Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Are One (Dominion dom of Bimmiel and Gravlex Med)​

The Acerbitas roared as she was birthed into real space.

Legions of warriors rode along battle-barges leading to Bimmiel. A similar assault was being prepared for the planet's sister world, though that battle would wait for Bimmiel's conquest. The Dominion force present was composed of the 501st, elements of the Ash Legion, the Essonian Peacekeepers, and some of Warchief Owazza's chosen warriors.

The fleet was met with an immediate response. Vong coral ships launched organic artillery at the god-machine and her escort. None met their mark, each destroyed with the pinpoint precision of the Acerbitas. Other vessels moved to engage the expedition, only to find themselves utterly torn asunder by the power of the god-machine's heavy turbolasers. A thousand lives were extinguished with each explosion, and for them, Cedric held no pity.

These were the servants of the Arch Enemy.

He rode with his warriors today, sitting at the head of one of the landing shuttles. The wookie warriors accompanying him sang a song of war, though the Archlord did not partake. A fire burned in his heart - one that rarely came to life as of late.

Bimmiel and Gravlex Med were home to the Arch Enemy, and so they would be purged.

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Vorian felt the fervor pitch of battle swirl about him, the maelstorm of battle that took hulls of the thickest durasteels and hearts of the coldest stone and chewed them to nothingness. There was no time where thinking beings fought harder, thought more creativity and put forth all their efforts into one goal than war. The Arkanian figured that Cedric and the Dominion High Command realized this. A realm at peace, was a realm that would soon be consumed by decadence and sloth. War was the great engine that men and material were fed into, powering the forge of sentient advancement. It was a unfortunate thing that sons had to be torn apart by blaster fire, women widowed and children orphaned but a worthy sacrifice.

"The Arch-Enemy." He mulled outloud.

The Sith Sorcerer tilted his chin, flickering his sulfurous gaze onto Cedric, the brooding Archlord, the boy with the weight of a galaxy and the trillions crying out for help on his shoulders. He looked regal, almost splendid, in his battle armor at the nascent head of what would be the beginning of a fiery crusade that would cut across the galaxy.

"Cedric. You must put aside the Jedi Code in trying times such as this. Peace and calm have no place when the Arch-Enemy threatens to rend reality itself asunder. Never be afraid to make sacrifice."
Rage had turned on the primeval and now his objective was simple. He was to place a signal device in the heretics temple. Rage led a small platoon of the five oh first to the temple gates. They stacked up on the sides of the gate and covertly placed explosives along the wall. Rage watched as his troopers did their work and as they finished he waited for them to take cover. Rage withdrew the detonator from his coat and pressed the button. The walls caved in as the explosions rang out. Catching the cultist completely off guard the troopers stormed in unopposed.

The sound of roars and chanting filled the halls of the Acerbitas as though as a grand feast was being held, these sounds were also followed by the sound of a space battle, but after a short moment, these sounds ceased to exist.

Xiarr was ready for battle, ready for war, but perhaps he wasn't ready to see his comrades fall in battle, but either way, it was too late to turn back now.
"I know of sacrifice Vorian, but I must retain my discipline. My soul is filled with contempt, and that slow burning disdain is enough to fuel a star."

The Archlord rose from his seat as the vessel came to dust off on the soil of Bimmiel. It was greeted with a massive volley of fire ranging from lasers to slugs - neither accomplished their intended purposes. The bolts bounced off the hull of the dropship harmlessly, the blaster rounds dissipated again its shields. Warriors of every caste roared their death song as they charged from the bowels of these vessels, weapons ranging from auto cannons to vibroswords held aloft.

Cedric's mind linked with every one of them, though in a different way than before. It would spread to [member="Vorian Adasca"], [member="Xiarr Sair"], [member="Darth Rage"], and others, his presence a reassuring pillar within the chaos of war. At the other end of the valley marched a massive army of ruffians: tribals, warriors in power armor, vong with staves raised - they hailed from every creed.

