Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Waterworld Lessons

Romi Jade Romi Jade | Zak Dymo | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Thelma Goth Thelma Goth | Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo | Iris Arani Iris Arani
Being so far under the waves was like being in an aquarium, it was almost hard to keep his mind on task with all the fish darting by above and Sedrians or other marine-inclined immigrants zooming by on fins and flippers. He could almost swim like that in this suit, the little engine propelling him forward with the slightest movement forward. He tried to lead the school of Jedi, if only so that he could get a better physical look at the Golden Sun, he could already feel them in the Force quite strongly, but curiosity drew him forward. Was it as bright in the caves as it felt in his mind? In the Force it was like the brightest sun he had ever seen.

"Wizard," he muttered, absently drifting forward past the guide.
"Hello Thelma, how goes things?"

Hiiiii, Silas,” Thelma drawled, all smiles. “Breakfast? I didn’t have any breakfast. I wish I did, though…

"Wait, your name is... Thelma?"

Yup, that’s me!" She waved to Zak as she passed, swimming circles around the group and humming a happy tune. Clearly something was up with her, though it was unlikely anyone would’ve guessed that she was drunk on the Golden Sun.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Fitsay, Sedri
Tag: Romi Jade Romi Jade , Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest , Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo , Jand Talo Jand Talo , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Thalia Senn Thalia Senn , Zak Dymo, Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

“Honestly… I’m more worried about what this helmet is going to do to my hair,” she grumbled to Luric in the brief moments before they all took off towards the main dome.

The closer they inched to the Golden Sun, the more easily she could discern its presence as it reached for her - for all of them. A sort of serenity came with the feeling, buoying her spirits. It left Briana with a sensation she likened to awakening out of a deep slumber for the first time in ages. A luminous surge rippled through her blood and surrounded her like a warm halo, the silent song of the polyps reverberating her very bones.

It was a radiance unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. Beautiful... in its own way.

Romi Jade said:
"For those of you who have ever been a part of one, think of this as an extremely large Force Meld -- imagine if every Jedi in the Galaxy did that, joined their minds together into one communal consciousness..." Romi told them.

“So… it’s almost like a living amplifier?” Briana intoned softly to no one in particular, surveying those within her immediate vicinity while contemplating the sheer magnitude of power from such a melding, unable to help but wonder what the results might be. How it might help turn the tides in upcoming battles, preventing even more lives from being lost. Needless to say, Briana was enraptured by its relevancy, especially in these times in which the Galaxy found itself, and wanted to know more. “Will we have to carry these pieces of coral as well? Or similar talismans, in order to connect with each other from such great distances?”


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Kara mostly kept to herself as the group followed Romi’s lead. The small jets in their suits helped with the propulsion, guiding them along as the Jedi moved as one. Kara couldn’t help but look around as they swam, taking in the sights around them. It had been a long time since she had last swam, especially so deep underwater. And while yes, they were in suits right now, there was still a pleasant weightlessness to the experience.

The Padawan listened as Romi explained the history of this ‘Golden Sun’. Kara wondered its origin, whether it was something that had started off small and gradually propagated itself over millennia. Or was it something that developed along with the Sedrians?

Eventually the group had stopped, giving everyone a chance to absorb the surroundings. Kara closed her eyes and focused, falling back on meditative techniques she learned back at the Jedi Temple. The sound of everyone around her drowned out, leaving only the calm sound of the ocean to fill her ears.

And then a presence filtered past her mind, a multitude of them even. Like a school of fish, curiously swimming around her. Kara let out a breath, allowing herself to fully submerge into that weightless sensation.

Clouded memories…

…A stolen past…

…New life created…

…A dark future evaded…

…And a new path walked.

Kara’s mind became a haze of confusion, trying to piece together what the words meant. But her concentration was broken by the other exuberant voice of Zak Dymo. The blonde Padawan chuckled, shaking her head.

“Will we have to carry these pieces of coral as well? Or similar talismans, in order to connect with each other from such great distances?”

