The Imperials longed to sit upon the heart of the Galaxy, but finally the Sith sat upon the heart of the Force, their grip finally closing around Tython as the Imperial military grasped at the Core Worlds.

In the hall outside, the Sith Lord lingered. Bound to a mortal body once again for a chance at real life had naturally made exits more difficult than they had been as a ghost in the Force. And appearances mattered now. Though he debated returning to the Tribunal to hear them bicker on again, he would remain to observe them in the intermission, for now...

Torture and Interrogation Officer and Agent
Objective: Interrogation
Location: In orbit of Carlac, ISB Black Site station
Equipment: Officer Uniform || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


I listened carefully to what the man said. Did he already know that Despot was dead? I had a bad feeling about this case; even though Despot was treated as a martyr, it was still very strange that his daughter had suddenly disappeared. As if there was something else to it. But these were dangerous thoughts that it would not have been good for others to know. So, I kept them to myself and didn't bring them up to anyone. Maybe some time in the future they will be useful. Power stays in the shadows, only the weak step out into the light; and I would have liked to have had a great political career in the Empire later on.

"I don't know if you know this yet, but the Imperial Despot is dead." I said, still in a cool voice.

I wondered how he would react to that, or how those particular cogs in his head would start turning, that Despot was dead and Despot's daughter was missing and no one had heard from her. Although the man probably didn't know that yet, I didn't want to tell him at the moment. The interrogation was more about where Commissar Korvan was, on my part, than about whether the agent sitting opposite me had made a mistake. His superiors made the mistake of allowing him to do this job, not him. I knew it, our superiors knew it. Did the man already know?

"Didn't you find it strange that Commissar Korvan asked you to do this job? I've seen your record and your results, you're talented, just young and inexperienced. A competent agent would not have sent you out without a mentor or partner. Do you have any idea why you had to work alone?" I asked him.

There was no threat in my voice this time, and in the praise, I deliberately let my tone show that I meant it. I thought that if he felt encouraged and felt that I was not blaming him, he might open more easily.

"The Commissar has not been found since, and no one knows where she is. Hojkstra has done his job... and here you are." here I stopped and looked into his eyes again.

I didn't say it out loud, but he probably realised that the whole situation looked like he had been betrayed by the Commissar and let him be the scapegoat for the job, and maybe even for the Commissar's absence. I didn't know if she had escaped or was dead; I didn't have enough information for that. But I hoped that Blackwood's additional information would fill in the holes.

"Do you know what Commissar Korvan's plans were, what he wanted to do and where on the planet?" I asked my further questions.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Objective 1
The Tribunal, Cademimu V
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Darth Apophion Darth Apophion Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Kroeger Kroeger Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Alars Keto Alars Keto

She just had to do it, didn't she?

First, Alicia Drey Alicia Drey insulted the entire tribunal by alleging that all present parties were cowards. Untrue, but a generalized statement of a foolish woman, nothing to act out over. She then demeaned Derix Tirall Derix Tirall by demanding he "seize" the position of Vizier - perhaps that too was merely a Sithy inflection on her attitude, albeit ridiculously inappropriate for the setting in question where others behaved with a great deal more tact.

Then she decided to do two things that Onrai simply couldn't stand: she chose to call Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen a coward. Barring the fact that Onrai viewed him as an ally of some closeness, the Grand Admiral was hardly a coward - if anything, he was better at politicking than Ayra herself based on his decision to push for someone he likely viewed as capable of influencing. Lastly, however - she attempted to dismiss the Grand Admiral of the Dark Empire, the man in charge of the entire Imperial Navy, from the Tribunal.

"Enough, Alicia." The stress was heavily on her name, a deliberate inflection to press home the circumstance. "That the one who stabbed her master in the back instead of dueling them directly would have the gall to call the leader of the Imperial Navy a coward is beyond inappropriate for this forum. A forum you are equal to everyone else in and which you wield no power over. Sit down and silence yourself or one here will silence you."

