Placeholder 0128
The Acerbitas roared as she was birthed into real space.
Legions of warriors rode along battle-barges leading to Bimmiel. A similar assault was being prepared for the planet's sister world, though that battle would wait for Bimmiel's conquest. The Dominion force present was composed of the 501st, elements of the Ash Legion, the Essonian Peacekeepers, and some of Warchief Owazza's chosen warriors.
The fleet was met with an immediate response. Vong coral ships launched organic artillery at the god-machine and her escort. None met their mark, each destroyed with the pinpoint precision of the Acerbitas. Other vessels moved to engage the expedition, only to find themselves utterly torn asunder by the power of the god-machine's heavy turbolasers. A thousand lives were extinguished with each explosion, and for them, Cedric held no pity.
These were the servants of the Arch Enemy.
He rode with his warriors today, sitting at the head of one of the landing shuttles. The wookie warriors accompanying him sang a song of war, though the Archlord did not partake. A fire burned in his heart - one that rarely came to life as of late.
Bimmiel and Gravlex Med were home to the Arch Enemy, and so they would be purged.