Her fellow Padawan’s question got Kara thinking. She had indeed seen a number of the local Seridans bearing pieces of jewellery, all of which had a uniquely golden glow.

Maybe, but I feel like our experiences today will ‘imprint’ on us in a way. That even once we’re gone from Sedri, we may still call upon this feeling with others that have experienced it.
She Left Behind A Legacy


Welcome to the Golden City...
Location | Fitsay, Sedri

“So… it’s almost like a living amplifier?”

She shot back, overhearing mostly "You're on the right track--I mean things related to the force can be a lot more...complex."

She continued, "But you're super close. That's sorta the idea behind the power we'll be learning today. We'll learn how to be amplifiers amplifiers."

The sediment, while already soft, began to decline. They were just approaching the entrance to the caverns beneath the large dome. Sun Caves. "There's no need for any instruments in the long run but we will be using some of the coral to get us started. In the end you'll learn to share what you have, your own force energy, to amplify someone else and vice versa. It's similar to how the Golden Sun empowered each of us when we touched down."

She cut out from the group, stepping aside to make sure everyone was still following on the way down. She'd enter on the tail end once the group was good.

Though that seemed to put her with Thalia Senn Thalia Senn -- perhaps she did that on purpose.

"I know you're avoiding me..." her air was warm; she meant no harm.

And honestly, "Just let me say this befo-Whenever you're ready." She just left it at a nod. She figured it'd be better not to force the issue, but still maintain availability. They had a lot of air to clear, and wondered if that's why Thalia had even come in general. She at least hoped that was part of the reason.

As the dome walls open further, they recede into the ocean bottom, and the dazzling coral caves appear to full view. The ocean for as far as the eye can see has turned gold. The further you descend, energized crystals can be seen protruding from the cavern walls. Those who would attempt communication or further analysis of the caves would undoubtedly detect life; lots of life. It would be akin to thousands of voices connected in joyous song.

"We're almost near our spot."



Luric had kept himself near to Briana as they took off swimming, the little Nautolan youngling zooming about them all. He'd have to get to know the young padawan better one day, his joy was infectious and quite the pleasant feeling indeed. As his re-breather did it's job, filtering the oxygen out of the water so that he might breath with some regularity, he too began to feel the overwhelming radiance of it all. The Golden Sun was a marvelous thing, something he'd only ever heard about in passing. It seemingly stretched out, touching them all in ways most sentient being would find almost alarming had they not the knowledge of it prior.

He felt at ease, peaceful, and serene much like his cousin. It was like sitting back with a warm cup of tea on a cold and rainy day, watching as the trees swayed to and fro in the wind as the clouds danced in the sky. Truly, a wondrous feeling, as if it were speaking to him, and him alone, touching his mind with a gently but forceful grasp. the ashes of the flame...

...where one is not as they seem...

...all things chaotic...

...stay the course...

...darkness to surround...

...resolve to purge though to the light...

He knew not what it meant, but he would not soon forget this experience, let alone what else was in store for them this day. But, like all things, temperance was key. He knew all too well that letting oneself be distracted too long could be their downfall. And so, he kept himself centered as he always had, using the Force to propel his form through the underwater currents, moving with a skill and speed not unlike the natives themselves, but not quite as gracefully. As they neared the Coral Caves, it felt as if he could hear dozens, perhaps hundreds of voices in unison, all singing the same joy-filled and harmonious song. Life was abound in these caves, and as a student of the Living Force, Luric let himself be open to it all, letting it fill him entirely. And it was absolutely beautiful, enough that he could shed a few tears and the amazing wonder of it all, adding a few drops to the vastness of the ocean, that part of him, however small, might always remain behind.


She’d grabbed a helmet, but before she could put it on, she was approached by a somewhat familiar face. “It has been some time, Luric,” she agreed, “and it’s… nice to see you as well.” And she turned away just as he did, her attention once again drawn in another direction.

"It's good to see you again. I don't think I've seen you since Ilum... How've you been?"