Ayra's closing spat towards Alars Keto Alars Keto closed with her return to her seat - one which elicited a smile from Onrai - and the Krath governor's attempt to push for a recess. While Onrai fully disagreed with his attempt to take the tribunal in hand - particularly given her having taken the lead on its initiation in the first place - but the tribunal chambers were going to be soaked in blood of people remained cooped up in this room for much longer. Onrai had little to worry about in that regard, but there were far more fleshy allies she had aligned with who were of substantially greater value and who she did not wish to see come to harm.

As she focused, a sense came to her mind that there was someone watching the Tribunal. She sensed a bit more deeply - no, it wasn't the Emperor. It was someone else, a presence that she had felt before, but not seen directly. Whatever it was felt dark - but not familiar. Before she began to mingle with the recessed conclave, she felt it most appropriate to pay whoever had been watching them a visit.


Not the Tribunal
Sinestra Sinestra

To the enigmatic Mirialan seer, for but a moment, the sense of something abominable and anathematic to the galaxy momentarily manifested enough in her immediate vicinity to let out a single sentence.

"It's not very nice to be a peeping Tom."

And with that, the presence dissipated.


Objective 1
The Recessed Tribunal, Cademimu V
Tags: Not again

The physical form of Onrai, or rather, Vanessa Vantai, walked over and took a seat next to the still reclined Grand Admiral Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen . There were a few seconds of silence before she spoke up. "I can respect your decision to reject the nomination, though I would be lying if I did not feel disappointment over said rejection." She said to him, probably the only one at the tribunal who was polite towards him and neither spoke with malice nor a double-edged take. "As for Lady Ayra, know this - she holds no loyalty to this Empire, either through Solipsis or to its ideals. Only to herself. Now, however, may not be the time to act upon such."

She thought for a bit, then laughed. "You know, the words planted by the Goddess in the mind of the Ancient Ones, those Immortal Gods worshipped and supplicated to by the ancient evils of the galaxy, come to mind.

At last, his usefulness has come to an end!
He has become weak and unworthy!
True Darkness calls for the death of our own!
Power cannot be shared!

Let us use our newfound power to eliminate him!

It would not surprise me if she sought to emulate such falsehood, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Were it not for the infighting among them, the Goddess would never have destroyed them and left their ashes among the ruins of Vorsuul. We must visit there sometime."


As Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze exited the council chambers, a shade began to follow him, growing more solidly manifest as it further exited the room. This manifestation was hardly disguised as anything - it was the same unnatural and shadowed figure with white irisless orbs for eyes that she usually appeared as outside of settings where a more personable visage was manifested. "That was, to say the least, unfortunate." She said. "We had just made a decision, and here the tension was forcibly strung out."

It would be curious to know Vinaze's thoughts on the proceedings as such - as well as to gauge his apprehension about reengaging.


Watch the Throne.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Onrai Onrai Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Ellayina L'lerim Ellayina L'lerim Alars Keto Alars Keto Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Kroeger Kroeger

As the final syllables of Governor Keto's declaration hung in the air, branding the Sith as mere "guests" before casually dismissing the Tribunal for a recess, Darth Apophion's reaction was a masterclass in restraint. Standing tall and enigmatic among the gathered elite of the Empire, his cloak barely stirred, and his expression remained an inscrutable mask. Yet, beneath this calm exterior, his mind was ablaze. The chamber, a grandiose testament to the Empire's might, echoed with the shuffling of feet and the muted conversations of departing members, but Apophion stood motionless, his gaze fixed momentarily on Governor Keto's retreating figure. The term "guests," so pointedly used, had not been a mere slip of the tongue but a calculated assertion of Imperial authority. The Sith, the ruling class, had no authority over what they ruled.

Apophion thought to himself.

So, it seems the veil of courtesy wears thin. Keto's choice of words is a stark reminder of the delicate facade of unity we operate under. To be referred to as guests in what should be realms under our dominion... is a slight that unveils the simmering tensions between the Sith and the Imperial bureaucracy. The Empire, it appears, is a beast with two heads, each wary of the other's bite.