All worshiped the Arch Enemy. all would die.

With little cover between them, the two armies launched massive volleys at one another. Men fell in droves, forced to charge across an open valley to meet the foe.

Cedric held his weapon aloft, its silver blade glistening in the light of the evening sun.

"Onward brothers!" The youth roared, "We combat the coming of the end today! Kill for the living, and kill for the dead! Fight for your families, your people, for civilization, for the very galaxy itself!"

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
The interesting thing about Bimmiel, in regards to Rakieh in particular, was that cultists and a lack of combat experience never mixed. He knew that quite well, considering that he was stuck behind bars. It was interesting, to him at least, that simple travels to certain planets whilst bearing certain names and connections resulted in such hostilities. Maybe it was ignorance. Maybe it was ignorant of him to think otherwise.

Indeed. He sat there, his eyeless gaze staring into the space in front of him, and pondered the lack of training he had underwent to prepare for this. To a certain extent, this was agitating. To another, it was calming. On all notes and parts, it was simply annoying, if only in the fact that, at the moment, the entirety of the space that surround the cell was completely empty... and smelt of unnatural organics, if such a thing existed. Disgusted, annoyed, and powerless. A fantastic combination of three fantastic things.
Darth Rage and his Cadre of warriors entered the temple. Rage spotted a lone priest. The man simply stared at the platoon of warriors. He was holding a vase of water and it fell from his hands. It crashed to the ground with an audible clang. Rage pointed to the man with his saber and a trooper drew bead on him.

"Fire," Rage said

The troopers loosed a volley of silenced shots towards the priest and the man was cut down by the hailstorm of lasers. Rage nodded and the troopers moved across the small courtyard. They stacked up at the entrance to the temple and prepared to breach.
Suddenly, a calming and soothing feeling came over him, all of his doubts were suppressed by this feeling, it didn't seem natural but either way, it did boost Xiarr's morale. The forces of the Arch Enemy would know certain defeat at the hands of the Dominion, Xiarr would not stop until victory or death.

Xiarr stared out into the evening sun, and he looked to see a giant field with no cover whatsoever. This wouldn't be easy, but he would be dammed if he didn't even try. Xiarr raised his lightsaber, ready for the incoming onslaught.
With [member="Cedric Grayson"] and [member="Vorian Adasca"] was Dune. He watched his old apprentice in stoic silence. Though he was so very disappointed in Vorian this was not the time. But there would be a reckoning.

He was here to protect the young Arch-Lord even if he didn't believe he needed the Jedi. Not all enemies were massed across from the Dominion. When Vorian spoke of forgetting the Code he spoke up. His words were as much for the Arkanian as they were for the youth.

"There is always need for peace and calm. Even now with battle moments away. We must not lose ourselves because so much depends upon us."

With that he resumed his quiet and let the Arch-Lord step up to rally his troops. Sword drawn he spoke to them and reminded them of why they fought. A good speech and it was clear to him that it had it's intended effect.

The Dominion was motivated and well-trained. The Enemy's forces were much less so. Only if the Arch-Lord's troops grow complacent would they lose. Dune did not expect that to happen this day.
The mind was a fickle thing. Fighting to secure the future or relive the past? Maybe little of both. Saverok had grown rather infamous over the years and not in good way. Ravaging the Mandalorians, hosting several terrorist attacks and the murder of Ember Rekali made him a very wanted man. His path mental train of thought was cerntainly an unhealthy one but such was the ways of the few Gen'dai that reached such an age.

He was here... On Brimmiel. Taking in the fumes of destruction and feeding off the desolation the "Dominion" sought to bring. He could read their tactics, This was an extermination. A deep growl vibrated from his throat and then he spoke aloud to himself. " They will be exterminated." The let his eyes widen and reveled a toothy grin. He had no reason to preform such vile actions against the faction nor did want one. This was not business this was going to be pleasure.

Soon he would strike.