“Oh, I’ve been…. Okay,” she said, nigh-emphatically, “Better than okay, actually. I should introduce you to my lightsaber soon. It’s violet.” Did that sound like a threat? Nope. There were so many she hadn’t sparred with, yet, but life had been more or less how it was supposed to be, she supposed, once her knee had healed after Ilum, “It’s good to see you too!”

Then it was time to head out. Ichika pulled the helmet over her head, and followed along with everyone else, behind Master Jade, listening as the Master explained about the Golden Sun. Fascinating… and yet… she could feel it, the warmth, almost cocoon-like, the light so bright she couldn’t see, the ongoing voice of explanation fading… other words taking their place, washing over her, moving through her…



…they are everywhere…

…they are you.

…then it ended, the light faded, and she began to refocus [ Lies are… me? ] She shook her head faintly within her helmet, as Master Jade continued to speak, and her explanation came to an end.

"I am fine," Jand said, sharp, perhaps too intense "I--"

She looked almost as sharply at Jand, her attention drawn toward him from the sharpness of his tone alone. [ Fine? ] Her brow furrowed faintly. [ No. ] That was surely a lie. She wondered if…

"How you doin'?"

…if he had received words too. Maybe later. She blinked, and turned her pale blue gaze to the… drunk girl? And offered a faint smile. “I’m…” no, she would be honest, “this place is amazing,” she settled on that truth, “and we’re not even there yet.” What was the word for that? “Awed. I’m awed.” Deflection, and she wasn’t even lying. This place was awe-inspiring, regardless of the words that hung in her mind, words that forced her to focus on smiling, rather than simply looking confused. To not draw attention.

Then there was the youngling again. Nobody ever give him caf.

"Why is your skin so white?"

She briefly followed the Nautolan boy with her eyes regardless of Jand’s answer, as the youngling passed through with all his questions, one of her own blossoming in her mind, her eyes narrowing for a moment - [ Why are you so rude? ] she thought to herself about the boy. Really, now. Others asked more pertinent questions. And in answering those questions, Master Jade explained further, and they continued on into the Sun Caves, with Ichika swimming alongside Jand. Half-watching him curiously, half-minding the way ahead.

"We're almost near our spot."

The walls widened further as they approached the ocean floor, the world around them becoming more… beyond anything she had ever laid eyes on before. The caves of coral. An ocean of gold. Protrusions of energized crystal… and the abundance of life. The sheer thrum of it felt stronger here than anywhere else she knew.


She couldn’t help but gasp that word in awe.


ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


The words sent through the Force, or what constituted it via the polyp collective, still had Jand thinking.

The Nagai was deep in thought as he tried to pierce the meaning of the mysterious words, but beyond the threat of death, he couldn't say for sure. It seemed very troublesome, at any rate. There was certainly a degree of danger associated with being a Jedi, it was part of the life of interposing oneself between threats and others, but to hear it so blatantly pronounced... it was a little unnerving.

And Jand didn't get rattled often.

So it was that Jand's more Nagai personality traits took over, which began with being defensive and dismissive. That much had happened to Thelma. And when the small Nautolan - Zak - zipped in front of the pale Padawan and asked why his skin was so white, it was all Jand could do not to snap at the child. Instead, Jand fixed Zak with a steely gray-eyed stare and said:

"Why is your skin so green?"

Whether there was enough maturity in the Nautolan's mind to understand, remained to be seen. Jand didn't feel like explaining it was simply how it was. Not when other things were troubling him, and the growing sense of trepidation at getting closer to the source of all the overbearing Force presence in the area.

It was time for the group to move.

Jand listened to Master Jade, as he remained behind the group, swimming through the cool water, attentive to the information. The concept sounded simple in essence, Jand supposed, but he doubted it would be so easy to learn. It showed credibility to the Jedi Master with being able to explain it in such a way. The lesson was approachable, the task obtainable, even if the effort needed would likely be high.

Though, along the way, Jand did notice that Daisy was nearby.