His piercing gaze momentarily swept the chamber, taking in the dispersing crowd, noting the alliances and divisions, the subtle exchanges of power and influence that continued even in moments of supposed leisure.

Apophion considered why he had joined the Dark Empire in the first place. It was a journey that began with a singular, burning purpose: revenge against the Jedi. The coming battle between the Dark Empire and the Galactic Alliance should be his soul-defining purpose at this moment. Was the Sith Lord to be a pawn in their games, or could he use the alliance for his own ends?

The pursuit of my vengeance, once so clear and sharp as the edge of a lightsaber, has become clouded by the ambitions of those who do not share my singular focus. The Empire, for all its might, is but a stage for power plays that distract from the true war against the Jedi. My presence here, is it yielding the strength I sought, or has it become a diversion?'

With a silent command, a mere glance, he signaled to his two loyal guards, the Guardia Oculto of the Sangre Tercio, that it was time to depart. The chamber, vast and filled with the hubbub of the tribunal, seemed to shrink in significance in Apophion's mind as made his way to the exit. His guards flanked him, a silent, imposing presence that parted the sea of attendees without a word being spoken.

Darth Apophion and his guards made their way to the private hangar where his ship awaited. The ramp of the ship lowered with a hiss, a gateway to the vastness of space and the freedom it promised. Apophion paused at the threshold, his gaze sweeping over the hangar one final time. The ship lifted off, its departure as smooth as a shadow slipping through the night.



Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf


Tithe took leave of the Tribunal Chamber once a recess had been called. Tensions in the room had been running high before the intervention Governor Alars Keto Alars Keto , in what seemed a surprise to some of his colleagues. The Aargauun had seen far worse behaviour in the Galactic Alliance senate.

The recess provided an opportunity for a reset. The new Grand Vizier would not be selected amid the slandering and point scoring of the Tribunal chamber, but rather in the back rooms of the Imperial palace and over private dinners between interested parties. Tithe needed to act fast to shore up his future in the Dark Empire.

The grandeur of Krovan’s funeral procession provided a suitable backdrop for such meetings. Tithe stood on a small balcony overlooking the hundreds of Stormtroopers marching in perfect timing, their columns of polished white armour broken up by lumbering Imperial walkers, hovertanks bristling with projectile launchers, and the uniquely coloured heraldry of specialist units. TIE fighters and blastboats flew overhead, drawing the eye upward to the flotilla of Star Destroyers loitering in low orbit. A fearsome display of might for the fallen Imperial Despot.

Almost every viable candidate for Grand Vizier had been bloodied by their rivals during the Tribunal proceeding, but one remained unscathed.

“Ah, Administrator Wulf, a pleasure to speak with you today under these somber skies,” Tithe exclaimed as he bowed to the senior bureaucrat. “The departure from our midst of the Imperial Despot, such an esteemed figure, casts a long, melancholy shadow. Such a profound loss, I must say, is scarcely honoured by the conduct of my contemporaries, who leave much to be desired.”

Tithe paused as a contingent of Storm Rangers marched by in perfect unison, their olive green armour a stark contrast to their Stormtrooper peers.

“Indeed, the monumental efforts of the Despot to established this Empire and bring order to the Core, now teetering precariously on the brink of oblivion, ensnared by the myopic aspirations of the select few. It beckons the question - surely as Imperial Administrator, endowed with a wealth of knowledge and experience, you alone possess the requisite acumen to steer our nascent government through these turbulent waters?”

"Equality is a lie. A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow – those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence."
-- Darth Bane.

Location: The Tribunal Recess.
Objective: Politicking and scheming.

Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Onrai Onrai Darth Apophion Darth Apophion Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Kroeger Kroeger Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Alars Keto Alars Keto

As Alars Keto Alars Keto called for the recess Darth Ayra stood up from her seat. Her eyes followed Darth Apophion Darth Apophion and although the man was well practiced in his manners she felt that the man was anything but calm. Ayra had not been the only one disgusted by these events, and through the Tribunal she had learned much about the internal workings and politicks of the Dark Empire. In Apophion she had a potential ally in the politics at play within the faction, and so feelers would need to be made to acquire the mans attention.

