Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*waves at the audience*

Hello, everyone :)

Just had a few old friends drop by and say 'hello', so I thought I'd do the same, since I'm sat here. Seems like a lot's happened since last I came this way, but that's natural in the evolution of a good site. Hope everyone's doing well, regardless!

Oh, oh my, that's a name I've not seen in a long time. Assuming it's the same one I used to know from the old haunt.

This is Bethany Kismet, if you remember me.
To you as well. As you say, the site has changed a lot. In fact, GR is going minor. One Sith is slowly dying out, New factions are rising as always, New characters, and ideas are thrown about, and the occasional invasion.

So is this just a friendly visit because people were prompting you, or are you returning? :huh: It would be nice to read some more of your threads again.


Hanging in there! You can thank/blame [member="Ayden Cater"] for my presence here. Joined a bit ago with a new character and I've been enjoying the hell out of it. How are you?
[member="Atheus"] Hah, well, little of that surprises me. Faction fighting is always insane. None of them truly survive the long-term. As for idea. Could be tempted...

[member="Irajah Ven"] Did not expect to see you here, that's for damn sure! Hope you've been doing well. I'm busy as always, but that's nothing new :)

[member="Enyo Typhos"] Amazing! Glad you're still here, Siobhan :)
[member="Tirdarius"] Life is life, some good, some bad. I am *not* busy right now, which is part of the reason I was able to be tempted.

Speaking of

​::lays out a trail of cookies leading to a box propped up with stick::


If you are staying, I'd love to RP with you again :)
[member="Tirdarius"] Hmmm indeed. I left the old place coming up on 5 years ago. Tir was a Jedi last time he and Beth met (Beth is dead in this timeline- merged with the sentient trees on Zonama Sekot). Is this the same character for you or a reboot?

Darth Grimoire


[member="Tirdarius"], Well then I just wasted cookies... alright, I screwed up and made myself hungry.

Anyways, nice seeing your face around. Look forward to *hopefully* seeing more of you.

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