From within the diving helmet, the Nagai glanced toward her, his face not its usual neutral self.

His eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes hard, his manner quiet.

Thankfully the caves and coral formations were enough to draw attention, even allowing Jand to put his troubled thoughts aside for a moment, to eye the beauty of the underwater environment. Between the considerable Force pressure, the near overwhelming presence of power, and the picturesque cave entry, Jand began to feel - slightly - more at ease...

And when Daisy spoke, saying a word Jand didn't understand, he somehow understood.

"Yes... I wonder if this coral formation is natural, or heightened by the Golden Sun."

Onward Jand swam, curious, if still troubled...


“Better than okay, actually. I should introduce you to my lightsaber soon. It’s violet.”

"A challenge?" Jasper noted, his head cocking slightly to the left. "Color me intrigued. I could spar. I've admittedly not had much time to train..."

Soon, they were descending. Jasper pulled his mask over his face, plunging into the depths and following the rest of the group. As he swam, he was surrounded by a peculiar warmth. The Golden Sun was surely the source, emitting an energy that was not unlike what he had felt when in force melds. This didn't last. A voice crept through his mind, whispering things to him...

...eyes of grey...

...sight on fate...

...flames unavoidable...

...D E A T H...

...the light expires...
A chill ran down his spine, and Jasper was quick to clutch the scars on his chest... the words etched into his flesh by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Was the Golden Sun speaking to him? Had it read his mind? How did it know what he had seen? The duelist was still quite shaken by the vision the Sith had given him. The sight was still fresh in his mind: A galaxy torn asunder, engulfed by flame. That was the future he saw, the desire of the Sith, and ultimately the message he was forced to bare. Even after the healers had purged him of any lingering darkness, what he saw still haunted him...

Zak's voice brought him out of thought. Why did he have a robotic arm is what he asked. Jasper had no time to answer this. They young Nautolan moved on, eventually asking Jand why he was so pale. Jasper didn't blame the boy. He had likely never seen a Nagai in his life, and clearly had some growing to do. Still, it was rude, and Jasper found Jand's response to be rather amusing. Strangely, something seemed off with Jand. He looked shaken. an unusual sight considering his warrior culture. Had he heard similar words in his mind? The warmth had returned, putting Jasper at ease, but there was something that was there... What, he did not know. That worried him.


Daisy had said something at the sight of the coral. It was, admittedly, quite beautiful. Jasper couldn't help but be taken aback by the sight of it. This seemed to be an expression of that, one he didn't quite understand. Daisy's culture was unfamiliar to him.

"Yes... I wonder if this coral formation is natural, or heightened by the Golden Sun."

"I'm not sure," Jasper shrugged. "Biology has never really been my strong suit... I..."

Jasper though on the words he had heard. Should he share them with Jand and Daisy? Was now an appropriate time? He quickly pushed these thoughts back. They had a lesson to complete. These things could wait.

"N-never mind," he corrected. "Let's get going."

In such a warm place, the last thing he had expected to feel was dread.
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Location: Sedri
Objective: Follow what the master says
Tag: Thelma Goth Thelma Goth / Zak Dymo / Romi Jade Romi Jade

"Who are you?"
"Silas... and who are you if I may ask?" he said with an unamused raised brow to the fellow padawan. From the looks of it, it appears the kid did have some kind of strange breakfast instead of Thelma "And please, stop asking the other padawans such intrusive questions for your own safety" he warned the alien, more of a warning than the care of the kid's health. Silas was going to keep an eye on him from now on, he couldn't let the boys attitude get in the way of their goal.

"Now that's unwise," he said with a smile to Thelma upon learning of her coming to this on an empty stomach. If the food wasn't why she was acting funny, then there was a possibility it was the power that surrounded them instead "Stay close too, I know you're excited and happy for once but you don't want to stray too far" the boy said caringly as he swam up to her and tried to hook an arm around hers to keep her close. Not that she needed it in all honesty but he felt more calm knowing that she was close.