Her gaze turned to Onrai Onrai as the words of the abomination echoed in her mind. They had not referred too her as Darth Ayra but as Alicia. Combined with the veiled threat and it's implications Ayra could not help but wonder who Onrai was? How was it that this stranger knew about the events of Pandeima's demise? Walking across the room towards Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen and Onrai Ayra stopped near the Grand Admiral and snarled in his direction:


Averting her gaze from Sularen to Onrai the two of them looked each other in the eyes before Ayra turned to exit the room and into the hallways outside. In that look Ayra tried to garner something- anything- about the stranger in front of her, but in the eyes she found nothing staring back at her. In the hallways Ayra turned around and found found Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze and as she made her way to him she lowered her hood to reveal her face. "Lord Vinaze," Ayra said in greeting. "You spoke well in the Tribunal. Won't you walk with me?"

With a gesture of her palm Ayra indicated for Vinaze to follow her down the hallways towards the hangar bay where she had left the Initium: the prototype Star Courier that was Ayra's personal form of transportation. As the two of them walked together Ayra said: "Since Operation Absolution I have yet to meet or converse with the members of the New Sith Order. Our work on behalf of the Dark Lord is extensive as it is secretive and therefore these opportunities to liase and discuss these important matters are rare. You will be pleased to know that the work to bring the Imperials in the Tion Cluster to our cause is already being done."

As they entered the hangar bay and stopped outside of the Initium Ayra raised her palm and exerted her powers in the Force over the ship. It's landing ramp begun to lower and it's hydraulics caused the red tunic that Ayra wore beneath her cape to swirl and flutter. "You are speaking with the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau. In terms of power within the Empire of the Lost I am second only too it's newly anointed Emperor in Velran Kilran. The directives of our Order were to find and exert influence over the other galactic powers. In this position I have access to everything. Blackmail, coercion, recruitment: these are things that can now be accomplished given my place in the Bureau."

Turning into the ship Ayra led the both of them into it's corridor. In the centre of the ship were an assortment of technologies and a bed that made up Ayra's living quarters on board the Initium. Stairs to the left led up into to the bridge where the ship could be flown or controlled. A ramp led down into the ships cargo area that held all of the consumables and other supplies Ayra had brought with her from Lianna. Stepping toward the holographic projector Ayra activated the device and begun displaying the sectors under the control of the Empire of the Lost.

Averting her gaze from the projector Ayra said to the ceiling: "Silence!" Voice activated the Cone of Silence came online, and engulfed both her and Vinaze in an eerie white light. Any sound they would make within the activate static field would prevent all noise from be being heard from the outside of the ship. Indeed this indomitable sheer wall of complete and utter silence would prevent the nearby Imperials from listening in or recording the conversation she was about to have with Vinaze as well.

"Kilran has directed his new Moff Council to begin the invasion and subsequent annexation of nearby star systems. Lothal and Ruisto have already fallen into the hands of the Empire. Hostilities towards Darth Carnifex and his Sith Order are set to be stoked on Felucia," Ayra explained as the projector called up the planets in question. "As this bastard Emperor seeks to consolidate his Empire and spread it's borders he has, in turn, indirectly helped the Galactic Alliance. Before his ascension to power the Sith Order were attacking the Alliance at will and this created two fronts for the Jedi to protect. Now that these Imperials are attacking the Sith it will divert their attention away from the Alliance, and could even result in a ceasefire. Knowing Carnifex he will not tolerate this challenge and will put his mind to putting it down. He may even have desires to return to Lianna and rule it once again."