The troopers opened the door and tossed a couple of flash grenades through the crack. An audible BANG and a bright flash could be seen through the doorway. A trooper kicked the door open and the troopers stormed in. Their were five priest inside, clutching their eyes and ears. Moaning in pain. The troopers quickly ended their suffering. Gunning the enemies down. But, one managed to withdraw a weapon. He wielded a saber and managed to deflect a few of the blast that careened towards him. The enemy Sith charged up a flight of stairs and shortly afterwards an alarm could be heard.

Rakieh Atur

The Watchman's Apprentice
The feeling was sudden, but death was upon him. Them. Others. Death of what felt like smaller, lesser lives, if Rakieh could come to think of lives as such, though it was likely the best way to describe such things in the eyes of another. Among the instances of death, in the droves where they were, a different feeling had arisen.

It was to his surprise that he could feel so much going on around him. Perhaps it was the silence surrounding him, or the lack of bodies in the room. Live bodies, that is. Either way, Rakieh, amongst the death, could feel the presence of an approaching land shuttle, containing creatures he was not terribly familiar with, aside from... Nay, there was one body amongst the crew aboard that he was familiar with. Cedric Grayson. Archlord of the Dominion, if he recalled correctly. An interesting development, though not much going for him in such a development, in that if he was correct in his assessment of the situation, and his assumptions held up, it was not Cedric's main goal to undergo a rescue mission. Chances were they didn't even know why Rakieh was there. Rakieh didn't know why Rakieh was there. All he could do was hope. Maybe whatever plans The Dominion had might soon include bringing Rakieh out of confinement and into the fray.
"Respectable," Cedric muttered in reply to Dun'e remark. There was a hint of amusement to the youth's voice, though it was lost amidst the cacophony of battle that followed shortly thereafter. The armies of both sides clashed in the center of the field, weapons firing and swords clashing. the denizens of the Arch-Enemy were slain with relative ease by the soldiers of the Dominion, but they were truly a horde. Their numbers swelled in the upper thousands, and for every man that died, ten more rose.

Cedric turned his attentions to the temple they defended. It lingered beyond the battle, a foul thing that bespoke of death and damnation. It was there that they would find the source of this hellish army, and it was there that this battle would end.

The youth gestured to both his companions.

"We need to push for the temple. Once we take that, their armies will falter." He gestured with a plate-bound hand toward the right flank of the battle. "We move through that, and we'll find our way. Better to charge the flank than otherwise."

A Gammorean warrior clad in nothing but a loincloth hurled himself at the Archlord. Cedric met him with a turn of his heel, driving his blade through the creature's chest. It fell to the earth with a thud, dead.

"You chose this," the youth. "Even the fallen are offered a chance at redemption in the Dominion's service, yet you have scorned mercy."

[member="Darth Rage"], [member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Xiarr Sair"], [member="Rakieh Atur"], [member="Vorian Adasca"]
Post 1/25
Location: Bimmiel

Bartic stood in front of a holocamera wearing a nothing but suit and a CR-2 heavy blaster pistol, behind him stood an Urban Recon Walker one of the many new products that now belonged to him and CEC now that it was his company.

The camera operator held up a hand and counted down from five, ​"I'm Bartic Myth'rand, CEO of the Corellian Engineering Corporation, coming live from the front lines on Bimmeil and behind me stands the Urban Recon Walker in it's standard configuration, it has two blaster cannons for it's pilot's weapons; one heavy laser cannon and a grenade launcher as the secondary weapons controlled by it's co-pilot."

The walker stood up from it's crouched position, the camera drew back and turned to show the walker shooting into the massive hordes of cultists attempting to shatter the Dominion's lines, the walker was quickly joined by two more URWs who joined it in it's quest for destruction.

[member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Vorian Adasca"] | [member="Darth Rage"] | [member="Xiarr Sair"] | [member="Dune Rhur"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Vorian said nothing to [member="Dune Rhur"] and he naught a word to him, but the Master knew the Apprentice and the Apprentice knew the Master. What was left unsaid could fill volumes of tomes in a Jedi Archve, a unmistakable tension. Dune knew it would be of little avail to start a grand confrontation on the eve, Vorian figured, but if he knew his old Master as well as he thought he did, then a.. what was the word? Ah yes, a reckoning would be sure to commence in the aftermath.