"Master Jade says we're close anyway, it won't be long till we reach the spot"

Silas would be lying in saying he couldn't feel the power of the sun radiating into him. Slowly but surely, he could feel his mind fogging up as well as a distant voice in his mind. However, it was still early to know what it was saying just yet...


The girl named Thelma totally owned it.

Now, Zak was not one to give the females a lot of respect. A lot of shade, yes. Some bubblegum in their hair... not saying it was right, but we all know it happens. Make fun of their shea butter apple-scented hand lotion? You know it. But respect? Nope. Not a lot of respect for the females.

Thelma Goth Thelma Goth , however, totes respect for just owning the chit out of it.

So, as she swam off, the Nautolan just assumed she was just high on life.

You go, girl. Get that life!

"Why is your skin so green?"

Chalky McWhite was chiming in. "Just lucky, I guess," Zak supplied without even a moment's hesitation. "Some Nautolans are blue!" the boy exclaimed, providing an explanation for just what he meant.

Nautolan by birth, but green by the grace of god! "Can you imagine!?" the boy asked, both arms outstretched as he offered the dramatic plea.

Blue Zak would just be... totally wrong.

"Silas... and who are you if I may ask?"

"Zak," the boy supplied in kind, as Silas supplied a distraction as Chalky McWhite went on to talk about coral.

Even while Zak was an aquatic who loved the water, discussions about coral were not exactly conversation starters.

Silas went on to warn the boy against asking questions. Which, the boy gave a dismissive wave as he answered, "Ha! Danger is my middle name."

Then the Nautolan thought about that statement for a moment.

"Actually, I don't think I have a middle name."

Seriously, where did that expression even come from? Did anyone ever have danger as a middle name? Who even had middle names?

And don't think that the boy missed the fact that Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el hadn't answered the question about his arm. For that matter, Romi Jade Romi Jade hadn't offered any sagely wisdom to any of his questions, either, but Zak was used to that. Adults always said they wanted kids to ask questions, then just conveniently ignored whatever questions they didn't like.

He was on to their game!

As for Sir Robot Arm, as the Nautolan drifted effortlessly alongside the others in their wetsuits and diving gear, he tuned out the discussion about the Golden Sun as he narrowed his gaze on the mysteriously cyborg teen.

...was it that the brah couldn't answer the question?

That was it, wasn't it! He was probably the padawan to some bombad Jedi Shadow. And, and, like, lost that arm on his Master's Secret Service!

Imagine, a galaxy far, far away.

A Jedi incursion into the former Sith-held territory of Bastion. A mission to recover a stolen Jedi holocron containing the coordinates for a new generation of Jedi hopefuls...

...also, while we're on the topic, who keeps making these holocrons of kids space addresses? The Sith just keep stealing them. Stop writing that chit down!

But I digress.

Following the intelligence, a trail of bodies probably lay in Jasper's past. Informant's silenced before they could betray the Jedi. Or Sith collaborators tortured to give up their most deeply held secrets regarding the holocron's location. And then, following the clues into the heart of the Dark Side's former capital, there Jasper was.

The holocron was in reach.

Only one thing stood in his way. A duel with Darth Flatulence!

Now, the truth of what happened to that holocron was sealed away by orders from the Jedi Council. The fate of Jasper's arm too closely held a secret to let anyone know the truth and still let them live.

The active imagination of a Nautolan was more than enough to keep Zak entertained on the swim, while everyone else was just gawking at a coral bloom.

A Force coral bloom. But still, you saw one coral you saw them all.
“I’m… this place is amazing, and we’re not even there yet. Awed. I’m awed.”

Thelma considered Daisy’s word choice for a moment, then nodded her head in agreement. “Yup. Awed.

Silas objected to her not having breakfast. With her inhibitions lowered by the Golden Sun’s weird effects, Thelma was about to explain that her food was hard to come by in general, and that she’d rather sleep in than get up early to hunt for her breakfast. But she at least had enough sense left to know she had better not blurt all that out loud.