"In order for us to capitalize on my position as Staff Director I will require the support and co-operation of the New Sith Order and the Dark Side Elite. Today the Imperials brought together by Korvan showed me that they cannot be trusted with this information. We must pursue our own agenda without them knowing the full picture. It should be our goal to turn the Empire of the Lost away from it's conflict with Carnifex and his Sith Order so that they can be turned towards the Alliance and the Jedi Order. With our powers in the dark side this can be accomplished when everything is put into place to dismantle Kilran's reign and replace him with someone who will serve us."

The first to approach Vinaze as he paced the hall outside was the venerable Onrai Onrai . Her half-manifested avatar approaching him reminded him of himself back in the days of the Maw, when it was a little more acceptable to bear all of one's energy as a dark spirit in public. Onrai was old, much more so than Vinaze. Perhaps she had concern with how the people perceived her, but as a leading figure in the Church, Vinaze's new human visage was doing the trick among these imperials.

"That was, to say the least, unfortunate." She said. "We had just made a decision, and here the tension was forcibly strung out."

"I assure you, anything you may have witnessed occurring in there was an illusion. I am struggling to believe our Sith'ari would appoint any of these men. They all wish to succeed Korvan, but they play coy with their ambitions and defer to one another as if being polite. I have known Sith who do the same, and it is an untenable attitude. I came to observe, and to prod the cattle. Would that I had know it were a hornets' nest I'd have recused myself from these politicians sooner."

As they spoke, Vinaze saw another arrival into the hallway, one who had certainly shown herself to be one of the aforementioned hornets.

"Darth Ayra, is it?" He could tell that she was brimming with excitement from the goings on, and with much to say it seemed. As she gestured to follow, he nodded to Onrai and followed the woman.

As Ayra revealed her secret plans, and he listened intently, Vinaze realized that the outsider whom he had thought nothing of could indeed be a valuable asset.

"You were right to bring this information to me, those politicians would not listen to you. You are rather lucky I decided to attend this meeting in the first place. As my point in the Tribunal seems to have shown, the Imperials see little need in anything to do with the other warlord remnants. Whatever authority this Kilran claims to hold is illegitimate, but neither our Imperial servants nor the New Sith Order see a reason to conflict with this Empire of the Lost, not when we have already resumed our war with the Jedi. But what you propose is reasonable, even worthy of respect, that you have infiltrated them. The truth is this: the other Sith orders of the galaxy have proven themselves weak time and again. They did not challenge our Sith'ari before, and they will not rise to challenge Him now that He has returned even more powerful than before. Should these other Imperial claimants defeat the petty Sith of the Stygian Caldera, it would be better than not. Should they instead turn their focus to the Alliance, and ultimately submit to the Sith, better still. It seems you have built quite the web, and you are quite the spider. I urge you to continue doing as you must to exert your influence over Kilran, but know two things, Lady Ayra: the Imperial Tribunal will certainly not be drawn away from their pre-occupations with reconquering the Core Worlds, nor should they be. And more importantly, be aware that Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis is the final authority of the Sith. You may not serve him directly or knowingly, but your actions as a Sith are always a part of the Grand Plan, His plan."


Objective: Watch the Throne
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Onrai Onrai Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Darth Apophion Darth Apophion Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Kroeger Kroeger Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Shoom Gunray Shoom Gunray

Detritus’s mind would stir within bouts of consciousness. He had endured great injuries sustained during Tython. He was left in the bacta tank for days, as both body, spirit and his Orbalisks would heal from the intensity of the battle that had taken place. At last did Detritus awaken with blazing yellow eyes fluttering open within the tank. He had healed, yet anger still persisted within the Shadow Priest. A surge of dark energy alerted the doctors that Detritus had finally awakened.

Minutes passed, bacta had drained and Detritus was slowly removed from the tank. His legs felt jelly-like as he struggled to stand. Stormtroopers would bring in his gear, as several officials approached him. One would whisper in his ear of the latest news, a disturbance rocked through the Force. He had been late for a Tribunal meeting, his time healing from the great battle that was fought, was now interrupted. Detritus was not pleased, gnawing pain from both his wounds and the Orbalisks that fed upon his body. He had been late, most of all was troubling news, rumors of events that transpired.