To win one battle only to start another. Some odd imp of the perverse within the Arkanian's mind eye suggested that perhaps it would be easier to die in the grand conflict than to live only to struggle against a insurmountable mountain of obstacles, but he pushed it away. He did not turn his cloak and damn his memory for nothing.

The Shuttle's blast doors hissed opened to a screeching chorus of slugthrower and blaster fire. Cedric extended his innate gift of battle meditation into the minds of his subordinates, a calm eye in a turbulent storm of warfare, and with a grand war cry waded fearless into the stick of it. Vorian, unarmored as he was still went followed the young Archlord dutifully. His peerless Soresu form swatted blaster bolts from the air while his finger tips cackled with the raw intensity of force lightning.

The benefits of Bogan..

Vorian mused to himself as several of the Arch-Enemy's thralls collapsed to the gore slicked ground, convulsing and steaming from the potent barrage.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
[member="Darth Rage"]
[member="Dune Rhur"]
Dune felt a twinge of amusement at the lad's cheek. Before he could make a reply a Gammorean hurled himself at the Arch-Lord. Only to be impaled on the silvery blade. The Bith watched the porcine alien expire and listened to the Arch-Lord's thoughts.

"Unfortunate that some choose death," he said with a sigh "But a cult often drives the reason from a being's mind."

"Let's go then, my Lord," said the Bith.

They began towards the flank. He'd drawn his saber and the azure blade now mowed down those who drew too close with the sweeping blows of Shii-Cho. The Jedi added powerful Force shoves that sent attackers flying. He was every bit the self-possessed Jedi Master flowing with the Force.

[member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Vorian Adasca"]
The entrance began to swarm with enemy combatants. It appeared to be mostly priest armed with light blasters though. They had not anticipated the fighting to be so close to their home. They were no match for the elite troopers of the Five oh first. Rage stood in front of them blocking the incoming fire with his saber. Acting as a shield for his troopers his men cut the enemy down. The monks fell to one after another. Rage expertly deflected the laser rounds back towards the enemy priest. The platoon slowly moved behind Rage as he slowly made his way forward.
Nearest Enemey: [member="Darth Rage"]
Nearby alarms could be heard.
With an animal like grunt the Gen'dai began to travel to the nearest scene of the action. The force imbuing his body letting him move faster and faster. Contact came swiftly. Outside the temple only screams of horror could be heard. Blaster bolts slowly damaging his Duraplast armor that coated his body. " Bring it on!" The monster shouted while retaliating against Dominion soldiers and Primeval fanatics!. His large fists struck firm against their armors cracking the materials and more than likely ribs along with it.

" I need no weapon to crush you! I am the weapon!" he said extending a hand to the Temple door. Crying out in strain the door turned inward on itself and flew off its hinges to a nearby squad of troopers. Painting the battlefield with his fury.

He desired more of a challenge.
Rage turned swiftly as the door exploded inwards. The projectile careened forward and took out a squad of Five Oh First. A great hulking beast of meat lurked outside and Rage faced him. Rage entered Soresu form and extended his arm. He waved with his hands and shouted to the monster.

"Come, face your doom then!"

Rage charged towards the creature, but did not swing. Merely closing the distance to strike.

Xiarr retrieved his blaster pistol, picking off a few cultists from a fairly short distance. Some wore robes that covered their entire body, others wore practically nothing, which made them easy prey for nearly any weapon. Xiarr then charged into battle, slicing into the line of the cultists, jabbing and thrusting blades into their chests. Then, sudden blasts come down on the cultists, causing some of their troops to go flying into the air or die a sudden death. Xiarr continued on, taking heads from shoulders as he slowly made his way toward the temple.

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