"Stay close too, I know you're excited and happy for once but you don't want to stray too far."

For once?” she echoed. “I’m excited and happy all the time. I just don’t let other people see it, because then they might rain on my parade. Getting made fun of for enjoying something takes all the fun out of it, ironically.

Listening to Zak’s musings on middle names, she didn’t realize Silas had slipped his arm through hers. “I have a middle name,” she announced. “It’s Mavis!

Then, of course, they reached the actual coral reef. There was an appropriate amount of oohing and ahhing from the students as it came into view, vibrant and practically humming with energy. Thelma felt an all too familiar itching sensation in her gums as her fangs descended, and was glad her mouth was covered by the breathing apparatus so no one could see it.


Who said that? Thelma gulped, looking around. She finally noticed Silas’ hold on her, and turned to him in confusion. But he was distracted, and the voice she had heard didn’t sound anything like him anyway.

The purge should have ended with you…

You escaped, but you’ll be found…

… and when that happens, you won’t be able to hide anymore…

The strange and unnerving voice fell silent. On edge, Thelma instinctively clung to Silas a little tighter. She no longer felt happy and buoyant. In fact, she felt a little bit sick…



Jand Talo Jand Talo | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

Her mind was on the expression she had seen in the Nagai’s face before the coral grabbed their attention. The dots were all too easily connected. But before she could put more thought to it, she had been awestruck by the sights before her.

"Yes... I wonder if this coral formation is natural, or heightened by the Golden Sun."

Not something she had thought of, as awestruck by the beauty as she was, but she supposed it was worth pondering.

"I'm not sure. Biology has never really been my strong suit... I..."

She felt Jasper’s hesitation, and her eyes faintly narrowed. Was he just tripping on his words, or…? She knew her blond friend got nervous. Tripped on his words when something was bothering him.

"N-never mind," he corrected. "Let's get going."

But that reaction was normal, for him. She would ask him about it later. As they moved on, however, her thoughts and a measure of her attention returned to the Nagai swimming along beside her, and the look on his face a couple minutes before, which wasn’t normal. Jand Talo didn’t unsettle easily; she had been able to glean as much over the course of their acquaintance so far. His expression, the hardness of his gaze were so atypical that it concerned her enough to venture to get a feel for his emotional state.

Her brow knit faintly at what she gathered. Carefully, she swam a bit closer, and touched Jand gently on the shoulder - about as gently as she could manage, underwater.

“May I…?”

She asked, at a soft, low volume, as they continued to swim. Assuming his attention turned toward her, she would tap on her head, then point to him, as if to politely ask to initiate the most surreptitious of communications.


She Left Behind A Legacy


Welcome to the Golden City...
Location | Fitsay, Sedri

At some point their path opened up, the caverns expanded -- the water grew thinner than it had been.

The energy of the surrounding crystals refracted off the translucent, membrane-like material engrained between coral like support; Their guide led them to this door, and upon motion it rose to provide entry. Much like their airlock the water inside swapped from the Sedrian ocean to a more pressurized environment suitable for them to explore comfortably -- something the Sedrians likely adapted for situations like this.

They were now in the direct presence of the Golden Sun. They were just at its base. To trail the coral up would give way to the larger reaches of the dome above.

She removed her helmet, "Alright. You should be able to breath comfortably now without your gear." She shook her mane, before stripping any unnecessary add-ons.

She sauntered further in the room, integrating herself. She whipped back around, "Everyone gather around." She molded a circle with her arms.


ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


It seemed Zak didn't understand the response in the way Jand hoped, though the Nagai shrugged at the young Nautolan, before the green-skinned alien zipped away again. And as the procession of Jedi continued to move again, Jand glanced over when Jasper responded through the mask communication systems.

"I will ask later, if given the chance," Jand said, his own understanding of Oceanography lacking. "I agree, best to continue on."