Detritus was left to fasten his robes in place. Concealing the Orbalisks that dare consume his body, his helmet snapped into place, preventing the creatures from consuming his face. The familiar grasp of his saber was welcomed within his own fingers once more. Detritus’s anger didn’t cease in the slightest, for now his heavy boots stomped through the clean, hallways of the complex. He was late among other matters. His boots stomped furiously, as the seething rage only persisted with each step.

He had been told that the latest meeting was under a recess. That still wouldn’t prevent those that disrupted the meeting to face his wrath. Even worse should the Executor know of these transgressions. In a livid stride would Detritus further make his way towards the heart of the meeting. Outside of the chamber was the hall before the tribunal chambers, many stood in attendance, speaking amongst themselves.

His fingers would trace along the Crossguard hilt of the Ren. The Orbalisks were already working to fuel Detritus’s own rage. Such raw fury could be felt by those that touched the Force. Those that couldn’t could see a furious Detritus approaching the entirety of the council. “It’s come to my attention that the great work of our Emperor was delayed…” His opening words chilling as he scanned every face present, and made note of those who had left making sure no one was above his wrath.

“Wolves have entered deep within our flock. Wolves that are sneaky, deceiving, selfish, wicked and false.” He paused again, a yellow gaze boring into each member of the Tribunal. He continued as he started to approach them closely, appearing to walk in a pace tempted to unleash his wrath upon them all.

“Many of you wish to serve our Emperor well, but it has come to my attention. There are those that seek to break this Tribunal with infectious ideals and plans. Some of which will threaten us all… This cannot do.” He said his fingers pulled at his saber hilt. Yellow eyes glaring into each Tribunal member as the Shadow Priest’s suspicions were clearly raised by those present. He feared that too much influence by the Sith or even too much by ambitious Imperials would undo the Emperor’s grand designs. Detritus was unlikely to ever see that happen.

“What is the meaning of this?!?! Why has this tribunal been delayed? why is there a delay in the great work??” He paused looking to each and every face, approaching each one closely. Before he could get an answer he would speak again. “We are here to serve our Emperor, but I will not tolerate any diversion away from that path. I am here to see his work done, and by the World Eater’s will I will see through it. The question now is… Do the goals of the Tribunal of those present here match the designs of our Emperor?” He asked a burning question to all of the Tribunal members, his wrath waiting to be unleashed. Until the Executor arrived, he wished to know why there had been a delay, why a recess was needed. Another delay that would displease the Emperor to which Detritus wished to get back on track. His eyes focused on several faces he didn’t trust. Sularen, Onrai, Drey. Out of all of them his focus fixated on the trio he saw.


"I don't know if you know this yet, but the Imperial Despot is dead." I said, still in a cool voice.

"So it would seem. I heard about it on the way in, sounded like everyone was talking about it. Your enforcers are rather talkative." I replied as nonchalantly as one could regarding the subject matter.

I really hoped for a second that this wasn't concerning potential involvement in it, but she moved on pretty quickly. It came clear just as fast that this was about Sabine, and I was just as clueless as her.

"I really have no idea, Agent L'Ierim. I assumed I was working alone because getting us all in and out of Alliance space together was more difficult than seperately. If I'd have known it would have required extra back up when shit hit the fan, I'd perhaps have questioned it a little more."

I could tell she was starting to a relax a little more, as was I. I was certainly less worried about what was at stake than I had been when they brought me in.

"You say I'm young and inexperienced, but you look as though you're the same age as me. Did they groom you for this in the academy? Different branch of training, right? Very specific for this kind of thing. Probably why I never saw you there, but I'm guessing we were there together nonetheless."

A shot in the dark I supposed, to maybe open her up a little more, somewhat spurned by the slight that this little girl was calling me of all people young and inexperienced. As if I hadn't been humiliated enough lately through my own actions.

"You know what they raised me for as a cadet? Leadership. Strategy and people. So far I've ended up as with half-baked operations, feth-all planning from my superiors."

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