Jand swam, he followed Master Jade's lead with the group, but could feel eyes on him. He glanced toward Daisy, who moved through the water beside him, and noted that she was now closer than before. The Nagai didn't think too much of it, at least not until Atrisian reached out and touched him on the shoulder, speaking a question--


--and looked toward her hand, then saw her tap the helmet. With a nod, Jand reached up and adjusted the systems to speak more directly, before he turned the helmet visor back to his friend and spoke in response:

"You can always speak to me about anything," Jand said in a low voice to Daisy. He offered a small smile, even if his eyebrows were furrowed in post-vision thought. "Is everything alright?"

There was a lack of irony at Jand's query about Daisy's situation, though he did consider for a moment whether he should also share his own concerns with their grouped arrival. It was probably best to wait, to see what Daisy wanted to speak about, and to best determine the tone of the conversation before mentioning such a dire and menacing warning; besides, for all Jand knew, maybe his fellow Padawan had the answer to his question about the reef formation or perhaps wanted to speak of something she saw?

Nonetheless, Jand made sure the group remained in sight, but would pace himself with Daisy, even as - ahead - Master Jade reached the place they sought...



Fitsay, Sedri
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Jand Talo Jand Talo , Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo , Romi Jade Romi Jade , etc...


They had finally made it to somewhere they could take off their breathing apparatuses, a dome-like structure deep within the waters of the world. They were in the presence of the Golden Sun now, which was something that Jasper could feel even stronger now, but he couldn't shake the words that had entered into his mind. Jand seemed to check on Daisy, which he chose not to interfere with. It sounded personal, and the padawan knew when people needed their space. He hadn't picked up on many social ques as a child, but that one was a no brainer. So what was he to do? Jasper still wanted to figure out what it was that he had experienced.

The arrival of his recently knighted friend gave Jasper an idea. Iris saw the world in a very different way. Perhaps she had experienced something different. Consulting her may be a good first step to figure out what he had experience, he reasoned. With his mask now lifted up, the duelist discretely made his way over to her in a manner as to not disrupt the ongoing lecture.

"Hey," he greeted in a hushed tone. "So, this might be a weird question, but you didn't hear anything strange coming down here, did you?"




Zak had been among the surface of Coruscant and Kashyyyk for long enough that he'd almost forgotten the feeling of being back in his native environment. Surrounded by the brine of the ocean, wrapped in the warmth radiating from the coral blooms around them, it seemed a paradise as the Nautolan swam and twirled in the water. The head-tails that ordinarily hung behind him like fleshy dreadlocks now undulated -- extending his senses out through the water, detecting vibration, electrical impulses, and changes in the salinity.

It was like gasping for air and realizing you'd forgotten how to breathe.

Diving deep, the Nautolan explored the lightless reaches of the caverns, as his eyes adapted to the darkness. It was addictive, slipping back into the familiar embrace of the ocean, with its saline kiss a siren's song beckoning the boy to dive deeper away from the surface...

"Everyone gather around."

At the summons, the young aquatic fluttered back toward the group -- rejoining them with little more than a shimmy of his body.

As the water thinned, the Nautolan actually recoiled backward, clinging to the familiar before he plunged ahead again, stepping into the circle that Romi Jade Romi Jade had beckoned them to form.

Jedi standing in a circle.

"Are we gonna sing kumbaya now?" the boy quipped, unable to resist making the joke.

Shaking off the feelings of bliss and warmth, Luric focused on what they were down here in the salty depths of the oceans for; to learn from one of the Order's truly great Masters. In this respect, he focused upon the doorway that their Sedrian guide motioned to them all to pass through. Using the Force once more, he shot forward, flipping forward and over himself so that his feet lightly touched down upon the hardened base.

Luric followed Master Jade and the others through this membrane door, and took his re-breather out of his mouth. Taking a deeper breath, he placed it back within his wet robes, the heat radiating from the Golden Sun seemingly drying them out, albeit slowly. He nodded as Romi called out for them to gather round, and he did so without much hesitation, curious as to what she had to say next about this strange, yet wondrous formation.


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